General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Just Another Day In America

Message started by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 09:35:10

Title: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 09:35:10

For a person of color......

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by Eegore on 06/04/21 at 09:48:58

"I have a strong feeling that he wouldn't have harassed me of I was of a lighter complexion,"

 I'm sure someone out there has a strong feeling that he's wrong.  See how easy that is.

 Have a white guy walk through some inner city LA neighborhoods and tell me he won't be violently confronted.  Just another day in America.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/21 at 09:50:21

Blah, blah, blah....big f’ing deal.

What’s the over under odds on the number of blacks that will kill each other in your city of Chicago over the next 48 hours? Don’t you think that’s a little bit more important than this?

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 10:20:50

7B5B59514C5B3E0 wrote:
"I have a strong feeling that he wouldn't have harassed me of I was of a lighter complexion,"

 I'm sure someone out there has a strong feeling that he's wrong.  See how easy that is.

 Have a white guy walk through some inner city LA neighborhoods and tell me he won't be violently confronted.  Just another day in America.

Well, I can't speak for LA, but I have firsthand experience here in Chicago in the near west side.  I’ve been there many times recently and I wasn't violently confronted. I wasn't harassed. I felt I was being looked at differently, but that's just me.

I know a couple of drivers who are in Englewood during the week and are just as white as I am, yet they've never been harassed or asked to show ID.

Does it happen on both sides?  Of course. But the reasons are completely different. Guys like one in the video feel threatened by someone's skin color, that's it. Classic racism. People of color in poor neighborhoods, aren't threatened by race, they're pi$$ed off and frustrated.  Some of them feel that violence is the only answer.

There's no justification for either side, but it's important to know and differentiate the reasons.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/21 at 10:29:28

You are a race baiter. In posting that, you are essentially a drive-by shooter throwing up rare cases of racism and trying to paint the entire country like that. Trying to stir up $hit for no reason.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the vast, vast majority of people are not racist. If your experiences otherwise, maybe you need to hang around different people.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 10:37:57

6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 wrote:
Blah, blah, blah....big f’ing deal.

What’s the over under odds on the number of blacks that will kill each other in your city of Chicago over the next 48 hours? Don’t you think that’s a little bit more important than this?

Lol, look at you, putting betting odds on shooting deaths, maybe you have a gambling problem?....  I'm so thankful that I never made a bet with you because sure enough, you reneged. I was spot on and right not to gamble.  You said you'd leave, yet here you are.... No honor. But whatever, you do you.

All I can say is this. There is definitely a gang problem in my great city.  Our new police chief is working on it to the best of his ability. Hes definitely an improvement over our last chief. Fortunately, this Memorial Day weekend had less violence than last year.

But at least it's not as bad as St. Louis.  Per capita, you have a far better chance of being shot than I do. St. Louis is number one in the Country in per capita murders, Chicago is 28th.  So maybe look inward at your own sh!thole before you cast aspersions.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 10:47:30

4A787F6E69786F507C6F761D0 wrote:
You are a race baiter. In posting that, you are essentially a drive-by shooter throwing up rare cases of racism and trying to paint the entire country like that. Trying to stir up $hit for no reason.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the vast, vast majority of people are not racist. If your experiences otherwise, maybe you need to hang around different people.

I'm a race baiter?  Well, you took the bait. What's that make you?
;D ;D

Look mark, I never once said that a majority of whites are racist. I've simply stated that when it comes to racism, this country still has a big problem with it and a long way to go in ending it.  If you feel threatened by that viewpoint, then maybe you ought to take a closer look at yourself and your circle of friends.

My experience has been just the opposite. I personally have a very diverse group of people I interact with.  If I assessed racism from only my personal perspective, I would say everything's great. But I don't. I try to look beyond my own experiences and interactions.

Something we should all do more of.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/21 at 11:23:15

150B040508150E13610 wrote:
[quote author=6C5E59484F5E49765A49503B0 link=1622824510/0#2 date=1622825421]Blah, blah, blah....big f’ing deal.

What’s the over under odds on the number of blacks that will kill each other in your city of Chicago over the next 48 hours? Don’t you think that’s a little bit more important than this?

