General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Perfect storm?

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/22/21 at 04:12:08

Title: Perfect storm?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/22/21 at 04:12:08

Is there an perfect storm of events brewing that leaves mass destruction in it’s awake? Is it survivable?

Is running over children at a holiday parade the straw that breaks the camel’s back and we turn this around? Or is it just the opposite, it’s the match that lights the powder keg.

I don’t remember everything a country went through with the race riots of 1968. I was just a little kid, poor as dirt and living in a sh!t hole in North St. Louis.  I was the only white kid in the school. As you can imagine, my family and I took the wrath of the surrounding neighborhood. But, I and the country, lived through that.

Now we have social media (and a million sites like this one). I’m not as optimistic that we survive in this storm.

I was telling Jog this story in a private message but in the last two weeks I’ve had three friends die that are basically my age. All different things, none of them violent, but nonetheless they’re gone.

I’ve never met anyone on here and have no plans to but nonetheless the personality traits each of you are just as real to me is if you live down the street and I saw you every now and then. Essentially, you’re as real as anyone else.

My fear is we have very difficult and very violent times ahead of us. I see no need to throw more fuel on the fire especially when the fuel is electronic. There’s value to actual physical confrontation sometimes. Bad people need to be stopped for example. But, big picture wise, there’s very little value to what I’ll call antagonizing by pixel!

So no more harshness from Webster Mark. I will value each of the personalities that come across electronically. I know we’ve said this before but we should imagine we’re really sitting down at a round tall bar table having a beer and an open discussion.

So my answer to the first question is I feel like this is the straw that breaks the camels back. We’ve got to turn this around or it will be a Powder keg.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/22/21 at 07:00:52

You can not Will the people to sanity. The ones who believe Kyle is a white supremacist who popped three white felons is
A White Supremacist.
And he should be in prison.
And you can't make the people who believe that
Stop believing that.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/22/21 at 07:40:02

 I think it's fair to say interactions online have varying degrees of impact based on demographics like age/gender/geography etc.

 This reminds me of hearing how the "Like" button on social media was invented as this great way to make interacting efficient and make a more positive experience for users.  Go Like things out there, help people feel good.

 It turned into from what I have researched, one of the common motivators for suicide and murder among youth.  I do not have compiled evidence of this at this time however a reference is below.  We as humans, ("humans" being the average of all known humans on earth) will naturally find ways to compete, and getting "Likes" became a competition.  Getting "Likes" for many became an obsession, as they would need to know how many positive reactions they got from any action.  Low-Likes means low public perception which means you matter less.  Now kill to prove you exist, or kill yourself because it doesn't matter if you exist.

 I use this as an example of one of the many things online that simply became something negative over time.  Forums can do this.  Facebook, YouTube, etc.  Positives that become a negative.  

 There's a whole other avenue to this that content becomes driven not by what one actually likes or thinks but towards what they think others will like or think.  This develops a whole other string of problems, like my cousins in high-school that make false YouTube videos about election fraud and gun control for the fun of pissing people off, and the views/likes.  When I ask them what is more important of the two they say "views" are more important than pissing people off.  So they value the "views" number over the emotional gratification they get by being jerks.  

 The nice part is we can see it happening, and that allows for the problems to be solved.

 On the other end "Arab Spring" that toppled governments was started online.  So there is that.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/22/21 at 08:35:34

5A454344595E6F5F6F57454902300 wrote:
You can not Will the people to sanity. The ones who believe Kyle is a white supremacist who popped three white felons is
A White Supremacist.
And he should be in prison.
And you can't make the people who believe that
Stop believing that.

No, you’re right, you cannot. Just like your favorite sports team, you don’t believe they can do anything wrong and when they lose it’s not their fault. we have the red team versus the blue team.

I’m afraid the main stream media will get together and decide the ramifications of this event last night force conversations where they don’t want them to go so this story, as terrible as it is, may get buried in an attempt to make it go away.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Serowbot on 11/22/21 at 10:27:44

053730212637201F332039520 wrote:
So no more harshness from Webster Mark. I will value each of the personalities that come across electronically. I know we’ve said this before but we should imagine we’re really sitting down at a round tall bar table having a beer and an open discussion.

