General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> More guns

Message started by Serowbot on 05/25/22 at 11:28:42

Title: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/22 at 11:28:42

There's 100 million more guns on the street than when Sandy Hook happened.
Guns will make us safe.

21 dead, 19 children in Texas.  Gun capital of America.
How's that working out for ya'?

This can't go on.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/25/22 at 11:58:21

3F293E233B2E23384C0 wrote:
" ... This can't go on.

How did YOU
get rid of the one
  YOU said  
     You have ?

You believe so strongly
that a piece of metal is at fault,
NOT A Deranged DFI.

The, 'Removal'
should start with You !

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/22 at 14:06:45

An armed security guard was the first one killed,.. before the shooter even entered the school.

Mn, you own an AR15?   Do you go hunting with it?

I think we're reaching a tipping point.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/25/22 at 14:30:04

7462756870656873070 wrote:
"... Mn, you own an AR15?   Do you go hunting with it? ..."

what does that have to do with a,
Mentally Deficient,
Dumb F ucken Idiot ???????

   (perhaps no one gave him a,
         'participation' trophy)

A Yep,
BAN that RED Car !!!!!

That will surely STOP,
ALL the DFI's !!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/25/22 at 14:36:53

 I'm waiting for the crisis actors to get caught pretending they had kids that obviously never existed.

 Red Flag!  Red Flag!  They are coming for your guns!  Red Flag!

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/25/22 at 18:23:02


Ohh,anyone else notice what faggoty fruitloop did it?

Probably a Trump supporter
Fuuk Leftyville

Title: Re: More guns
Post by pg on 05/25/22 at 19:27:32

4E584F524A5F52493D0 wrote: you own an AR15?   Do you go hunting with it?

I think we're reaching a tipping point.

The left is is not concerned with gun rights, they don't want YOU to have gun rights.   We believe you and your comrades would take them if you could.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/26/22 at 05:27:52

"Ohh,anyone else notice what faggoty fruitloop did it?"

 You mean the obvious lies where people are saying someone proven to be in another state, not in TX, and who is still alive did it?

 But if it's about Trump, or global warming, well we better do our research before spreading those lies as fact.

 It took less than 60 seconds to reverse image search the claims made of who did this and prove they were false.


Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/26/22 at 05:36:37

This guy, the Buffalo shooter, Columbine etc all share common traits. They’re young men with empty lives. This Texas kid had no father around and his mother was a drugie.

It’s hard being a young man today. A thousand generations of masculinity is being snuffed out and told their genes are responsible for the horrors of the world. Add that to the mix of a crappy home, missing parents, images of sexy girls in a lifestyle he doesn’t stand a chance of experiencing even a little bit of and a certain percentage of these young men lash out. Can’t tell you how many times I hear “the first black to do this, the first woman to do the, the first LBGTQ black left handed female with blue eyes to do that….”  He knows he’ll never be celebrated for anything unless he cuts his d|ck and changes his name to Lucy.

This kid didn’t have the tools to deal with being ignored by a society that cuts the breast off 18 year old girls so they can be effeminate men, that riots and protest for the right to kill an unborn child moments before birth, that celebrates beta males like Obama, Biden and condemns alphas like Trump.

We’re taking young lions who should learn their strengths and how and most importantly, WHY to channel it to productivity and whatever prosperity they desire….and we’re neutering them. Then we act surprised when that machine we tinkered with breaks down.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/22 at 06:41:55

It's simple,... fix every mentally broken teen in America and install a dozen armed guards in every school, supermarket, club, fast food joint, mall, library, concert hall, bowling alley, museum, sport arena, and restaurant in America.

That's what other countries do... Right?
That's clearly what we're missing.  
That's why daily mass shootings are unique to America.
A full time armed assassin force of 10 or 20 million men will fix it.
We better open the borders... we need more armed people.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by pg on 05/26/22 at 08:02:34

3 words can easily solve these problems and it is free.  Incidentally, I believe this is what the founders had in mind.

National Constitutional Carry

Best regards,

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/26/22 at 09:32:41

Not remotely
" a well organized militia"

Title: Re: More guns
Post by pg on 05/26/22 at 12:37:52

6177607D65707D66120 wrote:
Not remotely
" a well organized militia"

Are ya sure you want that?  That can probably be arranged pretty easily.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/22 at 13:21:06

4650475A42575A41350 wrote:
Not remotely
" a well organized militia"

The right of the People to Keep and Bear arms,shall NOT be infringed.

You choose the part where you don't understand what is being said and believe that if I can't explain it to your satisfaction, somehow the second is somehow in question.

Do you actually Believe that the people who wrote the constitution included a Self Contradictory passage?
As soon as you get rid of the gun you Don't believe you have the right to own,come back.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/26/22 at 15:37:23

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
" ... " a well organized militia"

Truly unfortuniate,
you had no, 'Teachers',
in Grade School
 High School,
That could help you,
the meaning of those words.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/26/22 at 16:33:21

 Another militia argument, weird.

