General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> trying to take away our freedom machines; the auto

Message started by buster6315 on 02/17/22 at 10:39:22

Title: trying to take away our freedom machines; the auto
Post by buster6315 on 02/17/22 at 10:39:22

Hear the latest idea from mayor pete?  In a valiant attempt to reduce auto accidents, they propose to stop building more highways

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/17/22 at 18:02:03

Wasn't that AOC's idea ?

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/17/22 at 18:11:04

Sorry, serious question, who is Pete?

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Eegore on 02/17/22 at 18:20:07

Sorry, serious question, who is Pete?

 I was wondering the same thing.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by buster6315 on 02/17/22 at 20:48:59

41625F7C7E65626B0C0 wrote:
Wasn't that AOC's idea ?

aoc told us the world was going to end in 10 years, two years ago.  Yikes!  I'd best re-tire now and spend all my money b-fore that happens.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by buster6315 on 02/17/22 at 20:52:43

0121232B3621440 wrote:
Sorry, serious question, who is Pete?

 I was wondering the same thing.

He's the homosexual who now has the title of Transportation Secretary in the current administration.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/17/22 at 21:24:27

6A7D7B7C6D7A3E3B393D080 wrote:
[quote author=0121232B3621440 link=1645123162/0#3 date=1645150807]
Sorry, serious question, who is Pete?

 I was wondering the same thing.

He's the homosexual who now has the title of Transportation Secretary in the current administration.[/quote]

well I'm not sure what his sexual preference has to do with anything but thanks

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by buster6315 on 02/17/22 at 21:45:24

you must have missed the program on national tv touting his abilities, and   sexual background.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/17/22 at 22:19:13

7C6B6D6A7B6C282D2F2B1E0 wrote:
you must have missed the program on national tv touting his abilities, and   sexual background.

Yep, missed that

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by WebsterMark on 02/18/22 at 04:31:03

Pete is the former mayor of South Bend Indiana and ran for President and made sure to tell everybody he was gay and married to another man as often as possible. He ran for president and was laughed out. So Puddinhead gave him a job as his transportation secretary. He went on maternity leave and stayed home (playing wife or husband I’m not sure which) right in the middle of the supply chain crisis. He rides a bicycle to the office but because he’s a transportation secretary, he gets security so they follow him in an SUV. He’s an idiot who comes up ideas more ridiculous than that one. But he’s gay and he make sure you know it.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/18/22 at 07:14:20

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
...former mayor of South Bend Indiana ...
He rides a bicycle to the office
but because he’s a transportation secretary,
he gets security so they follow him in an SUV.
He’s an idiot
... ideas more ridiculous than that one. ...

I suppose if one lived under a rock,
for the last year +.
And had no way to connect with the internet to find something out.

I guess one would not know.

The real funny part is that when a, 'who is' question
comes from someone who says;

252E2B2B3E29282922242C470 wrote:
" ... both sides calling each other blind for not seeing the truth

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/18/22 at 07:29:27

Oh, for the, 'panty in a bunch crowd',
sexual orientation, has nothing to do with the fact.

 Is  A  IDIOT !

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 12:01:12

183B0625273C3B32550 wrote:
[quote author=023037262130271834273E550 link=1645123162/0#9 date=1645187463]...former mayor of South Bend Indiana ...
He rides a bicycle to the office
but because he’s a transportation secretary,
he gets security so they follow him in an SUV.
He’s an idiot
... ideas more ridiculous than that one. ...

I suppose if one lived under a rock,
for the last year +.
And had no way to connect with the internet to find something out.

I guess one would not know.

The real funny part is that when a, 'who is' question
comes from someone who says;

252E2B2B3E29282922242C470 wrote:
" ... both sides calling each other blind for not seeing the truth


Or from someone that is not obsessed with watching the "news" 23 hours a day from a country they don't live in. oh and if it's on the internet it must be true.
Just so you know, America is the Only country that honestly thinks the world revolves around it and is completely oblivious as to what the rest of the world thinks of it.

My "who is" question was because he was called "mayor Pete" I'm not obsessed with the left like you so i didn't know who was being referenced (I suppose I should have just made assumptions and jumped to conclusions like you, oh well I know to do that next time)
also please explain to me how not knowing a reference and asking about it equates to being blind?

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 12:18:15

6D4E735052494E47200 wrote:

 Is  A  IDIOT !

Oh and for the record, IF in fact, he does want to stop building more highways to reduce auto accidents then yes he is an idiot

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Eegore on 02/18/22 at 12:23:18

"Just so you know, America is the Only country that honestly thinks the world revolves around it and is completely oblivious as to what the rest of the world thinks of it."

