General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Are you vaccinated

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/17/22 at 00:51:05

Title: Are you vaccinated
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/17/22 at 00:51:05

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by WebsterMark on 01/17/22 at 04:41:06

I meet my definition of fully vacillated, so yes.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by Eegore on 01/17/22 at 15:21:58

 Are you "Fully" vaccinated is what this article addresses.

 Lets just leave out words and hope nobody notices.  When someone receives one dose of the vaccine they are medically charted as "partially" vaccinated from the minute after their dosage.

 "Fully" vaccinated is two complete doses, or Primary series.

 "Fully" vaccinated and "with booster" is three doses.  

 But if we pull the descriptive terms used in actual medical records then we can manipulate the truth and say things like people that have heart conditions after one dose are not counted as adverse reactions.  


Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/17/22 at 20:17:50

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says you are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after your second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines or two weeks after your single dose of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by Eegore on 01/18/22 at 00:43:11

 Fully vaccinated.  One is partially vaccinated the minute they receive one dose.  They would be counted as partially vaccinated and any adverse effects are counted.

"If someone isn't vaxxed for two weeks, they count as unvaxxed. They can be sick from the jab, and Count as unjabbed."

 This is untrue.  They Count as jabbed but not as completing a Primary Series.  I've seen hundreds and hundreds of these records.  I've seen some with adverse effects listed and Stage 1 of primary series.  So yes they are counted.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by MnSpring on 01/18/22 at 07:41:44

"... across the United States honored the work of Martin Luther King Jr. on Monday. But Greene, a Georgia Republican, appeared to equate the segregation faced by Black Americans to vaccine requirements ..."

"... I've seen the beautiful fruit that blossomed from the Civil Rights Era, where segregation ended & equality began," she wrote. "Today, I believe we are seeing a new segregation and discrimination beginning, wrongfully forced upon unvaccinated Americans by the tyrants of the Democrat Party." ..."
"... The Biden administration also implemented a vaccine mandate for healthcare workers. But the Supreme Court last week blocked a further-reaching federal requirement for large companies to mandate vaccines. ..."

From a favorite of the UL DFI FDS'ers

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by Serowbot on 01/18/22 at 08:45:16

Vaccination is a choice, skin color is not.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by Eegore on 01/18/22 at 08:58:59

 I agree there is unnecessary mandated regulations on unvaccinated individuals.  At this point most points of care can handle the influx of patients.

 However I do think private businesses should have the option to restrict access since it is their business.  Yes that means cake bakers and whatever method gun control can somehow be injected into the conversation as well.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by MnSpring on 01/18/22 at 11:41:22

4161636B7661040 wrote:
  I agree there is unnecessary mandated regulations on unvaccinated individuals.  At this point most points of care can handle the influx of patients.    However I do think private businesses should have the option to restrict access since it is their business.  Yes that means cake bakers and whatever method gun control can somehow be injected into the conversation as well.

So you don’t understand why,
“…cake bakers and whatever method gun control can somehow be injected into the conversation…”
When a someone says: ‘you HAVE TO bake a cake for someone’, or, ‘you HAVE TO surrender a certain style/kind of gun’

Yet you believe it is wrong when someone says; ‘you HAVE TO take the shot’ ?
“… I agree there is unnecessary mandated regulations on unvaccinated individuals…”

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by Eegore on 01/18/22 at 15:10:21

So you don’t understand why,
“…cake bakers and whatever method gun control can somehow be injected into the conversation…”
When a someone says: ‘you HAVE TO bake a cake for someone’, or, ‘you HAVE TO surrender a certain style/kind of gun’

 I understand why.  I just don't think it is necessary to try to connect every conversation to gun control, and cake bakers, especially when people already agree with you.

 Law however disagrees.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by MnSpring on 01/18/22 at 17:50:57

49696B637E690C0 wrote:
" ...  especially when people already agree with you ... "

Bot/tt/clones, and 'others', do not agree.

Title: Re: Are you vaccinated
Post by Eegore on 01/18/22 at 21:08:31

"Bot/tt/clones, and 'others', do not agree."

 TT has been gone for way too long for me to keep bringing him up or including his communication in conversations.

 My point is not every discussion has to be related to gun control, especially when the person you are specifically addressing and only that person with the exclusion of all other know humans already agreed with you on that topic and only that topic with the exclusion of all other known topics of any kind. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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