General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> He died

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/21 at 15:50:58

Title: He died
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/13/21 at 15:50:58

If RISK is involved
Zero pressure, purely voluntary, is the only reasonable answer.


You WANT the shot,, okay..? You Don't,? NO PENALTY.

Title: Re: He died
Post by Eegore on 11/13/21 at 16:57:12

 Dead link.

Title: Re: He died
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/14/21 at 10:45:19

Aaand, now I don't remember,, plenty of them anyway

Gee,Wally,, it's been Obvious for a long time..

Title: Re: He died
Post by Serowbot on 11/14/21 at 11:29:30

We get flu shots every year too.
That doesn't mean they don't work.

Title: Re: He died
Post by Eegore on 11/14/21 at 14:03:20

"Gee,Wally,, it's been Obvious for a long time.."

 What is your definition of "long time"?

 What this shows is that actual evidence is collected and when enough is present to show specific outcomes that the CDC will state what those outcomes are.

 Oh that's right, Fauci and the CDC are liars until they say something you agree with, now this one time we should listen to that evidence.  But next time if the evidence shows something you don't agree with, well just ignore that one.

Title: Re: He died
Post by WebsterMark on 11/14/21 at 16:40:15

Flu is caused an influenza virus, Covid-19 by a coronavirus. Each year’s flu vaccine is usually difficult than the year before because strains of flu come and go all the time, but share common traits. Influenza vaccines have been perfected over decades. Coronavirus vaccines have not.

Title: Re: He died
Post by WebsterMark on 11/15/21 at 04:57:05

talk to text is not the greatest invention since sliced bread. Close, but not quite. And to add to this, sometimes the vaccine does not work as well as planned. Either they guessed at which strain would be most common or there’s a slightly different strain with new features. Point is it took decades to develop these vaccines. Leftist  were against the vaccine when Trump was President with our useless VP saying she wouldn’t take it but now we censor anyone who questions and provides information validating their concerns.

Flu is caused an influenza virus, Covid-19 by a coronavirus. Each year’s flu vaccine is usually DIFFERENT  than the year before because strains of flu come and go all the time, but share common traits. Influenza vaccines have been perfected over decades. Coronavirus vaccines have not.

Title: Re: He died
Post by Serowbot on 11/15/21 at 08:25:57

We should wait a few decades before treating a global pandemic.
Uh huh........  :-?

Title: Re: He died
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/15/21 at 13:24:20

How about acting responsibly when the Cure starts killing people. The covid death rate wasn't that horrible.
Once we saw the vaccinated getting and spreading it, and the risk involved, all pressure should have gone away. It should be100% Voluntary,, which means
Zero Penalty for Not taking it.

Title: Re: He died
Post by WebsterMark on 11/15/21 at 16:29:12

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
We should wait a few decades before treating a global pandemic.
Uh huh........  :-?

That’s what you got from that? Wow…

Title: Re: He died
Post by Eegore on 11/15/21 at 20:20:20

How about acting responsibly when the Cure starts killing people. The covid death rate wasn't that horrible.
Once we saw the vaccinated getting and spreading it, and the risk involved, all pressure should have gone away. It should be100% Voluntary,, which means
Zero Penalty for Not taking it.

 What mortality numbers do you have for the cure killing people and how are you getting them?

 What mortality numbers do you have for C-19 and how are you getting them?

 I've broken mine down here several times and get much different numbers than you.  Where am I making errors?  What part of my math and data collection is incorrect by your assessment?

Title: Re: He died
Post by Eegore on 11/15/21 at 20:23:24

"Influenza vaccines have been perfected over decades. Coronavirus vaccines have not."

 Oh wait so the first version isn't perfect?  Vaccine development is like all other things?  Weird.

Title: Re: He died
Post by WebsterMark on 11/16/21 at 03:33:43

0525272F3225400 wrote:
"Influenza vaccines have been perfected over decades. Coronavirus vaccines have not."

 Oh wait so the first version isn't perfect?  Vaccine development is like all other things?  Weird.

Yep, who could have imagined….. oh wait, everyone.

Point is, these are experimental vaccines, they do not have the years of analysis behind them. SarsCoV2 infects animals, unlike polio for example  which means I can’t imagine it’s ever going away for good so we’re going to have to come up with something along with therapeutics and reasonable strategies. There’s no guarantee will ever find a perfect vaccine. After all these years, we still don’t have a vaccine for HIV, only therapeutics.

Title: Re: He died
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/21 at 06:30:34

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
" ... After all these years, we still don’t have a vaccine for HIV, only therapeutics.

we all were Promised,
it WOULD happen, ’soon’.

