General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Fonzi rides again!

Message started by WebsterMark on 11/03/21 at 05:29:33

Title: Fonzi rides again!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/03/21 at 05:29:33

Like The Fonz, the Democrats have jumped the shark. They’re so isolated inside their bubble, they thought  the majority of the people think it’s fine for some boy to put on a skirt, call himself a girl and go into a bathroom. They think it’s fine to give hundreds of thousands of dollars to illegal immigrants. They think spending 3 1/2 trillion dollars on a whole bunch of crap and then call everything infrastructure is OK, they actually thought people would agree with defunding the police and sending a little college-age social workers and the violence situations would be a good idea.

Now, here’s the challenge for the Republicans. Trump did his job. He showed we didn’t have to drive the country off a cliff. And now he needs to step back. He needs to help local races where needed but the idea of running for the top office again is ridiculous.

Otherwise, come next year instead of getting rid of all the socialist communist scum from Washington like my local representative Cori Bush, we’ll do the opposite. Let’s hope somebody gets to Donald and convinces him what’s really going on. My gut tells me he will realize that. He has a very unique ability to see past all the garbage and into a broad scattering of the demographics and he knew we could win. Now he should know he can’t win again. It’s over.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/21 at 11:48:12

Is it just me? Is it True that it doesn't matter WHERE oil comes from ? I mean, if we produce the oil and refine it and run our cars on it, doesn't that actually cause less Global Warming, BS, than getting OPEC to produce it and Ship it to us, and Then we burn it?

Why did the left cheer when Biden cut the collective throats of our petroleum industry workers by shutting down the pipeline and cancelling drilling contracts?
Loving the pain at the pump? Have they no understanding of how those paychecks filter through local economies? I heard truck drivers with high school diplomas were making over $80,000.00. They were buying homes, cars,everything successful people buy. GONE,,

Opportunity to earn that money is not just around every corner.

Let's Go, BRANDON!!

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/03/21 at 13:20:58

Is it just me? Is it True that it doesn't matter WHERE oil comes from ? I mean, if we produce the oil and refine it and run our cars on it, doesn't that actually cause less Global Warming, BS, than getting OPEC to produce it and Ship it to us, and Then we burn it?

 Well the argument is to not use Oil at all.  So yeah a good compromise is to mitigate unnecessary waste by drilling in the US by the US, but that would mean compromise.  

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/21 at 13:49:50

Huhh? I'm not tracking with your.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/03/21 at 14:50:21

 You ask if we produce and refine the oil ourselves wouldn't it cause less carbon emission than getting OPEC to send it from foreign sources.


 But the global warming argument is to not use our oil, or their oil.  No oil.

 What you ask would mean the "no oil" crowd would have to compromise and use oil to the best of our ability.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/03/21 at 16:26:58

You missed my point.
Biden shut OUR economy down by killing the pipeline and cancelling drilling contracts.
Then he went begging OPEC to increase production and supply America.
We WERE, for a short time, energy independent.
But That was Bad because

But begging for oil from foreign suppliers is Sooo presidential.

You Biden lovers.. Phhhht!

I hope you get it, good and hard.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/03/21 at 18:59:59

 Ahh ok I see.


Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/21 at 00:52:10

What? Trump supporters were treated so nice?
Have you been to town?
Buy groceries or gas? Did you not see what he did to the petroleum industry?

Who voted for him and thought he was going to keep the good policies Trump had working For America?
You like having the government scream covid, covid, covid and import illegal aliens who aren't required to be vaccinated WHILE they are doing their best to mandate it for us,AFTER saying that wouldn't happen?

Yeah,, good and Damm hard,,stupid should hurt.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/04/21 at 05:27:00

 They never said they wouldn't mandate vaccines, they said they wouldn't require it for all US citizens.  Are you required to get one?

 Yes I get there is manipulation and coercion, but if you choose to use the word "mandate" I will address the word "mandate" and state that you are not mandated to get a vaccine.  You are not mandated to get a vaccine.


Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/21 at 08:04:06

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
 "... They never said they wouldn't mandate vaccines,
they said they wouldn't require it for all US citizens ..."  

Please explain the difference between the words;

            'Mandate' and 'Require'

When those words reference something you 'must' do.

     "... Are you required to get one? ..."
In MANY cases the answer is a resounding YES.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/04/21 at 08:24:24

Mandate: An authoritative command especially a formal order from a superior court or official to an inferior one.  An authorization to act given to a representative accepted the mandate of the people.

Require: To specify as compulsory.

"... Are you required to get one? ..."
In MANY cases the answer is a resounding YES.