 I guess educating millions of people would be easier than not using that word.  I know the: "Too bad your teacher was an idiot" argument has won a lot of court cases.  Really changes minds, gets people on-board.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/26/22 at 17:45:47

716E686F72754474447C6E62291B0 wrote:
[quote author=4650475A42575A41350 link=1653503322/0#11 date=1653582761]Not remotely
" a well organized militia"

The right of the People to Keep and Bear arms,shall NOT be infringed.

You choose the part where you don't understand what is being said and believe that if I can't explain it to your satisfaction, somehow the second is somehow in question.

Do you actually Believe that the people who wrote the constitution included a Self Contradictory passage?
As soon as you get rid of the gun you Don't believe you have the right to own,come back.[/quote]

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/22 at 03:56:55

The kids mother was a regular drug user, his father wasn’t around, he was essentially being raised by his grandparents, he had incidents with police and neighbors for years.

But let’s talk about guns which, once again it’s necessary to point out 99.999% are never used in the commissioner crime, are the problem.

Another thing worth pointing out, at least twice as many people have been murdered across the country since this shooting occurred. They’re almost all inner-city events in one way or another connected to drug use or a culture of violence that seems to be prevalent in the African-American community.

But lets talk about taking guns away from suburbanites and people in rural areas because let’s face it , they’re the only ones who follow any kind of law on the books.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/22 at 04:29:19

As far as gun laws, yes, if the legal age to buy a firearm in Texas was 21, it would’ve been difficult for this kid to get a weapon. Not impossible but it would require planning. The Buffalo shooter and this Texas shooter bought a gun and used it within a relatively short timeframe. Not exactly spontaneous but not exactly planned out either.

The question is thousands of other 18 to 21 year olds use guns correctly but we’re going to punish them for the sins of a few. We are legalizing marijuana sales all over the country yet we know without a shadow of doubt there will be kids get high and have accidents and kill other people but we’re still gonna allow that. Those accidents aren’t publicize, and in fact are buried. Much like the victims. Last year right outside St. Louis, a kid who was high, crossed the median and wiped down a family of five. I’m sure you didn’t hear about that whenever you are. But we let that go.

We’re letting tens of thousands of the illegal aliens throughout the country and you know absolutely without question some of them are criminals and some of them will murder innocent people. But we let that go.

Like many cities, our local Democratic district attorney has put a policy in place to go easy on what she considers marginalized criminals, a.k.a. young black men in inner city. And you know without a shadow of a doubt, some of them will get out and murder innocent people. But we let that go.

We enacted ridiculous lockdown laws because teachers union wanted it. Some of the poorest people did not have access to ban together with other people and create safe environments to do online learning. They did nothing all day and a lot of them got into trouble the drugs, suicide rates skyrocketed, crime rates amongst teenagers skyrocketed. But we let that go.

So the outrage after the shooting, while on one hand is very justified, on the other hand it’s just another political tool in this ongoing game of red versus blue.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/27/22 at 04:56:35

635156474051467955465F340 wrote:
As far as gun laws, yes, if the legal age to buy a firearm in Texas was 21, it would’ve been difficult for this kid to get a weapon. Not impossible but it would require planning. The Buffalo shooter and this Texas shooter bought a gun and used it within a relatively short timeframe. Not exactly spontaneous but not exactly planned out either.

The question is thousands of other 18 to 21 year olds use guns correctly but we’re going to punish them for the sins of a few. We are legalizing marijuana sales all over the country yet we know without a shadow of doubt there will be kids get high and have accidents and kill other people but we’re still gonna allow that. Those accidents aren’t publicize, and in fact are buried. Much like the victims. Last year right outside St. Louis, a kid who was high, crossed the median and wiped down a family of five. I’m sure you didn’t hear about that whenever you are. But we let that go.

We’re letting tens of thousands of the illegal aliens throughout the country and you know absolutely without question some of them are criminals and some of them will murder innocent people. But we let that go.

Like many cities, our local Democratic district attorney has put a policy in place to go easy on what she considers marginalized criminals, a.k.a. young black men in inner city. And you know without a shadow of a doubt, some of them will get out and murder innocent people. But we let that go.

We enacted ridiculous lockdown laws because teachers union wanted it. Some of the poorest people did not have access to ban together with other people and create safe environments to do online learning. They did nothing all day and a lot of them got into trouble the drugs, suicide rates skyrocketed, crime rates amongst teenagers skyrocketed. But we let that go.

So the outrage after the shooting, while on one hand is very justified, on the other hand it’s just another political tool in this ongoing game of red versus blue.

Very Well Said!

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/22 at 08:17:42

The bottom line is you can’t have any of my rights.

You can’t have my 2nd Amendment right to protect myself the way I see fit although this President and leftist in political positions of power are trying to.