Lol, look at you, putting betting odds on shooting deaths, maybe you have a gambling problem?....  I'm so thankful that I never made a bet with you because sure enough, you reneged. I was spot on and right not to gamble.  You said you'd leave, yet here you are.... No honor. But whatever, you do you.

All I can say is this. There is definitely a gang problem in my great city.  Our new police chief is working on it to the best of his ability. Hes definitely an improvement over our last chief. Fortunately, this Memorial Day weekend had less violence than last year.

But at least it's not as bad as St. Louis.  Per capita, you have a far better chance of being shot than I do. St. Louis is number one in the Country in per capita murders, Chicago is 28th.  So maybe look inward at your own sh!thole before you cast aspersions. [/quote]

Yep, St Louis City and nearby municipalities are a bigger sh!thole per capita than Chicago. Did you think that was gonna make me upset?!!!

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/21 at 11:24:10

You and Sharpton, two peas in a pod.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 12:11:45

033136272031261935263F540 wrote:
Yep, St Louis City and nearby municipalities are a bigger sh!thole per capita than Chicago. Did you think that was gonna make me upset?!!!

Yeah, I thought that would make you upset.

But it didn't. That's sad. Not only do you have zero honor, you have no civic pride.

I have great pride in my city. So much that I will defend it and work to change what's wrong with it.  It's a shame you don't give a sh!t and only want to p!ss and moan and watch it all burn.

But honestly, I can't say I'm surprised.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/21 at 12:47:01

It’s what happens when you have generations of Democratic leadership that treats blacks like spoiled children whose parents are afraid to tell them half  of their problems are self induced with the other half is a combination of cowardly leaders and those strategically using an entire race of people to stay in power.

Grandpa Joe is classic case. Blacks don’t have layers so they can’t start a business?! Hello McFly....Hopey-Change and Mrs Hopey are both lawyers.
I remember when Biden said “poor kids are “just as talented as white kids...”
Freudian Slip there much Joe...!  
Now he says stupid $hit like white supremacy is the biggest risk when I’ll bet 15 black men are murdered everyday by other blacks. Someone check that out. I’ll bet I’m close.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/04/21 at 13:12:19

Some people just have no clue. Point fingers and watch it burn, mark.

It's a free country, so you go right ahead and do you.


Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by Eegore on 06/04/21 at 13:29:24

Does it happen on both sides?  Of course. But the reasons are completely different. Guys like one in the video feel threatened by someone's skin color, that's it. Classic racism. People of color in poor neighborhoods, aren't threatened by race, they're pi$$ed off and frustrated.  Some of them feel that violence is the only answer.

 I agree with this, however since racism isn't a crime and violence against others is, I am more concerned about the violence.  Feeling that violence is the only answer is a bigger problem than strongly feeling that somebody doesn't like my race.

 This bonehead with a camera insinuating a black guy is a criminal or whatever is a waste of that bonehead's time.  At most it is an inconvenience to the delivery driver.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by MnSpring on 06/06/21 at 08:09:05


5A444B4A475A415C2E0 wrote:
Some people just have no clue. Point fingers and watch it burn, ..."

Kinna like what happened in Minn ????????

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/06/21 at 09:53:54

4665587B7962656C0B0 wrote:

[quote author=5A444B4A475A415C2E0 link=1622824510/0#11 date=1622837539]Some people just have no clue. Point fingers and watch it burn, ..."

Kinna like what happened in Minn ????????


I don't know. What happened in MN?

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by Mavigogun on 06/06/21 at 15:21:53

1434363E2334510 wrote:
I agree with this, however since racism isn't a crime and violence against others is, I am more concerned about the violence.  Feeling that violence is the only answer is a bigger problem than strongly feeling that somebody doesn't like my race.

 This bonehead with a camera insinuating a black guy is a criminal or whatever is a waste of that bonehead's time.  At most it is an inconvenience to the delivery driver.

The legality of racism is context dependent- there are specific provisions related to housing, employment, public accommodation, election and redistricting, to name a few.

