General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Why?

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/21 at 09:26:34

Title: Why?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/21 at 09:26:34

President Joe Biden froze a December rule signed by President Donald Trump aimed at lowering prescription drug prices for insulin and epinephrine.

Good going with your pen.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by MnSpring on 01/30/21 at 11:21:41

Because he was TOLD to do that,
By his handlers, The ones that Stole the election.

Now that the UL FDS DFI's,
in their PC/rights/'better' crusades,
have put in power, the pocket fillers.

Watch for more !

(And hang on to your ass sets, assets)

Title: Re: Why?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/21 at 12:19:18

Well, the savior of the lefties is gonna fix stuff and care about the people, or so I was told.
You leftist can help me understand why this is a good thing, I'm sure.
So, spread your wings and chirp loudly.
Tell me why this is good.
Ohh, maybe explain why killing the pipeline and all those jobs is good, too, while you're at it.

Go ahead. Tell me how much better Obiden is for America than Trump.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Eegore on 01/30/21 at 18:48:33

 Most Presidents do this type of order, people complained when Trump did literally the exact same thing.  Also Obama, Bush etc.  So a regulatory freeze is standard action we have seen multiple times before, but it's only bad if you don't like the incoming president.  

 Just look at the language in these three orders, from 3 different Presidents, they are very similar because they are normal process, or all of these Presidents, including Trump, had handlers:

 The problem is this particular statement is the removal, as usual, of the additional clarifying information.  Saying "aimed at lowering prescription drug prices for insulin and epinephrine" and leaving out where, and for who makes it seem like it lowers these medications for everyone.

 It doesn't.  Its part of the 340B drug program and this, like most Federal run programs, has a positive effect on some and a negative on others.  If you do not use a specific provider method this won't lower your insulin.  I'd break down the recipient outcomes of 340B pharmaceuticals but nobody here would read it and claim it's wrong just because they want Biden to be the bad guy.  

 I think with an added enforcement procedure this would be a great program, but saying it with no way to get it done is not really all that beneficial.


1. Subject to any exceptions the Director or Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (the “OMB Director”) allows for emergency situations or other urgent circumstances relating to health, safety, financial, or national security matters, or otherwise, send no regulation to the Office of the Federal Register (the “OFR”) until a department or agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 20, 2017, reviews and approves the regulation. The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval to any other person so appointed or designated by the President, consistent with applicable law.


1. Subject to any exceptions the Director or Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget (the “OMB Director”) allows for emergency situations or other urgent circumstances relating to health, safety, environmental, financial, or national security matters, or otherwise, no proposed or final regulation should be sent to the Office of the Federal Register (the “OFR”) for publication unless and until it has been reviewed and approved by a department or agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 20, 2009, or in the case of the Department of Defense, the Secretary of Defense. The department or agency head may delegate this review and approval power to any other person so appointed or designated by the President, consistent with applicable law.


Subject to any exceptions the Director of the Office of Management and Budget (the “OMB Director”) allows for emergency situations or other urgent circumstances relating to health, safety, environmental, financial, or national security matters, or otherwise, propose or issue no rule in any manner — including by sending a rule to the Office of the Federal Register (the “OFR”) — until a department or agency head appointed or designated by the President after noon on January 20, 2021, reviews and approves the rule.  The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval to any other person so appointed or designated by the President, consistent with applicable law.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/21 at 19:01:53

Well, the lefties were going crazy over Trump and eo.

Let's see where this goes.
Haven't seen a good reason for the job destruction Obiden has singlehandedly achieved yet.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Eegore on 01/30/21 at 19:09:56

"Well, the lefties were going crazy over Trump and eo."

 Yeah they sounded in 2017 just like the "righties" do now.  Again, this is a normal process but if it is good or bad depends on if you like the President, not on if it is a good procedure for the American People.

 The real question to me is if this procedure can be improved.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/21 at 19:30:50

Except for
Biden is setting records with them
And who benefits from Biden stopping the discount on drugs?
Who suffers?

If it needed tuning
Why kill it?
Why not fix it?

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Eegore on 01/30/21 at 20:10:08

 It's not "killed" it is the same exact process other administrations do.  Almost word for word.  Look at the references I provided, I even pulled the first paragraph and posted them in bold in the hopes they would be read, I obviously was wrong.  Not that anyone will, but read the order and indicate how Biden's order is "killing" anything, yet everyone else's did not?

 It is pending regulatory review, just like Trump did.  But since it's Biden we will say its killed and not under the same review other administrations have done.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/30/21 at 20:32:18

So the jobs are still there and the
They can make solar panels
Is bullshit?
We will see

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Eegore on 01/30/21 at 20:38:20

"So the jobs are still there and the
They can make solar panels
Is bullshit?
We will see"

 So the "order aimed at lowering prescription drug prices for insulin and epinephrine" is "killed" , the topic of this thread I was responding to, no longer exists?

 We will see.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/31/21 at 03:01:13

No, just thought maybe I'd confused things.
I don't have first hand knowledge about the program, nobody affected, so for all I know the report of about the desperate mom who can't afford a thousand dollars a month for her son was bullshit.

Title: Re: Why?
Post by Eegore on 01/31/21 at 08:32:55

 She may be correct.  When I said "has a positive effect on some and a negative on others." she might be one of the negatively impacted individuals.

 Of course this means the next day the exact clinic she goes to had to renegotiate pricing contracts and up the charges, which would be very surprising based off of the efficiency of getting the government to hammer out results that fast on money they don't get to keep.  I would want to see her medical charges because anyone can just say this stuff with no proof.  

 Now is there risk they will go up?  Yes.  If it's a straight pullback to what it was before.  Just like there is risk that pre-existing coverage will be denied because of what Trump did, but some insurance monthly rates will go down.  So some will benefit and some will not from decisions like these.

 Again the real question is how beneficial this Regulatory Freeze is to all Americans as procedure.  No matter if you like the current President or not. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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