General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> They're Not Proud?

Message started by T And T Garage on 05/15/21 at 16:44:20

Title: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/15/21 at 16:44:20

These asshats

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/21 at 07:28:22

The guy’s right; Trump abandoned them. He was still in office with pardon power when it became clear the leftist media had fabricated the insurrection story and leftist politicians saw a great opportunity dropped in their lap. So now the DOJ keeps these people in solitary with promises of essentially life in prison while BLM and antifa routinely attack public officials and private individuals with actual violence while facing very little consequences. The guy should be pi$$ed. We all should be pi$$ed at the way one group of protesters is treated vs another.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/16/21 at 13:42:39

 What do you mean by "fabricated the insurrection story"?  As far as I can tell there is no question that these people were in the restricted areas of the US Capitol for the purpose of stopping election proceedings.  This guy admits it, there's video, what is fabricated?

 I for one cant believe anyone would think Trump was going to pardon regular US citizens that went into the Capitol.  Nothing about that matches his past behavior.  

"So now the DOJ keeps these people in solitary"

 Solitary?  Where did you find this information?  Solitary is rare in US prisons now.  If they are in special or "segregated" housing they are still celled with another inmate.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/16/21 at 19:06:36

You beat me to the punch Eegore!

Well done!

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/21 at 20:01:22

1F3F3D35283F5A0 wrote:
 What do you mean by "fabricated the insurrection story"?  As far as I can tell there is no question that these people were in the restricted areas of the US Capitol for the purpose of stopping election proceedings.  This guy admits it, there's video, what is fabricated?

 I for one cant believe anyone would think Trump was going to pardon regular US citizens that went into the Capitol.  Nothing about that matches his past behavior.  

"So now the DOJ keeps these people in solitary"

 Solitary?  Where did you find this information?  Solitary is rare in US prisons now.  If they are in special or "segregated" housing they are still celled with another inmate.

The only difference between Jan 6th at the Capitol and the 2 or 3 nights when protestors lined the streets outside The White House is the security at the Capitol moved aside but not at The White House. Had they breached the fences protecting The White House and got inside, they would have killed Trump and his family. No difference between the two.

Hindsight is 20-20 but if we knew now what those protestors would face, I absolutely would have been in favor of a pardon if possible.

As Elizabeth Warren about solitary.

Look, this was no insurrection. This was a protest that spontaneously got out of hand. There was no plan, this was no armed rebellion and they are being punished far greater than 1) they deserve and 2) vastly disproportionate to the leftist rioters in various places across the nation.

And it’s insane that the killer of Ashley Babbit was adjudicated in secret with his identity unknown. Imagine for one second if an unarmed female BLM protester breaking into a government building had been shut down and the shooter’s identity was kept secret and he was not charged......
just imagine.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/16/21 at 20:23:37

"And it’s insane that the killer of Ashley Babbit was adjudicated in secret with his identity unknown. Imagine for one second if an unarmed female BLM protester breaking into a government building had been shut down and the shooter’s identity was kept secret and he was not charged......
just imagine."

 I brought that up here before.  I think if it were ANTIFA it would just be the opposite people responding.  If some black mask ANTIFA supporter was killed then the classified status of the LEO would be scrutinized by non-Trump supporters, but accepted by Trump supporters.  The tactics for response would be different, historically ANTIFA or similar based responses tend to impact non-participants at larger scale.

 As for the term "insurrection" I do believe the Jan 6th event is accurately called an insurrection if we examine the entirety of the evidence.  The weeks of pre-planning online, the improvised explosives, and even just a mop handle is by definition considered taking up arms.  However not every participant was armed, or intending on entering the building.

 This is why each participant should be given a trial, and charged appropriately.  "Getting out of hand" is not an excuse, it is certainly not a legal defense when talking about entering buildings.  I do not think someone that entered the building and didn't really do anything should get a full sentence allowed by law, but I also do not think they should be able to walk away saying "Meh, I got out of hand".  You go parade around posting your criminal trespass on Facebook and tell me you won't get a harsher response than somebody that did the same thing, but didn't take photos and brag about it.

 As for the referenced article, some of these guys admit they were going with intent to enter and stop the ceremony.  That's not peaceful protest getting out of hand, that is intentional and they thought Trump would get their back.  They were wrong.

 I expect to be held accountable for my actions, so I am ok expecting that of others.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/17/21 at 03:57:01

I brought that up here before.  I think if it were ANTIFA it would just be the opposite people responding.  If some black mask ANTIFA supporter was killed then the classified status of the LEO would be scrutinized by non-Trump supporters, but accepted by Trump supporters.  The tactics for response would be different, historically ANTIFA or similar based responses tend to impact non-participants at larger scale

“ tend to impact non-participants at larger scale“.....  WTF dude.....! Impacting non-participants on a larger scale means rioting, beating random people, burning buildings down.  You are so far off on that answer I’m gonna put it down to the fact it was late and you’re not thinking clearly. Think about what that means, think about what you just said. It’s absolute nonsense.

And no, if an unidentified white policeman shot and killed a black BLM rioter peacefully protesting while breaking into a government office and he was adjudicated anonymously in secret, whole hole cities would F’ing burn. You know that.

Insurrectionist, these horrible terrible people who plan in advance to attack and kill every Democratic US congressman, lose one of their own, murdered during their insurrection, yet there have been no protest in her honor? Nothing burned, no statues ripped down, no streets repainted with her name, really? And you’re gonna try to tell me that’s the same response and BLM or antifa would have?

That’s the same line of thinking that tries to draw and equate moral comparisons between the Palestinians and Israelis. There is no moral comparison.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/17/21 at 06:04:22

" WTF dude.....! Impacting non-participants on a larger scale means rioting, beating random people, burning buildings down."

 Yeah.  These things, to me, mean that there is impact to non-participants on a larger scale.  I've been to places with really large scale violence and infrastructure destabilization.  Entire cities destroyed, thousands displaced, thousands killed, I've literally hauled hundreds of dead in front end loaders into mass graves.  The beating random people, and burning a few buildings is, to me, mild by comparison.  

"And no, if an unidentified white policeman shot and killed a black BLM rioter peacefully protesting while breaking into a government office and he was adjudicated anonymously in secret, whole hole cities would F’ing burn. You know that."

 Yeah, as I said: impact to non-participants on a larger scale.  I think however that if it were a BLM supporter the Trump supporters would be ok with classified status LEO.  

