General Category >> The Cafe >> Sometimes life bites you in the ass hard!

Message started by goofin on 10/17/21 at 05:20:11

Title: Sometimes life bites you in the ass hard!
Post by goofin on 10/17/21 at 05:20:11

We bought the S40 for her to ride. a few months afterwards she started having pain in her legs. in the last couple of years she had to have stents installed to improve blood flow to her legs. About a month ago all hell broke loose. the arteries closed up above the bypass and limited blood flow to her right leg. $ days ago blood flow stopped and emergency surgery was done to save her life. They had to take her leg off just below the hip. 54 years old and done riding.
Exploring the idea of a side car for the 1200 Madura, so she can at least enjoy some type of riding

Title: Re: Sometimes life bites you in the ass hard!
Post by Eegore on 10/17/21 at 18:59:45

 It is an unfortunate circumstance for your relative, but the alternative of course is worse.

 Great idea with the sidecar, move forward and enjoy things.

Title: Re: Sometimes life bites you in the ass hard!
Post by springman on 10/18/21 at 11:59:53

Really sorry to hear that. Glad her life was saved though. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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