You can’t have my 1st Amendment right to say what I want although this President and leftist in political positions of power are trying to.

And when I think about the FBI techniques used to track down January 6 protesters by forcing private companies to turn over information from CC purchases for example, you can’t have my 4th Amendment right either although this President and leftist in political positions of power are trying to.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/27/22 at 11:25:24

I wonder how many parents waiting outside that school care about your 2nd Amendment rights.
When it's your child you see the light.

Other countries have crazy people, suicidal people, domestic violence, people with grudges.
They don't have the insane amount of guns we have.
We're number one!
Second is Yemen,.. and even they don't have half as many.
This will only stop when we face that fact.
There are no other solutions.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/22 at 11:45:56

wonder how many parents waiting outside that school care about your 2nd Amendment rights.
When it's your child you see the light.

When will You?
I'd be screaming and livid that the teachers were not able to protect the kids.

How many are dead in your Gun Free zones?
That is on you lefties.
Time to let the Adults make the decisions.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/27/22 at 11:47:22

Do you think the parents of the children murdered by illegal aliens care about increasing the Democratic voter rolls? Can’t remember the name of that poor college girl in Iowa who was raped and murdered by an illegal alien that you wanted in the country so he could vote for Biden in the 2020 election. If that was your child killed, would you see the light?

Point is, we just don’t shred constitutional rights that, first off, you don’t understand to begin with and secondly, every time there’s a tragedy. I don’t care about other countries. People in other countries are literally drowning in the ocean or the rivers to try to get here.

We are where we are not because of guns but because of the culture we are creating. I don’t deny access to guns makes these tragedies occur more often in greater numbers.

But living in a free republic is hard. It’s not easy. We can’t compare ourselves to other countries all the time. Were unique and we take the good with the bad.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/22 at 12:00:35

If Other Countries are the topic, look at what is happening in Europe. The Muslim invaders are destroying their society.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/27/22 at 12:10:57

"You can’t have my 2nd Amendment right to protect myself the way I see fit although this President and leftist in political positions of power are trying to."

 But isn't the challenge that lawful US citizens do not have the "right" to high capacity rifles?  Like how we can't have grenades as a way to protect ourselves the way we see fit.

 I know the line has been pretty clear for a while now, but if high-capacity semi-auto is consistently used I can see more and more people leaning away from having them so easily purchased at a minimum.

 I think at some point a compromise on purchasing method could happen.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/27/22 at 12:18:35

Understanding the Reason for the Second is crucial. The People have the Right to be able to stand against tyranny. That was the reason for the Second.
When it was written, hunting and self defense were as understood as breathing.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/27/22 at 12:28:16

 I agree that "Reason for" is the way to future-proof the 2nd Amendment.

 I don't however agree that restricting the purchase of a specific weapon type that is typically used by a specific age demographic that is young, to commit mass murder is a violation of the 2nd Amendment.

 For instance the military will toss a rifle into an 18 year old's hands, but only if they pass competency because they know that rifle in an untrained or unstable 18 year old's hands is a disaster.

 I look at things like suppressor or full-auto restrictions.  Can that system save lives if it's applied to semi-autos?  Maybe, but then shooters would switch to shotguns, and that will be deadly, but slightly more survivable.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/27/22 at 12:57:21

"The kids mother was a regular drug user, his father wasn’t around, he was essentially being raised by his grandparents, he had incidents with police and neighbors for years."

 You mean he wasn't the "faggoty fruitloop" that people lied about and then had that information passed on as fact by others?


Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/27/22 at 13:55:51

0B2B29213C2B4E0 wrote:
"... but then shooters would switch to shotguns, and that will be deadly, but slightly more survivable.

So a totally Deranged mentally unbalanced DFI gets a AR-15 .223R type firearm,
and has a 20 round clip.
He/She unloads that clip into a crowd, by, 'spraying' because they do not know how to aim.
 They have fired 20 rounds of a .224 dia. bullet.
which has a hard jacket and does not expand.

Or a totally Deranged mentally unbalanced DFI gets a 12 gauge shotgun.
and has 5 rounds of #1 buck in it's internal magazine.
He/She unloads that magazine into a crowd, by, 'spraying', because they do not know how to aim.
They just fired 110 bullets,
which are soft lead, deform, and will cause a larger wound channel.

And You, actually want people to believe,
           being shot at,
with 90 MORE, and Larger Projectiles,
in the Same Time,
which will expand when hitting flesh.
is MORE 'survivable' ?????????????

And you 'say' you 'train' ?????

I believe, if you actually 'train' people how to shoot.
They would not be able to hit a Barn,
even if they stood inside of one !

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/27/22 at 14:06:57

6040424A5740250 wrote:
"...   I think at some point a compromise on purchasing method could happen.

Would that, 'compromise' consist of a honest person,
buying a firearm, paying for it.
Then wait's 2, 4, 6 MONTHS, get to take it home ?

Yet the 40,000 (+/-) FELONS,
who fill out a 4473, LIE on it, and are refused.

