General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Remember the whistleblower

Message started by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 05:52:57

Title: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 05:52:57

Tucker Carlson will have the whistleblower on his show tonight. My challenge is for all of you who spent the last years posting every tiny detail of the latest nail in Trump’s coffin (which all turn out to be nothing) to watch with a fraction of an open mind, if that’s even possible for some of you.

Is this guy making all this up, including all the backup, or is it possible it’s true?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/27/20 at 07:10:23

What whistle will he blow?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 07:29:44

Maybe the truth whistle, maybe not. Watch and judge for yourself.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Rockn on 10/27/20 at 08:55:32

Oh whistle-blowers are a good thing now? Okay, got it.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 09:39:44

If you think so, watch what he has to say to  tonight and judge for yourself.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/27/20 at 11:11:14

Still a mystery as to what you're talking about.

If it's more Hunter Biden garbage,... forget it.
That is totally debunked, October surprise, BS...
being brought to you by the Rudy and Bannon tag team of bottomfeeders..
Rudy is being investigated, and Bannon is under indictment for fraud.
Tucker Carlson's top writer recently resigned after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks.
Where can credibility go from here?...

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 11:21:32

If it's more Hunter Biden garbage,... forget it.
That is totally debunked, October surprise, BS...

Show me where the Hunter Biden has ever been”debunked”? Joe Biden can say that at the debate without fear of being challenged on it but you can’t.

being brought to you by the Rudy and Bannon tag team of bottomfeeders..
Rudy is being investigated, and Bannon is under indictment for fraud.
Tucker Carlson's top writer recently resigned after secretly posting racist and sexist remarks.
Where can credibility go from here?.

Nice try, but absolutely none of that matters if the information is true. We could never investigate the motives of the “Trump whistleblower“ because they kept his identity secret. This guy is an open book. You can look up anything you want on him. All I’m asking is you to watch and honestly evaluate the information if you think it’s credible or not. Tucker Carlson‘s writer has absolutely nothing to do with this man stepping forward. You know that which is why you’re bringing it up because you’re trying to deflect. How about dealing in the world of facts.

Joe said he never spoke to his son about his international dealings even though his son flew with him on Air Force two and shortly there after his company signed a big deal with China. Are you honestly trying to tell me the vice president of the United States son flew with him all the way to China and back and shortly there after signed a deal with China and they never discussed it? That’s simply not believable.

This man has provided text messages, emails, and apparently tonight or recording about his company which involved Hunter Biden and Jim Biden with Joe Biden as an unofficial overseer. Who by the way apparently was cut in for 10%. If this is true, after crying for three years about Donald Trump and Russia which was proven false, what are you going to do about Joe?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/27/20 at 12:37:11

October 2016
"Hillary's e-mails!,...Hillary's e-mails!,..."...

October 2020
"Hunter's e-mails!,...Hunter's e-mails!,..."...

It's like deja vu all over again...  ;D ;D ;D

Did you attend Trump University?... :-?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Rockn on 10/27/20 at 12:44:58

Tucker Carlson who just won a court case arguing "any reasonable viewer 'arrive[s] with an appropriate amount of skepticism' about the statements" Carlson makes, according to a court filing"?

"The “ 'general tenor’ of the show,” her opinion stated, “should … inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not ‘stating actual facts’ about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in ‘exaggeration’ and ‘nonliteral commentary.’"

I'm sure this says nothing about his whistle-blower guests credibility.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 13:20:31

I'm sure this says nothing about his whistle-blower guests credibility.

You’re right, it doesn’t.

Watch it and tell us your thoughts afterwards.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/27/20 at 13:21:55

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
October 2016
"Hillary's e-mails!,...Hillary's e-mails!,..."...

October 2020
"Hunter's e-mails!,...Hunter's e-mails!,..."...

It's like deja vu all over again...  ;D ;D ;D

Did you attend Trump University?... :-?

Precious from someone who’s spent 3 years repeating Russia, Russia Russia.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/20 at 15:15:26

102225343322350A26352C470 wrote:
...  Are you honestly trying to tell me the vice president of the United States son flew with him all the way to China and back and shortly there after signed a deal with China and they never discussed it?
That’s simply not believable . . .

A-Yep, just as believable as the FBI,
Clearing a Airplane, of all people, and recording devices.
So two very high level political people,
could talk about their,

What was that about, russia, Russia, RUSSIA ???