Topically, violence WASN’T the only recourse in this instance, as was made explicitly clear in the recording, as the victim disavowed violence, and invited police involvement.  According to the courier, threatening to summons police in response to the lawful presence of a person of color is an offense under local statute.

We all should be alarmed when there is a reasonable basis for believing civil rights may only be secured through violence- the conditions underpinning that belief represent a clear failure of our egalitarian democratic compact -but-

Focusing concern here on a violent response that wasn’t present is part and parcel of our problem.  As is casting the pictured example of racism as a mere “inconvenience”.   That “inconvenience” is part of a continuum: being followed in a place of commerce; being denied loans or equitable rates; being denied employment, promotion, or pay at rates commensurate with experience and performance; being denied housing; being denied medical care, regardless of ability to pay; being subject to State-sanctioned violence disproportionately; being prosecuted and sentenced disproportionately; being the beneficiary of public investment disproportionately - all real harms heaped upon folks in our country as punishment for their pigment.

Following the Civil War, a systematic attempt at reconciliation saw a transformation in the lives of people of color, who seized on opportunities in sciences, arts, agriculture, and politics.   The period of Reconstruction saw blossoming of African American farming; African Americans claimed more patents per capita than their European American neighbors.  All that changed when the Slave States refused to acknowledge the defeat of their favored Presidential candidate, thwarting the transition of power until their opponents capitulated in the Great Compromise of 1877, ushering in 100 years of Jim Crow.

As racists regained control of the former Confederate States and implemented their program of domestic terrorism, and lynchings became so regular a part of American life that collectible post cards were commonly issued to celebrate these public murders, African American land holdings SHRANK, as did African American patent filings.  These two markers of free participation provide a stark window into the impact of Jim Crow that compound into our present moment. [ch8232]

Far from an “inconvenience”, a climate of hate has a very real impact on the personal and community health of people of color.    Today, African American per capita wealth is about 1/7 that of Whites.  African Americans and people of color are underrepresented in our State houses and local government.  African American life expectancy lags White Americans by around 3.6 years; in this past year, people of color died at disproportionate rates from COVID-19.   Were ours a just and equitable society, race would not be an indicator of wealth, longevity, health, or representation.

When considering violence, then, consider the complete constellation of harm.   When, just a few months ago, freezing temperatures left the people of Jackson, Mississippi without drinking water for over a month, with resources for repair blocked by the State legislature, they suffered a persistent and enduring legacy of racism that we must assure contests successfully for our attention over mere fear of violent retribution for injustice.

[ch8232][ch8232]The very least any of us can do is not add to the misery by denying it, pretending the cause and balance of responsibility lays within people of color- or minimizing transgressions as mere inconveniences.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by Eegore on 06/06/21 at 19:38:41

 I don't intend to minimize the impacts of racism in general in the US, I am just saying if this idiot with a phone is what we have to deal with it is a lot better than let's say public lynching.

 There will be versions of this everywhere.  For instance a local art gallery has designated itself as a "Safe Space" for a certain art show and I was not allowed to go.  When I inquired why I wasn't allowed in it was because I was a white male.  Literally the words White, and Male were used, along with a description of my privilege and how my presence is oppressive to those without said privilege.

 This, at most, is a minor inconvenience to me.  That doesn't mean racism or such isn't a significant impact to others, just that I was inconvenienced.

 Now I have been assaulted in LA for being white.  That, to me, is more than an inconvenience, and also a crime.  But these are just my experiences.

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by MnSpring on 06/07/21 at 07:08:57


253B343538253E23510 wrote:
I don't know. What happened in MN?

And you actually complain that people call you,
  A Troll ?

;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Just Another Day In America
Post by T And T Garage on 06/07/21 at 07:45:37

587B4665677C7B72150 wrote:

[quote author=253B343538253E23510 link=1622824510/0#14 date=1622998434]
I don't know. What happened in MN?

And you actually complain that people call you,
  A Troll ?

;D ;D ;D ;D


I don't think I've ever complained about being called a troll...

But in any regard, what happened in MN that is relevant to what I posted about? » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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