 JoG is claiming "they" as in the US government, is attempting to mandate a vaccine for "us" and I interpret that to mean all US citizens.  I am addressing that and only that and no other issue.

 So are you a US citizen?

 Are you required or mandated to get a vaccine?

 Is there any legal ramifications that result in financial penalty or incarceration related specifically to a refusal to get vaccinated implemented by the US or any State government and only the US and State governments and no other entity of any other kind?

 Is every US citizen required or mandated or any other English word that is synonymous with the words "mandate or "require" to get a vaccine?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by MnSpring on 11/04/21 at 09:13:04

1A3A38302D3A5F0 wrote:
 "... So are you a US citizen? ..."


"... Are you required or mandated to get a vaccine?.."

In many, Many cases, YES !

"... Is there any legal ramifications that result in financial penalty ... "


"...  Is every US citizen required or mandated or any other English word that is synonymous with the words "mandate or "require" to get a vaccine?  ..."

Yes and No.
If you live in the boondocks, No.
If you work for most Government agencies, YES.
If you work for private companies that the Government tell, 'you must', YES.

Did ALL, airline companies decide that a ,'mask' is required to fly domestically, ALL at the same time ?

Or did the Government tell them to do that ?

Is  'Mush-For-Brains trying to 'enforce' ALL 100+  business to ?
DID, NYC, 'enforce' all first responder to ?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/04/21 at 09:35:11

... Is there any legal ramifications that result in financial penalty ... "


 Where?  I am unaware of anyone fined or incarcerated by the local or Federal government because they have not gotten a vaccine.  

 Is  'Mush-For-Brains trying to 'enforce' ALL 100+  business to ?
DID, NYC, 'enforce' all first responder to

 Would this mean every US citizen, as I clarified I interpreted JoG to be exemplifying?  No.

 I already acknowledged coercion.  I am saying that 100% US citizens are not mandated or required or any other English word synonymous with "mandate" or "require" by the US Federal or State Governments to have a vaccine.

 You claim there are legal ramifications that result in financial penalty or incarceration related specifically to a refusal to get vaccinated implemented by the US or any State government and only the US and State governments and no other entity of any other kind.

 Can you provide an example?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/21 at 11:04:00

1737353D2037520 wrote:
 They never said they wouldn't mandate vaccines, they said they wouldn't require it for all US citizens.  Are you required to get one?

 Yes I get there is manipulation and coercion, but if you choose to use the word "mandate" I will address the word "mandate" and state that you are not mandated to get a vaccine.  You are not mandated to get a vaccine.


YesE, Biden and Kamal A Each stated the Federal government is not in the business of mandating vaccines.
Words I listened to on the radio.

Naah, no mandate, unless you don't want to get fired.
If it's NOT mandatory, it's What
What is NOT Mandatory?
Gee,Wally,, is that a trick question? I'm pretty sure it's voluntary, right, Wally?

So,, if it's VOLUNTARY then it is YOUR CHOICE, with no consequences regardless of what you do.

So, when consequences land on someone for not doing something

And yes, Biden is doing his best to force vaccines on everyone,

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/04/21 at 11:26:27

 I agree, and expected the coercion for vaccines but I don't like to exaggerate and say it's being forced, required, mandated or any other similar word on US citizens if the question at hand was if the US Government would mandate all Americans get a vaccine.

 No there is no mandate that all Americans get a vaccine.  What should be happening instead of arguing semantics over the answer to the question is acknowledging the question was flawed.

 If the question was something like "Will the Federal Government implement policies that impact the livelihoods of Americans based on whether they have the vaccine or not?" then sure we can sit here and say they lied.

But that wasn't the question, so complaining that they lied is fundamentally flawed since the answer statement from Biden/Psaki/Harris is true based off the question that was actually asked.  They should have been asked about initiatives, mandates for Federal employees/military or tax incentives for businesses that require vaccinations.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/21 at 11:52:36

They lied.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/21 at 13:00:05

0F2F2D25382F4A0 wrote:
But that wasn't the question, so complaining that they lied is fundamentally flawed since the answer statement from Biden/Psaki/Harris is true based off the question that was actually asked.  They should have been asked about initiatives, mandates for Federal employees/military or tax incentives for businesses that require vaccinations.

Just like Biden saying only people making over $400,000 a year will pay, is the same as saying it's free.
Righty's live in a black and white world. :-?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/04/21 at 13:44:28

 It's like saying that if the CDC publicly posts exactly what they are doing, and they do it, but if "the news" or a picture on Facebook tells you something different the CDC lied.

 Or of someone posts a video of the POTUS answering questions, but edits it so the answers on the video are from different questions, the POTUS lied, not the guy making the video.