"And you’re gonna try to tell me that’s the same response and BLM or antifa would have?"

 No.  I very specifically said the impact to non participants would be on a larger scale.  How can you address my statement at the beginning of your post then claim I did not say there would be a difference on the same post?  "Larger" by definition does not mean "equal" or "the same".

"That’s the same line of thinking that tries to draw and equate moral comparisons between the Palestinians and Israelis. There is no moral comparison."

 I'm not placing any moral value to any of this.  I am saying that if an ANTIFA supporter was killed in the same location as Babbitt, Trump supporters would be ok with that.  But since it was a Trump supporter that was killed, they are not ok with that.  

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/17/21 at 06:52:23

I'm not placing any moral value to any of this.  If you can't place a moral value to this, what's the point of commenting? This is not a math equation or an academic exercise.

I am saying that if an ANTIFA supporter was killed in the same location as Babbitt, Trump supporters would be ok with that.  But since it was a Trump supporter that was killed, they are not ok with that.  

That's not my point. My point was (and you know this is true), had a Antifa rioter been shot and killed in the same circumstances at the White House one of those days where they were lined up outside the fence, antifa, BLM and others would have rioted and burned cities if the killer was kept anonymous. . An unarmed woman was shot and killed yet the Proud Boys etc.. did not riot and burn cities. There is no moral equivalence between Proud Boys and antifa. None.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/17/21 at 07:39:58

Ah yes, WM uses the "the other side would have done worse" as a defense. Is highly effective.

It's cute you've chosen to double down on hating the media and blaming everyone but those involved. You seem to consume a lot of the media you hate so much, maybe time to turn off the "fake news" and enjoy the reality around you instead. Yelling into your echo chamber certainly isn't going to change any minds.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/17/21 at 09:51:26


18383A322F385D0 wrote:
I've been to places with really large scale violence and infrastructure destabilization.  
Entire cities destroyed, thousands displaced, thousands killed,
I've literally hauled hundreds of dead in front end loaders into mass graves.


Wow, can you share with us, when and where that was ?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/17/21 at 10:28:31


4767656D7067020 wrote:
" ...  I do believe the Jan 6th event is accurately called an insurrection if we examine the entirety of the evidence.  The weeks of pre-planning online, the improvised explosives, and even just a mop handle is by definition considered taking up arms.  ... "

See: planned or spontaneous

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/17/21 at 10:45:42

Ah yes, WM uses the "the other side would have done worse" as a defense. Is highly effective.
Glad you agree. It is effective.

It's cute you've chosen to double down on hating the media and blaming everyone but those involved.
I’m not giving them a pass, I’m just agreeing they deserve to be treated like terrorist.

You seem to consume a lot of the media you hate so much, maybe time to turn off the "fake news" and enjoy the reality around you instead. Yelling into your echo chamber certainly isn't going to change any minds.
Not yelling and I have changed my mind on here before and have persuaded others to reconsider. Perhaps because I do in fact live in reality, I’m able accomplish this.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/17/21 at 11:15:37

Youre hilarious. Glad to see your return, the tall table was missing some entertainment.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/17/21 at 12:08:14

" If you can't place a moral value to this, what's the point of commenting? This is not a math equation or an academic exercise."

 Why would I need to assign a moral value to any topic in order to have an opinion?

"That's not my point. My point was (and you know this is true), had a Antifa rioter been shot and killed in the same circumstances at the White House one of those days where they were lined up outside the fence, antifa, BLM and others would have rioted and burned cities if the killer was kept anonymous."

 Yeah.  I already said, the which you acknowledged, that the impact to non-participants would be larger.  

"There is no moral equivalence between Proud Boys and antifa. None."

 Ok.  I am just saying that if ANTIFA had been killed as Babbitt was Trump supporters would not be as upset as they are when a Trump supporter is killed.  They would accept the classified LEO information easier.  You can assign moral value to that, to me it is just the expected outcome.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/17/21 at 12:17:19

"Wow, can you share with us, when and where that was ?"

 I already have.  Multiple locations in the Middle East over multiple years is what I was referencing.  

 In Jan 2010 Haiti.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/17/21 at 15:41:03

@Rockn, what else would you expect, I mean he made a bet that he'd vacate the forum biden became president and he used the same other side excuse as well, in this case he refers to me as 'the other side' and that he is not going to honour his bet because he "knows" that I wouldn't have if I had lost. That's enough to tell you that this will always be his argument over anything. What is hilarious, is that not only does he welch on his bet, but at the time, he insisted he wouldn't welch on his bet because, (ahem) wait for it... because he's a better person than me. So he tries to get kudos then he slinks away for a couple of months and comes back with exactly the same b.s. You have to admire his chutzpah.

7E636F6762786469646D7B670C0 wrote:
Ah yes, WM uses the "the other side would have done worse" as a defense. Is highly effective.

It's cute you've chosen to double down on hating the media and blaming everyone but those involved. You seem to consume a lot of the media you hate so much, maybe time to turn off the "fake news" and enjoy the reality around you instead. Yelling into your echo chamber certainly isn't going to change any minds.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/17/21 at 16:07:54

@Rockn, what else would you expect, I mean he made a bet that he'd vacate the forum biden became president and he used the same other side excuse as well, in this case he refers to me as 'the other side' and that he is not going to honour his bet because he "knows" that I wouldn't have if I had lost. That's enough to tell you that this will always be his argument over anything. What is hilarious, is that not only does he welch on his bet, but at the time, he insisted he wouldn't welch on his bet because, (ahem) wait for it... because he's a better person than me. So he tries to get kudos then he slinks away for a couple of months and comes back with exactly the same b.s. You have to admire his chutzpah.

That’s a false allegation which has already been dealt with and disproven.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/17/21 at 17:05:48

What part of the above post of mine exactly has been "disproven". As soon as you tell me I'll look up the written record. To prove that it has not been 'disproven'.

Do tell, Mark.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/17/21 at 17:46:42

Seems to me that neither mark nor the proud boys have any honor.

Not really a surprise.

And I agree with Rockn, it's quite entertaining.


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/17/21 at 18:00:25


I mean how perfect is this, we have WM saying that what he said he did not say and that has 'been disproven'. lol.

FFS, it's written down, on this very forum, I can prove that easily enough, which I will do when WM explains how it has been 'disproven'.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/17/21 at 19:15:44

1030323A2730550 wrote:
"...   In Jan 2010 Haiti.

Ya mean C-19 was responsible for the massive earthquake in Haiti  ?

