General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Dear Leftist,

Message started by WebsterMark on 02/24/22 at 04:41:46

Title: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/24/22 at 04:41:46

Thanks a lot you stupid fuxks. Some little Swedish girl puppet tells you fossil fuels are the real enemy and we go from energy rich to scrambling for a chance to grab a drink from someone else’s nipple.

But hey, you dumb$hits got revenge on the guy who beat Hilary so there’s that.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by oldNslow on 02/24/22 at 06:26:59

But hey, you dumb$hits got revenge on the guy who beat Hilary so there’s that.

Absolutely true.

And the saddest and most astonishing thing to me is that they are still wailing away on that dead horse, and will continue to do so, until everything worthwhile is wrecked, gasoline is so expensive that no-one, including them, can afford to drive, and they will fervently wish they could bring that horse back to life so they can, at least, have something to get around on.

All because they were driven insane by a guy with a shi**y haircut who said mean stuff that hurt their feelings.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/24/22 at 08:28:50

I challenge anyone to find a bigger dumbfxck and waste of O2 than this dumbs!it….

….Massive emissions consequences….  

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by MnSpring on 02/24/22 at 08:42:57

"... that no-one, including them, can afford to drive,  ..."

Don't you know,  Elect cars are FREE to drive.
After all you just 'Plug Them In'.
And of course, no Road Tax like petroleum cars/trucks pay,
cause they are Elect !!!!!!!

          (Wait, heard the cape popping out)
A-yep, some states have a extra cost to buy/license a EV. But it not even remotely close to the cost per mile a Petroleum Car/truck pays.

And ALL those FREE, charging stations.

Just remember, each time you Turn on a light switch,
you are PAYING
for a EV to drive down the road,
for FREE !

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by Serowbot on 02/24/22 at 12:03:53

Dear Trumpists
After 4 years of doing everything he could to weaken NATO to Putin's benefit,...
Trump is going around praising Putin on his skills at committing war crimes.

Give me a frikkin' break

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/24/22 at 12:36:11

Okay, I deleted my last reply. Let me try again.

This is first and foremost the fault of Putin and the typical ambition of men like him. Nothing new, the world has plenty and will see plenty more. Strangely, he didn’t do $hit with Trump because he was afraid of his response whether it would have been a reasonable or unreasonable response.

But for our part, this is Biden and leftist’s fault. You guys essentially  waved a great big old sign saying “We’re nothing but girl thingies, do whatever you want”

Trump didn’t do $hit to NATO except tell the other country’s to pony up their share. You f’ing crybabies are always wondering how other nations can have socialized medicine. Well maybe it’s because we’ve been their defense and they’ve hiding behind our skirts.

Don’t f’ing even do your Trump, Trump, Trump BS cause it ain’t gonna fly. You put some stupid, old, decrepit and corrupt career politician/criminal in charge so your little feelings wouldn’t be hurt by a man who told you crybabies to grow the fuxk up.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by MnSpring on 02/24/22 at 13:05:07

407275646372655A76657C170 wrote:
Trump didn’t do $hit to NATO except tell the other country’s to pony up their share.
... wondering how other nations can have socialized medicine.
...  it’s because we’ve been their defense  ..."


Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by MnSpring on 02/24/22 at 13:14:57

4C5A4D50485D504B3F0 wrote:
Dear Trumpists

You have successfully Changed a thread from,
UL DFI FDS Socialists believing,
'fossil fuels are the real enemy'


You hate Trump, because,
  'he said, 'Pay Your Share'.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by Mavigogun on 02/24/22 at 15:42:43


Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/24/22 at 16:23:31

The obviously stolen election was the Gift to Putin.
Trump was not kissing hizzass.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/24/22 at 17:08:13

Trump was Putin’s highest placed US asset,
For fuxks sake….at least be original if you’re gonna say something completely stupid. Why repeat nonsense CNN garbage from 3 years ago?

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/24/22 at 17:10:38

Trump ordered a withdrawal of US forces from Europe, damaged key relationships with allies, and made uncertain the reliability of US commitments, suggesting NATO was “obsolete”.  With Trump, our word was no longer our bond, as he discarded agreements and confidence capital simultaneously.   Trump compounded the damage done by the Bush Administration’s false pretenses for war- instead of a trusted, reliable ally, the United States was regarded with skepticism and doubt.

Mind numbing ignorance from a hyper partisan incapable of independent thought.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/25/22 at 04:54:22

And the inept, corrupt, decrepit old man who was laundering his family’s cash in the Ukraine five years ago, says it’ll be a month before sanctions work? Seriously?

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by Serowbot on 02/25/22 at 08:45:36

Trump, who was impeached for withholding nearly $400 million in military aid from Ukraine, said 'this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened' if he were in office

Trump was impeached in 2019 on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The articles of impeachment were related, in part, to Trump's efforts to strong-arm Zelensky into launching politically motivated investigations against the Bidens ahead of the 2020 election and withholding vital military aid while doing so.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/25/22 at 09:41:27

You mean that guy who lost to the guy who bragged about getting a Ukrainian prosecutor fired when he started to get a little bit too close to his money laundering dealings through his son and was holding up aid until the guy was gone? That guy?

Or did he lose to the guy whose son mysteriously got 3 1/2 million dollars delivered to him from the wife of the mayor of Moscow? That guy?

Just an FYI, you can come up with all different kind of nonsense Trump stories you want to come up with, but the bottom line is Biden fuxked  this up. From the very beginning. His fingerprints are all over this. He was extorting money from people all around the world it was going through Ukraine.

