General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Aim at the bullseye and ….

Message started by WebsterMark on 12/16/21 at 04:44:37

Title: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by WebsterMark on 12/16/21 at 04:44:37

….target the right demographic for crime.  We have another thread on violence and gun control but my girl Ann as usual, hits the target.

Wow, the racial reckoning after George Floyd sure has gotten a lot of black people killed!

According to the FBI, amid the extravaganza of violence following Floyd’s death in 2020, an additional 2,400 black males and 405 black females were killed, compared to 2019. The post-Floyd murder surge of 2020 is, by far, the largest year-to-year increase in homicide in U.S. history.

So far this year, 615 black people have been killed in Chicago (out of a total of 767 homicide victims, 29 white); 164 in Baltimore, (out of 323 total, eight white, with the race of 144 murder victims somehow “unknown”); and 373 black people have been shot to death in Philadelphia (out of 460 fatal shootings, 35 white).

All this makes me wonder if we wouldn’t be better off encouraging the violent elements of the black underclass to stop acting out, instead of ginning up their anger by relentlessly pounding away at “systemic racism.” Perhaps our prestige media could help if they told disaffected urban youth that they’re not heroes when they shoot up neighborhood block parties, beat up their teachers or fight  with the police.

Instead, elites tell them the exact opposite. The most celebrated entry in the “White People Are Out To Get You” genre is Michelle Alexander’s 2010 book, “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness.” Alexander, who is only half-black (always the loudest at the anti-racism rallies), argues that the criminal justice system “labels” black men “felons” in order to deny them basic human rights, such as the right to vote — exactly like under Jim Crow!

The book has sold a kazillion copies, mostly by virtue of being mandatory reading in every college and high school across the nation.

Although Alexander claims that gobs of black men are in prison solely because of racism, there is another possible explanation: Black men commit a LOT of crime. Black people are only 13% of the U.S. population, but commit 33% of all violent crime (not including murder), according to the Department of Justice. (On the plus side, although only 13% of the population, black people are 90% of television commercial models.)

When it comes to murder — the most reliable crime statistic because a dead body can’t be intimidated or threatened — black people are an absolute majority of those arrested. And consider that the astonishingly low clearance rate for random shootings in cities like Chicago and Philadelphia (5% to 11% and 21%, respectively) means that a lot of murders don’t lead to anybody being arrested. (It’s highly unlikely that whites are committing the drive-by shootings.)

The New York City Police Department keeps more detailed criminal statistics than most. In 2020, the city’s population was 33% white, 29% Hispanic and 23% black. And yet, 96% of all shootings were committed by blacks or Hispanics. More than 72% were committed by blacks alone. Just 1.4% percent of shootings were committed by whites.

Also from the report:

“Rape suspects are most frequently Black (49.4%) …

“The race/ethnicity of known Felonious Assault suspects is most frequently Black (53.1%) …

“The race/ethnicity of known Grand Larceny suspects is most frequently Black (60.7%) …

“Misdemeanor Sex Crime suspects are most frequently Black (45.8%) …

“Misdemeanor Assault suspects are most frequently Black (51.5%) …

“The race/ethnicity of known Petit Larceny suspects is most frequently Black (55.9%) …

“Misdemeanor Criminal Mischief suspects are most frequently Black (52.7%) …”

And so on.

Surely, Alexander must have some killer examples of innocent black men rotting in prison solely because they are black. After all, it’s her book that launched the whole “mass incarceration” craze, with zealots, idiots and idiot-zealots demanding that all black men be released from prison — and pronto! (Trump to Biden at the first debate: “You call them ‘superpredators,’ and I’m letting people out of jail now.”)

This is how Alexander begins her book:

“Jarvious Cotton cannot vote. Like his father, grandfather, great-grandfather and great-great-grandfather, he has been denied the right to participate in our electoral democracy. … Cotton’s great-great-grandfather could not vote as a slave. His great-grandfather was beaten to death by the Ku Klux Klan for attempting to vote. His grandfather was prevented from voting by Klan intimidation. His father was barred from voting by poll taxes and literacy tests. Today, Jarvious Cotton cannot vote because he, like many black men in the United States, has been labeled a felon and is currently on parole.”