"... The laboratory testing is delayed as requests are about 1400% above national average.  I believe funeral homes are moving at a slower rate but I do not know how many funerals per day is average in this region..."

The system could be overwhelmed when it comes to body storage so mitigation efforts are in place.  This of course makes me a liar for helping to prepare in some people's eyes because some "news source" somewhere will report that these trucks are being sent to hospitals.  I for one have seen bodies piled on street corners when I went to Haiti.  I dropped off trucks of bodies in landfills and helped fly in hydrology experts to manage the mass graves. ..."

Did not know C-19 was in Haiti, 10 years before it, 'affected' the rest of the world !

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/17/21 at 20:47:59

"Ya mean C-19 was responsible for the massive earthquake in Haiti  ?"

 Why would you think that?  I was very obviously comparing response in the US to outcomes I have witnessed elsewhere.  Nothing about my post indicated C-19 causes earthquakes and nobody is interpreting it that way but you.  I also do not think C-19 caused missile strikes that destroyed buildings all over Syria, but if I make a comparison to infrastructure stability in the US during C-19 am I saying C-19 "caused" missile strikes?

Did not know C-19 was in Haiti, 10 years before it, 'affected' the rest of the world !

 It wasn't.  How did you come to the conclusion that I was referring to C-19 in 2010?  I never claimed I was working mass grave hydrology for C-19 in 2010, or any other time.  I was indicating I have seen mass graves, and we do not want that in the US.

 My point is ANTIFA protests and damage in the US is not exactly the worst I have seen.  But it has disproportionally larger impact on non-participants.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/17/21 at 21:03:02

73617576616765000 wrote:

I mean how perfect is this, we have WM saying that what he said he did not say and that has 'been disproven'. lol.

FFS, it's written down, on this very forum, I can prove that easily enough, which I will do when WM explains how it has been 'disproven'.

Those false allegations have already been dealt with.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/18/21 at 05:29:13

"Those false allegations have already been dealt with."

 It's obviously going to make it more clear if you just state what those allegations are and what part(s) are false.  

 I for one could care less who logs in and who doesn't but it seems to me that you did say you would leave, you left, then just started reposting.  I might have missed something but I recall this:

"okay, that’s a bit much but point is I’m pushing away from the table and heading out the door today."

"Few more posts throughout the day and then like Trump I’m gone. And just like Trump, you guys will miss me.

 Of course Eau will comment on this, especially since you stated he would find a way to keep posting even if Trump was re-elected.  

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/21 at 06:24:14

Again, those allegations have been dealt with and we’re wasting time giving credence to those who spread misinformation.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/18/21 at 06:30:19

 So I am guessing you just mean the part where you claimed you were "better" or whatever than Eau.  It's pretty clear, to me, what you meant when you posted this:

"For the last time, and try to pay attention, when there is no doubt who will take the oath, if it’s Uncle Joe, I’ll pay the $200 bet Eegore agreed to as a way to give the child TT some cover, and I’ll leave.

If Good finds a way to triumph over Evil, I expect you to leave.

 If I posted this I would definitely expect Eau, or others to be hassling me about posting again.  It's just what it is, at the end of the day it's a non-issue in my opinion.  I mean technically nobody said for how long right?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/21 at 09:10:01

This is a desperate, pathetic farce executed by a flailing forum member with no rationale for putting our forum through more hell,'

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/18/21 at 09:28:46

350700111607102F031009620 wrote:
This is a desperate, pathetic farce executed by a flailing forum member with no rationale for putting our forum through more hell,'

The irony in this thread is getting too deep.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/18/21 at 09:37:07

2538343C39233F323F36203C570 wrote:
[quote author=350700111607102F031009620 link=1621122260/15#27 date=1621354201]This is a desperate, pathetic farce executed by a flailing forum member with no rationale for putting our forum through more hell,'

The irony in this thread is getting too deep.[/quote]

LOL - yup - and the lack of honor is sickening...


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/18/21 at 10:01:26

 I have no idea what you are talking about.  Eau is pointing out, accurately, that you said you would leave the forum.  Also you claimed he would not "honor the agreement".  Not sure what "farce" exists unless none of these things are true.

 I imagine Eau is simply referring to when you said this:

"It was obvious you were never going to honor the agreement but I will. so stick your offer which was intended to appease your own guilt knowing you weren’t going to leave."


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/21 at 10:07:26

I stand by my previous statements. These are unfounded misinformation that’s previously been dealt with.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/18/21 at 10:14:09

"I stand by my previous statements. These are unfounded misinformation that’s previously been dealt with."

 That's weird man.  I expect some people to come up with ways around the use of direct verifiable quotes but you seem more like the "I changed my mind" kind of guy that would at least own up to it.

 Or at a minimum indicate what is misinformation and how it was "dealt with".  

 Bottom line is you guys made a bet, and both of you said the other would not honor it.  Nobody really cares at the end of the day who logs in, however the interpretation of what was said is hard to alter, unless you define what is "misinformation" here.

 Otherwise people just think you are using it as a way to avoid saying you changed your mind.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/21 at 10:23:50

It will come to you.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/18/21 at 10:28:27

"It will come to you."

 Too bad it isn't something grown adults can just talk about I guess.

 For now I am going with you changing your mind, I am basing this off the words you used on this forum.

 Here is where I got the final impression:


I’ve been busy drive-by. Pretty simple, Trump wins, you go away. Biden wins, I go away. Given the commie/socialist Democrats have polluted the stream with their mail in vote scam, it probably won’t be Election Day, but sooner or later, one will be declared the President.


OK, done, you have your bet.  I reckon it won't even be close possibly Biden will be winning on election night itself. Regarding your fantasy world of mail in voter scam you should check this opinion piece by Benjamin Ginsburg, voter fraud is complete nonsense.

 Unless this is some, they do it so therefore I do it type of thing.  Even so, it still indicates you changed your mind.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/18/21 at 10:53:47

The answer is simple.

No honor.


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/18/21 at 10:56:25

But hey, this is about the proud boys and what a joke they are.

They love Trump only up until he doesn't serve their purpose.

So transparent, so lacking any honor. Just a bunch of poser fascists.


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/18/21 at 12:00:25

"But hey, this is about the proud boys and what a joke they are.

They love Trump only up until he doesn't serve their purpose.

