General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I'm pretty sure he said something bad

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/22 at 09:39:45

Title: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/22 at 09:39:45

Would Anyone admit that? Surely there is more to it.
But, how is it possible to say what he said and it's Not what he meant?
It's around thirty seconds long, please watch, listen,, see what you think.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/06/22 at 10:41:04

4C5355524F4879497941535F14260 wrote: Would Anyone admit that? Surely there is more to it.  But, how is it possible to say what he said and it's Not what he meant? It's around thirty seconds long, please watch, listen,, see what you think.

I totally HEARD the Pfizer CEO saying:

“By 2023 we will reduce the world population by 50%”

even though their are only 2 other posters that 'want' to see this,
  (The rest will just say 'fake news')
however, may be lurkers.

to hear it:
Go to:
Then scroll down the left side,
(where the links are), to:

 Pfizer CEO at WEF: “By 2023 we will reduce the wo...

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/22 at 12:25:26
Verdict: False

This video included in the post has been edited. There is no evidence to suggest Bourla made such a statement.

How many times must you be fooled before you start checking these preposterous claims?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/22 at 14:02:17

Would Anyone admit that? Surely there is more to it.
But, how

Maybe you missed that

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/22 at 15:02:52

The video has been edited.  He didn't say it.
Would anyone admit that? No.
The internet has more fakes and lies than truths.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/06/22 at 17:17:01

"Would Anyone admit that? Surely there is more to it.
But, how"

 Because it's not real.  Like Serow said, how many of these do you need to be fooled by before you consider they might be false?

 Anti-Trump stuff is fake but all things anti-vaccine are real?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by pg on 06/06/22 at 17:36:03

6B4B49415C4B2E0 wrote:
 Because it's not real.  Like Serow said, how many of these do you need to be fooled by before you consider they might be false?

As long as it benefits the left, correct??

Best regards,

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/06/22 at 19:15:20

"As long as it benefits the left, correct??

Best regards,"


 Lies are lies.  This post is claiming an obviously false post is factual.  It doesn't matter "left" or "right" whatever that is.  If a post has inaccurate material it should be recognized as inaccurate.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/06/22 at 19:50:24

2606040C1106630 wrote:
"Would Anyone admit that? Surely there is more to it.
But, how"

 Because it's not real.  Like Serow said, how many of these do you need to be fooled by before you consider they might be false?

 Anti-Trump stuff is fake but all things anti-vaccine are real?

Are you blind?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/06/22 at 20:01:10

5A7A78706D7A1F0 wrote:
   "Lies are lies.  ...
... If a post has inaccurate material
it should be recognized as inaccurate."

So if someone says;

"... when you can take a 10 minute bus ride out of town to buy any gun you want, ..."

In reference to a person/s
denied to LEGALLY purchase or posses a firearm.
Unless they take a 10 minuet Bus Ride.
THEN, they can, 'buy any gun you want',
With the reference of, "BUY" meaning Posse.
(Or, they cannot 'Posses' a gun,
with out riding a Bus for 10 minuets,
because posses is stated to be the same as buy)

Should be considered a, 'Inaccuracy' ?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/07/22 at 06:54:31

"Are you blind?"

 No, I just verify before accepting anything I want to be true as fact.

 In the unedited videos he says:

"reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50 percent."

 So just ignore that part?  Why exactly?  Why should we ignore that "afford our medicines" was edited out of your post?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/07/22 at 07:05:48

"In reference to a person/s
denied to LEGALLY purchase or posses a firearm.
Unless they take a 10 minuet Bus Ride.
THEN, they can, 'buy any gun you want',
With the reference of, "BUY" meaning Posse.
(Or, they cannot 'Posses' a gun,
with out riding a Bus for 10 minuets,
because posses is stated to be the same as buy)

Should be considered a, 'Inaccuracy' ?

 I think in the way you are interpreting it, yes it would be inaccurate as there are thousands of guns unavailable for purchase within the US.

 It would be more accurate to change "bus ride" to "any means of conveyance" and eliminate the "10 minutes" or state "undefined amount of time" outside of Chicago.  Then alter "any gun you want" to "firearms that are available specific to the timeframe that the purchasing human is outside the confines of incorporated Chicago city limits"

 So to correct Serowbot lets say his statement could read more like this:

 A human could take any means of conveyance outside the Incorporated Chicago city limits for an undefined length of time and physical space to purchase, assumed legally, any firearm that is available from the Seller at the time the Human is present at the sales location, and within the confines of legal procedure if the Seller follows those procedures and the Human agrees to comply with them.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/07/22 at 07:41:11

2505070F1205600 wrote:
 So to correct Serowbot lets say his statement could read more like this:
 A human could take any means of conveyance outside the Incorporated Chicago city limits for an undefined length of time and physical space to purchase, assumed legally, any firearm that is available from the Seller at the time the Human is present at the sales location, and within the confines of legal procedure if the Seller follows those procedures and the Human agrees to comply with them.

What a AU-SUM  SPIN !!!

Also a great CYA for Bot !

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/07/22 at 09:10:19

"What a AU-SUM  SPIN !!!"

 So I agree with you and you still have issues.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Serowbot on 06/07/22 at 11:28:48

You'd think such a stickler for language would know a little more about grammar and spelling.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/07/22 at 18:13:06

4157405D45505D46320 wrote:
You'd think such a stickler for language would know a little more about grammar and spelling.

Now exactly how/what/why,
that would have anything to do with,
Blaming someone/some thing, else,
for the reason,
'Gun Control' does NOT stop Crime ?

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/07/22 at 18:20:35

7C5C5E564B5C390 wrote:
"  So I agree with you and you still have issues.


"... the way you are interpreting it..."

"... to correct Serowbot..."

