General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Shopping for Ammo

Message started by MnSpring on 12/04/21 at 07:05:12

Title: Shopping for Ammo
Post by MnSpring on 12/04/21 at 07:05:12

Shopping for Ammo

NOT, making excuses for
the kid/parents,
what he/they did,
and how.

Asking why it was,
so wrong for a student to look at Ammo.
any of the events happened ?

If he was looking at,
naked females, naked males, CNN channel, Poker You Tube’s, Nerf guns, Skill saws, chainsaws, wrench sets, etc., etc., etc.

Would he have been called in to the, ‘Office’ ?

Golly Gee Wally,

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by WebsterMark on 12/04/21 at 07:51:46

I read about and listened to the events that lead up to the killings. Yes, the parents are culpable. The kid was depressed, suicidal  and crying out for help. The parents were lacking any perspective of reality.

The parents were called to a meeting in the school that morning to review a picture the kid had drawn about how he hated life, how the world was terrible, he wanted to die and please make the sounds in his head stop. He drew pictures of him shooting kids. The parents insisted their child stay in school that day and left the building. Nobody checked the backpack he had with him and inside was a gun his father had bought a few days before. A day or two later, the father posted a picture of it saying that this was his son’s Christmas present.  When the shooting started and news began leaking out, the mother sent him a text and said “Ethan don’t do it”.

I’m not in favor of always blaming parents because I think while it’s true kids are a product of their environment, it’s also true kids are who they are.

I would encourage you to read this one book about columbine, I’ll find the name of the author, the book is on the bookshelf somewhere. One of the Scariest books I’ve ever read. In that case, absolutely no one saw it coming. They planned that attack a year and a half before they started it. This case in Michigan however, had red flags all over the place.

This was a sad, mentally ill child, unfortunately in a home with inadequate adult supervision. Also, I think it’s fair to ask what affect the isolating guidelines due to the pandemic had on him. A mentally ill, depressed child, forced to stay at home with lunatic parents and reducing the possibility of making new friends and perhaps seeing a glimpse of light in what he perceived to be a totally dark world.

It’s a tragedy but don’t let this event overshadow the Wisconsin event because that’s what the commercial news media wants. They don’t want to confront black nationalism. They’d rather talk about gun control and poor whites who live in a backward world. They’d rather talk about that. They don’t want to talk about Brooks and how he selected this parade to try and kill as many white people as possible.

Both are tragedies but don’t ignore one because that’s what the ruling class who happens to be in power right now and who control the media (maybe it’s the other way around) want you to think.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Serowbot on 12/04/21 at 08:24:00

2D0E331012090E07600 wrote:
If he was looking at,
naked females, naked males, CNN channel, Poker You Tube’s, Nerf guns, Skill saws, chainsaws, wrench sets, etc., etc., etc.

Would he have been called in to the, ‘Office’ ?

Golly Gee Wally,

Yes Wally, he probably would.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Eegore on 12/04/21 at 12:01:12

 Well when we choose one part of an overall larger story its easy to criticize the one isolated action.

 Webstermark provided a good explanation that shows the overall circumstances provide more information than selecting just one.  

 If a kid kills some people with a knife we do not need to interview every kid that ever cuts a steak.  But we do if that kid cutting steak says he wishes he was cutting up his little sister and has a history of depression and violence towards her.  

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by MnSpring on 12/04/21 at 14:20:50

2505070F1205600 wrote:
" ...   If a kid kills some people with a knife we do not need to interview every kid that ever cuts a steak. ... " 

And, Another, Swing and a MISS !!!!

Point is, the kid/parents/teachers all certainly looked like they did wrong.
  (Unlike Baldwin, who did not pull the trigger)
And my question, was NOT defending/apologizing for their actions.

The point is, why is looking at ammo, any different than looking at any of the thousands of other things.

If the drawing/comments/actions preceded the looking at ammo,
different story.
However that is not how it was presented.

But that's ok.
Cause banning a gun, or ammo,
will stop all school shooting.
Just as banning a red car ...

The point is, BEFORE.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Eegore on 12/04/21 at 15:47:07

"If the drawing/comments/actions preceded the looking at ammo,
different story.
However that is not how it was presented.

 My understanding is the kid had known issues prior.  You are correct that looking at ammo really should be no different for the average person.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by WebsterMark on 12/05/21 at 05:06:28

It’s different because this kid was known to the teacher and students as someone who wasn’t right.  He wasn’t normal. And besides all of that, the events later confirm the warning sign was in fact, an actual warning sign.

No, some kid in a rural district looking at a ammo on his phone probably raises  no red flags. That makes sense. A very disturbed child; that’s different.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by MnSpring on 12/05/21 at 06:40:54

Totally agree,
in this case,
it is/was warranted.

A ‘teacher’, ‘other students’,
decide someone is, ’not normal’.
Because they personally are, anti-gun/hunting.

They have seen a person, on their phone/computer/tablet/etc,
Looking up AMMO, during a break/lunch/recess/etc.

That person is going hunting,
they are looking/deciding,
which, FPS/FPE/BC/etc.,
which projectile weight and construction,
are best for their hunting situation.

And now, because of a ‘RED’ law,
A whole bunch of hoops to jump through !!!!

Other students see what is happening,
so they now, HIDE, that activity.

All because of a ‘opinion’.

So, what ways can a, ‘crazy’ person be found/identified,
while protecting the RIGHT of a honest Citizen ?

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by WebsterMark on 12/05/21 at 06:51:46

A  ‘teacher’, ‘other students’,
decide someone is, ’not normal’.
Because they personally are, anti-gun/hunting.

I’m not sure that’s true in this case.