By the same person that said;
‘the vaccine for c-19 will protect you’
‘you must get the shot’
‘you must wear a mask’
‘you must isolate’
 ‘ you must. … … … … ‘

Title: Re: He died
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/21 at 07:45:18

0727252D3027420 wrote:
" ...  What mortality numbers do you have for C-19 and how are you getting them? ... "

Have you ?
Has anybody ?

Taken the years 2017/18,
Add up All, the Deaths recorded with, all the kinds of;
Heart Failure,
(standard) Flu
Maniacal accidents, (car/tractor/plane/etc)
Old Age (things just wore out)
Of the CITIZENS of the US,

NOT using the 14 MILLION (+/-) I
llegals which have no restrictions in coming to this Nation with any, illness.

Then take all the deaths,
that list the same, of the same things above,
that DO have the word/s, “with, c-19 “, in.

Then take all the deaths,
that list the same, of the same things above,
that DO  NOT, have the word/s, ‘with, c-19’, in.

for the years 2019/20.

Then take the population numbers for those years,
adjust population to %.
(No SPIN, to get the result  wanted allowed)

Have never seen it done that way.

Title: Re: He died
Post by Eegore on 11/16/21 at 07:52:56

"Have never seen it done that way."

 I asked you the specifics of research multiple times and you haven't responded with useful information.  Just said things take too long, like 6 months of ICU data.

 I have presented previous years to 2020 variance with both the CDC provisional coding/known national averages and the CO specific coding, and yes it is percentage based even though it was claimed I did not use percentages and only whole numbers.  

 Why would comparative mortality rates not compare to other years?

 Why would we exclude the very information we are looking for?

 Point is what I get as "proof" are meme pictures and websites that don't even provide the material they are referencing.  What is anyone supposed to do with that information?

Title: Re: He died
Post by Serowbot on 11/16/21 at 08:13:55

Doesn't it strike you odd, that most of anti-vax, mask, lockdown, voices are themselves vaccinated?
Vaccinated shepherds leading their flock to slaughter.

You sheeple phobic, don't see that you are the sheep.

Title: Re: He died
Post by MnSpring on 11/16/21 at 13:27:43

7B5B59514C5B3E0 wrote:
" ...  Just said things take too long, like 6 months of ICU data ... "

Refresh my memory of that.

“...  Why would comparative mortality rates not compare to other years? ..."

Pre c-19. A person, is very overweight, very.
His doctor says  do this and that, or you will have only 3-6 months to live.
He dies in 4 months.
He is autopsied, finding he died of,  …
so he is in that category.

Post c-19. A person, is very overweight, very.
His doctor says  do this and that, or you will have only 3-6 months to live.
He dies in 4 months.
He is autopsied, finding he had c-19,
So now he is the category,
‘died FROM cv-19’, with one of the other things, as contributing.

Are the numbers, pre covid,  of death by (one of the items listed)
Different than post covid ?
The Same ?
Higher ?
Lower ?
Or is that information, adjusted, squed, manipulated,
to benefit those that want to control.

 "... Why would we exclude the very information we are looking for? ..."

Is that not the information,
that people are looking for ?
And only finding wildly SPUN/SKEWED data.

Title: Re: He died
Post by Serowbot on 11/16/21 at 13:37:22

"While between 90 and 95% of Democrats 18 and older have gotten a coronavirus vaccine, just about 65% of adult Republicans have done the same."

This is a diabolical Liberal plot to reduce Republican voters.
How they convinced Trumpettes to devour themselves by the tail is beyond me.

Title: Re: He died
Post by Eegore on 11/16/21 at 14:00:49

"Post c-19. A person, is very overweight, very.
His doctor says  do this and that, or you will have only 3-6 months to live.
He dies in 4 months.
He is autopsied, finding he had c-19,
So now he is the category,
‘died FROM cv-19’, with one of the other things, as contributing.

 Incorrect.  He would have C-19 as contributing based off the sequencing that has always been done.  The only different portion is a provisional code.

 I have posted the exact forms as requested by the CDC.  What part of those forms and directives indicate that "FROM" C-19 is how that person should be coded?  Nowhere.  This is spin, just like saying someone who died from a car crash is coded as dying "FROM" covid 19.  If this is true why won't a single person post an actual death certificate?  Wouldn't that go a long way in proving that case?

Ignoring that the NCHS does not implement U07.2 for mortality statistics won't make that fact go away.

"This section on the death certificate is for reporting the sequence of conditions that led directly to death. The immediate cause of death, which is the disease or condition that directly preceded death and is not necessarily the underlying cause of death (UCOD), should be reported on line A."

"The conditions that led to the immediate cause of death should be reported in a logical sequence in terms of time and etiology below it.
 How does that mean to code people as dying "FROM" Covid?

 Besides at the end of the day certifiers are mostly using best-judgment based off evidence.  Standardization applies but mortality statistics in general are a lot of guesses and always have been. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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