 I don't know if it is the "Only" country.  However the number of times I have taken teams overseas and have them say they never realized the internet was in so many other languages was pretty crazy.  It's like they thought the parts they see is all that was out there.



Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/18/22 at 13:18:44

59525757425554555E58503B0 wrote:
" ... I should have just made assumptions ...
... jumped to conclusions like you ... "

Realizing the current POTUS is a, 'Mush For Brains' PUPPET'.
Realizing, Harris is hugely disliked by her own staff.
Realizing AOC is a blithering Idiot.
Understanding Fauci is out to only stuff his pockets.
AND ON, And On, qnd on ...

Is only, 'assumptions'.  Got it !

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Serowbot on 02/18/22 at 13:37:07

Everyone's a bad guy except for Trump.

I get it  ;D

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 13:49:45

7B586546445F5851360 wrote:
[quote author=59525757425554555E58503B0 link=1645123162/0#12 date=1645214472] " ... I should have just made assumptions ...
... jumped to conclusions like you ... "

Realizing the current POTUS is a, 'Mush For Brains' PUPPET'.
Realizing, Harris is hugely disliked by her own staff.
Realizing AOC is a blithering Idiot.
Understanding Fauci is out to only stuff his pockets.
AND ON, And On, qnd on ...

Is only, 'assumptions'.  Got it !


yes, assumptions based on your incredibly one-sided view. now this may come as a shock to you so you may want to sit down but I happen to think that
"Mush For Brains" as you like to call him is a grumpy old git that shouldn't be running a lemonade stand let alone a country, but out of the choice between "Mush For Brains" and a "cult leading orange" he was the better choice. now read that properly...better not good

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/18/22 at 13:52:51

3127302D35202D36420 wrote:
Everyone's a bad guy except for Trump.
I get it

Means a lot coming from someone who,
(when talking about clothing size XLT)
says, 'OMG a Ford Truck' !


Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 13:55:25

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
Everyone's a bad guy except for Trump.

I get it  ;D

NO completely wrong, Everyone's a bad guy except for Trump and all his GOP  sycophants that still have their lips squarely attached to his A$$  ;)

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/18/22 at 14:02:27

313A3F3F2A3D3C3D363038530 wrote:
" ... he was the better choice.

Totally Disagree.

So tell us all, why, and in what ways, you,
the majority of the US citizens,
and many, in other parts of the earth.

Are better off, than you were 1-1/2+ years ago.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 14:21:23

No I don't think I will. I won't waste the time because you will do 1 of 3 things. Deny it qouteing somthing you saw on fox news , go on the defensive and change the subject or and this is my favourite. Call me a sheeple.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Eegore on 02/18/22 at 14:24:05

 Or "quote" what you said, change it to mean something different, then tell you that's what you actually said.  

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 14:26:29

7656545C4156330 wrote:
 Or "quote" what you said, change it to mean something different, then tell you that's what you actually said.  

Shoot. Thanks I  knew I forgot one

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/18/22 at 14:38:16

32393C3C293E3F3E35333B500 wrote:
No I don't think I will. ..."

Let me fix that for you;
'I won't, because I can't'.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/18/22 at 14:42:53

Oh sorry I didn't realise we where using middle school playground rules...

In that case I think I'll go with...I'm telling mom

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/19/22 at 17:59:22

5E55505045525352595F573C0 wrote:
"... I didn't realise we where using middle school playground rules... "

I'm not,
apparently you are.
Because you say Biden is Better than Trump,
yet you will not describe how and why,
things are so much better.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/19/22 at 18:50:53

092A1734362D2A23440 wrote:
[quote author=5E55505045525352595F573C0 link=1645123162/15#25 date=1645224173]"... I didn't realise we where using middle school playground rules... "

I'm not,
apparently you are.
Because you say Biden is Better than Trump,
yet you will not describe how and why,
things are so much better.

You ask people to show proof or evidence then ignore or deny it (very much the same as flat earthers) so why should I bother showing you telling you things that are easily researchable when it has been pointed out endless times already and you will just close your eyes and stick your fingers in your ears.

I started posting in this section in the hope of having intelligent conversations with open-minded people I see now that was to much to ask and a mastake on my part.

just a tip, if you think everything your guy does is good and everything the other guy does is bad, you are in a cult

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by buster6315 on 02/19/22 at 21:40:08

Joe Biden is an embarrassment, nationally and internationally.  Some describe him as a frail, senile, bag of bones.  Check the price of a gallon of gas, and the inflation rate. He is harming our nation.  