Me:  JoG do you own a red motorcycle?

JoG:  Yes I do.

Me:  Do you support vaccines?

JoG:  I do not.

 Then I post this:

Me:  JoG do you own a red motorcycle?

JoG:  I do not.

Me:  Do you support vaccines?

JoG:  I do.

 JoG is obviously a liar right?  

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/21 at 14:17:04

What part of
I listened to Biden say
The federal government isn't going to require the people to take the jab
Is unclear?
I'm not playing a rabbit hole game. I know what I heard and I know what I'm seeing.
Either my eyes are liars or Biden is.

We will NEVER abandon Americans in Afghanistan.


Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Serowbot on 11/04/21 at 14:28:58

You let me know when you're forced to get vaccinated and how, okay?...

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/21 at 14:57:40

You Know I don't have a job, right?
I'm sure you will know when they declare social security checks won't be going to the unjabbed.
How many people do you need to see told
Your jab or your job before you understand
That is being forced.
It's sure AzFukk not Voluntary, nowizzit?
Employers WILL demand it, or They will be fined.
Play semantics games if you want. I'm well aware of your skill set.
Remove the ability to earn a living and WHAT? Live under a bridge?
Like the people who WERE making Eighty grand driving oilfield trucks,, jobs destroyed by biden, they just go down the street and get another one? Bullshit!

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/04/21 at 15:04:32

How many nurses and 1st responders are out of work cause they won't get the jab?

I know they had a choice... right?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/04/21 at 16:28:40

Yeah, Aaand they work where? In the Hospital. What do They SEE!?? They SEE the vaccinated who are destroyed. If the jab was working out so well, wouldn't the nurses know that?
Look at the VAERS graph. It's NOT the whole story. It's NOT reporting all the problems. Why do I say that? I read.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/04/21 at 18:36:30

"What part of
I listened to Biden say
The federal government isn't going to require the people to take the jab
Is unclear?"

 The Government isn't requiring "the people" to take the jab.  There is no requirement for every American to get vaccinated.

 I do believe there is coercion.  Show me where I will go to jail, or where people are being strapped down by force and given these vaccines.  Call it what it actually is.  Coercion, not requirement, not mandate.

"We will NEVER abandon Americans in Afghanistan."

 I was referencing mandatory government enforced vaccines.  

"Yeah, Aaand they work where? In the Hospital. What do They SEE!?? They SEE the vaccinated who are destroyed."

 Destroyed how?  Where are all these crippled and dead vaccinated people?  Why are medical workers saying they don't "trust" the vaccine, and not presenting actual statistics of the dead or damaged?  Wouldn't that really help out?  Like really really help a lot to have actual verifiable statistics?  Probably some big cover up, can't be because they are just like every other profession that doesn't want to take the vaccine.

 You really think all these medical staff losing their livelihoods are just leaving all that evidence back at the job site?

 Maybe that evidence is with the doctor that cured over 300 patients with hydroxychloroquine but has yet to have one single patient step forward and say so.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/05/21 at 08:13:11

You are clearly choosing to fail to see. You don't know? Seriously? Go look at the VAERS graph.
The places with the highest jab rates are where covid is kikkinass. You have all the information available.

Or maybe you can explain Why nurses would walk away instead of get jabbed.

And WHY is Natural Immunity after surviving covid Not sufficient?

Ohh,that is not even a part of the conversation,, and Why Not?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/05/21 at 08:53:23

"You are clearly choosing to fail to see. You don't know? Seriously? Go look at the VAERS graph.
The places with the highest jab rates are where covid is kikkinass. You have all the information available."

 I am very familiar with the information that is available.  You want to go through VAERS?  Lets start with the fact than anyone can put information into it.  Want to add 100 false cases?  Go ahead.

 How many hours have you spent in medical centers during the past few years?  How many data sets have you personally verified at a State command center?  How many actual Covid and vaccination treatment centers, staff and patients have you SEEN?  Not read about from your house but gone out and SEEN with your own eyes?  I was in Houston loading bodies and you say nobody in TX is dying.  Oh and we were there because our model accurately predicted the need by the way, which I presented here months in advance.

"Or maybe you can explain Why nurses would walk away instead of get jabbed."

 I know none of them have presented adverse vaccination information to save their jobs.  Why is that?  Where are all the families of the dead, why aren't they saying anything?  Where are all the adverse reports from actual people?

"And WHY is Natural Immunity after surviving covid Not sufficient?"

 Because not everyone that gets Covid develops antibodies and natural antibodies decay extremely fast historically in comparison to vaccine.

