General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> When in the Course of human events….

Message started by WebsterMark on 04/04/22 at 10:16:49

Title: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/04/22 at 10:16:49

…it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another…

I read an interesting question: is this where we are today in United States of America?

Do conservatives need to dissolve their political band, their tie, their partnership, their mutual citizenship, with liberal socialists?

The context of the question was that liberals do not cede an inch; they take over. They have no interest in partnership, they have no interest in meeting anyone halfway. Liberals in power don’t care about anything other than enacting their agenda without any consideration of the other party’s view or the harm done to citizens who are unfortunate enough to face the consequences of that unAmerica agenda.

I’ve said before it appears we are heading towards a genuine breakup so I like the phrase: When in the course of human events it becomes necessary to dissolve the political bands. Liberal socialists who hold positions of political power or bureaucratic authority and take actions against the better interests of these United States of America should be considered outside the fellowship of the citizenry.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/04/22 at 12:10:19

They LIE..
Grant the ones here amnesty, then we will help you control the border

If you will Just agree to Queer Marriage..

they have no interest in meeting anyone halfway

Ohh,they will Agree to meeting half way..

But they are liars

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/05/22 at 05:16:18

They are essentially the redcoats but this time they’re wearing bluecoats.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/05/22 at 07:55:21

1B292E3F38293E012D3E274C0 wrote:
They are essentially the redcoats but this time they’re wearing red hats.

fix for ya'  ;)

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/05/22 at 10:21:18

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
The context of the question was that liberals do not cede an inch; they take over. They have no interest in partnership, they have no interest in meeting anyone halfway.

And what inch do you cede?
When the most contested election ever has lost every court filing and recount and investigation?
When a zygot is a human being?
When an insurrection is a walk in park?
When nepotism is government norm, and security clearances don't matter?
When 30,000 lies are the norm?
300 days of golf?
When "executive time" is 7 hours a day watching Fox news?
When election laws are written specifically to disenfranchise?
When treaties and allies are cast aside?
When hate and racism is lauded?
When division is sewn?
Is that not the intent of this thread?  Throwing in the towel of democracy?

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/22 at 12:04:31

When election laws are written specifically to disenfranchise?

I'm not SAYING bullshit.

Show me.
I want the details, not lefty talking points.
Show me exactly HOW the law has caused Certain People to have to overcome impediments to be able to vote.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/05/22 at 12:58:55

Take your pick.

You'll deny it anyway.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/05/22 at 13:27:30

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
Take your pick. you'll deny it anyway.

Let me ask you a simple question.

Do you want to Vote;

By yourself,
no pressure,
just what you want,
no one saying, 'why did you do that',
total secret who you voted for.

Or would you rather have someone stand over your shoulder,
telling you, EXACTLY WHO to vote for,
and people, 'harvesting' ballots.

(forget their is a pond with fish,
and free fish food)

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/05/22 at 13:41:38

5C7F426163787F76110 wrote:
(forget their is a pond with fish,
and free fish food)

Get your monkey away from the keyboard.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/05/22 at 14:41:29

Here's your partnership.
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls GOP senators 'pro-pedophile for voting for Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson.

The Right is radicalized and following insane conspiracy theories.
Baby eaters,  ::)  JFK Jr back from the dead,  ::)  millions of illegal votes,  ::)  siding with Russian invaders,  ::) standing up for racist anti-semite, Nazi's,   ::)
Trump wouldn't even disown the KKK.
He defends the Proud Boys.
He's leading the party down a dangerous path.
AKA Third Reich territory.

Where do you meet in middle of that?
...and I'm sure some Nazi's a very fine people?  ::)

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/05/22 at 15:40:44

Look at the bitches fukking record.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/05/22 at 16:23:42

2A3C2B362E3B362D590 wrote:
"... The Right is radicalized and following insane conspiracy theories. ..."

Yea right.
Clinton & Clinton, Obama, Biden,
have done so many, 'shi t' deals,
But the UL DFI FDS Socialists will just deny
that those things were ever done.

Conservatives say 'WHY' about the reason they believe a thing.

The TDS lovers and the UL, DFI, FDS Socialists
just whine, cry, spin and deny.

Your list has been disproved, and/or taken totally out of context.
Yet the UL DFI FDS Socialists,
      will just deny
that those things were ever done.

(Bot, look over their,
their is a pond with fish,
and free fish food)

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/05/22 at 16:27:45

(forget their is a pond with fish,
and free fish food)

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Get your monkey away from the keyboard.

Was that a, 'Drive By'
   a, 'Deflection',

Or did you go to the Fish Pond ?