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by MnSpring on 10/27/20 at 15:41:50

6E786F726A7F72691D0 wrote:
If it's more Hunter Biden garbage,... forget it.
That is totally debunked ...

Please Show the PROOF,
it has been debunked ?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/27/20 at 22:07:45

Please show me the PROOF! that magic unicorns do not exist. I say there are magic unicorns, and I do not see that it has been debunked anywhere. So me where it has been debunked.


Tucker Carlson, as @Rockn pointed out was called by Fox News an entertainer, not a reporter, and that no one takes him seriously. That's Fox News saying that.

I have tried to watch some clips of Carlson on you tube but his stupid pouty quizzical face just makes you want to give him a slap, with a wet haddock. He is even more nauseating than Hannity.

Fox News won a court case by 'persuasively' arguing that no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson seriously

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 05:40:07

If I saw clear and irrefutable evidence that unicorns existed, I’d have to adjust my beliefs. Says something about you that you can’t.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/20 at 08:26:34

"no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson seriously" - Fox News

You're basically watching the angry "Onion"

Sure,.. they "could" report something that's true.
The best indicator of that would be whether legitimate news also reports the same thing.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/28/20 at 08:26:41

Crooked F.B.I. chooses to ignore the criminality of the left.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by MnSpring on 10/28/20 at 08:51:02

77657172656361040 wrote:
... I say there are magic unicorns ...

Ya know, the Citizens in Minn,
Call the people that believe,
'Magic Unicorns Exist', Today,
Fairy Dust Sprinklers !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 09:03:17

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
"no 'reasonable viewer' takes Tucker Carlson seriously" - Fox News

You're basically watching the angry "Onion"

Sure,.. they "could" report something that's true.
The best indicator of that would be whether legitimate news also reports the same thing.

“Legitimate” news? Legitimate news still reports that Trump called Nazis fine people. He did not, it’s obvious to anyone reading the transcripts and watching the press conference. That’s what you call legitimate news?

Just say this, you refuse to honestly evaluate the evidence presented because you do not want to be confronted with the fact your preferred candidate sold his office. And lied about it repeatedly. Just be honest and say that.

I said I excepted trumps many shortfalls and potential shading business deals because I weigh that against the horrors of a hilly Hillary Clinton presidency and decided trumps actions did not overcome the necessity of defeating Hillary Clinton. Have the courage to say the same thing. You would choose Biden and his illegal activities over Trump.

Just be honest and say that. Biden is a corrupt who sold his office working with his brother, son and this guy Bobulinski as CEO. Say that.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/20 at 12:50:55

So,.. Tony Bobuloo says there's another laptop at another computer repair store that Hunter dropped off but never picked up containing more incriminating stuff...
;D ;D ;D
... and how would he know this?... :-?

Making Accusations Great Again...  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 13:11:51

If I saw clear and irrefutable evidence that unicorns existed,

Why do you think Guiliani, won't hand the supposed hard drive over to any reputable new organisation. Especially when he's desperate for it to be picked up outside the ultra conservative press, and there's only a week to go? Answer: because it's all ridiculous innuendo. Look at Guiliani's credibility, anyone, even Borat, in a bad disguise can dupe him.

@WM, your entire post directly above is impossible to answer, it is 100% projection.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 13:14:02

So what the guy presented is false? Fabricated? He used a word processor to type up the dummy emails? All the screen prints of text messages back-and-forth were made in what, Adobe InDesign? And the recording I heard of one of his partners was fabricated by an actor who was able to imitate the person’s voice, right?

When collaborating evidence comes out, and it will, your position is going to be that all of that evidence was also fabricated on word processors, correct?

Unlike Joe Biden, why don’t you answer those questions.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 13:15:14

36243033242220450 wrote:
If I saw clear and irrefutable evidence that unicorns existed,

Why do you think Guiliani, won't hand the supposed hard drive over to any reputable new organisation. Especially when he's desperate for it to be picked up outside the ultra conservative press, and there's only a week to go? Answer: because it's all ridiculous innuendo. Look at Guiliani's credibility, anyone, even Borat, in a bad disguise can dupe him.

@WM, your entire post directly above is impossible to answer, it is 100% projection.