So my answer to the first question is I feel like this is the straw that breaks the camels back. We’ve got to turn this around or it will be a Powder keg.

Lately,... I've been losing my faith in humanity.
It's just one ugliness on top of another.
I hope your resolution is sustainable.
Every morning is a new horror.
Do your best.  

Peace, Serow

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/21 at 04:57:52

Somewhat unbelievably, my local newspaper has in fact buried the story. The narrative now is that he was fleeing  another incident so therefore this somehow, in our bazaar world today, excuses his behavior to a small degree. He is still charged with five counts of murder but was his anti-white hatred create it by the constant, nonstop drumbeat from the leftist media?

There is no comparison to an act like this. Sure, cry Charlottesville all you want but nobody ran down 50 people. Cry proud boys all you want but there is no comparison to this. None.

We seemingly ignore the daily murder rate with black on black crime and pretend it has no impact across the spectrum, to the rest of us. But it does. The black race is destroying itself with violence and hatred. For no reason other than it gets some people elected and gives them power. That’s the only reason this  racism narrative is constantly beaten over peoples heads.

There was a pregnant black woman in Philadelphia gunned down yesterday. Here in St. Louis we just had brutal series of recent murders of Black people by other Black people. Why is that not the number one story every night and why are we not focusing all this energy on that?

Instead, we try to blame the prevalence of guns which is a factor but it’s nowhere near the primary reason. We ignore the reason because we don’t wanna say it out loud. But the black culture is saturated with violence and antisocial behavior. Misery loves company and they can live their entire lives in that existence thinking that it’s normal but it’s not. We have no go zones in virtually every major American city today yet we turn our attention to a 17 year old kid who shot three white people and we turn him into a white supremacist icon because that’s how the leftist elites keep the narrative going and keep one party pitted against the other.

If they don’t line the three guys up on trial and Georgia and execute them by firing squad, whatever comes out of that trail won’t be enough. It’s a virtual guarantee that one of them is going to get off with a lesser punishment and that will be the hook the media hangs his hat on to continue to cry racism. Pardon me, that wasn’t correct, they continue to cry THEIR version of racism.

I stand by what I said, I’m not sure where we go from here.

We’re going down.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/23/21 at 05:28:04

"Somewhat unbelievably, my local newspaper has in fact buried the story. The narrative now is that he was fleeing  another incident so therefore this somehow, in our bazaar world today, excuses his behavior to a small degree. He is still charged with five counts of murder but was his anti-white hatred create it by the constant, nonstop drumbeat from the leftist media?"

 Isn't claiming that a story was "buried" pretty much saying you already think he had anti-white hatred and that it is due to leftist media?

 I'd want to know what media he consumed, if any, his views on race prior to the incident, the duration of "leftist media" exposure he had and what responses, if any, that he had to it.  For all I know this guy didn't even read local newspapers, or watch "the news" or use Facebook etc.

 Is there evidence at this time to show this guy had white hatred and intentionally ran down all those people based on race, and that it was a direct reaction to consistent leftist media exposure?

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/23/21 at 06:09:28

7C5C5E564B5C390 wrote:
"...   This reminds me of hearing how the "Like" button on social media was invented ..."
"...   It turned into from what I have researched, one of the common motivators for suicide and murder among youth. ..."

the use of the, 'like', button !!!!!

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/23/21 at 06:15:23

1F3F3D35283F5A0 wrote:
"...  I'd want to know
what media he consumed, if any,
his views on race prior to the incident,
the duration of "leftist media" exposure he had ..."

Please explain how,
what a person watched/believed/experienced,
has to do with why a media outlet,
has decided to drop a story ?

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/23/21 at 08:13:34

0121232B3621440 wrote:
"Somewhat unbelievably, my local newspaper has in fact buried the story. The narrative now is that he was fleeing  another incident so therefore this somehow, in our bazaar world today, excuses his behavior to a small degree. He is still charged with five counts of murder but was his anti-white hatred create it by the constant, nonstop drumbeat from the leftist media?"