I understand your point am am aware there are idiotic, clueless leftist masquerading as teachers who $hit their little panties at the even the picture of a gun, but I’ve read quite a bit about this case and that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Now, on the other hand, Wisconsin officials had red flags being slapped against their pasty white liberal cheeks and they still let Brooks walk because they’re so woke, they didn’t want to be accused of racism.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Eegore on 12/05/21 at 15:06:06

A ‘teacher’, ‘other students’,
decide someone is, ’not normal’.
Because they personally are, anti-gun/hunting.

 Are they though?  Or is it assumed?  It is possible that pro-gun well informed people can see that a kid who repeatedly says he wants to kill people might be a kid that shouldn't be looking for ammunition.

So, what ways can a, ‘crazy’ person be found/identified,
while protecting the RIGHT of a honest Citizen

 We don't have the RIGHT to shop for ammo and not be questioned privately about it.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by MnSpring on 12/06/21 at 12:18:06

5676747C6176130 wrote:
" ... It is possible that pro-gun well informed people can see that a kid who repeatedly says he wants to kill people might be a kid that shouldn't be looking for ammunition. ..."

Absolutely !

Unlike a group of people,
who if they don’t like something,
they expect everyone else,
to Not Like It !

"...  We don't have the RIGHT to shop for ammo and not be questioned privately about it. ..."

Do you have the 'right', to not be questioned,
about your choice to drink a Coke or Pepsi ?

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by WebsterMark on 12/06/21 at 12:38:47

A little perspective might be in order. This is a 15-year-old kid in school on his phone. He should have very few freedoms to begin with.

If I were a teacher, I would like to think that if noticed this disturbed child on his phone in class looking at ammo and, thinking about the fact he’s obviously disturbed, yes I would absolutely like to think I would do something.

This is not a freedom of speech case. Kids shouldn’t have the impression they have absolute freedom in school.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/06/21 at 14:27:24

Considering the general attitude toward guns and schools, I would expect a student to avoid That spotlight. I'm wondering what was running through his head. Apparently he was thinking about shooting someone And it seems like he was hoping someone would stop him.

The drawing of the victim, bleeding said
Help me or Help, I think..
But was it the victim crying out or was it him?
There are a bunch of better places to be shopping for ammo.
The rumors that kept some people at home are interesting.
I'm curious about when he started talking about doing that.
Was it before dad was in the process of buying the gun?
How long was it after the gun was home did he wait?
I still don't know why he chose Those people to shoot.
Random or getting even?

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Eegore on 12/06/21 at 14:48:53

"Do you have the 'right', to not be questioned,
about your choice to drink a Coke or Pepsi ?"

 Not privately.

 I think JoG and Webstermark are close to the actual situation.  The kid presented prior behaviors, as in before the event, prior, that indicated he either wanted, or needed help.

 Questioning a kid like that, and only a kid like that with the exclusion of all other known kids on Earth, is reasonable.  Knives, ammo, bats, chainsaws, Coke and Pepsi cans etc.  Anything that a kid says he wants to kill people with, maybe could be questionable.

 In this case we do not know the stance, pro or anti-gun of the people that questioned the shopping for ammo.  So saying they did it because they are anti-gun is simply a guess.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Serowbot on 12/07/21 at 08:40:05

A kid in class is supposed to be paying attention to teacher,.. not shopping on his frikkin' phone.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Eegore on 12/07/21 at 08:43:25

 That's like saying a kid in class is supposed to be listening to his teacher not writing notes, whispering to another kid, doodling etc.


Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/08/21 at 09:43:58

796F78657D68657E0A0 wrote:
A kid in class is supposed to be paying attention to teacher,.. not shopping on his frikkin' phone.

While that would be ideal, shopping for something that can't be used to murder people is quite a bit less alarming than a kid who has, reportedly, obvious and concerning behavior issues shopping for ammo.
If I had a kid in the school who Didn't get shot,just got scared really good, I'd be pisstawf. It kinda Looks like the school should have been more proactive. I know at least one kid stayed home that day. What was the scuttlebutt and how widespread was it?

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by Eegore on 12/08/21 at 14:32:27

 I am just saying that kids will put their phones away and listen to teachers today about as much as kids stopped writing notes and goofing off in class 30 years ago.

 Oh yeah of course every generation is worse than the one before it.  Kids in my day were much more respectful... said everyone since schools started.

Title: Re: Shopping for Ammo
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 12/08/21 at 15:40:52

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
 I am just saying that kids will put their phones away and listen to teachers today about as much as kids stopped writing notes and goofing off in class 30 years ago.

 Oh yeah of course every generation is worse than the one before it.  Kids in my day were much more respectful... said everyone since schools started.

Every generation dragged us straight to the Gates of Hayull!!

There's always been good kids and hoodlums. And all those in between. To be fair, there are schools in places where the kids are straight up dangerous. My eighth grade science teacher's husband worked at Blackshear high school in Odessa. A kid stabbed him in the forehead and ran the blade down his face. His glasses saved his eye.
I don't know the percentages, but the feeling I get is being a teacher is harder now than ever. I worked for a man who offered to put me through Texas Tech IF I would be a teacher. Thunk on it for two days and told him I didn't think I could do that. Teachers don't have enough autonomy and they don't have enough authority.
Is school a hot mess? I think so, in some places. The kids are living in neighborhoods. If the neighborhood is made up of hoods,guess who is in the class.
America Had a top notch education system. Now we are Number One in what we spend and, IIRC, around 23rd in results. You can debate the how and why, but I remember some of the Steps to Improve the System. They made adjustments, testing showed the Improvements were steps in the wrong direction. Rather than going back to what had been working they made other Adjustments.
At some point
Stupidity Stops being cover for Sabotage.

Charlotte Iserbyt, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

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Now they teach remedial English in college.

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