What trivial infraction did Jarvious commit that got him “labeled a felon”? (No doubt something your typical white person does every day.)

Answer: He shot to death a 17-year-old high school kid after robbing him and his friends at gunpoint, then escaped from jail — with help from his mother — and fled from Mississippi to Brooklyn, where he lived under an alias for five years, before being captured again.

Unbelievably, Jarvious continued living in New York for another year while left-wing groups sued to block his extradition to Mississippi, finally losing 8-0 in the New York Court of Appeals.

I wonder if Alexander realizes she left out the murder/jail break part. Maybe she just ran out of space. To be fair, her book was only 421 pages long.

Now, I can’t speak to the accuracy of the stories about Jarvious’ father, grandfather or great-grandfather — though I’m starting to question Alexander’s reliability as a narrator — but as for Jarvious, I’m pretty sure he lost the right to vote not because white people are randomly locking up “black bodies,” but because he murdered a teenager.

Jarvious is Alexander’s case in chief, not mine. If she had had a better example, I think she would have used it.

It’s time for a reckoning on the reckoning.  No more woke fantasies, because black lives matter.


Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/16/21 at 07:21:55

" ... New York City Police Department keeps more detailed criminal statistics than most. ...
... 96% of all shootings were committed by blacks or Hispanics. ...
... 1.4% percent of shootings were committed by whites. ...

Wonder what the SPIN will be on that,
'following the science'

'never pulled the trigger,
just cocked the hammer,
so I am not at fault'

would also work !

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Serowbot on 12/16/21 at 11:14:25

Ann Coulter is a closet liberal... but racist.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/16/21 at 11:23:23

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
Ann Coulter is a closet liberal... but racist.

Who wodda thunk that,
'following the science'
was, 'racist' !

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/16/21 at 15:36:24

Why is she a racist, Row? Explain what you are saying. Is she lying? Or is it racist to speak of statistics that don't reflect well on a certain segment of society?
Not okay to follow the science?

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by WebsterMark on 12/17/21 at 04:35:52

He doesn’t really believe she is and couldn’t provide actual evidence of such but he’s supposed to hate her, that’s what all the blue shirts are told, so what else could he say? That she has a point? That the black community is struggling with the issue of violence in general? I don’t think he’s going to say that but that’s obviously what the truth is.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/17/21 at 06:15:45

 Isn't part of the Systemic Racism argument that Black communities are more likely to be overcrowded, under-funded and have lower employment/education opportunities thus creating an environment where crime is more likely?

 It is true to a degree, and not an excuse for anyone to go shoot up a neighborhood, but it is the most applicable argument I see today.  

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/17/21 at 08:15:18

6D4D4F475A4D280 wrote:
" ...  communities are more likely to be overcrowded ..." 

“… Black communities are more likely to be overcrowded …”

If a place is ‘low rent’,  and mostly occupied by a certain group of people.
it is because only that group, allow, people of like group, to live their.
And the people that offer the, ‘low rent’, only allow certain people to live their.
Of Course it will be, OVERCROWDED !
Simply because is it LOW RENT !

“…  under-funded  …”

What?  I, and a whole bunch of other people,
don’t even get FUNDED, so how can we be, ‘under funded’ ?

Ya mean I got cheated, because no one, ‘Funded’ me,
to go to school, buy a house, a car, a boat, a MC, a dog, a gun, etc.etc.etc.
I had to EARN money and do all that by myself !

“… employment/education opportunities …”

Everbody. That is EVERYBODY,
Has the opportunity, when they go to school,
                   to learn,
or stand on the street corner and sell drugs.

And who will YOU employ?
A person who can do the job ?
Or a person who comes in late, leaves early, or shows up whenever they want ?