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/06/22 at 09:10:00

6472657860757863170 wrote:
[quote author=102225343322350A26352C470 link=1649092609/0#0 date=1649092609]
The context of the question was that liberals do not cede an inch; they take over. They have no interest in partnership, they have no interest in meeting anyone halfway.

And what inch do you cede? Seriously? Since Biden spoke about it yesterday let’s consider Obamacare. You passed it in the middle of the night and as the law of the land, it is disrupted the healthcare options for hundreds of thousands of people. I could list a hundred. Unfortunately, the playbook for conservatives is they foolishly think you liberals genuinely care about bipartisanship, compromise, listening to the other side. You don’t.
When the most contested election ever has lost every court filing and recount and investigation? That’s simply not true. I know you like to repeat it over and over but it’s not true.
When a zygot is a human being? Human life begins at conception. No serious scientist disputes that. The dispute comes in at what point in human life do you think that life can be destroyed for someone else’s convenience.
When an insurrection is a walk in park? I don’t know, neither one of us have been alive during an insurrection in the United States.
When nepotism is government norm, and security clearances don't matter? Seriously, do you wanna go there? Your current president flew his son to China to make business dealings based off of his office as a vice president. Same with his brother. Biden is a criminal, he’s a traitor, he made millions selling access to people based on his official position as vice president.
When 30,000 lies are the norm? No, never 30,000 lies. Another made up stat by the liberal media. And your problem with referring back to Trump constantly is your guy in the White House is the biggest disappointment in the history of United States presidencies.
300 days of golf? See above.
When "executive time" is 7 hours a day watching Fox news? How would you know that? Oh let me guess, reporters told you that. Fair and balanced reporters.
When election laws are written specifically to disenfranchise? Name me one person disenfranchised by recent election laws. Note, use the actual definition of the word disenfranchised and not what do you think it means.
When treaties and allies are cast aside? All the time. What are you talking about? You mean when we told Russia that a minor incursion was acceptable? You mean tossing aside allies like that?
When hate and racism is lauded? I don’t know, ask yourself. You do this every day. You hate conservative ideology, and you hate people who follow it. There’s no one more hateful than a liberal.
When division is sewn? Again, ask yourself that question. That’s the liberal playbook. You divide everyone.
Is that not the intent of this thread?  Throwing in the towel of democracy? The point of this thread is that when in the course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another


Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/06/22 at 12:28:28

Let us take abortion.
You think of a sperm with it's head popped into an egg as instantly a human being with full rights equal to or above a mother.
I think life begins with the first breathe.
We have 9 months in between.
Three trimesters.

A compromise might be that I agree to limiting third trimester abortions to only in the case of danger to the mother's life, or severe malformation of the fetus.
Would you agree to meeting half way and saying abortion is an option in the first trimester?
Now,... let's negotiate a compromise in middle.
9 months have 39.13 weeks.
If we half that, lets' say 20 to keep it even.
Would you agree to 20 weeks?
..or would you demand that that little sperm that has conquered the obstacle of the egg's outer surface deserves to be protected over the rights of the woman he is inside?

Do you have a middle ground?

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/06/22 at 13:13:08

Life begins at the first breath? So you would kill a baby five minutes away from being born?

Here’s a perfect example of why I said you don’t cede an inch. When abortion laws were first passed, they had very strict limits on when it could be done, but that was only a starting point for leftist. Those have gone by the wayside and now we have, what you believe in, which is you can kill a baby five minutes before it’s born, based upon the mothers health, and health is defined very broadly.

I may or may not have told you this but I was born very premature as a twin. Together we barely weighed 7 pounds probably even less. My twin died within a couple of weeks. We were dirt poor and it was 1961. Had it been 1981 (and certainly if I had been black next to a Planned Parenthood cash money machine) I would’ve been chopped up into little pieces and thrown away into a plastic bag. My wife was born dirt poor a little town in Kentucky and again, had in been the 1980s she could’ve ended up in a plastic bag. However we met, had two beautiful children and a wonderful granddaughter. None of that might have happened in the 1980s. And of the tens of millions of babies killed since 1973, how many of them would’ve gone on to a wonderful life like me?

If, and this is a big if, if I could actually trust and believe leftist liberals that it would only be the first trimester I would choke it down and allow it. But I know you wouldn’t do that. In a very short time, we went from President Obama who ran on a platform of no gay marriage until now, a 12-year-old girl can get her boobs cut off because she thinks she’s a boy for a couple of weeks.

