General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The questions just keep coming….

Message started by WebsterMark on 09/20/21 at 05:34:13

Title: The questions just keep coming….
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/21 at 05:34:13

… everyone but those 5,000 res used Americas from Afghanistan.

Here’s a thought. Since they blew a family with 7 kids into pieces and lied about it for days, maybe there really were never 5 or 6 thousand. Maybe it was really very few hundred we flew out and maybe we have thousands stranded there. Sounds crazy sure, but if Pudding Head’s administration has one defining characteristic, it’s blatantly lying.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/21 at 09:35:00

;D ;D ;D Irony

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/21 at 09:35:46

No, it’s not.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/21 at 10:38:50

Seriously,... do you think Trump will ever have a Presidential Library?
What will go in it?...... :-/

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/21 at 12:31:55

023037262130271834273E550 wrote:
"... maybe there really were never 5 or 6 thousand. Maybe it was really very few hundred we flew out and maybe we have thousands stranded there ... "

1 airplane could easily take 1-200 people.

It would take 10-20 + airplanes to fly out all that was said.

So no, 'photo-ops', with Stateside people rushing,
as their loved ones got off the plane/s ?

Lot easier to hide one plane load, than 10 or 20 !!!!!

Ah,  Not to worry,
we's now's got's us a genununine,
'no mean tweet', POTUS

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/21 at 05:11:34

2F392E332B3E33285C0 wrote:
Seriously,... do you think Trump will ever have a Presidential Library?
What will go in it?...... :-/

If Clinton can after jizzing all over a dress in The White House with a young intern who thought he was a god, who couldn’t have one?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 09/30/21 at 07:42:40

 So I was gone all week getting some people back from Afghanistan, by means of Qatar.

 Basically the planes of US citizens didn't fly straight here, and they weren't full of only US citizens.  One thing to think about is the likelihood that a plane full of people will land in NY, and all their families also took planes to NY to meet them instead of meeting them at a local airport.  These photo ops of families meeting their loved ones are typically at US military bases where collective families are already living nearby if not on the base itself.

 The current situation isn't like that, people are spread all over the place.

 What's interesting is how an interpreter can be trusted to keep US soldiers alive for 20 years but the minute he walks on US soil he becomes a Terrorist and needs to leave before he blows up an orphanage.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/21 at 10:39:26

I was wondering what adventures you were off on. Glad you got to do that!
Did you have time to talk to anyone about what it was like trying to get home?
Did anyone say anything about how many were still there?

Re:  Interpreters keeping our guys safe.
Okay, that is well and good.. I get that and thought that already,,
Heeeres my question..

It's my understanding that Afghanis who were helping us were given passports, I think they are green? Color doesn't matter, it's just Not the same as an American citizens, right? So, IF someone has a passport issued by State, they have been vetted, izztso?

Are we supposed to be comfortable with the people being brought here? I ask because I saw a report days ago about a few of them gang raping someone.
The people who helped us ,well, okay, they helped us, against the Taliban..
The Taliban were brutalizing the Afghani people. It was beneficial for them, At The Time, to Help America. Now that they are Here, and stop and think here, because I'm looking to you to help me understand some things..
Okay, these people have lived lives Completely unlike any of us. Their ideologies are, if I've understood things correctly, so far from what we call normal that it's beyond our grasp.

Is it not true that these people will kill their own daughter if she is a rape victim?

Now, if some would and others not, that is not a No answer.

Are these people willing to kill the Infidel?

Your response to why no big receptions at the airport By FAMILY makes sense.

But no Reporters?

If I was running a newspaper or TV station I think I would be trying to get an interview with some of these people coming home..

Let's Go , Brandon!

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/04/21 at 00:39:20

Did you have time to talk to anyone about what it was like trying to get home?

 Only a few and given they had done overseas travel before to similar areas they weren't too surprised with the process.

Did anyone say anything about how many were still there?

 I know of 2.