 Isn't claiming that a story was "buried" pretty much saying you already think he had anti-white hatred and that it is due to leftist media?

 I'd want to know what media he consumed, if any, his views on race prior to the incident, the duration of "leftist media" exposure he had and what responses, if any, that he had to it.  For all I know this guy didn't even read local newspapers, or watch "the news" or use Facebook etc.

 Is there evidence at this time to show this guy had white hatred and intentionally ran down all those people based on race, and that it was a direct reaction to consistent leftist media exposure?

That information was available within hours and certainly by the next day. He was on bail for running someone over with his car.

Compare the leftist media response to this with the knee jerk, immediate condemnation on other incidents. Remember it was Sarah Palin’s fault Gabby Giffords was shot. Biden pronounces Rittenhouse a white supremacist almost immediately and others still do it to this day. Matthew Shepard was tortured and killed by right wing rednecks, right? No, he was a drug addict and screwing one of his killers who were both being pimped out by someone else, but we passed a law in his name.

There are legitimate grey areas and there are not. What I’m saying is if leftist media immediately painted Rittenhouse as a white supremacist , is there any logic other than partisanship for not doing likewise to this guy especially when the evidence of such is overwhelming?

I’d be fine with not pinning a label on this guy but stop leftist, who control the vast majority of media, from doing it when it suits them.

We have no legitimate news outlets. All we have our advocates and it’s up to us to discern what’s more likely the truth.

We need journalists who do their job a little better.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/23/21 at 10:15:17

Web,check your PM Box.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/23/21 at 11:29:21

the use of the, 'like', button !!!!!

 Like cancel it?  Maybe educate first.

"Please explain how,
what a person watched/believed/experienced,
has to do with why a media outlet,
has decided to drop a story ?

 That's what I am asking Webstermark.  I of course could also be interpreting his assessment incorrectly.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/23/21 at 11:42:27

I’d be fine with not pinning a label on this guy but stop leftist, who control the vast majority of media, from doing it when it suits them.

We have no legitimate news outlets. All we have our advocates and it’s up to us to discern what’s more likely the truth.

We need journalists who do their job a little better.

 I agree.  Unfortunately the distrust in one source often times leads people to even more unreliable sources.  I just watched a video today of a guy lighting on fire from a vaccine.  Sent to me as "proof" they are killing people.  Sure that can't be faked.  Back in 1993 I watched a movie that had rather convincing dinosaurs in it.  You think maybe that visual tech has improved in the past 28 years?  But the "media" is so dishonest that the "underground" video that can be found really easy is the way to go.

 Finding the truth, or closes thing to it takes more and more work each day it seems.


Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/23/21 at 17:50:41

4565676F7265000 wrote:
 Like cancel it?  Maybe educate first.

According to the current POTUS,
 all his puppet masters,
    and Azz lickers.
    is the only way.

Education will NOT work with firearms,
why would it work with the, 'like', button.

What if someone said:
Remove the 'Like', button,
and you will remove "...suicide and murder among youth..."

Rather, comparable to:
Remove a Model of Firearm that was used in a School shooting,
you will remove School shootings.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/24/21 at 05:27:48

 While what you say is true I think it's a bit oversimplified.

 I think the difference between a Like button and a firearm is that I can't go kill 30 people in 30 seconds with one.

 The social importance of the Like button is self-inflicted harm and therefore more controllable by means of self-realization and doing things within one's control, like not using the media that contains it.

 Firearms don't get the same treatment because the victims can't opt-out of the murder.  Also the mechanism to do harm is not in the victim's control.  There's also the individual availability factor such as outlawing a gun doesn't get rid of the gun, but outlawing a Like button can actually remove it from a social platform since the business controls it.

 So, to me, (me being myself with the exclusion of all other known humans) the mitigation effort could be similar by means of removal.  If legislation removed AR-15 and similar weapons the murder rate per minute would reduce but only if criminals couldn't still get that gun.