Oh Wait;
If a, ‘organization’, PAYS you, to pay their wages.
Well then, it’s OK, to hire someone,
who knows nothing about the job you are,
(well not you),  are paying them to do.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/17/21 at 10:55:02

If a place is ‘low rent’,  and mostly occupied by a certain group of people.
it is because only that group, allow, people of like group, to live their.
And the people that offer the, ‘low rent’, only allow certain people to live their.
Of Course it will be, OVERCROWDED !
Simply because is it LOW RENT !

 Yeah the low income housing that was at one time, politically developed for Black families in exclusivity.  There's a ton of information on this.  

"What?  I, and a whole bunch of other people,
don’t even get FUNDED, so how can we be, ‘under funded’ ?

Ya mean I got cheated, because no one, ‘Funded’ me,
to go to school, buy a house, a car, a boat, a MC, a dog, a gun, etc.etc.etc.
I had to EARN money and do all that by myself !"

 I specifically said "Communities".  So no, I did not mean "People" were funded.  Communities and specifically the word communities.  The tax funding for infrastructure was at one time significantly lower in known Black communities.  Schools in Black Communities received less tax money for instance.

 No that doesn't mean you must be a criminal because you went to a low-budget school in a low budget community with low-budget housing.  I am just indicating that the argument for Systemic Racism is using these known historical numbers.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/17/21 at 16:39:37

5171737B6671140 wrote:
" ... I specifically said "Communities".  
So no, I did not mean "People" were funded.  ... "

What is a, 'Community', ?
Is it a group of cars ?
Is it a group of trees ?
Is it a group of boats ?
  (etc., etc., etc.)

Or, is it a group of, People ?

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/17/21 at 16:40:51

Sl,Systemic Racism is providing housing?

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/17/21 at 16:59:13

"What is a, 'Community', ?
Is it a group of cars ?
Is it a group of trees ?
Is it a group of boats ?
 (etc., etc., etc.)

Or, is it a group of, People ?"

 It is all of those things, I also indicated "infrastructure" which it should be clear that "infrastructure" is not people.  

 I also provided an example:  Schools.  
Schools consist of land, buildings, assets, and people.  So funding is not exclusive to "People" within a school but the overall financial burden of all components of that school.

 Maybe instead of arguing the semantics of what you think I meant we just go with what I am repeatedly saying I meant.  I meant Black Communities, as in the overall components that make up a Black community and not exclusively the people and only the people and no other parts.

 So, to me, under-funded Black communities means less financial tax allocation to all aspects of a Black community and not only the people within the physical boundaries of that Black community.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/17/21 at 17:03:25

"Sl,Systemic Racism is providing housing?"

 It's much larger than that.  But that is a good way to minimize it.  In regards to housing it is the intentional provision of a significantly lower percentage of tax money allocated to a known Black community over a known White community.

 Things like giving Whiteland Heights a population of 10,000 a total of 20% tax funding for housing infrastructure and education and then allocating Blackland Heights a population of 10,000 a total of 5% tax funding for housing infrastructure and education.

 Again none of this forces one to be a criminal.  It is just an example of how Systemic Racism can be used in the argument.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/17/21 at 17:45:47

6B4B49415C4B2E0 wrote:
"... instead of arguing the semantics ... "

Their, there, they're now.
Don't get all bent outta shape !

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/17/21 at 18:04:13

735351594453360 wrote:
" ...  So, to me, under-funded (Black) communities ... "

50% (+/-) of funding for Schools, is dependent on taxes.

So a community composed of low income, very low income, no income people, the taxes are very  low.
A community composed of middle income, high income, very high income people, the taxes collected, is significantly higher.

So the, 'funding', (+/- 50%), is dependent on who is in the district.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/17/21 at 22:19:07

"50% (+/-) of funding for Schools, is dependent on taxes.

So a community composed of low income, very low income, no income people, the taxes are very  low.
A community composed of middle income, high income, very high income people, the taxes collected, is significantly higher.

So the, 'funding', (+/- 50%), is dependent on who is in the district."

 Well that's the issue.  This isn't historically true.  The percentage isn't based, historically, on income values per district.  Less money percentage wise was, historically, allocated towards Black Communities in certain areas in certain States at certain times.  Many, many FOIA documents prove this, which is why it isn't even debated anymore as the evidence is overwhelming.