Calf alone, 10,000 people LIE on the 4473,
are refused,

    BAN that RED CAR !!!!!

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/27/22 at 21:15:45

"And You, actually want people to believe,
          being shot at,
with 90 MORE, and Larger Projectiles,
in the Same Time,
which will expand when hitting flesh.
is MORE 'survivable' ?????????????"

 Lets change the dynamic and say a man is in a hotel room 200 yards away and unloads into a concert with a 12 gauge.

 Then unloads with an AR-15. You mean to tell me an AR is MORE 'survivable' ?????????????

 And you claim you know about guns!  

 We can both manipulate scenarios, it's not hard.

 The point is murder rate per minute, statistically, at this time, is higher with AR-15 style weapons which is why every military on the planet uses rifles and not shotguns as the primary weapon.

 Shotguns kill less people per-minute, statistically.  You can always set up a scenario where a shotgun is more deadly, but statistically it has a lower murder rate per minute.  It has more reload times, typically, but not always.

"I believe, if you actually 'train' people how to shoot.
They would not be able to hit a Barn,
even if they stood inside of one !

 I never said I train people how to shoot.  So at 300 yards shooting at a group of children you think a shotgun would kill more per minute?  I think if you actually knew anything about guns you would know an AR is more accurate at that range.

 Oh that's right, anyone can dream up a scenario that makes them right and another wrong while ignoring what was actually said.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/28/22 at 05:22:36

Is a Rugar Mini14 an AR-15 style gun?

The reason behind objecting to gun laws is that I know leftist view this as an open door. You can equate this to abortion laws. When abortion was first legalized and 73 it was very limited. It’s quickly growing to the point where you can kill a baby five minutes before it’s born. I remember the big fights about legalized gambling here in Missouri. When it started, it was only going to be on boats in the river that went up and down every few hours. It was supposed to be an adventure. Now we have casinos all over the place.

The leftist view of gun laws is the same. It’s just an open door, a first step that will very quickly turned to confiscation. And yes I believe that’s where it will end up.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/28/22 at 05:23:57

But, if I were in Congress, I would make this proposal. I would increase the national minimum age to purchase our own or possess a firearm to 21 if the voting age was also moved up to 21. If we can’t trust someone to control a weapon how can we trust them to be smart enough and understand enough and controlling enough to vote?

I’d take that.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/22 at 07:58:08

6C4C4E465B4C290 wrote:
"...   Lets change the dynamic ... 200 yards away ..."  

Again, wonderful spin. The subject was, 'school' shooting, close range. Not long range. But go ahead and change it.

"... The point is murder rate per minute..."

It  was not, it was about you saying,
( because of past posts)
in a school shooting a Shotgun is less deadly than a AR type.

 "... And you claim you know about guns!..."

Yep !  I do !
  (not everything about every one, but a lot more than the average Bear)

"...  Shotguns kill less people per-minute, statistically ..."

Because they are not used in mass shootings.
  (Until the 'red cars' are all banned)

"...   I never said I train people how to shoot ..."

Yea you have.

 "... So at 300 yards ..."

 LOLOL So SPINNING it to 200 yards was not enough,
NOW you SPIN it to,  300 Yards.
     (instead of the 30-50 FEET it probably was)

"... Oh that's right, anyone can dream up a scenario that makes them right ..."
Just like you can say/imply that I said something, when I didn't

5F7F7D75687F1A0 wrote:
"... So at 300 yards shooting at a group of children you think a shotgun would kill more per minute?..."  

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/22 at 08:06:05

665453424554437C50435A310 wrote:
Is a Rugar Mini14 an AR-15 style gun? ..."

A Remington Mod 8,
Is also a semiautomatic,
Which works very well,
and the Mag can be made detachable.

It was made in 1908 !!!!!!!!!

Very Few remember the,
Clinton Gun BAN.
Double barreled Shotguns,
with one trigger !!!!!!!!!

        (Thanks NRA for getting that removed)

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/28/22 at 14:51:34

"...   I never said I train people how to shoot ..."

Yea you have."

 I have never said I teach people how to shoot.  I am not a certified firearm instructor.  

 Assembling and running drills is not always teaching, it is testing competency.  Running a test is not equal to teaching a class.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/28/22 at 14:52:25

"But, if I were in Congress, I would make this proposal. I would increase the national minimum age to purchase our own or possess a firearm to 21 if the voting age was also moved up to 21. If we can’t trust someone to control a weapon how can we trust them to be smart enough and understand enough and controlling enough to vote?

I’d take that."

 I agree.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/28/22 at 14:59:19

Really? Why? What happened? Don't remember when ROTC kids had a shooting range? Unaware that in the fifties and sixties kids had rifles in their truck and went hunting after school? You don't spose society has gone downhill, do you?
Gee,I wonder how THAT happened.

