General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!

Message started by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 07:58:51

Title: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 07:58:51

A quick glance at the flu numbers over the past year say a lot:

Imagine if we listened to trump instead of science?

Yep - its gonna be a great summer!!


Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 08:09:50

 Wrong.  The source is the CDC.  They can not be trusted because somebody else lied to me about what they were honest about.

 If masks helped surgeons would have been wearing them for decades.  Having never been in a surgery my observed reality is that surgeons don't wear masks, and by not looking at infection control information since the 1940's I can say there is no evidence that I can see.

 Get on YouTube and Facebook, or The National, walk outside look around and then tell me the "real" facts.  


Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 08:28:46

7E5E5C54495E3B0 wrote:
 Wrong.  The source is the CDC.  They can not be trusted because somebody else lied to me about what they were honest about.

 If masks helped surgeons would have been wearing them for decades.  Having never been in a surgery my observed reality is that surgeons don't wear masks, and by not looking at infection control information since the 1940's I can say there is no evidence that I can see.

 Get on YouTube and Facebook, or The National, walk outside look around and then tell me the "real" facts.  


LOL. Thanks Eegore!  What a great way to end the week!!

Nicely done!


Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/21 at 12:21:57

You listened to the science that confirmed your political ideology, you didn’t listen to science.

What do you know about the particle capture efficiency of various mask material?

The real science says sure mask work but much much less than you think. They have to be worn correctly or their effectiveness plummets. How many people wear mask correctly? Do you have a beard? If you do, the odds of your mask working anywhere near the average plummets.

Did you follow the very temporary advice to wear two mask? If you did, you endangered those around you far more than if you only had one. Do you ever wonder why that advice just disappeared quickly?

It’s a complicated topic and despite what you read from your preferred scientist, the real effectiveness of masks against COVID-19 is still an open debate.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 15:53:52

LOL, it's funny that some don't know the difference between science and politics.

I posted a CDC report. If some want to use their imagination and pretend it doesn't matter, the they can go right ahead.


Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 16:17:43

What does the CDC say about the mask/s a Surgeon/Nurses wear,
DURING A OPERATION, Not on the street !
and the ones everyone else is to wear, which say
"Made in CHINA, NOT do for Infectis Virouses"

What does the CDC say of Cancer deaths in the last 1-1/2 years ?
What does the CDC say of Heart related  deaths in the last 1-1/2 years ?
What does the CDC say of Diabetic related deaths in the last 1-1/2 years ?
And on, and on, and on.

After all,  ALL those people that died in a Car Crash, who tested Positive, were marked of DYING of C-19.

C-19 is real, BUT, it is just a variant of the standard Flu.
Which of course, that standard flu/s, were  down, cause they were NOW CLASSED as C-19 !

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 16:24:22

"After all,  ALL those people that died in a Car Crash, who tested Positive, were marked of DYING of C-19."

 This is still incorrect.  Refusing to look at the actual information doesn't make this true.  NCHS does not implement U07.2 for mortality statistics.  But keep saying that hoping people subscribe to the lie.

"This section on the death certificate is for reporting the sequence of conditions that led directly to death. The immediate cause of death, which is the disease or condition that directly preceded death and is not necessarily the underlying cause of death (UCOD), should be reported on line A."

"The conditions that led to the immediate cause of death should be reported in a logical sequence in terms of time and etiology below it."

 How does that mean to classify dying "of" C-19?

 It's like people claiming AR-15s are responsible for most gun deaths.  That's not true, but they ignore that and keep lying so they can push their opinion over fact.

 People die With C-19, and From C-19.  Why is that so hard to understand?

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 16:27:58


022220283522470 wrote:
 How does that mean to classify dying "of" C-19?
... "

No response to the rest ?

Just Car Crashes ?

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 16:31:09

"No response to the rest ?

Just Car Crashes ?"

 Yeah.  That part is very inaccurate and I keep bringing it up - with no response.

  One "car crash" incident that's been all over "the news" and social media fails to mention that the crash itself had no life threatening injuries.  The guy had C-19, been to the hospital for it, left, got really sick and tried to drive back and died from acute respiratory distress syndrome.  So yeah that guy was classified as C-19 as underlying cause of death.  

 But since it's easier to be angry than it is to be educated people just keep posting that a guy in a car crash was classified as a C-19 death.  That's true, but isn't really convenient the part about the crash not inflicting any injuries was left out?

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 16:42:31

5A7A78706D7A1F0 wrote:
"...  Yeah.  That part is very inaccurate and I keep bringing it up - with no response.  

I see, (Said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw)

So,  you NEVER read/saw/experienced, any contract that said:

“…no part that may be considered invalided,
by any other means,
shall be considered to invalidate,
any other part of this contract …”

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 16:49:16

 I have.  And still no one, here, will address the  actual words posted on actual death certificates or the CDC, which I have even provided.

"NCHS does not implement U07.2 for mortality statistics."

 How do you get that U07.2 is implemented from that statement?   

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 16:58:14

Please post the amount of:
Cancer retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Heart retaliated  deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Diabetic retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Old Age retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Or any other serious complainant retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.

Are they up, or down.
Remember FACTS now, not Spin !

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/21 at 17:25:08

The CDC only recently acknowledged aerosol transmission as the primary transmission vector while many other health organizations did so months before. The CDC claimed science as their rationale for not acknowledging the obvious role of aerosols while other organizations likewise claimed science. So again, you can find any science you want to support your position.