 Arguing this does nothing anyway.  The point is one is not forced to become a criminal because they didn't have equal financial allocation of tax dollars in public education, whether you think Black Communities received equal financial support or not.  Also none of this makes criminals  even if the funding was allocated to "people" and not "communities" or the associated components that make communities to include people among all things that are exclusive of people as a term or entity.

 Systemic Racism does not create criminals whether you think Systemic Racism exists or not.  

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/18/21 at 06:49:41

7F5F5D55485F3A0 wrote:
" ... Less money percentage wise was, historically, allocated towards Black Communities in certain areas in certain States at certain times. ..." 

“… This isn't historically true.  The percentage isn't based, historically, on income values per district. …”

Correct, just as a flat Earth, Sun revolving around the Earth, etc.
All were, ‘happening’ in the past.

“…  The point is one is not forced to become a criminal because they didn't have…”

Crime is increasing at a alarming rate in certain areas.
We now know, the Increasing the amount of money, in various forms,
 to communities of people, in the same areas,
is not the answer.

So what would, stop this ?
" ... New York City Police Department keeps more detailed criminal statistics than most. ...
... 96% of all shootings were committed by blacks or Hispanics. ...
... 1.4% percent of shootings were committed by whites. ...

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/21 at 08:04:59

I'm guessing THAT is what says she's a racist. Because, following the Science is raayciss

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/18/21 at 11:23:42

"Correct, just as a flat Earth, Sun revolving around the Earth, etc.
All were, ‘happening’ in the past."

 Incorrect.  Those examples are of beliefs that were proven incorrect.

 Percentages of tax distribution exist, have records, have known policies, and were even published.  They are not a theory.  These exist and are proven true.  So much that they aren't even debated anymore which is why the anti-systemic racism crowd doesn't even reference them.  The information available that shows less percentage based funding to Black Communities is massive.  Pages and pages of local Government policy especially after the 1949 Housing Act indicate a varying degree of tax allocation, many lower in Black communities by percentage-per-infrastructure value.

 For instance there was a time when the Federal Housing Administration refused to insure mortgages in Black Communities, this is documented policy, it is not theory.

 Some and only the word "some" with the exemption of all other words, especially the word "all" and any known word synonymous with the word "all", but "Some" Black Communities are a product of historical segregation.  Historical segregation, by policy, in "some" and only "some" cases included minimal financial support to those communities, especially in comparison to White communities of that time.

 Again none of this creates a requirement one be a criminal.  So no matter how much you want to argue that tax allocation to Black communities was equal to White communities it won't change that the argument of Systemic Racism exists, has proven documentation, and still doesn't require people become criminals.


Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/21 at 12:03:07

Percentages of tax distribution exist, have records, have known policies, and were even published.  They are not a theory.  These exist and are proven true.

Like statistics that prove that in the places where gun control is believed to be how to stop guns from being used to kill people is a failed ideology. But somehow, the proponents of gun control just don't get it,, while they screech
Follow the Sighunce!!

Of course I'm the dummy. Why would I even Hope for reason from people who believe a man can declare himself a woman and Waddya Know? Menstrual cramps!
Needing a Tampax!

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/18/21 at 12:13:41

"Like statistics that prove that in the places where gun control is believed to be how to stop guns from being used to kill people is a failed ideology. But somehow, the proponents of gun control just don't get it,, while they screech
Follow the Sighunce!!"

 Yes.  Saying Black Communities have historically received equal tax allocation is plausible only if you ignore the multitude of documents proving otherwise.  

 Just like saying vaccines are killing everyone is plausible by ignoring that over a billion had no negative reactions, or saying people in TX are not dying requires one ignore all the bodies documented in the morgue trucks and the families posting about their deaths in obituaries online etc.

"Of course I'm the dummy. Why would I even Hope for reason from people who believe a man can declare himself a woman and Waddya Know? Menstrual cramps!
Needing a Tampax!"

 I am not aware of people who think biological males that identify as female have menstrual cramps and Bleeding!

 Do you have a reference for this?