I guess nobody can join the military till they are21,,

Ohh,sorry,, didn't mean to use logic to derail the flood of bullshit. Pop

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/28/22 at 15:08:34

"Really? Why? What happened? Don't remember when ROTC kids had a shooting range?"

 You mean kids being trained?  Not kids buying a gun online and having a background check and walking off without ever holding a gun in their life?

"I guess nobody can join the military till they are21,,"

 You mean where they go through months of training with consistent training for the rest of their career and if they can't pass they don't get to use a gun?  Those kids that are under 21?

 Lets say if you are under 21, join the military, and are IN the military, you can get a gun.  Oh wait, it sounds worse if we propose a ludicrous and unequal idea.

 If we ban AR's for civilians, then the Military can't use them either!

 If we ban guns altogether we can't even have a military!

 The point is if one is an adult, and can vote, they can have any gun of any kind they want.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/22 at 15:15:17

546661707766714E627168030 wrote:
"... I would increase the national minimum age to purchase our own or possess a firearm to 21 ...

Current Fed Law (in States that haven’t changed it)
it is 18 for a, ‘long gun’,
and 21 for a, ‘hand gun’.
With some AR-15 types, depending on the configuration,
are considered ‘hand guns’ and are treated as such.

  ‘Possessing’ a firearm, at a age under the, ‘purchase’,  age.
Would effectively be ‘Gun Control’ by removing anyone under 21,
that is hunting, target shooting, Competition’s, Firearms Safety Classes, (11-12 ave. age), the youth Trap Shooting, which has surged accost this Nation like a wild fire.
That adds up to a whole lot of people.  

18 today, perhaps not old enough to make rational decisions.
                  IT USED TO BE

But with FDS DFI’s saying, ‘here is your Trophy for showing up’,
and the Dumbing Down in schools,
probably not any more.

“… If we can’t trust someone to control a weapon
how can we trust them to be smart enough …
…,  to vote? …”

OMG, that is SO, So, So,   (all the …phobic words)

AND, how in the world would one expect someone to PROVE,
they were a Citizen of the Nation, they were to vote in?

That, is so, so, so, so, so, so,  (… phobic)
O.M.G how dare you even suggest such a thing !!!!!!!

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/22 at 15:21:48

6040424A5740250 wrote:
"...   Assembling and running drills
is not always teaching, ..."  

Please tell us all, when,
  It  Is  Teaching !

Title: Re: More guns
Post by pg on 05/28/22 at 15:56:04

5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 wrote:
Is a Rugar Mini14 an AR-15 style gun?

The mini 14 is a scaled down version of an m14 that is chambered in 5.56.  It is a much different weapon compared to the AR platform.  The mini uses a long piston as opposed to direct impingement that the ar uses.  This affects the harmonics of the barrel when fired which in turns affects the accuracy.  The mini does not have the aftermarket offerings and nearly everything for it is proprietary.  The mini is offered in wood stocks and does not look as threatening; regardless, they both are extremely reliable and capable.

Best regards,

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/22 at 19:11:43

Excellent explanation.

However, put on a black stock,
or rattle can the wood stock black, or cameo.

People that think an island
will tip over if too many stood on one side.
Will Still say:  Evil - Ban.

(The GUN BANNING mantra comes uo,
'never mind the facts,
my mind is made up')

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/28/22 at 19:12:51

"Please tell us all, when,
 It  Is  Teaching !

 To be specific the running of a firearm drill is not the equivalent of teaching a human how to operate a firearm.  Designing OPFOR exercises is not "teaching" anyone how to use a gun, it is testing their ability to use a gun.  

 When a kid goes to a drivers license test, did that evaluator "teach" that kid how to drive?  Or are they evaluating if they can drive to standard?  If a guy goes out and puts cones for them to drive around, is that guy that put up the cones "teaching" or setting up the training area?

 Both can be learned from.  But by that standard everything we do can be learned from.  So if I get cut off in traffic I can learn from that, so the guy that cut me off is "teaching" me how to drive.

 Does that make him a "teacher", is he a "driving instructor" now?

 I never said I teach people how to use firearms.  I am not a firearms instructor.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/28/22 at 19:22:47

1A3A38302D3A5F0 wrote:
"... I get cut off in traffic I can learn from that, so the guy that cut me off is "teaching" me how to drive. ..."

I see,
so  someone cutting you off in traffic,
is teaching, you !

Answer the question;
When IS, running drills, Teaching ?

As You Said !
“… Assembling and running drills is not always teaching…”

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/28/22 at 23:51:50

Answer the question;
When IS, running drills, Teaching ?

 I could answer it like you answer things:

Good question !
You want an answer.
I would like an answer to this;

Then ask my own question expecting an answer while refusing to provide one.

 So is the guy cutting me off a driving instructor?  Is he training me how to drive?

 You state:

"I believe, if you actually 'train' people how to shoot."