So transparent, so lacking any honor. Just a bunch of poser fascists

 Yeah I'm not sure how people expected this pardon thing to work out.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/21 at 12:58:11

I know you'd ask it. I have no response, it's another smear campaign, right up your alley, those are the questions you always ask.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/18/21 at 13:30:21

A smear campaign, using direct quotes.

Using WM's own posts as evidence of what he said is clearly fake news, inflammatory, wrong, whatever. He must have been gone when there was an organized antifa backed thread on how to defame him when he inevitably returned.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/18/21 at 16:55:12


Seriously, it is insane isn't it. If you didn't know these people were serious you would bet the ranch that WM is satirising himself. Have you ever seen a clearer example of of the total and utter bullshit, bad faith and downright gaslighting than this.

3C212D25203A262B262F39254E0 wrote:
A smear campaign, using direct quotes.

Using WM's own posts as evidence of what he said is clearly fake news, inflammatory, wrong, whatever. He must have been gone when there was an organized antifa backed thread on how to defame him when he inevitably returned.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/18/21 at 17:03:40


And there you have it my friend, the insanity that they apply to their 'arguments', now being applied to the most trivial mundane and on the record comment. All the same tactics, not answering when you ask what they are referring to, doubling down as if a written verifiable fact is merely an opinion.

But let me remind you of the nuance of the bet, it's all on the record and I'll happily search for it once WM says what bit is made up. But remember this, I was not so much interested to prove that WM would not honour his bet, I was, (and i said it at the time), in fact more interested in what excuses he would use to weasel out. It was at that point that he then wanted to imply I was trying to get out of the bet, when in fact I just wanted to make it waterproof.

But what really jacked me off and why I'm still bringing it up, is that not only did he completely and publicly dishonour his bet, which he made unequivocally but he wanted to use the "fact" that he knew I would not honour the bet to paint himself as an exceptionally honourable person which all the world would see when he actually does vacate the forum.

Like you I don't give a fcuk who posts, I'm just calling out the bullshit, and to be fair, if it's not possible to get him to see the facts in this case, please explain to me eegore, why you would ever think that you'd get any further arguing about politics.

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
"I stand by my previous statements. These are unfounded misinformation that’s previously been dealt with."

 That's weird man.  I expect some people to come up with ways around the use of direct verifiable quotes but you seem more like the "I changed my mind" kind of guy that would at least own up to it.

 Or at a minimum indicate what is misinformation and how it was "dealt with".  

 Bottom line is you guys made a bet, and both of you said the other would not honor it.  Nobody really cares at the end of the day who logs in, however the interpretation of what was said is hard to alter, unless you define what is "misinformation" here.

 Otherwise people just think you are using it as a way to avoid saying you changed your mind.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/18/21 at 17:10:06

Actually you know this little 'bet argument' is in fact a microcosm of most of the 'discussions' on this board. For me the fundamental essence of masculinity is being an honourable person, someone who when they give their word, you know that is it their bond. Because without that, the whole of life become an insane sh!t show. Which is why the world is so fcuked up. And now you can see why these people love Trump so much, he really validates their own self esteem, in some sort of weird way.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/18/21 at 17:24:43

That’s a hell of a lie. That’s a flat lie because you have nothing else to talk on. It’s classic Eau.

There is no controversy. That’s all a lie.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/18/21 at 18:00:21

Webster Mark is Donald Trump, and I claim my five quid.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/18/21 at 18:18:25

506265747362754A66756C070 wrote:
That’s a hell of a lie. That’s a flat lie because you have nothing else to talk on. It’s classic Eau.

There is no controversy. That’s all a lie.

Is it not true that you, yourself, posted saying if Biden wins you will leave the forum? Seems like an easy misunderstanding to clear up.

I'll add to what Eau and Eegore have said; your returning to post in the tall table is a non-issue, I actually find it comical. BUT returning to post and then denying you said you were leaving...well.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/18/21 at 20:55:57


I see it this way, it's a blessing in disguise because no matter how bad faith they will argue a point, there's a tendency to think they actually may at least acknowledge some basic propositions so we can weave out of those propositions a narrative that must necessarily follow. As futile as that may be, there's always hope.

That is until now, because @Eegore(if you see this) even you must see that the structure of this disagreement is very similar if not identical to the structure of your battles with WM and those like him (we all know who they are) you know where you try and get them to at least agree on something that they can't possibly deny, for example just the actual words they said that are written down, even if they want to argue the presentation of those words you would think it impossible to also pretend that the words themselves were not written down by them on this forum.

And yet, magically that is what you see Eegore, so my question to you must be do you not see the utter futility of your mission here, in that they won't admit anything that doesn't fit their narrative.

And strangely this is an eerie parallel to what is taking place in the GOP right now regarding The Big Lie™

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 05:25:59

... the structure of your battles with WM and those like him.
I would not describe any back and forth between myself and Eegore as a battle. I feel confident he would agree.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 05:35:06

I can’t find the video below on YouTube yet that I saw last night on TC. But doesn’t look like an armed insurrection to me. The dude in the horns is still in jail, held w/o bail and according to Elizabeth Warren, in isolation 23 hours a day. Don’t know about the other guy.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/19/21 at 08:56:16

"I would not describe any back and forth between myself and Eegore as a battle. I feel confident he would agree."

 I agree.

 As for QAnon Shaman as he is called, I get the idea of the "Trump Defense" where he is saying he was following orders etc.  However I am more inclined to agree with Royce C. Lamberth's assessment:

 "Even taking defendant’s claim at face value, it does not persuade the Court that defendant would not pose a danger to others if released, if the defendant truly believes that the only reason he participated in an assault on the U.S. Capitol was to comply with President Trump’s orders, this shows defendant’s inability (or refusal) to exercise his independent judgment and conform his behavior to the law.”

 Should he be in 23 hour exclusion?  I imagine not but I know nothing of how to run a prison.  Should we be holding hundreds of people?  I don't think so.  But I also think we are responsible for our own actions.  If I drive across the State to go to a protest and that protest involves me choosing to go into an area that I am not allowed, and I have reasonable reason to know this, like Police barriers,  I should not be blaming other people for that.

 How "reasonable" is to be interpreted however is a wide-open field.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 10:17:14

If I drive across the State to go to a protest and that protest involves me choosing to go into an area that I am not allowed, and I have reasonable reason to know this, like Police barriers,  I should not be blaming other people for that.

Clearly you are not following antifa cases in Portland where someone can be arrested for trying to burn down a police station and bailed out same day.