"It's my understanding that Afghanis who were helping us were given passports, I think they are green? Color doesn't matter, it's just Not the same as an American citizens, right? So, IF someone has a passport issued by State, they have been vetted, izztso?"

 I have seen green ones, and some brown.  I am not sure but find it unlikely that for this one event the process would be different.  We have resources, staff and places to hold incoming.  I worked with U.S. Northern Command on this last project, and at McCoy there were thousands of people there waiting for processing.

"Okay, these people have lived lives Completely unlike any of us. Their ideologies are, if I've understood things correctly, so far from what we call normal that it's beyond our grasp."

 From my experience I don't know anyone that has actually been in Afghanistan that can not grasp the average lifestyle there.  A number of Afghans have asked me how prominent inces t is in the US because of the public information available about it in the US.  Also it is one of the highest content topics on things like P-0rn-hub in the US.  Many wonder why we still celebrate the beginning of a genocide every year - or what we would call Thanksgiving.  

"Are we supposed to be comfortable with the people being brought here? I ask because I saw a report days ago about a few of them gang r aping someone."

 4 white high school boys gang-r aped a young girl where I live.  All of them had hours of that type of footage recovered from their cellphones.  I am not sure if people from Afghanistan are more likely to gang-r ape, but I know it happens in my town by US citizens.

"Is it not true that these people will kill their own daughter if she is a r ape victim?

Now, if some would and others not, that is not a No answer.

 Then what would it be?  If one would kill their r aped daughter the answer is yes "these people" will?  Isn't that like asking will Americans r ape women since some Marines did it in Afghanistan and saying if some Marines will - and some won't - that's Not a No answer?

 Is there any action of any kind anywhere in the world that can be isolated to a 100% yes or no for a specific nationality?

"Are these people willing to kill the Infidel?"

 This falls under some will and some won't.  So by your standard yes they will because it can't be a No answer I guess.  To me, no, not all Afghanis are murderers.


"Your response to why no big receptions at the airport By FAMILY makes sense.

But no Reporters?

If I was running a newspaper or TV station I think I would be trying to get an interview with some of these people coming home..

 I don't know why this isn't on the media you use.  I have seen some on social media, but again they aren't meeting people at airports, they are just scheduling interviews online.  I don't think it is because thousands of US citizens are actually in Afghanistan and we fabricated the evacuation images.  I saw thousands of Afghans in the US, why would we leave US citizens behind?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/21 at 09:05:57

Local media report last night said that we are expecting Afghan immigrants here soon.  They will receive 6 months crash course in English reading and speaking at a local community college.
So it appears that they aren't here yet.
Most went to Qatar and some Germany for processing and evaluation.
This will be why you haven't seen reports of them arriving.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/21 at 12:30:22

E, thanks for your reply.
Let me ask this.

Maybe I was unclear. I know, actually Know, zip, about the Afghani people. All I have to work from is the crap we get told and, imo, without being closer to the source, it's a matter of trust. Since you have actual experience, though I don't know how much or how deep into knowing the ways of the people there, I'm going to ask and if you couch the answer in
I have some experience
Enough to know
That would be good.

I think we are all aware that some females in America have been killed by family.
Some have been sliced and diced sexually.
Sure, we had people there, risking their lives, helping us.

How comfortable do you feel about those people coming to America and adopting the American culture and not hating people who are not Muslim?
What about that Honor killing thing?
I don't have any idea how you Could Possibly have enough exposure to any of those people to have a clue about that, but if I don't ask, you won't likely answer.

What did you learn from your trip?
Anything you want to share?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/04/21 at 18:27:56

"How comfortable do you feel about those people coming to America and adopting the American culture and not hating people who are not Muslim?"

 I am pretty comfortable with it, but there is an elevated risk.  Just looking at the numbers the percentage of actual active terrorists to general population is low.  I think for the most part if we take 20,000 humans from any location in the world and relocate them, crime will increase in the areas where more humans were placed.  