 Outlawing a Like button feedback method would reduce self-inflicted social harm, but only if alternative methods of digital feedback aren't introduced.

 As for education - I mean the potential victims.  So educating children as the the harm the Like button can do over time is pertinent.  Much like other forms of education.

 The comparative factor for firearms is teaching potential shooting victims how to avoid being in areas where they can be gunned down.  Steer clear of crowds, stay away from music venues, fairs, parades, movie theatres, public schools/colleges etc.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/24/21 at 08:00:40

022220283522470 wrote:
" ...  the difference between a Like button and a firearm is that I can't go kill 30 people in 30 seconds with one ... "

Killing 30 people, in 30 seconds, with a firearm would be very difficult.
Doing that, would take a very skilled shooter.

Killing 30 people in 30 seconds,
 can be accomplished in far less than 30 seconds,
         with far, Far, FAR less skill,
by using a car running into a crowd,
by using a explosive,
by selling illegal, (poorly made), drugs,
by using a, ‘like’ button, when someone says:
     'I want to kill myself/or someone else'
(Facebook Alone has 2.80 billion, (+/-), monthly active users.
A tiney tiny fraction of people posting, ‘like’, to the statement above.
could have the affect that you say)

“…Like button is self-inflicted harm and therefore more controllable …”
“…not using the media that contains it….”

It must be clear that,
is beyond the ability of some people to do that.
The people that are irresponsible in using the, ‘like’ button, need to be controlled.
It is clear it must be BANNED,
to make all the people SAFE.

After all, look at all those things that are, required, to
‘make people safe’.
(Because, some people, do not have the ability to make themselves safe)
Why is not, ‘banning the, ‘like’ button one  of them ?

Why is not the person/company,
  being sued because they are
  responsible for the deaths,
occurred by use of the, ‘like’ button ?

6E4E4C44594E2B0 wrote:
 " ...This reminds me of hearing how the "Like" button on social media was invented as this great way to make interacting efficient and make a more positive experience for users.  Go Like things out there, help people feel good..." "...  It turned into from what I have researched, one of the common motivators for suicide and murder among youth..."  

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/24/21 at 09:11:14

"by using a, ‘like’ button, when someone says:
    'I want to kill myself/or someone else'
(Facebook Alone has 2.80 billion, (+/-), monthly active users.
A tiney tiny fraction of people posting, ‘like’, to the statement above.
could have the affect that you say)"

 I think the difference is you are comparing a collective action to an individuals.  It is far less probable that I can post 30 likes in 10 minutes and kill 30 people than I could, even with little skill, kill 30 people in 10 minutes with a gun.  I can kill more people much faster with a gun by myself than I could posting "likes".

 Interchange skill levels and murder per minute timeframes as much as you want.  The difference is that one person can do more damage with a gun in a shorter period of time than they can posting "Likes".  It typically takes thousands of Likes to kill one person over time.

 Also the Like button is less scary and used by more people.  If I walk down a store isle with a cellphone "liking" every post in the world it will garner much less attention than if I walk with an AR-15 slung over my shoulder.  

 As for education, my point to this, it is far easier to educate children to appropriately respond to the Like button than it is to educate children to appropriately use the Like button.  Trillions and trillions of data points indicate this.  

"Why is not the person/company,
 being sued because they are
 responsible for the deaths,
occurred by use of the, ‘like’ button ?

 They have been.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/24/21 at 12:17:47

2707050D1007620 wrote:

[i]"by using a, ‘like’ button, when someone says:
    'I want to kill myself/or someone else'
(Facebook Alone has 2.80 billion, (+/-), monthly active users.
A tiney tiny fraction of people posting, ‘like’, to the statement above.
could have the affect that you say)"

 I think the difference is you are comparing a collective action to an individuals.  It is far less probable that I can post 30 likes in 10 minutes and kill 30 people than I could, even with little skill, kill 30 people in 10 minutes with a gun.  I can kill more people much faster with a gun by myself than I could posting "likes".  Interchange skill levels and murder per minute timeframes as much as you want.  The difference is that one person can do more damage with a gun in a shorter period of time than they can posting "Likes".  It typically takes thousands of Likes to kill one person over time.
 Also the Like button is less scary and used by more people.  If I walk down a store isle with a cellphone "liking" every post in the world it will garner much less attention than if I walk with an AR-15 slung over my shoulder.  
 As for education, my point to this, it is far easier to educate children to appropriately respond to the Like button than it is to educate children to appropriately use the Like button.  Trillions and trillions of data points indicate this.  