That dude with the horn hat is a political prisoner.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/19/21 at 10:31:42

7E4C4B5A5D4C5B64485B42290 wrote:
I can’t find the video below on YouTube yet that I saw last night on TC. But doesn’t look like an armed insurrection to me. The dude in the horns is still in jail, held w/o bail and according to Elizabeth Warren, in isolation 23 hours a day. Don’t know about the other guy.

Do you welcome a commission to investigate what happened on Jan 6th?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/19/21 at 11:29:12

This is the lawyer for the Q-shaman:

“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all f***ing short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re f***ing retarded, they’re on the goddarn spectrum.”

“But they’re our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers — they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. F***, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddarn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since f***ing Hitler.”

Lmao!!  Such class....  but still he's setting up a defense I suppose.

But if successful, it'll prove that trump is a fascist, the likes we haven't seen since hitler.

Here's more:

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 11:33:08

Hell no. Why do we need another commission to investigate a peaceful protest that got out of hand? Wasn't there an impeachment in which Impeachment Managers produced all kinds of 'evidence'? (some of which was fabricated)

This is an idea hatched up to deflect from the fact Grandpa Biden is joke. There are probably some foolish Republican members of Congress who are going to agree to this because they figure it will give them airtime and some might even be naive enough to think this is legit, but its a joke.

Here, I'll save millions of dollars.

Trump foolishly scheduled a rally in DC. While he was speaking, some went to the Capitol. Enough so the few police on duty panicked and pulled open the small fences to relieve the crowding. Some fools went into the Capitol. A very few fought with the police, about 1/10th as many as you'd find in a daily Portland, OR antifa protest.
An unarmed woman was shot and killed.  A police officer died the next day. The Democrats, who hate the police, put on the most hypocritical display of all time and brought his body to the Capitol. The media latched onto the 'insurrection' lie and have repeated it ever since even though it was not an insurrection in any sense of the word. The FBI who can't be bothered to actually do something about daily riots in Portland and Seattle, spent millions tracking down any conservative who was in DC that day. Many were arrested and are held in jail without bond who did nothing but follow the crowd into the capitol while antifa members who set fire to police stations with officers inside sleep in a tent across the street and laugh.

There you go.  

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/19/21 at 12:38:06

Editing my post, because arguing with WM is a fruitless effort. Whataboutism and bad faith efforts.

"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to ther level and beat you with experience".

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 12:45:44

I'm not arguing and I'm not calling you an idiot.

This was not an armed rebellion with a plan to overturn the elected government. Is that what you think went on?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/19/21 at 13:50:45

The evidence I've seen is a violent group forced entry into the Capitol building to disrupt the political process of certifying election results; do you believe otherwise?

I dont think I've ever used the words armed or overthrow, even if there may be evidence suggesting that was the intent of some individuals.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 14:49:09

The evidence I've seen is a violent group forced entry into the Capitol building to disrupt the political process of certifying election results; do you believe otherwise?

You mean like this insurrection?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/19/21 at 14:56:24

677A767E7B617D707D74627E150 wrote:
The evidence I've seen is a violent group forced entry into the Capitol building to disrupt the political process of certifying election results; do you believe otherwise?

I dont think I've ever used the words armed or overthrow, even if there may be evidence suggesting that was the intent of some individuals.

lol, did you honestly think he'd actually answer the question?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 16:46:51

I think I did. If one of those was an insurrection, the other was as well. And in fact, one “insurrection” actually did affect a vote that being taken.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/19/21 at 17:10:44

My question didn't use the word insurrection; if your problem is the semantics of the word; Fair. You can call it whatever makes you happy, but don't ignore the question.

Also, just like my question earlier in the thread about WM's own words, no I would never expect him to answer the question.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 17:36:11

The evidence I've seen is a violent group forced entry into the Capitol building to disrupt the political process of certifying election results; do you believe otherwise?

Ok, I see your point, I did not answer directly.

Yes, I believe otherwise.  This was not a violent group. This was a peaceful protest with a very, very few who got violent. That’s my reason for answering yes. Watch the video link I provided.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/19/21 at 18:04:49

Thank you for confirming in your own words that some of the people protesting on Jan 6th did in fact get violent. Video evidence makes this a verifiable fact.

Surely you wouldn't want anyone to generalize an entire group of peaceful protester by the actions of a few, right?

I watched your video. I've watched hours of video from that event. In 10 seconds of searching here's a video for your tucker carlson fanboy website:

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/19/21 at 18:21:09

LMAO, not a violent group?.....

"Hang Mike Pence!"

Nah, they was jus' funding!

Jesus christ, the hypocrisy is palpable.

But honestly, not a surprise.

No honor, no morality, no grasp of the real world.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/19/21 at 19:10:09

"And yet, magically that is what you see Eegore, so my question to you must be do you not see the utter futility of your mission here, in that they won't admit anything that doesn't fit their narrative."

 I don't really have a mission here.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/19/21 at 19:13:01

Many were arrested and are held in jail without bond who did nothing but follow the crowd into the capitol while antifa members who set fire to police stations with officers inside sleep in a tent across the street and laugh.

 I agree.  I also feel ANTIFA people who light fires, block interstates etc. should be held accountable.  The enforcement is not equal by any means.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/19/21 at 19:28:40

7469656D68726E636E67716D060 wrote:
Thank you for confirming in your own words that some of the people protesting on Jan 6th did in fact get violent. Video evidence makes this a verifiable fact.

Surely you wouldn't want anyone to generalize an entire group of peaceful protester by the actions of a few, right?

I watched your video. I've watched hours of video from that event. In 10 seconds of searching here's a video for your tucker carlson fanboy website:

Yea, there was some. I said that. But with the thousands who were there and got into the facility, if this was a violent, group, people would have died.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/19/21 at 20:05:03

Yeah, it wasn't that big of a deal on Jan. 6th....

Except 5 people died.

1 at the hands of the insurrectionists, a cop.
1 of a stroke.
1 of a heart attack.
1 of being crushed by the "small crowd" ( small crowd, right?)...
1 in the Capitol building while she tried to breach the speaker's lobby.

I'm surprised the proud boys aren't adopting this lunatic stance.

Oh wait,  that's right, it was all captured on camera!

Go ahead and cry and moan about the "fairness" between the insurrectionists and supposed antifa protestors.  While you're at it, make sure to complain about the disproportionate amount that people of color are surveilled/arrested/killed by cops.....  (again...oh wait, that doesn't happen, right?)

