General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Because, fukkyou, that's why

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 01/23/21 at 16:09:33

Title: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/23/21 at 16:09:33

President Joe Biden’s United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Thursday stopped executive orders from his predecessor designed to significantly lower prescription drug prices for Americans, including insulin and epinephrine.

The new administration will apparently re-evaluate the executive action from President Donald Trump toward the end of March. It remains unclear if it will be reinstated

Uh huh reevaluate
oil stuff.
Own this trainwreck, lefties.
You wanted it.
Crow loudly about
As you SUFFER the consequences for being idiots.
Mind you, I don't mind YOU suffering from the consequences of YOUR ideology.
I USED to have patience with I people , but now the social and economic consequences of Your idiocy are affecting me, society and the future of my family and I am FUKKING DONE with being even slightly polite in my arguments against what idiots call
Not Only of you have had the balls to stand up and explain what society should look like when you say
Okay, the changes are complete.
This is what we wanted.

There IS no end to change.
You poor misguided fools want a tyranny that is so cruel that you can't describe it.
You are a bunch of misguided and shortsighted people who are unable to even understand that
When you get what you Think you want
YOU won't be able to afford to run your heater and air conditioning.

You are

Fukking IDIOTS.

May you get what you voted for


Your paycheck will be smaller
And your bills higher.

Sneer at us again
Tell us one more time how we
Vote against our own self interest.

Proud of it still?
Look at the damage done by your doddering communist leader.

Fools,, screw you lefties..
And be thankful that the men like me are too old and crippled up to go out and demonstrate what needs to be done.
If I HAD a good ride, and the money, which I don't because Soros doesn't support people like me, I couldn't get to DC to march around with a sign.
Otherwise I suspect that the feigned
Fear of conservatives by the Butthurt idiots like AOC would be based in reality.
You people suck so hard that if you got within a mile of a Barometer it would indicate a high likelihood of rain.

The alleged
Progressive movement is the foundation for the destruction of the best nation that has ever existed.
And until recently I have tried to just show you why you should not be that way.
Now, gloves are off.
My, to the CORE of my being
Absolute disdain for you
Will not be hidden behind a curtain of
Being polite to keep civility.
I watched how you treated the Best president America has ever had since Washington and how you treated us, his supporters.
You tried so hard to pretend that WE said what He said, because HE told us what to say.
You poor ignorant ASSHOLES, he said what WE were Saying before he ever ran for office. You leftist fools PROJECT like nothing I ever saw.
I would Like to make a get together one day
But I would to know who would be there
Because I don't want to meet some of you.
I don't Trust you.
You support the violence of your thugs.
Funny how an unarmed woman getting killed is good.
Aww, Fukkit I'm wasting my time.
The only people who get it, already get it.
And the ones who Need to get it
Will never.

Take your Shots!
Please, take your Shots!!
You can have my place in line..

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/23/21 at 21:57:38

 ACA is essentially the same thing.  Get rid of it because Obama, but no other reasons provided.

 All of it is childish if it's done because they don't like the "other guy".

"Your paycheck will be smaller
And your bills higher."

 My paycheck went down 20% with Trump, but my tax structure was much better.  I don't know what will happen moving forward but I do not expect pay or contract availability reduction.  As I get older the ACA protections are important to me, and those are more secure now.

 As for the other stuff I'm not sure, but I doubt the economy will collapse anytime soon.

"Aww, Fukkit I'm wasting my time."

 I'd say you are if you think anything on this section of the forum impacts anything outside of it.

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/24/21 at 01:03:46

is essentially the same thing.  Get rid of it because Obama, but no other reasons provided.

Except for it sucked

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/24/21 at 09:39:14

Except for it sucked

 Yeah some of it did.  Unfortunately the previous system was imploding on itself.  

 But again, the revocation, without the current protections is an attempt to remove "Obama era" legislation.  Not to improve healthcare.  To remove Obama legislation.  Not because it sucks, but to remove Obama era legislation.

 That's childish.


Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/26/21 at 15:44:45

Nobody has ever bothered to show me how the parasitic burden on the system that the
HMO system put on the medical system was a good answer.
I have maintained that the medical system was better before that
Was put in place.
Just as the education system was

So was the medical system.


Destroying something while pretending to be improving it is what assholes do and idiots believe in.

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/26/21 at 17:17:05

Well HMO's are as old as 1910, but weren't well legislated until 1973, and didn't really take off until the 80's.  The ACA was in 2010.  So how the ACA influenced this I don't know.