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by MnSpring on 12/18/21 at 13:17:11

7C5C5E564B5C390 wrote:
" ...   Percentages of tax distribution exist, have records, have known policies, and were even published.  They are not a theory.  These exist and are proven true.  So much that they aren't even debated anymore which is why the anti-systemic racism crowd doesn't even reference them.  The information available that shows less percentage based funding to Black Communities is massive. ... "   

I agreed to your;
"... Less money percentage wise was, historically, allocated..."
Perhaps you did not hear it ?

The question, again, is why,
more money to certain communities is given,
when it has been shown to increased crime ?

So the, answer/fix/next thing to try,
to stop/slow down;
" ... New York City Police Department keeps more detailed criminal statistics than most. ...
... 96% of all shootings were committed by blacks or Hispanics. ...
... 1.4% percent of shootings were committed by whites. ...

      Would be what?

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/21 at 15:20:31

I'm Shokkt that you are not aware

Uterus-bearing people (Cis women and Transgender men) can be troubled by menstrual cramps. There are 2 basic types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary. The Cleveland Clinic provides an excellent description of these conditions. “Primary dysmenorrhea is common menstrual cramps that are recurrent (come back) and are not due to other diseases.
Dong Quai Calms Painful Periods | The Practical Herb……

Colleges are stocking mens rooms with Essentials for
That time of the month.

That they Claim they have Needs that anyone who is not CRAZY doesn't know is as much bullshit as the whole trans mess is is not my fault. Enablers who support them in their delusions are the problem.

Odd how you went for this argument instead of the other.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/21 at 15:24:29

Mn,check PMs.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/18/21 at 16:03:44

I agreed to your;
"... Less money percentage wise was, historically, allocated..."
Perhaps you did not hear it ?

 I did, and I also hear that your comparison is to compare obviously false things to things that are proven to be true.  Comparing Flat Earth beliefs to beliefs in US Government segregation policy are two totally different things.   One is proven to be false and one is proven to be true.

 So to say "like this" and pull up Flat Earth is not correct, to me.  Flat Earth is not true.

So the, answer/fix/next thing to try,
to stop/slow down;
" ... New York City Police Department keeps more detailed criminal statistics than most. ...
... 96% of all shootings were committed by blacks or Hispanics. ...
... 1.4% percent of shootings were committed by whites. ...

     Would be what?

 I don't know.  I was just indicating that one of the primary arguments for the larger percentage of Black on Black crime is because they are victims of Systemic Racism specific to the various mechanisms historically put into place by multiple degrees of US Governments.  

 Coulter says Black on Black crime is more common than White on Black crime.  Arguments related to that is if historical US Government policy didn't create these violent communities, then this violence wouldn't exist.


Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by Eegore on 12/18/21 at 16:22:11

Uterus-bearing people (Cis women and Transgender men) can be troubled by menstrual cramps. There are 2 basic types of dysmenorrhea: primary and secondary. The Cleveland Clinic provides an excellent description of these conditions. “Primary dysmenorrhea is common menstrual cramps that are recurrent (come back) and are not due to other diseases.

 I think you forget this works both ways.

 Your reference means Biological Women who identify or have limited surgery/hormone therapy to become male.  So from your perspective tampons are for Women going into the Men's restroom, not Men who are in the Men's restroom but think they are women.  Men who identify as women are over in the women's restroom anyway.

 The issue is the biological or known physical uterus.  There must be a physical uterus to menstruate.  So the term "Transgender Male" means a Biological Woman who is now a Man.  This human has a uterus and will menstruate even after this human identifies or partially transfers surgically to a male-like human body and then goes into a Men's restroom.

 I am not aware of any functions in place to provide tampons for Biological Males that are identifying as females.  

"Colleges are stocking mens rooms with Essentials for
That time of the month."

 For Biological Women who now identify or have partially surgically transferred to male-like human bodies and therefore use Men's restrooms.

Title: Re: Aim at the bullseye and ….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/18/21 at 23:02:33

Oh,okay, all good then.
There for a second, I was thinking SOCIETY is spinning out of Control.
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