 What I can say is that for every Muslim I meet that hates Christians, I can find a Christian that hates Muslims.  Statistically since there are more Christians in the US I would think the hate factor would be skewed more towards US citizens.  Specific to that religious comparison.

"What about that Honor killing thing?
I don't have any idea how you Could Possibly have enough exposure to any of those people to have a clue about that, but if I don't ask, you won't likely answer.

 It happens.  I saw the stoning of a woman in Afghanistan.  The slow brutalization and murder of a helpless woman in public is considerably less likely in the US, and are rather rare, from what I have been told, in Afghanistan.  I imagine in the US women would be killed privately, but I also think it would be less likely as there is cultural influence in the majority of cases.  Honor killings are rare - I think they would be more rare in the US.

"What did you learn from your trip?
Anything you want to share?

 It was mostly paperwork.  He found his own way out of Afghanistan and we had to arrange a meeting in Qatar.  I was unaware he had married, no kids, so his wife was what the real issue was since she had never been employed by the US.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/21 at 11:24:08

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
" ... expecting Afghan immigrants here soon.  They will receive 6 months crash course in English reading and speaking... "

Wonder if that, 'crash Course' also includes,
Don't throw Sexually Alternate people off buildings ?
Don't stone a person to death in public, (or private) ?
Don't cut off the clitoris of a young girl ?
Don't kill someone who is not of the same religion ?

Oh, on the question of Trumps Library,
I can tell you it will,
A blue stained dress !

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/07/21 at 07:35:04

 So while talking to a few other associates that have spent time in Afghanistan, and some I worked with there as well as Iraq I came to think that if honor killings, stoning etc. is your gig, why would you leave the very place that allows it as acceptable culture?

 Not every Afghan citizen is anti-Taliban, just as not every Iraqi was anti-Saddam Hussein.  So if I want to be able to control who my daughter marries, and murder her if she is raped, why would I pack up my things and go to the US?  The very last place in the world that would be fine with this.

 Of course there is an issue of subterfuge and infiltration of culture, but from my experiences those make better movies than actual real life events.  It takes a very strong dedication to infiltrate a foreign society, and very little to remain where you are.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/07/21 at 09:01:50

624240485542270 wrote:
" ... stoning etc. is your gig, why would you leave the very place that allows it as acceptable culture? ... "

If you choose to leave a place,
and go to a place,
where you need to learn a new language.
You  need to be taught,
that countries Culture also !

No one, that is NO ONE, has taught;
This is the Culture of the place you are going.
   This is what is accepted and what is not accepted.

You do NOT,
leave a $hit hole,
then make the place you are going,
      into a $hit Hole.

When the Hmong came to Minn,
Their was not a bird/cat/dog/fish/deer/etc, not eaten.
Their was not a License obtained,
or a season/limit/species followed.
NO ONE, taught them what the ‘Culture’ was in the USA.
                 They ONLY taught the language.

When the Somalians came to Minn.
(Among the throwing ‘some’ people off building’s etc.)
The adults $HIT on the sidewalk in FRONT of the restroom at a local park.
the kids $HIT in the pool.
Both used the pool at that park, with multi layers of clothes on.
(This comes from a Park Ranger that worked their, from first hand experience, and only the first, by just the telling of that first hand experience)
NO ONE, taught them what the ‘Culture’ was in the USA.
               They ONLY taught the language.

Twice before, have learned, teaching only the language,
is not enough.

Yet the, ‘government’ is going to make the same mistake, AGAIN.

And your answer is,

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Serowbot on 10/07/21 at 09:18:28


Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/07/21 at 10:17:29

If you choose to leave a place,
and go to a place,
where you need to learn a new language.
You  need to be taught,
that countries Culture also !

 I agree.

 You provide valid points in regards to cultural issues, however I would find it hard to believe that Afghans, based off my experience, are unaware that child murder and gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US.

 They also should be completely aware that the current location where they are now, is currently allowing them to participate in their cultural preferences at the moment.  So why leave?