When in the course of human events……

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/22 at 13:40:56

I'm trying to figure out how to respond. That is the most open thing I've seen. I hope it has some impact on the people who are able to support the destruction of the unborn.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/06/22 at 14:23:17

477572636475625D71627B100 wrote:
"... perfect example of why I said you don’t cede an inch...
... abortion laws were first passed,
they had very strict limits ...
... but that was only a starting point for leftist...
... now we have, what you believe in,
which is you can kill a baby five minutes before it’s born...

Time and time, again and again,
it has been PROVEN what the UL, DFI FDS Socialists do.
... but that was only a starting point for leftist..."

(Just take one step,
down that Slippery Slope)

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/06/22 at 14:49:42

526067767160774864776E050 wrote:
Here’s a perfect example of why I said you don’t cede an inch.

If, and this is a big if, if I could actually trust and believe leftist liberals that it would only be the first trimester I would choke it down and allow it. But I know you wouldn’t do that.

... and there you go.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/06/22 at 14:57:44

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
[quote author=526067767160774864776E050 link=1649092609/15#15 date=1649275988]Here’s a perfect example of why I said you don’t cede an inch.

If, and this is a big if, if I could actually trust and believe leftist liberals that it would only be the first trimester I would choke it down and allow it. But I know you wouldn’t do that.

... and there you go.

Your MC Gas tank ruptures and pollutes.
A Pipeline ruptures and pollutes.
A UL FDS Socialist could be trusted.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/06/22 at 15:57:53

4D5B4C51495C514A3E0 wrote:
[quote author=526067767160774864776E050 link=1649092609/15#15 date=1649275988]Here’s a perfect example of why I said you don’t cede an inch.

If, and this is a big if, if I could actually trust and believe leftist liberals that it would only be the first trimester I would choke it down and allow it. But I know you wouldn’t do that.

... and there you go.

There I go what? Abortion was originally first trimester with limits. You chipped away at it. If we were foolish enough to go back to common sense restrictions, you’d chip away at it again.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/06/22 at 16:02:48

66797F7865625363536B79753E0C0 wrote:
I'm trying to figure out how to respond. That is the most open thing I've seen. I hope it has some impact on the people who are able to support the destruction of the unborn.

No one but The Almighty can look down the path of “what would have been”. We’ve all made mistakes in our lives but government approval and honestly encouragement, side by side with a business model that profits off children’s death is an awful thing.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/22 at 16:09:56

So painfully obvious.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by Serowbot on 04/06/22 at 16:12:26

Compromise, by definition, has to be with people you disagree with.
Giving an excuse for inflexibility doesn't change the inflexibility.
You can't trust?  We can't either.
We both have reasons.
So,... let's agree to never agree or ever give an inch.
Agreed?  :-?

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/06/22 at 16:20:26

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
" ... So,... let's agree to never agree or ever give an inch.  Agreed?  :-?

Uh, aren't you already doing that !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/06/22 at 16:21:37

Had you people NOT been Compromised with,,
Well,if you grasp nuance, you can finish the sentence.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/07/22 at 03:59:19

Compromise, by definition, has to be with people you disagree with.
Giving an excuse for inflexibility doesn't change the inflexibility.

I think you need to reconsider those sentences. If you were to broadly apply those then the Jews should’ve compromise with the Germans. Gandhi should’ve compromised with Indian authorities. The north should’ve compromised with the south on slavery.  And George Washington should’ve compromised with king George. There are a million examples.

You want me to feel good about compromising on killing a child? No, I’m not going to feel good about that.

How would you compromise on the position that you need to prove citizenship and eligibility to vote before you cast a vote? Official government issued ID and appearing on the voter rolls that you registered to vote in the county in which you live. Go ahead, compromise.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by WebsterMark on 04/07/22 at 04:01:41

And again, I feel the need to point out and give thanks to Sew for showing up. All the other leftists have bailed. (Yet another inconvenience and disruption due to President Puddinhead)  I assume our Colorado friend is over in the Ukraine rescuing people and handing out M-16s to little old Ukrainian ladies! Who knows, I hope we hear about it someday.

Title: Re: When in the Course of human events….
Post by MnSpring on 04/07/22 at 08:51:45

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
" ...
So,... let's agree to never agree or ever give an inch.
Agreed?  :-?

Then, where and how have you gotten rid of the (GASP) gun you say you have ?

After all, I believe firmly a Citizen of this Nation, (who is not a Felon like Floyd was) SHOULD be allow to have one.

You, (and the tt/clones) believe and have said many times to the like, their is no need for a civilian to have a firearm.

So did you sell it ?
Give it away ?
Destroy it ?
Or do you still have it,
(meaning, You can do something, but other people cannot)

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