Palpable hypocrisy...Jesus christ.....

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/19/21 at 20:18:40

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
Many were arrested and are held in jail without bond who did nothing but follow the crowd into the capitol while antifa members who set fire to police stations with officers inside sleep in a tent across the street and laugh.

 I agree.  I also feel ANTIFA people who light fires, block interstates etc. should be held accountable.  The enforcement is not equal by any means.

And you realize that "ANTIFA people" have been arrested, right?  But we should make sure who and what they are....

BTW, the burning of the police station is once again blown way TF out of proportion.....  the persons responsible were arrested.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/21 at 04:27:37

Look, if you want to imagine January 6 was one of the worst events  to ever happen in the history of United States despite all evidence to the contrary, go ahead. Thoroughly planned out, armed insurrection that achieved their goal of getting into the building, with very little police once inside, and ....then they did nothing except sit in some offices and take selfies.

Just use your imagination.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/21 at 06:47:31

Typical to put words in someone else's mouth.

No one has said it's the worst thing to ever happen.


It was an insurrection.

It was, in part, planned ahead of time.

5 people died as a direct result.

It was the first time in our country's history that a confederate flag was in the Capitol building.

It was perpetrated by trump supporters, estimated over 1000 idividuals, with over 300 arrested so far.

Yet we have some on here thinking it's no big deal....
Of course, these are the same people who have no honor and renege on their word..... no surprise.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/21 at 08:33:11

I think it was grandpa who said worst attack on democracy since the Civil War which is quite a ridiculous statement if you think about it, which he’s not capable of. Not his fault, it’s a fate that awaits all of us if we live long enough.

Look, you can turn this into whatever you want and make it as significant as you want. It’s your imagination, let her run wild, have at it.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/21 at 08:41:54


6D737C7D706D766B190 wrote:
Yet we have some on here thinking it's no big deal

A-Yep, and that would be you.
   (And Clones)
In thinking the Floyd affair, was no big deal.
And Jan 6 was !

Just think a moment.

A White Cop Kills a Black person,
(Doing what he was taught to do)
And the Nation Erupts !
And the world is affected !
And Billions + of damage.
And that Cop is on schedule to get 40 Years.

A Black Cop kills a White Person,
(In Cold Blood)
And nothing happens, except,
He stays at home for almost a year,
while the State AG decides to charge him.
When charged, immediately gets a reduced bail.
And is sentenced to 12 years,
of a unknown place, (country club prison ?)
and will be out in 6.

Again, think about this.
Neither are Fair, NEITHER.

But the FIX is NOT, standing in the Street, Crying, Shouting Gimmie.

The FIX is NOT, destroying and steeling everything possible.

The FIX is NOT, taking away Freedom’s from Citizens.

The FIX is NOT, steeling/fixing a election.

YET, the UL, DFI, FDS Socialists think it is.

The politically astute Joseph Stalin once remarked;
“The people who cast the votes decide nothing.
The people who count the votes decide everything”

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/21 at 08:55:39

4B565A52574D515C51584E52390 wrote:
Surely you wouldn't want anyone to generalize an entire group of peaceful protester by the actions of a few, right?

How would that relate to,
a group of people desperately wanting to,
PUNISH, over 41 - 46% of USA Citizens,
for what a handful of disturbed DFI's do ?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/20/21 at 09:11:23

486B5675776C6B62050 wrote:
[quote author=4B565A52574D515C51584E52390 link=1621122260/60#62 date=1621472689]...
Surely you wouldn't want anyone to generalize an entire group of peaceful protester by the actions of a few, right?

How would that relate to,
a group of people desperately wanting to,
PUNISH, over 41 - 46% of USA Citizens,
for what a handful of disturbed DFI's do


I don't know, maybe find a forum to ask that group of people how it relates.

Maybe a source for more info on your weird rambling replies would help someone answer whatever you're asking. Googling DFI doesn't even come up with any reasonable information.

It's like you have a twitter thread in your head that randomly gets vomited onto your keyboard.

WM worried about "ridiculous statements" from the President after four years of his orange god. The irony.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/20/21 at 09:52:58


5F424E4643594548454C5A462D0 wrote:
... Googling DFI doesn't even come up with any reasonable information ...  

Truly unfortunate that you do not understand,
or can fugue out what DFI means,
(in the world of Politics)
SO, Just for you, it means,
Dumb, F uck' in, Idiot.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/20/21 at 10:03:07

is that your preferred pronoun?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/20/21 at 10:19:35

Lol.... yep, there are some out there that think Jan. 6th was no big deal and say it's all in our imagination. When in realty, that's exactly what they themselves are doing - using their imagination in telling themselves it was no big deal.

Not surprising really. I mean, there are still people out there that believe in angels, spirits, and that hitler was right.

We have to share the world with all kinds, huh?  Even the moronic proud boys (where this thread started)


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/20/21 at 13:48:00

There’s a question that hasn’t been asked yet......

Do I wish there had been an actual insurrection instead of a fictional one and if so, do I wish it would have succeeded?

Yes. The majority of the Democratic Party /media alliance threatens the future of The Republic. A proper insurrection would have forced the resignation of at least 50% of The Democratic Party and election scheduled to replace them in those states. The Presidential Election results would have been thrown out and a new election scheduled in July or August with previous absentee ballot and mail in voting procedures in place with actual verification methods to determine voter eligibility.

If that had happened, I would refer to that event as an insurrection.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/20/21 at 17:57:11

 I don't think there would be an orderly election if an insurrection happened.  I think politicians would have been murdered in the Capitol leading to months of civil unrest, Trump would have denied any involvement/responsibility in the murders and maybe even go into proverbial hiding.

 Elections to replace the murdered or resigning Democrats would be fraught with sabotage and violence from multiple organizations, professional and private.  Voting locations would have to be high-security with armed protection and possibly armed escorts.  

 If by some miracle armed citizens stopped the ceremony on Jan 6th without violence, why would anyone resign?


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/21 at 05:34:09

A boy can dream can’t he?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/21 at 05:56:32

What goes around, comes around.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 06:54:27

 The issue with the quoting of the Declaration of Independence is people usually assume they are in the majority.

 So the real question, to me, is if the few people who would murder politicians without trial by means of forcing their way into the Capitol be representative of the majority?

 Even if they were, would they be able to literally out-gun the opposition to these events?  During the American Revolution the answer was yes.  Britain didn't have aircraft, drones, biological weapons etc. to stop what was happening here.  Is it realistic to think that a group of private citizens today could stand up to the British military?  