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/20/22 at 04:12:14

It's almost like criticism of Trump was invisible.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/20/22 at 12:45:41

3F34313124333233383E365D0 wrote:
" ...  why should I bother showing you telling you things that are easily researchable ... "

Then you should have no problem finding,
verifiable facts,
why US Citizens,
and people living in Non Communistic countries.
Are much better with Biden !

Do not count,
   Non citizens who illegally came into this Nation.
 Mean tweets, haircuts, leaders of other countries.
    Or thieves taking advantage of 'snowflakes'.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/20/22 at 14:26:21

53704D6E6C7770791E0 wrote:
[quote author=3F34313124333233383E365D0 link=1645123162/15#27 date=1645325453]" ...  why should I bother showing you telling you things that are easily researchable ... "

Then you should have no problem finding,
verifiable facts,
why US Citizens,
and people living in Non Communistic countries.
Are much better with Biden !

Do not count,
   Non citizens who illegally came into this Nation.
 Mean tweets, haircuts, leaders of other countries.
    Or thieves taking advantage of 'snowflakes'.


I'm not interested in arguing with you. You think trump is great and the world is better with him in it and block out anything that challenges that narrative, that is a view not held by the majoirty of the world. There is lots of veiafiable proof available.  But you dont agree with it or don't believe it. That's your right just like I have the right to stop replying in this pointless "conversation"

you do you man

And que "see you cant" in 3...2...1...

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/21/22 at 07:23:00

63686D6D786F6E6F64626A010 wrote:
"... "see you cant" in 3...2...1...

  (don't want to disappoint you)

You refuse to give your opinion on how your life is so much better under Biden.

Do you have a opinion on,
Shuai, stating that, Zhang Gaoli,  
was pressuring her into a sexual relationship ?

Or is that just, ‘fake news’, like Biden is a total puppet ?

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Billynoneck on 02/21/22 at 11:46:56

my OPINION is it looks dodgy af and needs to be investigated.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 02/21/22 at 15:04:14

verifiable facts,
why US Citizens,
and people living in Non Communistic countries.
Are much better with Biden !

Because he has not finished wrecking it

Slow down,, there,oh nape challenged one!

Biden SUCKS,but we are still better off than many. Not BECAUSE of, but in spite of, biden. It was BETTER before. That isn't based on political thinking. It's just obvious. Inflation is ripping,, Aaand the 7% claim is BULLSHIT. Double that.
Core doesn't include FOOD and FUEL??

Fuuuk, what IS core ? Uhh, food and fuel..
So, not included

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by WebsterMark on 02/22/22 at 05:45:56

Everything was better under Trump.

But that’s not to say Trump is a great guy and did everything right. He talked about draining the swamp but never did. The best and most long lasting accomplishments are the judges he appointed and not just Supreme Court Justices. He did get rid of some government bureaucracy that freed up business from the fear of government oversight and allowed them to take certain actions they otherwise wouldn’t have taken. He could have done more. He should have known the Democrats would use Covid to cheat and steal the election. He was too busy picking useless fights that didn’t matter. His dumb fight with McCain cost him Arizona.

Would Putin be taking these same actions with a President Trump in office? No one knows, but seems more likely than not he wouldn’t. The really bad fear about having a brain dead old man like Pudd’nhead in office right now is that he’ll overreact in attempt to prove what everybody knows about him is in fact wrong. Of course it’s not wrong. He’s an idiot and while none of us old guys on here are gonna get killed over this, we’re certainly gonna be paying a hell of a lot more money for every day items.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/22 at 07:38:24

083A3D2C2B3A2D123E2D345F0 wrote:
Would Putin be taking these same actions with a President Trump in office? No one knows, but seems more likely than not he wouldn’t.

You really think Trump's constant asskissing would have prevented Putin from invading the Ukraine?
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by MnSpring on 02/22/22 at 09:04:00

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
You really think Trump's constant asskissing would have prevented Putin from invading the Ukraine?
;D ;D ;D

That would be what CNN, AOC, and Rachel ,

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/22 at 10:45:57

That would be from watching him with Putin on video, and the words that came out of his own mouth.

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by Serowbot on 02/22/22 at 10:54:43



Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by buster6315 on 02/22/22 at 20:08:28

7D6B7C61796C617A0E0 wrote:


'There are lies, darn lies, and 'statistics'  where'
d you get yours?

Title: Re: trying to take away our freedom machines; the
Post by WebsterMark on 02/23/22 at 04:11:09

6771667B63767B60140 wrote:


“Oh honey…..”

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