The CDC is a political scientific organization.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 18:46:24

360403121504132C00130A610 wrote:
"... The CDC is a political scientific organization.

O.M.G.  How can you possibly,
BREAK someone's, BUBBLE !!!!!

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 19:41:07


Some people and their imagination!

Seems they forgot about what a concensus means.

Masks work.

They don't block much, true, but it's enough to make a difference.

That's how science works.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 20:09:43

"The CDC is a political scientific organization."

 I agree.  I have said that multiple times.

 Also when I post the following it is predictably ignored:

This section on the death certificate is for reporting the sequence of conditions that led directly to death. The immediate cause of death, which is the disease or condition that directly preceded death and is not necessarily the underlying cause of death (UCOD), should be reported on line A."

"The conditions that led to the immediate cause of death should be reported in a logical sequence in terms of time and etiology below it.

 Then provide actual death certificate breakdowns, then do the math, then provide thousands of data points for review. But it's wrong and some people don't even have to look to know.  

 However it is expected I look at their references.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 20:11:42

"Please post the amount of:
Cancer retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Heart retaliated  deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Diabetic retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Old Age retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Or any other serious complainant retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.

Are they up, or down.
Remember FACTS now, not Spin !

 Please post the amount of death certificates with vehicle crashes that are listed as dying "From" C-19.  They are public record after all.  C-19 as primary cause of death.

 Remember, FACTS now, not spin.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 21:07:31

Once again, Eegore for the win!!

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by WebsterMark on 05/22/21 at 04:31:08

637D72737E637865170 wrote:

Some people and their imagination!

Seems they forgot about what a concensus means.

Masks work.

They don't block much, true, but it's enough to make a difference.

That's how science works.

That’s how science works huh? “Not much but enough to make a difference”....Well crap....who knew? Why have I spent so much time over these years accumulating. analyzing and providing data to substantiate and validate procedural changes when I could have just followed your science? Boy oh boy, I sure wish I had worked for you all those years instead of those  useless engineers who demand solid data. I could have just said “not much but enough to make a difference“ and gone home.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/22/21 at 15:03:35


624240485542270 wrote:
" ...  Please post the amount of death certificates with vehicle crashes that are listed as dying "From" C-19. ... "

So you are asking me, to post information that you are fundamentally more familiar with.
As a answer to the request to post answers, to the below questions.
Again, in a subject, you are fundamentally more FAMILIAR WITH.

Cancer retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Heart retaliated  deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Diabetic retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Old Age retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years.
Or any other serious ailment retaliated deaths in the last 1-1/2 years

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by MnSpring on 05/22/21 at 18:35:40


6C727D7C716C776A180 wrote:
They don't block much, true,
but it's enough to make a difference.
That's how science works.

Good-E-Nuff !
That’s how Science Works

Isn’t it just wonderful how,
life is for some people.

Cause, foe-sure-enuf now,
Dat’s how Science  Works dar now. !!!!!
Don’t sha know now, ya ver sure.

Well, until one does not agree !
Then, it Proof,
and Correct Proof,
From a Proven Correct source,
With all the proven and correct, T’s & I’s, dotted/crossed.
With all the data proven correct because it has the correct proven outcome.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by Eegore on 05/23/21 at 01:29:01

"So you are asking me, to post information that you are fundamentally more familiar with.
As a answer to the request to post answers, to the below questions.
Again, in a subject, you are fundamentally more FAMILIAR WITH.

 I am saying that when you state:

After all,  ALL those people that died in a Car Crash, who tested Positive, were marked of DYING of C-19.

 This is wrong.  Unless of course you have access to actual death certificates that actually say this, then please let me look through them.  FACTS please, since you request that from me.

 No amount of asking other questions makes your statement true.  Yet this untrue statement is a critical part of your overall post.  Of course myself being fundamentally more FAMILIAR WITH a topic has historically not meant anything even with empirical evidence, numbering in the thousands in this case, being presented.  Historically you have told me to go look up for myself anything I want to have information on, (because another forum member told you that), and now all the sudden it's ok to keep asking me to look things up for you.

 If my evidence that All those Car Crashes were listed as dying "of" C-19 is wrong, why wouldn't all the other data sets I provide also be wrong?  For months I have provided information that people are classified as "With" C-19 and "From" C-19 and as this thread shows - its ignored.  As such I expect if my information on Cancer Mortality, Cardiac Mortality, Diabetic Mortality, Natural Cause mortality, and "any other serious complainant retaliated" whatever that is supposed to mean, will also be wrong if it does not meet the pre-decided outcome.

 You are asking for millions of data sets, and you won't even acknowledge the one I keep providing.  So yeah if anyone ignores FACTS they can just sit there and claim, without evidence, that "Old Age" deaths are down because "All" old age people were classified as C-19.  Which would still be untrue, because none of these claims changes that the NCHS does not implement U07.2 for mortality statistics.

 Now is it plausible that the lowered "Seasonal flu" counts are due to C-19 classification/counting methods?  Yes.  But not in the same way that this false car crashes are "all" being documented as dying "from" C-19 nonsense.

Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by T And T Garage on 06/01/21 at 07:44:42

Eegore, you may have better luck teaching algebra to a tree....


Title: Re: Whaddya Know?  Masks Work!
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/21 at 18:27:07

726C63626F726974060 wrote:
A quick glance at the flu numbers over the past year say a lot:

Imagine if we listened to trump instead of science?

Yep - its gonna be a great summer!!


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