 Placing this in context of being able to impact a structure they are inside of, this implies that I "train" people how to accurately shoot a firearm.  I never said I "train" people "how to shoot".  You claim I did.

 Running drills is running drills.  Teaching/training is for instructors of the specific topic the drill is designed for.  Some drills are for group management, some for accuracy,  some for assessment in sleep deprivation, some for communication, some for adrenal stress management.  It is "training" but not specific to "shooting guns" and "shooting guns" with the intent of having accuracy.

 What part of any of that means I am "training" specifically how to "shoot" guns?  None of it.  Some of the drills are for competency evaluation, some are training and by definition some training is teaching.

 I never said I "train" anyone "how to shoot" as you put it.  I never said that.  You are applying it in context of firearm education specific to shooting and with accuracy, which I do not do, nor have I ever claimed to do.

 If a guy goes and sets up cones for a driving course, but does not show people how to drive, is he "Training" someone "how to drive"?  Or is he setting up cones for a driving exercise?

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/22 at 09:36:38

725250584552370 wrote:
"...  Teaching/training is for instructors of the specific topic the drill is designed for.  Some drills are for group management, some for accuracy,  some for assessment in sleep deprivation, some for communication, some for adrenal stress management.  It is "training" but not specific to "shooting guns" and "shooting guns" with the intent of having accuracy. ..."

So that's your answer ?

OK, Got it !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/22 at 11:36:42

I'm confused,,
Why is it so important that the people who are trying to not get shot by a bad guy have certain training and time on the range? Yeah, the defender MIGHT accidentally shoot a kid,you know, one of the kids the bad guy IS GOING TO KILL,if he's Not stopped. How much training has the bad guy had? Nobody is pretending that teachers armed will be The Perfect answer. No more than the seatbelt or helmet is a guarantee of walking away from an accident..
It just beats the Schitt outta not being able to TRY to protect yourself.

You will not Stop mass murderers from going into society and wreaking havoc,
Though we Did get to watch the people who Don't Like our ideas tell us that a SIGN posted around schools would fix it. How many people are dead because you demanded THAT? Now, STFU,let the adults run it.
Arm the TEACHERS..
Don't tell me it won't work.. We told you your stupid signs wouldn't. You wouldn't listen. You people don't have a clue about reality.
Make it Dangerous for the bad guys. Not a frikkin free shoot zone..
You do know that is what your grand idea created, right? Why would any intent on Murder and causing as much pain in society Go ANYWHERE ELSE, than a school, protected by a Stupid SIGN?
Lefties BUILT this, by diminishing society, driving real discipline out,rewarding bad behavior, and creating the space for them to do their deed,in safety.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/29/22 at 12:03:25

"So that's your answer ?

OK, Got it !"

 My answer is I never said I "train" people how to "shoot guns".  You imply I said I train people to shoot guns specific to firearm accuracy.  I never said anything like that.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/29/22 at 12:08:20

"I'm confused,,
Why is it so important that the people who are trying to not get shot by a bad guy have certain training and time on the range? Yeah, the defender MIGHT accidentally shoot a kid,you know, one of the kids the bad guy IS GOING TO KILL,if he's Not stopped. How much training has the bad guy had? Nobody is pretending that teachers armed will be The Perfect answer. No more than the seatbelt or helmet is a guarantee of walking away from an accident..
It just beats the Schitt outta not being able to TRY to protect yourself."

 It's important because of things like parents suing or the DA prosecuting the teacher that shot their kid.  Yes it's litigious, but it's a concern.  By being armed becoming the "choice" of that teacher they assume the criminally negligent homicide responsibility.  That's just one of multiple arguments.  But the challenge of having nothing is also a strong argument.

"You do know that is what your grand idea created, right? Why would any intent on Murder and causing as much pain in society Go ANYWHERE ELSE, than a school, protected by a Stupid SIGN?"

 I never understood what those were supposed to achieve either.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/22 at 13:02:31

352A2C2B3631003000382A266D5F0 wrote:
Arm the TEACHERS..
Don't tell me it won't work.. We told you your stupid signs wouldn't. You wouldn't listen. You people don't have a clue about reality.
Make it Dangerous for the bad guys. Not a frikkin free shoot zone..
You do know that is what your grand idea created, right? Why would any intent on Murder and causing as much pain in society Go ANYWHERE ELSE, than a school, protected by a Stupid SIGN?
Lefties BUILT this, by diminishing society, driving real discipline out,rewarding bad behavior, and creating the space for them to do their deed,in safety.

Does it matter to you what the teachers want?
95% don't like or want anything to do with guns.
They won't feel safer with one.
..and they know they are statistically more likely to harm one of their children than save them.
Forcing guns on them will only cause more deaths.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/22 at 16:23:10

You fukkin moron.
How many times do I have to say

Those who are willing?
You actually want to Pretend I'm suggesting

Someone to carry?


Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/29/22 at 16:41:20

Take a pill man

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/22 at 18:40:41

You made statements
I called you on them
You can defend your position or go down in flames
I'm not wasting my extinguisher on a lefty
Step up

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/29/22 at 18:52:44

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
"... I'm not wasting my extinguisher on a lefty..."

Wouldn't that be a
Ultra Extreme Lefty !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/29/22 at 22:37:26

they are statistically more likely to harm one of their children than save them.
Forcing guns on them will only cause more deaths.

Kinda difficult to Do that
Do you even think about how stupid the crap is that you say?

Even IF teach kills A Coupla kids,,it's Better than what the bad guy is doing.
Spout numbers,, I seriously don't care. Nor do I believe your numbers. It doesn't matter if you are correct.
Run down and ask them in that town if they would rather be able to carry,Today..

I'm curious. I wonder how Stewpid someone would have to be to choose to be vulnerable instead of able to fight for their life.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/29/22 at 22:50:27

"Even IF teach kills A Coupla kids,,it's Better than what the bad guy is doing."

 This is statistically accurate.

 Most teachers typically would rather there be a security detail or Resource Officer, but this adds cost, and there isn't enough tax dollars, collected now, to truly secure schools from this type of harm. Just building armored school buses would cost billions.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/30/22 at 04:29:08

7A6D6B6768780A0 wrote:
[quote author=5C6E69787F6E79466A79600B0 link=1653503322/30#32 date=1653740556]Is a Rugar Mini14 an AR-15 style gun?

The mini 14 is a scaled down version of an m14 that is chambered in 5.56.  It is a much different weapon compared to the AR platform.  The mini uses a long piston as opposed to direct impingement that the ar uses.  This affects the harmonics of the barrel when fired which in turns affects the accuracy.  The mini does not have the aftermarket offerings and nearly everything for it is proprietary.  The mini is offered in wood stocks and does not look as threatening; regardless, they both are extremely reliable and capable.

Best regards,[/quote]

I’m very familiar with Mini14s. My point was an AR stale ban is based on scary looking guns. Any semi auto could do tremendous damage in the hands of a nut. Just like a car at a Christmas parade.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by WebsterMark on 05/30/22 at 04:33:20

Again, take the 40 billion we were gonna send to Biden’s money laundering nation and start upgrades to schools. Seems like a good start and can’t see anyone objecting…..

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/22 at 07:49:55

455A5C5B4641704070485A561D2F0 wrote:
Spout numbers,, I seriously don't care. Nor do I believe your numbers. It doesn't matter if you are correct.

Yeah,... I get that

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/30/22 at 10:59:54

3422352830252833470 wrote:
"... 95% don't like or want anything to do with guns ..."

A-Yep, that number comes from,
Very ULTRA, UL FDS Socialist teaching school.

Was it CNN or Hoppy change, Or Tweedledum,
TOLD YOU to say that ?

(Or is it just a bout of, TDS kicking in ?)

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/22 at 12:07:43

5442554850454853270 wrote:
Do teachers want to be armed?

Aside from police officers, some Republican lawmakers also support the idea of arming teachers. The problem is many teachers do not want to be armed, and they are not interested in having a firearm in their classroom.

A 2019 study conducted by California State Univerity at Northridge found that “the overwhelming majority [95.3 percent] do not believe teachers should be carrying a gun in the classroom.” Another concern for many was having to use the weapon, with under 6.5 percent saying they would be comfortable using the weapon in a case a shooter entered the school.

When looking at those who were gun owners, only 11.5 percent said that they “believed being armed while teaching should be part of a teacher’s responsibilities.”

Lastly, the researcher reported that a majority, sixty-four percent believed that the presence of firearms on campus could pose a greater threat to school safety.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/22 at 12:27:21

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
[quote author=5442554850454853270 link=1653676042/0#8 date=1653691482]Do teachers want to be armed?

Aside from police officers, some Republican lawmakers also support the idea of arming teachers. The problem is many teachers do not want to be armed, and they are not interested in having a firearm in their classroom.

As is their choice.

A 2019 study conducted by California State Univerity at Northridge found that “the overwhelming majority [95.3 percent] do not believe teachers should be carrying a gun in the classroom.”
In a decent world, that isn't unreasonable.
But the minority who would arm themselves and be prepared to defend themselves and the kids, they should be able to.

Another concern for many was having to use the weapon, with under 6.5 percent saying they would be comfortable using the weapon in a case a shooter entered the school.

Well,the idea of pointing a gun at someone and trying to kill them isn't something normal people want to do. But when one of those people comes into your life intending to end your life, you can die or defend yourself and the kids. It's NOT something to consider lightly. I'm sure being forced to shoot someone would be painfully life changing. Or, you could watch someone murder kids and then point it at you. Not a real comfortable position.

When looking at those who were gun owners, only 11.5 percent said that they “believed being armed while teaching should be part of a teacher’s responsibilities.”

No, it really SHOULD NOT be something they need to do.
Kinda Looks like, sometimes, it gets there.