"Why is not the person/company,
 being sued because they are
 responsible for the deaths,
occurred by use of the, ‘like’ button ?"

        They have been. 

Didn't know that.
Why don't the very vast majority of people,
     know that ?

Could it possibly be that it is not, 'reported' ?
If so, why ?

Another question,
what is the appropriate way to educate children ?
If they saw, a person walking through a Costco with a gun in a holster ?'
 (where/when it is legal to do so)
1.  Run, Scream, Yell, be very scared, Point, call that person names, etc, etc, etc ?

2.  Ignore it, and just go about your business ?

3. Tell that person; 'Thank You' ?

Eegore wrote
" ... my point to this, it is far easier to educate children to appropriately respond ... "

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/24/21 at 16:05:42

"Didn't know that.
Why don't the very vast majority of people,
    know that ?"

 I don't know what the vast majority of people know, but pretty much everyone I interact with is aware FB, Twitter, Instagram etc. etc. etc. have been sued.

Could it possibly be that it is not, 'reported' ?
If so, why ?

 It's been reported by multiple outlets.  

"Another question,
what is the appropriate way to educate children ?
If they saw, a person walking through a Costco with a gun in a holster ?'

 If those children are only allowed to respond by one of the three choices you provide and no other option I would recommend they ignore it.

 To be specific, when I am asked the "way" to educate I would focus on methods and not specific responses.  As in what is the ideal steps to educate children how to assess risk and understand gun laws in their immediate area and nationally.  For instance at what age should children be educated that people can and will harm them and that the overwhelming majority of harm will come from people they are related to or interact with frequently?

 At that point they can start developing standards to assess how dangerous a stranger is, which is the least likely way they will ever be harmed by another person.

 What is the best way to educate children about their subjection to online hostility, by choice, and comparative self-image?

 How do we get them to understand that the Like button is harmful.  So then they can decide how best to respond to it.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/24/21 at 16:39:53

5070727A6770150 wrote:
"... but pretty much everyone I interact with is aware FB, Twitter, Instagram etc. etc. etc. have been sued. ..."

Great !
Please send me a couple of links,
where FB and like have been sued,
 for people pressing the, 'like' button !

I am aware of the, 'gold digging', lawsuits.

Not aware of the ones which say; (to the like)
Suing FB for damages because a person pressed the, 'like' button'.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/24/21 at 20:19:40

"Great !
Please send me a couple of links,
where FB and like have been sued,
for people pressing the, 'like' button !

 I obviously misunderstood your previous statement.  Nobody has sued FB specifically because a Like button was pressed.  They have sued, unsuccessfully,  for damages incurred due to personal harm and Like button specific suits have been based off of reasons other than the specific pressing of that button.

 The most current iteration of the lawsuit is the most likely to actually go to court and is again based on personal damages, but not specific to a person pressing the Like button in exclusivity.  The Like button is a factor within the entirety of the suit.

 What I was referring to is the idea that FB has been sued, and that no media coverage was done.  FB has been sued, and media outlets have covered it.

What is the best way to educate children about their subjection to online hostility, by choice, and comparative self-image?

How do we get them to understand that the Like button is harmful.  So then they can decide how best to respond to it.
Back to top      

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/26/21 at 21:04:26

1030323A2730550 wrote:
"...  Nobody has sued FB specifically because a Like button was pressed. ... "

I believe, Ray Charles could have seen exactly what was being talked about.

"... What is the best way to educate children ..."