 There could be many reasons for this.  I am just wondering if we look at the Taliban coming in and legalizing everything they want to do, why leave?  It's like Trump rolling in making all abortions illegal, eliminating all taxes, making firearm safety a requirement in every school and we decide to go to Canada.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/07/21 at 12:24:43

527270786572170 wrote:
" ... wondering if we look at the Taliban coming in and legalizing everything they want to do, why leave?  It's like Trump rolling in making all abortions illegal, eliminating all taxes, making firearm safety a requirement in every school and we decide to go to Canada.

As was said:

2B3D2A372F3A372C580 wrote:
That is absurd in so many ways.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/07/21 at 12:38:35

"That is absurd in so many ways."

 I agree.  Why would people in Afghanistan that want to be able to murder their children legally leave?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/07/21 at 14:25:51


I had no idea what lengths you would go to to pretend something means what it doesn't.

Totally disappointed.

It's almost as if you have no knowledge of immigrants actually murdering their sisters or daughters.

Pretend that is not true.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/07/21 at 14:41:11


I had no idea what lengths you would go to to pretend something means what it doesn't.

Totally disappointed.

It's almost as if you have no knowledge of immigrants actually murdering their sisters or daughters.

Pretend that is not true.

 Wow!!  Did I ever in any way at any point in any conversation say anything along the lines that I have no knowledge of immigrants actually murdering their sisters or daughters?

 What part of my statements, if you even bothered to read them all, indicate that I do not think this happens?  Again, as usual, I very directly acknowledge and agree with you and somehow to you it means I think the exact opposite of what I said.

 Again I have to try to clarify this:  Asking why people would leave a governing system that actively applies laws that are conducive to their cultural standards is not equal to denying those cultural standards exist.

 Saying I wonder why a guy would sell a Suzuki Savage for a diesel truck to go cruising with friends is not equal to saying I do not think people sell motorcycles or own trucks.
 Pretend I ever said immigrants don't kill their families.

 Lets review:

Eegore = So while talking to a few other associates that have spent time in Afghanistan, and some I worked with there as well as Iraq I came to think that if honor killings, stoning etc. is your gig, why would you leave the very place that allows it as acceptable culture?

JoG = Wow!!  Pretend immigrants never kill their families.

 How did we get from asking a question to claiming I think immigrants are incapable of familial homicide?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Serowbot on 10/07/21 at 14:55:47

081711160B0C3D0D3D05171B50620 wrote:

I had no idea what lengths you would go to to pretend something means what it doesn't.

Totally disappointed.

It's almost as if you have no knowledge of immigrants actually murdering their sisters or daughters.

Pretend that is not true.

Good thing there's no evidence of white male Americans committing murder.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/15/21 at 07:25:16

 So talking to our old Interpreter from Afghanistan he inquired when the best time to go see a movie at a theatre was.

 After explaining that most movie projection facilities provide lowest cost tickets of entry for the first showing of the day the Interpreter clarified he meant "safest" time to go.

 Basically his exposure to American culture has had significant coverage of how Americans shoot each other in public.  He is wanting to see a movie, but wants to mitigate being a victim of mass murder.  He assumed he shouldn't go to a nightclub or concert and was rather surprised we would. "We" being specifically the contractors and special forces personnel he worked alongside in Afghanistan with the exclusion of all other known humans.

 This is an example of cultural perception in reverse.  I have had these same discussions in Israel.  I was in a cab and the driver told me he hopes I get the chance to move out of Colorado because its so unsafe.  He heard about Columbine, Aurora, Denver, among other mass shootings and assumed that "Region" was particularly dangerous.  Not like Israel where there's only a few rockets and explosions every now and then.

 I also had a discussion on that trip about how unsafe teaching must be since kids bring guns to school.  

 This is as accurate as the lies here in the US that teachers are armed in Israel.  This works both ways.

 Now to be clear, acknowledging that Afghans can get skewed information about the US is not equal to saying Afghans do not commit familial homicide and I am in no way pretending Afghans are not capable or do not murder family.  