Lastly, the researcher reported that a majority, sixty-four percent believed that the presence of firearms on campus could pose a greater threat to school safety.


And what historical events would they bring into the conversation to point to that would make that a real consideration?
The ROTC people used to have weapons on campus. High school kids used to haul their hunting rifles to school and go hunting before they went home. Just because someone can imagine a horror doesn't mean a teacher should be stripped of the right to protect themselves.

Let's Take a Chaaance. Let's get rid of the signs and ALLOW teachers to get a CC license and carry, IF THEY WANT TO.

The signs have not been effective.
And I'm not aware of Any school where teachers are armed that has been attacked.
Even IF its not a Perfect Deterrent, even IF it doesn't mean no kids or teachers get shot,it's still a better answer than the clear failure of the signs.

How is it possible to continue to argue against what has not been allowed to even try?
It's BEING DONE in quite a few places,, and nobody has grabbed teachers gun and gone off the rails.

I hope I've done a decent job of explaining and I look forward to the responses.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Eegore on 05/30/22 at 12:33:17

The ROTC people used to have weapons on campus. High school kids used to haul their hunting rifles to school and go hunting before they went home. Just because someone can imagine a horror doesn't mean a teacher should be stripped of the right to protect themselves.

 Teachers are not "stripped of the right to protect themselves".

 Why are you avoiding being honest about that?  They can protect themselves, just nowhere near as much as they should be allowed to.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/22 at 13:07:54

As of now there about 100,000,000 more guns than when Parkland happened... more concealed and open carry than ever,... and more armed school security.  More school safety drills, and restricted school access.  More police training.
More everything you say you want.

..and we have more mass shootings than ever.

And you think signs are the problem?

100 million wasn't enough?
We need more guns to solve the problem.
Meantime let's take down the signs and watch more children die before we face facts.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/22 at 13:14:23

4060626A7760050 wrote:
The ROTC people used to have weapons on campus. High school kids used to haul their hunting rifles to school and go hunting before they went home. Just because someone can imagine a horror doesn't mean a teacher should be stripped of the right to protect themselves.

 Teachers are not "stripped of the right to protect themselves".

 Why are you avoiding being honest about that?  They can protect themselves, just nowhere near as much as they should be allowed to.

Why are you so determined to pretend I'm saying they can't fight?
Are you so narrow minded that you would pretend I'm saying they can't stab someone WHILE I'M ARGUING For Their Right to SHOOT THE BASTARD?
is the MutherFukkin TOPIC.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by Serowbot on 05/30/22 at 13:22:03

95% of teachers don't want it.  At best you might find one in 20... perhaps an average of one teacher per school willing to carry.  Most likely you would have 5 or 6 in one school and none in 5 others.
Then there will be the lawsuits... when the gun is dropped or a kid finds one shoots someone, or a teacher has an accidental discharge.
Your county tax money will pay those million dollar settlements.
You will pay those.
Children will die.
...and on it will go.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by MnSpring on 05/30/22 at 13:35:05

At best ...

... perhaps ...

        Most likely ...

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/22 at 13:52:38

796F78657D68657E0A0 wrote:
95% of teachers don't want it.  At best you might find one in 20... perhaps an average of one teacher per school willing to carry.  Most likely you would have 5 or 6 in one school and none in 5 others.
Then there will be the lawsuits... when the gun is dropped or a kid finds one shoots someone, or a teacher has an accidental discharge.
Your county tax money will pay those million dollar settlements.
You will pay those.
Children will die.
...and on it will go.

You Know that the same way you Knew the signs would deter murderers?

If there is ONE armed teacher, the signs saying Staff are Armed and willing to kill you if you start shooting the place up
Would be a lot more of a deterrent than

No guns allowed.

Again, you have imagined the catastrophe and pretended you have the answer.

But you don't want to try something that would allow people to protect themselves and the kids.

I'm totally unable to get that.

Title: Re: More guns
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/30/22 at 13:59:52

2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 wrote:
95% of teachers don't want it.  At best you might find one in 20... perhaps an average of one teacher per school willing to carry.  Most likely you would have 5 or 6 in one school and none in 5 others.

Your estimation,, with Zero real world events. You Do Know that there are schools that have signs telling people
Our staff are Armed?
And that has been true for some time,,
Seriously? Drop a gun?
Are you unaware of how they are designed?
Not every pistol is designed the way the one was that the idiot shot the woman with. It's no longer necessary to leave the hole under the firing pin empty.
Then there will be the lawsuits... when the gun is dropped or a kid finds one shoots someone, or a teacher has an accidental discharge.

Your fears are unfounded. It's been done. I think you should call the cops to come Get your gun,because expecting people to not be idiots is just too much.
Teachers are not smart enough to handle guns safely? So why hand over the kids to idiots?
Your county tax money will pay those million dollar settlements.
You will pay those.
Children will die.
...and on it will go. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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