 To date, with repeated testing 65% of people with a  baseline antibody level from infection to begin with, completely lost their SARS-COV-2 antibodies in 60 days.  Again, 60 days.  

 It's like saying if I got the flu in 1980 my natural antibodies prevent me from getting the flu again.  Do you know people that got the flu more than once?

"Ohh,that is not even a part of the conversation,, and Why Not?"

 It is, but must not be where you are getting your information.  I can point you to discussion groups that actually provide information for their claims that discuss nonseroconversion and viral loads in the nasopharynx as a major correlate of the systemic antibody response.

 Just let me know if you want information on those discussions.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by verslagen1 on 11/05/21 at 13:43:22

5474767E6374110 wrote:
 To date, with repeated testing 65% of people with a  baseline antibody level from infection to begin with, completely lost their SARS-COV-2 antibodies in 60 days.  Again, 60 days.  

and these are proven to have had covid and recovered and 60 days later have no antibodies?

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/05/21 at 14:04:10

 I am awaiting some confirmation on the values.  They are too low to be effective for sure so I should have stated lost functional levels within 60 days.  This is of course an average across multiple antibody testing resources.

 There are a lot of variables.  Some people keep them for longer, some even create more antibodies for up to 7 months.  Some never make antibodies at all.  The problem is there is no way to know unless you get Covid, survive and then get tested every 2 weeks.  

 The point of vaccines is not needing to get the illness to be safe.  Using a natural immunity method means everyone has to get infected.  If this were chicken pox with a 99.99% survival rate and a very high and very long immunity duration then sure go with it.  I don't see the point in finding out how well natural immunity works if one can avoid the disease completely. 

 SARS virus in general don't work that way.  This is more like a flu in function and many people get the flu repeatedly.  I have noticed that it was ok to call Covid just a bad flu when talking about economic closures, but not ok to call it a flu when talking long-term immunity.

 I think it is beneficial to keep natural immunity testing going and evaluated.  We may find it is rather successful, for survivors, and not recommend a vaccine.  But for it to be verifiable we need the numbers, not the opinions.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by WebsterMark on 11/06/21 at 06:09:06

Sars-CoV2, MERS and SARS are all coronaviruses and cause respiratory diseases. Natural immunity from MERS varies. Based on the below from a paper on MERS, I assume natural immunity against Covid may follow the same pattern. Which means yes we have some type of natural immunity after infection,  but for how long is the question.

And the biggest question is who can we possibly believe? You think Puddinhead is suddenly going to say hell with this mandate?  You don’t think the drug companies might influence CDC, WHO? You think politics is going to take over the science like it has so far? And Covid infects animals so it’s not going away.

At 6 years postinfection, we detected antibody responses in 100% of MERS survivors who had severe or moderate disease and in 50% of survivors who had mild disease, demonstrating durability of the MERS-CoV–specific antibody response.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by MnSpring on 11/06/21 at 08:18:41

5F7F7D75687F1A0 wrote:
" ...   The Government isn't requiring "the people" to take the jab.  
There is no requirement for every American to get vaccinated.  ..."

Yer right.
 “… The Government isn't requiring "the people" to take the jab…”

They want a certain Job to feed their Family.
Then want to go into certain buildings.
They want to go to a certain restaurant/bar.
They want to enjoy certain Entertainment.
They want to travel a certain way.
Which, when the Government is not directly, ‘requiring’.
they are, ‘requiring’ private business to do so.

The, ‘Government’, is the PEOPLE,
who PAY, servants to do a job,
they are told to do.

The Government is Not !
doing whatever they want to do.

So yea, if one lives, ‘off the grid’,
and supplies everything they need,
  by themselves,
      no requirements.

If not, somewhere, some time, some thing,
one is going to run head on, into a, ‘requirement’.

But hey, it is a choice,
to live off the grid’ like a hermit.
or have interaction with society.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/06/21 at 09:59:42

They want a certain Job to feed their Family.
Then want to go into certain buildings.
They want to go to a certain restaurant/bar.
They want to enjoy certain Entertainment.
They want to travel a certain way.
Which, when the Government is not directly, ‘requiring’.
they are, ‘requiring’ private business to do so.

 Right.  This is the coercion I agreed to months ago and keep agreeing with.

 What I don't agree with is pretending all Americans are required, mandated or any other word meaning the same thing.  Just call it what it is.

Title: Re: Fonzi rides again!
Post by Eegore on 11/06/21 at 16:50:51

 This here will could be a start to changing numbers for national averages.  If the vaccines continue to show this level of drop off, and the 52% or more of unvaccinated age 65 and older continue to die (veterans) then natural immunity could overtake vaccination as the preferred method. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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