One does NOT, ‘teach’ children.

That little Johnny can put on a dress, go into a Girls bathroom, and RAPE someone.

That, EVERYBODY WINS, at a game or competition.

That everybody, needs a, hug/like/pat on the back.

That 10 year olds, can decide to be called a ‘he/she/it’, regardless of their born gender.

That it is perfectly OK to kill a unborn baby at anytime and for any reason.

That anything you do, (when someone else considers it as bad), is SOMEONE ELSES FAULT.
Or, some OTHER things, fault (especially if it is something you are TOLD to dislike)

That the color of skin/etc should depend on getting something.

One, should, ’teach’ children.

That a older male, being friends with a young girl, is not  automatically bad.
Yet when Biden, grabs little girls, it IS, a form of pedophileia.

That it is a Parents JOB, to teach their children about ethics/responsibility.
It is a school teachers responsibility to help/encourage,
and, ’TEACH’, how to learn,
NOT, ’TEACH’ a particular view on a particular subject.

That it is necessary to know what 2+2 is, because not everybody has a small computer, and sometimes people do not have them at hand.

Just a start, of what has been lost.
Because of the, 'Dumbing Down'.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/27/21 at 21:53:41

"That it is a Parents JOB, to teach their children about ethics/responsibility."

What is the best way -for parents-  to educate children about their subjection to online hostility, by choice, and comparative self-image?

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/28/21 at 06:11:47

5676747C6176130 wrote:
What is the best way -for parents-  to educate children about their subjection to online hostility, by choice, and comparative self-image?

Do you really not understand the concept of, Ethics?

Perhaps, believing/practicing a religion,
where one of the fundamentals of most Religions is,
‘Try every day to be perfect,
knowing you can never be perfect’

A concept missing from the,
of not believing in any Religion.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Serowbot on 11/28/21 at 07:59:28

1734092A2833343D5A0 wrote:
Perhaps, believing/practicing a religion,
where one of the fundamentals of most Religions is,
‘Try every day to be perfect,
knowing you can never be perfect’

A concept missing from the,
of not believing in any Religion.

The term "c0ck holster" comes to mind.

So glad you have Jesus to advise you.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by Eegore on 11/28/21 at 14:16:16

Do you really not understand the concept of, Ethics?

Perhaps, believing/practicing a religion,
where one of the fundamentals of most Religions is,
‘Try every day to be perfect,
knowing you can never be perfect’

A concept missing from the,
of not believing in any Religion.

 So the best way to educate students how to respond to digital aggression and depression is to have a religion?

 I see a ton of depressed and criminal people who were raised with religion.  I would start with boundaries, and more off-the phone activities.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/21 at 16:04:34


Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by WebsterMark on 11/28/21 at 17:41:12

Just like this thread, a black nationalist who hates white people because he’s been programmed that way, murders 6 and it’s completely ignored now.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/28/21 at 18:29:44

A CAR crashed into people.

Racist,forget about him being attacked.

This guy ran down white people.
Had online stuff about hating white people
His CAR did it
Aaand ,memory hole.

Talk about
Shouldn't have Been There!
He shouldn't have been out of jail.

Title: Re: Perfect storm?
Post by MnSpring on 11/29/21 at 08:10:41

223D3B3C21261727172F3D317A480 wrote:
A CAR crashed into people.

A Yep, the UL, FDS, DFI Socialists,
'Talked/Reported' more,
about a person who defended himself, saying he should not have done so.
Two people, not even from the US, saying they are victims of racism.
A con artist, saying; could be/maybe/possibly/don't know/etc/etc/etc.
A person driving his car into a crowd, killing ONE person,
(who got a Life + 400 years sentence)
    And On and On and On !

Yet a big broom is used for a person,
who should have NEVER been out of jail in the first place.
Who was VERY WELL KNOWN, as a 'white' hater.
BEFORE the event, NOT After.

Let's see what that sentence is ?

Wait, he is a UL, DFI, FDS, White Hating, Socialist,
      so he will be treated with Kidd Gloves., » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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