 What was the medical system you refer to prior to HMO's?

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/28/21 at 18:43:36


Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/28/21 at 19:21:29


 Yes.  It's not like everyone had the exact same healthcare before whatever HMO you specifically interacted with caused change for your health plan.

What did you have before, and when was it?  HMO's have been around for a long time, they didn't just arrive one day like the ACA did, they slowly progressed over decades.

 It's like saying fuel injection ruined carbureted engines.  Fuel injection didn't just go into every new engine one day, each manufacturer progressed into the technology over a timeframe that was conducive to profits and some never did at all.  

 So if your healthcare system was better "before" what was it, and when was it?

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Matchless G11 on 01/29/21 at 03:27:27

All I know about the health care system myself, was my mom telling me that they (my parents middle class) did not need health insurance, thus things cost less in the 1960s. Then in the 1970s we had ambulance chasing lawyers. And malpractice lawsuits out the kazoo!
Now if you wonder about expensive health care . Just turn on daytime tv and hear.

"Did you take Varokin? Did it turn your eyeballs purple?  Have you or some one you know have died  from it?  Call us  Dewie, Cheatem,  and Howl, and we will get money for you (really for us).

Neither party wants to address this.

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by MnSpring on 01/29/21 at 09:18:32

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
"... but to remove Obama era legislation.
 That's childish ..."  

Sounds just like what the,
UL, FDS DFI Socialist, Puppet, (Ding-Dong)
did in his first day !

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/29/21 at 12:30:01

"Then in the 1970s we had ambulance chasing lawyers. And malpractice lawsuits out the kazoo!"

 While I like to agree that legal reform is needed before we can have real medical reform, after looking at the statistics of legal actions against medical practitioners I can't say that there are actually more frivolous lawsuits.

 But the one's that do exist have substantial impact.  I had mentioned here before that the financial breakdown for a warm-blanket is not actually price-gouging, it's "defensive medicine".  Both the Once-out-of-30-million-patient that sues, and the knee-jerk-reaction-CEO are responsible for the $35 warm blanket cost to continue.  Specifically to continue being the way it is, the cost as the process exists now is actually justified since a warm-blanket costs about $35 or more, to get to a patient. (specific to the medical program I worked for)

 The issue JOG presents is valid, but hard to define because everyone had HMO influence in their health plans at a different times spanning decades, so it is hard to say what era of medical care he is defining as "before".  

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/29/21 at 13:57:55

Before we had no problem going to a doctor. My BCBS card let me be seen and treated everywhere I went in Louisiana and Texas, Odessa,Houston, and Then someone decided  the system was broken. And the Solution was to add a parasitic burden. They Added college trained people ,sitting in rooms, making fifteen or so bucks an hour, determining how the doctor may or may not, treat you based on the code the doctor entered in Diagnosis.

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/29/21 at 15:48:27

"They Added college trained people ,sitting in rooms, making fifteen or so bucks an hour, determining how the doctor may or may not, treat you based on the code the doctor entered in Diagnosis."

 Are you talking about adjusters?

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/29/21 at 17:39:50


Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/29/21 at 20:19:54

 Ok, I don't know what you are talking about specifically.

 BC employs minimum wage workers that decide treatments based off physician entered code.  Not sure who these people are and how they coincide with adjusters already in the system.

 I know Yoder personally and sent him this discussion, maybe he will be able to outline it more clearly.

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/29/21 at 20:25:56

Sounds good

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by Eegore on 01/29/21 at 21:41:20

 This is what I got:

"I am not sure what your associate is referring to. I would think he means the adjuster or adjustment process as well since they review coding. I feel this conversation is intentionally vague most likely due to lack of specific knowledge. If I knew “adjusters” is the incorrect description and also knew the correct description, I would offer this correct description without continued prying. This would progress the discussion productively so my point could be known clearly. It is clear the previous system worked better for him and some ubiquitous description of underpaid staff is the reason the current system is not as good. I think that is as far as you will get or he would have already volunteered information that is clear, concise and useful to your discussion."

 I agree.  The old system was better for you and my only knowledge of healthcare processes that match your description is adjusters and you say that is incorrect.  At the end of the day I still don't know how the ACA impacted any of this since it didn't exist at the time.

Title: Re: Because, fukkyou, that's why
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 01/29/21 at 23:41:29

Thanks for trying, if I figure out a better way to explain it, I'll take a swing at it. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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