General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I have a question

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/22 at 18:06:02

Title: I have a question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/22 at 18:06:02

Why is it better to Buy oil than produce it? If
Oil is Eevil, and using it
Destroys the planet, how does committing economic suicide while Burning the Same number of barrels of oil accomplish anything?

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by buster6315 on 03/07/22 at 20:23:10

Good question to ax circle-back jen psaki!  Think she'd understand?

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/07/22 at 21:24:08

I don't expect you to answer it. You are as confused by it as am i..
I'm waiting on one of the more educated members to explain. I have it on good authority that democrats have more education. So, I'm waiting for an explanation from them.
Sorry if that feels harsh.

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/22 at 16:39:18

So, howcumizzit lefties don't run in here and explain this? Is it because they can't? They Want this?
This is a Forum. Where people toss ideas around, ask questions..

And I need to understand why imported oil is not harmful to the environment but oil produced here is Bad.

And seeing the support for wrecking our production of oil by lefties,I don't know who else to ask.

C'mon guys,, explain it for me. But remember, I'm gonna need the Readers Digest version. I'm a conservative and by definition unable to deal with nuance.


Title: Re: I have a question
Post by MnSpring on 03/09/22 at 18:10:00

283731362B2C1D2D1D25373B70420 wrote:
So, howcumizzit lefties don't run in here and explain this? Is it because they can't? They Want this?

They Can't.
The UL, DFI, FDS Socialists know,
their Floyd BLM Antifa UL etc's, Loving,
put them in a great big mess.

They Know, they have been lead around by the nose ring.
  (The nose ring they themselves put in)
They Know, They will be the first to, 'camp'.
They Know, they were 'useful idiots'.

"... They Want this? ..."

Don't think so.
Even the UL, DFI, FDS, Socialists,
are not, THAT, dumb.

Oh wait, maybe AOC is, And Biden, and, etc.,

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/09/22 at 18:58:28

I'm not a psychologist so all I have is the question. What I want to know is

What would a psychologist call someone who holds beliefs strongly but can't logically defend them?

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by buster6315 on 03/09/22 at 20:22:02

Remember what Michael says:  Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by SoC on 03/09/22 at 22:40:32

I don't want to create a divisive climate, but you answered your own question. You asked a political question on a motorcycle forum and asked why no one refutes you in your believes. You then made the jump to a lack of response was proof of the validity of your suppositions and insulted those who may disagree but did not respond.

Reality is our government is locked in a death spiral of disinformation and bipartisanship, When you insult one side it creates a dis-enfranchised response, or lack of as the case may be. Nobody wants to be questioned with the lead in of "hey idiot tell me why what I think and believe is wrong". It just leads to a shut down of the channels of communications that is paralyzing our government and society.

This forum is about our shared interest that has nothing to do with the great questions of society. Sure to create bonds and further personal connections amongst us this discussion string serves that purpose, but don't justify a personal position and assume everyone is in agreement because folks choose not to make an argument against an opinion is legitimate acceptance of it in our world.

If you want an understanding of what you ask, consume real media, that is not what is presented to you in the online realm, read a newspaper, maybe 2 a day. Watch a news cast on broadcast television which is required by law to be non-biased. These are formats of information held to a higher standard of truthfulness and honesty, then online and internet based media outlets.

The answers about the issues of the underlying questions you are asking are there everyday, our future as a society depends on everybody getting the truthful "documented" facts about all aspects of how we exist and live.

But in the end, this question was is it better to buy oil or produce it? That's not the question, moving away from oil is the question. To move away is it to electric. Where does the electric come from? Well it is from power plants, yes, be they coal fired, or natural gas which is not part of the question you asked, but needs to be considered. Is it hydro, which is controlled in the US by Canada? Is it solar or wind? In the end without alternative options the push will be towards an existing and entrenched technology which has already been discredited and that is Nuclear.

The increased oil production in America is primarily due to Fracking, it works very well and has lowered the cost, but don't be fooled it is environmentally a problem. It takes what was previously considered hazardous toxic chemical processing waste and injects it into the ground to, in effect loosen the flow of the crude locked in rock, primarily shale formations. So petrochemical processors no longer pay to have their hazardous waste dealt with, they now sell it to oil mining to be injected into the ground and contaminate the substrata. This is a substantial change in the economic dynamic that encompasses everything from the refining industry to Wall Street.

I could go on and write a tutorial on it all, but to spend the time and not have it change any minds, so what's the point. Make it a habit to read at least 2 newspapers a day, in my case it is a Gannett paper, the Asbury Park Press and the New York Times. I watch 1 - 2 broadcast television newscasts a day, but not a non-stop barrage of cable babble. And the most important, consume nothing in the way of news off the internet that is not fully fact checked or verified, nothing. It is not required to be so by law, again, not required to be so by law. Newspapers and broadcast media are.

So disinformation is the standard and norm of the internet. This forum we exist in is part of that cyber community also. I get this chat thread is what it is, but don't call out folks with different political views insultingly and don't make it that a lack of response on a motorcycle forum justifies your political or social views.

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/22 at 00:13:54

You might be a little late to the dance. This part of the forum is not bike centered. And, yeah, people who are holding on to a position, but can't explain it, well,,gotta be a term for that. I wonder what it is..

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by MnSpring on 03/10/22 at 07:23:26

78797C6E6D6E617C64660F0 wrote:
"... this question was is it better to buy oil or produce it?

That's not the question, moving away from oil is the question. ..."

So a question was asked.
You say it is the wrong question.
Then say what the  question should be.

"...That's not the question, moving away from oil is the question..."
Is rather the same as;
"..."hey idiot tell me why what I think and believe is wrong"..."

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by Serowbot on 03/10/22 at 08:15:35

Oil is a limited resource...
Maybe we want to be the last man standing.  :-?

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by pg on 03/10/22 at 17:24:11

A friend of mine is a VP for an oil drilling company, and he has over 40 years in the business.  He told me we have over 300 years of oil and natural gas deposits in the US that they are aware of but they are not permitted to get.


Best regards,

Title: Re: I have a question
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 03/10/22 at 17:47:24

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
Oil is a limited resource...
Maybe we want to be the last man standing.  :-?

So they told us. Wanna have a giggle?

Look at the number of barrels used,worldwide, add up ten years, calculate the volume, consider the decades of massive oil use.

Now, tell me it comes from dead stuff.

When you can explain HOW oil came to be ten thousand feet deep in a High Pressure zone, under layers of rock, I'll consider listening to your points. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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