 Stopping one part of the US electoral process, in my opinion, would not result in resignations unless the People had significant leverage over the governing body.  On Jan 6th nobody there could have stopped the election, or forced a resignation that held ground once the hostage negotiations were over.


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 08:02:37

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
What goes around, comes around.

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

Not only have you reneged on your bet/promise, you've lost your fukking mind.

Sero - go ahead and perp walk this one and/or delete as you see fit

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 08:17:29

"Not only have you reneged on your bet/promise, you've lost your fukking mind.

Sero - go ahead and perp walk this one and/or delete as you see fit"

 What's wrong with the post?

 Serow made it clear he would not honor any bet so I doubt he will go around deleting all of Webstermark's posts.  Is there something about the content of the post?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by T And T Garage on 05/21/21 at 08:31:11

4F6F6D65786F0A0 wrote:
"Not only have you reneged on your bet/promise, you've lost your fukking mind.

Sero - go ahead and perp walk this one and/or delete as you see fit"

 What's wrong with the post?

 Serow made it clear he would not honor any bet so I doubt he will go around deleting all of Webstermark's posts.  Is there something about the content of the post?

I figure since I berated another member, that's grounds for the perp walk....

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 08:44:43

 Ahh ok that makes sense.  

 Still don't see what's wrong with Webstermark's post though.  Lost his mind?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 09:51:12


4060626A7760050 wrote:
"...Is it realistic to think that a group of private citizens today could stand up to the British military? ..."

       Of Course not,
                What a totally outrageous statement

It is just as saying;
‘’’Is it realistic to think that a S-40  could stand up to a M-90?’’’
It is just another way of saying; ‘…ya just can’t do it, so why try…’

Up until 1770+, the British had Superior firearms, training, cannons, warships, and numbers of soldiers.
The Colonists eventually prevailed because they were; Fighting on home turf, (Ya think that some bb player first used that?),  they were fighting with their heart, not a paycheck.
In the 1770’s+. They learned how to fight, they learned how to make better guns/powder/bullets, they learned to follow their leaders, they learned to listen to orders and instructions. They learned to be, ‘…a well regulated militia…’. They learned the advantage of ‘ambush’ fighting.
The, ‘war’, did not start in 1776, it was 1770, when the British shot and killed 5 American Colonists; that called themselves, “Patriots”.

It was declared a Revolutionary War/American War of Independence in 1776 and lasted until 1783.

That war is starting again. But it will not be fought with guns and knifes.
It will be the ballot box.
ACORN started the big time experiments of how to fix/rig a election.
They found what worked, and what did not, and more importantly, how to put the people in place that can hide, discrepancies.

That battle almost reached it peak when billery ran. She was, ’Suppose’ to win.
However the ‘fixers’, did not account of her overwhelming dislike, and the tremendous support for a fresh face, a businessman, not a money grabbing politician.
The Dong-Dong & HO-HO election, was the, (British like) successes, over the will of the people that are Citizens and PAY the taxes.

Today, the, ‘ like British Supporters’,  which their were many in 1700-1800.
Are saying, 'Oh No, asking for a ID and PROOF you are a Citizen is RACIST !
When, ‘PATRIOTS’, say, “we need Voter ID”

Difference today is they are called:
Ultra Liberal, Dumb F uck ’en Idiot, Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Socialists.

(Spelled out for the ONE person who does not know what DFI, in politics, stands for)

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 11:14:48

It is just as saying;
‘’’Is it realistic to think that a S-40  could stand up to a M-90?’’’
It is just another way of saying; ‘…ya just can’t do it, so why try…’

 The issue isn't force alone, but also representation of the majority with the facility to make the change.  Webstermark's proposal is that Democrats would resign and orderly more fair elections take their place.  I do not agree that Democratic politicians will resign without use of violence.  I do not think that violent action would represent the majority.

  You do have a good point about using a non-physical method of fighting.  Control of tech is a more likely future outcome.


Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/21/21 at 12:06:08

6747454D5047220 wrote:
 The issue with the quoting of the Declaration of Independence is people usually assume they are in the majority.

 So the real question, to me, is if the few people who would murder politicians without trial by means of forcing their way into the Capitol be representative of the majority?

 Even if they were, would they be able to literally out-gun the opposition to these events?  During the American Revolution the answer was yes.  Britain didn't have aircraft, drones, biological weapons etc. to stop what was happening here.  Is it realistic to think that a group of private citizens today could stand up to the British military?  

 Stopping one part of the US electoral process, in my opinion, would not result in resignations unless the People had significant leverage over the governing body.  On Jan 6th nobody there could have stopped the election, or forced a resignation that held ground once the hostage negotiations were over.

I didn’t say murder anyone.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 12:26:00

"I didn’t say murder anyone."

 Right, when I proposed a method in which resignations would happen without violence you indicated that a man can dream.

 I am just proposing a method where on Jan 6th, maybe some people would have resigned and that is watching someone's brain being blown out of their skull in front of them.  Witnessing an execution is a decent motivator.  

 But would enough people support a scenario like that?  We already know not enough people support the non-violent way it went down already.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 15:41:43

340601101706112E021108630 wrote:
I didn’t say murder anyone.

No, you did not,
another poster,  IMPLIED, you did !!!!!

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/21/21 at 16:11:34

"No, you did not,
another poster,  IMPLIED, you did !!!!!"

 Incorrect, did I imply Webstermark when I stated:

"I think politicians would have been murdered in the Capitol leading to months of civil unrest,..."

So the real question, to me, is if the few people who would murder politicians...

 Lets examine this as well, again I clarify what portion "I" think, not what Webstermark thinks:

Webstermark's proposal is that Democrats would resign and orderly more fair elections take their place.  I do not agree that Democratic politicians will resign without use of violence.  I do not think that violent action would represent the majority.

 This clearly shows my assessment of Webstermark's statement and that I added violence to that equation.

 I even agree with Webstermark here and for a 5th time state that it is what "I" think.

"Right, when I proposed a method in which..."

 I never said Webstermark brought up murder, I very clearly stated, multiple times, I am proposing that as an alternative to Webstermark's proposal.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/21/21 at 16:46:52


4666646C7166030 wrote:
 "...  I never said Webstermark brought up murder, ..."

Great, so glad you clarified that !

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/22/21 at 14:19:02

E said
But would enough people support a scenario like that?  We already know not enough people support the non-violent way it went down already.