Why do you think Guiliani, won't hand the supposed hard drive over to any reputable new organisation.. Because the FBI has it?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Rockn on 10/28/20 at 15:09:51

After reviewing the evidence, I can confidently say I won't be voting for Hunter Biden.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 15:16:31

Funny. But you’re going to vote for his father who, along with his son and brother, sold access to the VP office. Got it.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 15:34:28

Because the FBI has it?

Wot about the copy?

Rudy Giuliani has provided an additional copy of a hard drive alleged to have belonged to Hunter Biden to Delaware authorities, a state official said Wednesday, and it's now in the hands of the FBI.

Why won't Fox buy into it? Why won't he give a copy to any reputable new organisation, including the Trump friendly Fox? These are rhetorical questions obvs.

Funny. But you’re going to vote for his father who, along with his son and brother, sold access to the VP office. Got it.

But this is just projection isn't it. The Trump mafia family have been using their office for profit quite brazenly. Why is Kushner and Ivanka even in the WH? Completely unqualified douchebags who are just in it for the $$$$'s

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 15:42:42

716C60686D776B666B627468030 wrote:
After reviewing the evidence, I can confidently say I won't be voting for Hunter Biden.


Exactly no one cares about this weirdo crap dug up by perpetual dupe and part time vampire, Rudy. And only those enmeshed in the deepest bowels of the right wing extreme conspiracy theories even understand how it all fits together. Trump tried it out in the final debate and it was simply a monotonous secret code word salad.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 15:45:10

On Monday, NBC News sent a letter to Giuliani and his attorney, Robert Costello, requesting a copy of the hard drive to evaluate the content and authenticity of the emails and other records

Giuliani has not responded. Why do you think this might be?


The laptop and emails have not been independently verified, and the New York Post is yet to produce any evidence that Hunter Biden replied to the email, or that any meeting took place.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 16:05:31

I see you’re ignoring Tiny Bobulinski and what he’s turned over. I’ll ask you the same thing I asked Sew.

So what the guy presented is false? Fabricated? He used a word processor to type up the dummy emails? All the screen prints of text messages back-and-forth were made in what, Adobe InDesign? And the recording I heard of one of his partners was fabricated by an actor who was able to imitate the person’s voice, right?

When collaborating evidence comes out, and it will, your position is going to be that all of that evidence was also fabricated on word processors, correct?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/20 at 16:37:46

Would you please quit saying "collaborating" evidence?...
It drives me nuts!...
No offense really,... tons of highly respected journalists do it too.
...but the word is "corroborating"...

Confirming,.. not working with...

Recovering former proof reader... :-[

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 16:38:25

WM, I used to think you were just trolling and never really believed all this nonsense, it just suited your narrative. But I'm coming around to the fact that you sincerely do believe it. I think the reason for that is that you remain cloistered in the Trump cinematic universe. If you refuse to read normal reporting, where sources are verified, where not every scrap of nonsense is treated as gospel, then we're just going to endlessly be talking past each other, because it's just crazy pants stuff. If you do not want to engage in critical thinking, only having your views validated, then that's fine, but it's only suitable on a forum where every member is in that same frame of mind.

If there was anything to this, anything at all, then Rudy would have given the so called 'hard drive from hell', to any number of reputable news sources, where email headers can be examined. Screenshots of a computer screen are only for dupes and rubes like Rudy.

FFS, Rudy's just been completely taken in by Sacha Baron Cohen, playing Borat playing a bulgarian father playing a cameraman. Even Barr is not touching this, Barr! who is willing to dishonour the entire DoJ without any qualms, even he won't touch it.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/28/20 at 16:59:31

It has been reported that Rudy shopped this story around, and no legitimate new agencies would touch it. .. not even Fox.
That makes sense,.. because it was shopped around the Ukraine for a year before Rudy took the bait.

This info belongs in a thrift store.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 17:18:27

[quote author=2C3A2D30283D302B5F0 link=1603803177/15#29 date=1603928266]Would you please quit saying "collaborating" evidence?...
It drives me nuts!...
No offense really,... tons of highly respected journalists do it too.
...but the word is "corroborating"...

Confirming,.. not working with...

Recovering former proof reader... :-[/quote]

Fair point.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 17:20:16

So neither of you are going to answer. Ok, so this guy created all these documents and recordings?

And drop the Rudy angle, this guy has nothing to do with that.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 18:24:10

WM, we have answered. It's just preposterous. You might as well try and present proof that there was no moon landing. It's in the same category of nonsense. We can all see it for what it is, which is a sad rerun and a reminder of 2016.