Is simply CYA'ing, and 'Spinning'.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/07/22 at 20:28:08

"Is simply CYA'ing, and 'Spinning'."

 Incorrect.  If I didn't agree with you I would not lia and say I agree just to CYA.  I have no A that needs C here, this is just a forum where mostly old guys complain.  

 My interpretation was Serowbot meant a Human could travel on a bus, or any other means of conveyance, a distance of 10 minutes, or more, and get a gun in Chicago.  I believe this to be true.

 However upon reading it again I see that he might have meant a legal purchase outside of Chicago City limits.  This would be incorrect as a Human could only legally purchase a gun that is legally available for sale.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Serowbot on 06/08/22 at 06:07:23

The point is,.. a gun restriction is meaningless when it applies only to a small designated area.
Much like "gun free" zones.
They might deter law abiding citizens, but not criminals.

In other countries gun restrictions that are nation wide do work.
This is why we rule the mass shooting.
A nation wide assault weapon ban would help.
We had one before and worked. Since it was dropped, mass shootings and gun sales have skyrocketed.
This is a price gun lobbyists are willing to pay.
The preponderance of American people are not.

Would an abortion ban work in Chicago?   No.
It would just make women have to travel a few miles.

A fence for your dog is useless if you leave the gate open.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by WebsterMark on 06/08/22 at 07:14:10

In other countries gun restrictions that are nation wide do work.
This is why we rule the mass shooting.
A nation wide assault weapon ban would help.
We had one before and worked. Since it was dropped, mass shootings and gun sales have skyrocketed.

There’s way to much behind each of those statements to label them as true

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by WebsterMark on 06/08/22 at 07:18:15

We measure all types of things by rate per million. Here’s one.

Average (Mean) Annual Death Rate per Million People from Mass Public Shootings (U.S., Canada, and Europe, 2009-2015):

Norway — 1.888
Serbia — 0.381
France — 0.347
Macedonia — 0.337
Albania — 0.206
Slovakia — 0.185
Switzerland — 0.142
Finland — 0.132
Belgium — 0.128
Czech Republic — 0.123
United States — 0.089
Austria — 0.068
Netherlands — 0.051
Canada — 0.032
England — 0.027
Germany — 0.023
Russia — 0.012
Italy — 0.009

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by WebsterMark on 06/08/22 at 07:23:07

And let’s face it, right now we’re calling all kinds of things mass shootings and trying to lump them together as the same as what happened in Buffalo or Texas.

What happened in Philadelphia the other night for example is nowhere near the same thing as what happened in Buffalo, Texas, or Sandy Hook.

I’ll stand by what I said the other day. You can’t have my rights. Sorry, but you can’t have them.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/08/22 at 08:11:40

3026312C34212C37430 wrote:
"... nation wide assault weapon ban  ...
... We had one before and worked ..."


The Clinton Gun Ban,
did NOT work !
IN FACT, it was the cause of millions  more of High capacity magazines being made and sold.
AND, just before the, 'sunset', many existing gun companies, and many new gun companies were created, prices rose, and after the 'sunset', the sale of, 'evil guns, (As described by the GUN BANNERS), Surged !

  "... gun sales have skyrocketed ..."
A-Yep, after the Clinton Ban,
Because of the FDS'ing progressive Socialists,
Slapping Hands.
And not holding people responsible for their actions.

"...  like "gun free" zones.
They might deter law abiding citizens,
but not criminals ..."

That is a Yep !
What you totally forget is that the,
"downtown's', where firearms are severely restricted.
That restriction Does Not Work,
Because that area, is the EASIEST PLACE,
to buy a gun out of a 'car trunk'.

Where that opportunity does NOT exist
10 min  bus ride outside of that, 'gun-ban', area.

So why, 'Gun Free Zones' are a Total Joke.
Gun, BANS, are a Total Joke

Draconian gun BANS in a area,
Increases Crime with guns

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/08/22 at 08:20:23

0525272F3225400 wrote:
"...  upon reading it again I see that he might have meant a legal purchase outside of Chicago City limits. ..."

A person, legally forbidden to possess a firearm,
inside those limits.
Are NOT able to, outside those limits.

Yet that a very common, DFI, FDS, Progressive, Socialistic view.
              "It's SOMEONE ELSE'S fault"

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by WebsterMark on 06/08/22 at 08:32:31

I triple dog dare you to read this and the links.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/08/22 at 13:25:25

 I'd say the article Webstermark provides is pretty accurate.  The VPC info can be debated in regards to thousands of a percent difference, but that is pretty much negligible.

 Some people won't acknowledge that Gun Free Zones is where killers want to be.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Serowbot on 06/08/22 at 14:12:48

Deceptive video thread becomes gun restriction thread.
Oh well...
"Nonetheless, according to our study, President Biden’s claim that the rate of mass shootings during the period of the assault weapons ban “went down” only for it to rise again after the law was allowed to expire in 2004 holds true."

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Eegore on 06/08/22 at 14:27:04

 It's ok to derail all other topics into gun-control conversations.  But if it goes the other way, that's bad, spin, deflection, off-topic etc.

 Besides, nobody is going to acknowledge the video was altered because truth and facts are irrelevant when it comes to hearing something we want to be true.  We want this CEO to be a jerk so we ignore the lies and pretend the duplicitous footage is real.

"reduce the number of people in the world that cannot afford our medicines by 50 percent."

 Just pretend that underlined section was never said so we can move along saying this guy is a jerk using lies as proof.

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by Serowbot on 06/08/22 at 15:24:52

Oh yeah,... I guess I forgot where I was.  ;D

Title: Re: I'm pretty sure he said something bad
Post by MnSpring on 06/08/22 at 16:38:41

What was that about,
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