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/15/21 at 08:39:30

... his exposure to American culture has had significant coverage of how Americans shoot each other in public...   

It was 1972, I was picking up a Denmark couple form the Airport.
(My friend stayed at their house for 4 months on a exchange program)
He and the wife sat in the back,
I and the husband sat in the front.

After the required detour through Downtown Mpls/StPaul,
We drove into the country,
where their were no street lamps,
and it was a dark overcast night.

The Danish visitor started opening the glove box, feeling in the door pockets, etc.
I asked what are you looking for ?

He responded: “Your Gun”
After I explained it was not needed.
he said: “What if we are attacked by Indians”

Another reason the, ‘Culture,’ of a Nation
one is going to,
needs to be taught.

     Which Country would have a better chance of;

Stopping the practice of, ‘honor’ killings, and cutting off a clitoris, etc.
  Where those practices are NOW allowed ?

Or allowing the  practice of, ‘honor’ killings, and cutting off a clitoris, etc.
   Where those practices are now NOT allowed ?

And one of those Countries has a , ‘Mush-For-Brains’, ‘Pud-den Head’, Puppet leader.
Where the UL propaganda spreaders are convincing many people,
they are to pay,
for the sins of their Great,  Great-Great, Great/Great/Great/etc, grandparents mistakes/beliefs.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/15/21 at 09:01:17

 I would have just told them to relax because the car can outrun the horses.

 In high school I had two cousins from New York visit and they had never seen dirt.  Like actual soil dirt, they had only seen it through the metal grates where trees grew by their apartment.  They couldn't believe how much dirt was on the farm of all places.  

 At night we heard a cow "Moo" and they were done.  Too scary, had to get inside now!  And all I could think was how dangerous I was told NY was.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/15/21 at 15:26:25

7656545C4156330 wrote:
... however I would find it hard to believe that Afghans, based off my experience, are unaware that child murder and gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US. ...

If you believe that,
why does this happen ?

0424262E3324410 wrote:
 ...   Basically his exposure to American culture has had significant coverage of how Americans shoot each other in public. ...

So, doing something that is legal there,
and illegal where they are going.
A person knows that, how ?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/15/21 at 16:31:56

"If you believe that,
why does this happen ?

 My beliefs can't stop anyone from doing anything.

 Also I believe most adult US citizens are aware that child murder and gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US.  Why does it still happen?

"So, doing something that is legal there,
and illegal where they are going.
A person knows that, how ?"

 Multiple ways.  Society in general no longer exists in a cultural vacuum.  Most people use phones, social media, internet and have family outside of their physical home.  Since I can't account for the knowledge any one human on any subject at any time I can not say how one knows anything.  My belief however remains that most Afghans are aware that child murder, gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US.

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/15/21 at 18:10:16

4565676F7265000 wrote:
" ... My belief however remains that most Afghans are aware that child murder, gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US.

OK, how does that dovetail, with what you have 'observed'
" talking to our old Interpreter from Afghanistan..."

If the Afghanistan's believe: "...Americans shoot each other in public...."
How do they, know, "...that child murder, gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US...."

They are, 'up to date', on current US laws.
Yet do not understand that seeing a movie,
is light-years safer than flying in a airplane ?

Why is that ?

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/15/21 at 20:15:56

"OK, how does that dovetail, with what you have 'observed'
" talking to our old Interpreter from Afghanistan...

 It doesn't.

If the Afghanistan's believe: "...Americans shoot each other in public...."

 Our old Interpreter believes Americans shoot each other in public because of the news coverage of Americans shooting each other in public.  Just as JoG believes Afghans commit honor killings because of news or internet coverage of Afghans committing honor killings.

How do they, know, "...that child murder, gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US...."

 I can't account for the knowledge any one human on any subject at any time I can not say how one knows anything.  It is my belief that most Afghans know child murder and gang-rape etc. are illegal in the US.  My belief is the result of my times in Afghanistan.

"They are, 'up to date', on current US laws.
Yet do not understand that seeing a movie,
is light-years safer than flying in a airplane ?