As George Bush said, 'fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, er... ya cain't get fooled again'.

To paraphrase Wolfgang Pauli, "This is not even a nothingburger."

Look, this reporting is pretty well how everyone is treating it...

Giuliani or someone said the words that this deserves to be reported even if it isn't true. And that my friend is the very point. Just like the point of Zelinsky and the Ukraine "corruption" the point was ONLY TO ANNOUNCE IT.

Just because the FBI has the hard rive from hell now, does not automatically give it any credibility. There is nothing here.

Ask yourself why is it suddenly out now just before an election? Because it's only got a 3 week lifespan. It's in the same category as Trump calling for an Obamagate investigation.

Look at all of the Trump people who have either been jailed or pleaded guilty. And there's a lot more to come.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 18:58:14

@WM, look at Guiliani in this clip and tell me he's not batshit crazy.


Why doesn't he just give the stuff he claims to have to Fox?

At 5min 42 seconds in you can see Fox News debunking the Bobolinski story live on air. Quote: Fox's review of those documents given to us found no role for Joe Biden in that venture.


Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/28/20 at 19:51:04

For the last time, listen closely: I’m not asking you about the laptop. I’m asking you about the emails, texts, and recordings Tony Bobulinski presented? If they’re not real, this guy fabricated them, including hiring actors who could imitate voices. Is that what you think?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 21:13:47

OK then tell me exactly what the supposed recordings say and prove, what do the supposed emails SAY, and prove. You write down exactly what they say, and then say what they prove. And we'll see if anything is there.


I can't hear anything that means anything, and he's not saying anything to Carlson either. There's just nothing here.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 21:25:36

Ok I've read the Breitbart story

I see nothing but spin, supposedly they prove a 'meeting' but they do not prove anything and Biden's campaign says there's no record of him meeting them. I've gone through the Breitbart story and I do not see anything other than convoluted spin. Reading this story or the emails would make anyone's head spin.

There is nothing here, Sorry. It's just nonsense, spin, and innuendo, and editorialising by opinion writers and entertainers.

I would suggest you have a BEX and a good lie down.


Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Rockn on 10/28/20 at 22:17:18

So Tucker Carlson is saying the only copy of documents that are SURE to bring down the Bidens were somehow opened in a mail sorting facility and then disappeared? The company has already done a thorough search for these documents and come up empty handed? Incredibly likely and shocking! Gasp!

Who wouldn't make copies of documents that prove corruption before putting them in the mail? Why would they even need to be mailed?

This is the stupidest spin of all time. They're running with a story about emails while trying to mail physical documents across the country? I can scan a document with my phone and have it emailed in half a minute.

Who steals a package with sensitive documents and then leaves the empty envelope to be found? The company used photos of what was sent to search, photos of what? So someone that somehow has darning documents is smart enough to take a photo of them (or of an envelope containing them) and mail it out, but not smart enough to back them up first?

Technologically illiterate Fox viewers lap this stuff up. Even Hunter was smart enough to drop his laptop off in person so it wouldn't get lost in the mail!

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/28/20 at 23:30:00

@Rockn, you need to enclose long urls, in the url tags.

You could not make this up. Tucker Carlson's dog ate the evidence.

Remember Fox argued in Court that Carlson is just an entertainer, no one takes him seriously.  

Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night claimed that he was in possession of a collection of new, confidential and darning documents related to Democratic Presidential Nominee Joe Biden's family but isn't anymore because it got lost in the mail.

In a short Tucker Carlson Tonight segment, the Fox News host told a personal story about how he had received "real, authentic and darning" Hunter Biden documents, before suspiciously losing it in the mail.

"On Monday of this week we received from a source—a collection of confidential documents related to the Biden family," Carlson said. "At the time when we received them, my executive producer Justin Welles and I were in Los Angeles preparing to interview Tony Bobulinski about the Bidens' business dealings in China, Ukraine and other countries. So we texted a producer in New York and we asked him to send the documents to us."