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by WebsterMark on 02/25/22 at 12:05:45

Last word on the topic from the great Ann Coulter

Stop Talking About Ukraine, Republicans!
COLUMN February 23, 2022 by Ann Coulter

Amid the media’s 24/7 UKRAINE UPDATES, perhaps some enterprising journalist could write an article explaining how our esteem for that country’s borders benefits a single American — other than President Joe Biden.

Our own border has become a transmission belt for the third world, bringing in rapists, murderers, future welfare recipients and left-wing activists. The Democratic Party’s brilliant policy of defunding the police and emptying the prisons has, oddly enough, led to a breathtaking surge in violent crime. Our schools have been taken over by lunatics who teach white kids that they are evil — and probably transsexual.

Inflation has hit a 40-year high.

U.S. media: Whither Ukraine?

Midterms must be coming!

In 2020, Democratic data scientist David Shor advised his party: “Talk about the issues [voters] are with us on, and try really hard not to talk about the issues where we disagree. Which, in practice, means not talking about immigration.” (Emphasis mine.) After the election, he said that the main way the media’s COVID hysteria hurt Donald Trump was by preventing anyone from “talking about Hunter Biden or immigration.”

Evidently, the only issue where voters don’t vehemently disagree with Democrats this year is the precise border of a country they’d never given a moment’s thought to until five minutes ago.

What Republicans should be doing: talking about the issues Democrats are trying to avoid.

What Republicans are doing: talking about Ukraine.

Whenever you see any media talking about Ukraine, your Pavlovian response should be, Oh, I see. They don’t want me to think about immigration or crime.

It’s not only the Democrats drawing benefits from the media’s sudden Ukraine obsession. There’s also the military-industrial complex.

President Dwight Eisenhower led Allied troops in World War II, but in his farewell address from the White House, he warned of the “unwarranted influence” on the government by “the military-industrial complex.” In the 60 years since, these bloodsuckers have been bleeding our country dry, solely to make themselves rich.

As Americans discovered to their dismay when the pandemic hit, we can’t make our own masks, pharmaceuticals or aspirin. We can’t make our own computer chips, razors, bicycles, toys, sneakers, Levi’s jeans and on and on and on. But boy, do we make weapons! In our ruling class’s ideal country, there will be nothing but defense contractors, Black Lives Matter activists and Latin American gardeners.

Just five companies receive the lion’s share of taxpayer money for “defense” weaponry. In 2020, the U.S taxpayer doled out $75 billion to Lockheed Martin, $28 billion to Raytheon, $22 billion to General Dynamics, $22 billion to Boeing and $20 billion to Northrop Grumman. Since 2001, these five companies alone have cost the taxpayer $2.1 trillion.

To put this in perspective, the annual budget of the State Department and U.S. Agency for International Development is a little more than $50 billion. (And we should zero-out that whole budget, too.) During the COVID pandemic, when the government ordered people not to work, the entire supplemental food budget was about $70 billion.

Ronald Reagan’s victory in the Cold War should have been a sad day at Lockheed Martin, Raytheon and Boeing. Instead, it was the beginning of endless paydays.

Today, the American taxpayer spends more on “defense” than during the Reagan buildup that crushed the USSR; more than during the Vietnam War, more even than the War on Terror after 9/11.

Worse, we’ve added a “think-tank industrial complex” — an army of useless, camera-ready blowhards to explain why our incessant meddling around the globe is always in America’s “vital national security interest.”

Why does NATO still exist? This alliance was the West’s response to Soviet aggression during the Cold War. Once the USSR collapsed (thanks to Reagan) and the Warsaw Pact disbanded, that should have been the end of it. Instead, we keep adding countries to the alliance — with a requirement of admission being that they buy their weapons from American defense contractors.

Everyone acknowledges that Vladimir Putin’s main concern is that Ukraine will be asked to join NATO. How about, as a compromise, the U.S. will pull out of NATO? (Another of Trump’s broken promises.)

Nope! Can’t shut down this utterly anachronistic organization, requiring America to defend the likes of Latvia, should some other pipsqueak nation violate its precious borders. (Why isn’t Latvia down in Texas right now, defending our borders?)

Far from unwinding NATO, our country’s leaders are constantly trying to expand it, thus increasing the odds that Americans will be forced to go to war over some other country’s sacred sovereignty. Pointless wars are the lifeblood of defense contractors! We pay the price and defense contractors get the money.

(Ike should be on Mount Rushmore for his “military-industrial complex” speech.)

This year, the worshipful reverence for Ukraine’s borders has the added bonus of blocking Americans from thinking about immigration and crime.

Republicans ought to be talking their heads off about the unprecedented crisis at our border, Afghan “refugees” raping little kids in our country, illegal aliens hauling meth and fentanyl into our country, rampant shoplifting, carjacking and assaults destroying neighborhoods in our country.

Luckily, the GOP is too smart to fall for the media’s latest subject-changer.

Oh, wait —

@newtgingrich: “The Biden Administration talks and Putin acts. This is such a clear replay of Chamberlain trying to deal with Hitler that it is more than a little frightening. Putin is pushing day by day and has no fear of NATO because he has no fear of the United States or its President.”

Title: Re: Dear Leftist,
Post by buster6315 on 02/28/22 at 08:01:44

6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 wrote:
I challenge anyone to find a bigger dumbfxck and waste of O2 than this dumbs!it….

….Massive emissions consequences….  

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