You're talking about BLM?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/23/21 at 01:04:42

You're talking about BLM?

 I am talking about Jan 6th at the US Capitol.  

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/23/21 at 04:22:12

0727252D3027420 wrote:
"I didn’t say murder anyone."

 Right, when I proposed a method in which resignations would happen without violence you indicated that a man can dream.

 I am just proposing a method where on Jan 6th, maybe some people would have resigned and that is watching someone's brain being blown out of their skull in front of them.  Witnessing an execution is a decent motivator.  

 But would enough people support a scenario like that?  We already know not enough people support the non-violent way it went down already.

Most of our current government supports and in some cases encourages violent protests from the left. The fear of protest forced a jury to convict a man of murder instead of obviously manslaughter. The entire downtown Portland is isolated and we don’t do anything. My company has an office there and the local manager just avoids the entire area and we’ve lost business but we’re not going to send him down there to try to get it back. For whatever reason African-Americans are attacking Asians at will but we ignore that and just say stop Asian hate and try to blame it on Trump. Supporters of Palestinian have attacked Jewish people in LA and New York and it’s kept quiet.

So yes, the leftist side of the political spectrum supports violence very easily. It’s natural for them.

I don’t wanna see anybody die. I’m against the death penalty. But when in the course of human events.......

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/23/21 at 04:36:49

The fear of protest forced a jury to convict a man of murder instead of obviously manslaughter.

 I watched that entire trial.  I would have convicted him of murder, maybe not with the aggravated force addition though.  If I had spent 9 minutes on the neck any of the hundreds, yes hundreds, of meth or cocaine riddled patients I have held down over the years I would get a murder charge too, and not have been surprised when it happened.

The entire downtown Portland is isolated and we don’t do anything.  

 I agree that the handling of that has been poor.  By poor I do not mean the "same" I mean poor.

"So yes, the leftist side of the political spectrum supports violence very easily. It’s natural for them."

 I think the type of violence is relevant.  For sure leftist strategies are more diverse.  More diverse violence, not the "same" but more diverse.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/23/21 at 07:18:46


6C4C4E465B4C290 wrote:
" ...  I think the type of violence is relevant.  For sure leftist strategies are more diverse.  More diverse violence, not the "same" but more diverse.

Shoot a cat.

A cat, is eating, destroying, removing birds from my bird feeder.

If the cat ate birds I considered, ‘bad’, not a problem that cat can do whatever it wants.
If the cat ate birds I considered, ‘good’, the cat gotta go.

I Kill the cat, because I made a decision about what it was doing,
Not just because it was a cat.

I kill the cat with a trap, poison, or a gun.
3 different ways, yet the result is exactly the same.

The cat is dead, because of a decision I made that cat was eating, ‘good’ birds.
If the cat only ate, ’bad’, birds it would still be alive.

A step further.
I made a decision about the cat, based on my criteria.
And I know that down the street lives a person who hates all cats,
  just because they are a cat,
      regardless of whatever a cat is doing.
I call that person, then that person kills the cat, because I made the decision the cat gotta go.

How that is different from;
A person burning something to the ground.
A person destroying a building and all in it.
A Person steeling things in a building.
A person blocking traffic.
A person spiting, throwing rocks, bricks, etc at other people.
A person, doing those things, and more,
over and over and over and over again.
All over this Nation, and some others.
Using people who hate all cats, just because they are cats.
(With a handful of, ‘token hand slap’, arrests)


A Group of people, protesting their belief of a injustice.
And the hammer falls.

Could it be that, someone, made a decision to ‘punish’ other people?
And that decision was made of their believes, of what was, ‘bad’ or, ‘good’ ?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/23/21 at 11:10:38

WebsterMark wrote on Today at 04:22:12:
" ...  The fear of protest forced a jury to convict a man of murder instead of obviously manslaughter. ... "

That was NOT, the only reason !
They were TOLD to !
They made a choice to destroy one man, to save thousands of other's and their livelihood.
Because they were TOLD to !

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Eegore on 05/24/21 at 09:39:02

"Could it be that, someone, made a decision to ‘punish’ other people?
And that decision was made of their believes, of what was, ‘bad’ or, ‘good’ ?

 It could be.

 I said the violence was more diverse.  Not the same but specifically more diverse.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Serowbot on 05/25/21 at 09:41:25

9 minutes of a man's full weight pressing on a handcuffed man's neck is an incidental death?....

Oooopsie!!!...  :-/

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/25/21 at 10:44:16

No, it wasn’t incidental, but was it intentional? Didn’t look like it.
Are you saying he intended to kill him? What tells you he intended to kill him? He was looking and interacting with people filming him. You think he thought ‘I don’t care, I’m going to kill him.’
Manslaughter? Sure. Jail time justified? Sure.
But the jury was aware of the consequences if they did not convict of a charge that didn’t include the word murder.

A moot point since he’ll get a new trial in the future and we’ll see what happens then.

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by Rockn on 05/25/21 at 12:54:07

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
No, it wasn’t incidental, but was it intentional? Didn’t look like it.
Are you saying he intended to kill him? What tells you he intended to kill him? He was looking and interacting with people filming him. You think he thought ‘I don’t care, I’m going to kill him.’
Manslaughter? Sure. Jail time justified? Sure.
But the jury was aware of the consequences if they did not convict of a charge that didn’t include the word murder.

A moot point since he’ll get a new trial in the future and we’ll see what happens then.

Can you please define third degree murder in Minnesota specifically?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by MnSpring on 05/25/21 at 12:56:33


6F796E736B7E73681C0 wrote:
9 minutes of a man's full weight pressing on a handcuffed man's neck is an incidental death?..../

Which poster here said that ?

Title: Re: They're Not Proud?
Post by WebsterMark on 05/25/21 at 15:13:31

130E020A0F1509040900160A610 wrote:
[quote author=5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 link=1621122260/90#102 date=1621964656]No, it wasn’t incidental, but was it intentional? Didn’t look like it.
Are you saying he intended to kill him? What tells you he intended to kill him? He was looking and interacting with people filming him. You think he thought ‘I don’t care, I’m going to kill him.’
Manslaughter? Sure. Jail time justified? Sure.
But the jury was aware of the consequences if they did not convict of a charge that didn’t include the word murder.

A moot point since he’ll get a new trial in the future and we’ll see what happens then.

Nope. You look it up.

Can you please define third degree murder in Minnesota specifically?[/quote] » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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