 I would assume that almost every country has laws prohibiting child murder and gang-rape, but I would not consider myself up to date on any countries' legal system.  

 This would be no different than someone who only knows what "the news" says about Afghanistan and asking him where the safest routes are through Kabul and what mosques are least likely to be bombed.  It would be reasonable to ask that question and not have him ask you how come you are up to date with suicide bombings being illegal and not realizing the plane ride over was more risky than transit and prayer in Afghanistan.

 These here are examples:


the second massive attack in a week targeting worshippers from the minority sect.

United States:

"2 mass shootings in less than a day leave at least 29 dead and 53 injured"

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/16/21 at 17:32:26

7D5D5F574A5D380 wrote:
" ...    Our old Interpreter believes Americans shoot each other in public because of the news coverage of Americans shooting each other in public.  ..." 

So, because a, 'news' report said x amount of shootings,
make going to a movie, un safe.
Your, 'old Interpreter believes', movies are un safe.

Nothing about, 'news', reports of how, Religions are sacred.
And if you infer that,
Throwing a Queer off a roof top,
Stoning a Female to Death,
Cutting off a Clitoris of a young girl,
KILLING anyone who is not of your religion,
Is Protected. (BECAUSE It Is, a fundamental part of their religion).

And no recommendation of TELLING THEM,
that is NOT ALLOWED,
When they come to the U.S.A.

Only tell them the difference between,
Their, There, Thee.

[quote]"... Just as JoG believes Afghans commit ... "

JOG has Nothing to do with this !

But great Deflection !!!!!!

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by MnSpring on 10/16/21 at 17:44:38

7C5C5E564B5C390 wrote:
" ...  I can't account for the knowledge any one human on any subject at any time I can not say how one knows anything.  ... "

So that is the reason you have no answer to this:

 " ... Which Country would have a better chance of;

Stopping the practice of, ‘honor’ killings, and cutting off a clitoris, etc.
 Where those practices are NOW allowed ?

Or allowing the  practice of, ‘honor’ killings, and cutting off a clitoris, etc.
  Where those practices are now NOT allowed ? ...."

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/17/21 at 12:35:44

"So, because a, 'news' report said x amount of shootings,
make going to a movie, un safe.
Your, 'old Interpreter believes', movies are un safe.

 Because of multiple news reports on multiple locations.


"Nothing about, 'news', reports of how, Religions are sacred.
And if you infer that,
Throwing a Queer off a roof top,
Stoning a Female to Death,
Cutting off a Clitoris of a young girl,
KILLING anyone who is not of your religion,
Is Protected. (BECAUSE It Is, a fundamental part of their religion)

 The content of the conversation was about movie times.   No he does not bring up every known type of violence in every conversation we have, and I also do not do this.  He is obviously aware of this stuff which is why he spent almost 2 decades fighting it, and has left now that the Taliban are in control.

"And no recommendation of TELLING THEM,
that is NOT ALLOWED,
When they come to the U.S.A

 I do recommend that.

"JOG has Nothing to do with this !

But great Deflection !!!!!!"

 Except JoG has commented on this very topic.  Here, remove JoG and replace it with "People".

Title: Re: The questions just keep coming….
Post by Eegore on 10/17/21 at 12:42:03

So that is the reason you have no answer to this:

" ... Which Country would have a better chance of;

Stopping the practice of, ‘honor’ killings, and cutting off a clitoris, etc.
Where those practices are NOW allowed ?

Or allowing the  practice of, ‘honor’ killings, and cutting off a clitoris, etc.
 Where those practices are now NOT allowed ? ...."

 The question is structured in a way I thought you were making a statement versus asking.

 Are you asking if there is a better chance of stopping a stoning where is is legal to do so, or if there is a better chance of allowing a stoning where it is illegal to do so?

 I think this has, as structured, an equal chance of outcome.  It may be easier to stop legal activity, but it may be easier to allow illegal activity. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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