Carlson went on to explain that the documents were shipped on Monday afternoon to California with a "large national carrier"—he did not disclose the carrier's name throughout the segment, but said it was one frequently used by Americans.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/20 at 05:14:53

So you’re saying you believe this guy is making everything up, typed up hundreds, perhaps thousands of fake documents, hired  actors to mimic voices and recorded them as if they were phone calls, and turned all of turned all of this over to the FBI.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/20 at 05:17:36

6A777B73766C707D70796F73180 wrote:

So Tucker Carlson is saying the only copy of documents that are SURE to bring down the Bidens were somehow opened in a mail sorting facility and then disappeared? The company has already done a thorough search for these documents and come up empty handed? Incredibly likely and shocking! Gasp!

Who wouldn't make copies of documents that prove corruption before putting them in the mail? Why would they even need to be mailed?

This is the stupidest spin of all time. They're running with a story about emails while trying to mail physical documents across the country? I can scan a document with my phone and have it emailed in half a minute.

Who steals a package with sensitive documents and then leaves the empty envelope to be found? The company used photos of what was sent to search, photos of what? So someone that somehow has darning documents is smart enough to take a photo of them (or of an envelope containing them) and mail it out, but not smart enough to back them up first?

Technologically illiterate Fox viewers lap this stuff up. Even Hunter was smart enough to drop his laptop off in person so it wouldn't get lost in the mail!

You’re not from Chicago by any chance.....?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/20 at 07:05:40

10021615020406630 wrote:
...  we have answered ...

Who is, 'we' ?
Or is that just 3rd person speaking ?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/20 at 08:22:35

6F7D696A7D7B791C0 wrote:
You could not make this up. Tucker Carlson's dog ate the evidence.

Hysterical... ;D

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 10:55:25

 Webstermark does offer a good question regarding large scale fabrication, but I too feel the same way about the complete bufoonery of not making copies.

 Why on earth were paper only originals sent by mail?

"They're running with a story about emails while trying to mail physical documents across the country?"

 I thought this exact same thing.  Who does this?  

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/20 at 10:59:06

58787A726F781D0 wrote:
 I thought this exact same thing.  Who does this?  

... but  that was rhetorical, right?...

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/29/20 at 12:16:18

14370A292B30373E590 wrote:
[quote author=10021615020406630 link=1603803177/30#34 date=1603934650] ...  we have answered ...

Who is, 'we' ?
Or is that just 3rd person speaking ?

So neither of you are going to answer.

Keep up Mn

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/20 at 12:58:15

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
 Webstermark does offer a good question regarding large scale fabrication, but I too feel the same way about the complete bufoonery of not making copies.

 Why on earth were paper only originals sent by mail?

"They're running with a story about emails while trying to mail physical documents across the country?"

 I thought this exact same thing.  Who does this?  

I don’t know if anyone said they didn’t make copies. All they said was the originals had been removed from the package.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 13:12:56

I don’t know if anyone said they didn’t make copies. All they said was the originals had been removed from the package.

 That makes more sense.

 Well UPS will dig it up, if they haven't already and there will controversy about it having been tampered with.

 Solution?  Send it again.  Send it with a courier.  Email the documents like everyone else in the world.  

 The water damaged laptop thing was a joke in my opinion.  Listen to John Paul Mac Isaac try to explain what happened and tell me there's no red flags in that interview.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/29/20 at 13:43:42

The entire point of the story is not the story but the announcement. That's why it has broken right on election time. They know there's no substance all they want is a suggestion of a hint of something. Unfortunately only in the Trump Cinematic Universe does anyone understand the secret code words and meanings. That's why Guiliani is so angry at Fox, it's why Trump is so angry at Lindsey Graham and Billy Barr. All Trump and his enablers want is a headline that lasts until Nov 3rd.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/20 at 14:58:18

Now UPS says they found them...

Makes a nice break in the evidence chain.  :-?

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/20 at 15:34:28

All this suspicious coming from people who hung a Supreme Court nomination on the “recovered memories” of a women thrown into therapy when she saw a new door installed in her house. Not only was there no evidence to back her story, but in fact the evidence that was available directly contradicted her story. Regard, you and the media went 24/7 full bore, tore into high school yearbooks, tracked down paper boys in the neighborhood in an attempt to find anything. Sew, you were so taken in, you believed this kid organized mass rape parties all summer long. You probably bought but the “I believe her” tee shirt.

But actual emails sent to someone, screen prints of text messages and recordings of phone calls are all fabricated??? You guys are totally messed in the head, TDS is eating your brain cells. Biden just says “That’s been dismissed, no one believes that malarkey” and you deep, serious thinkers who applauded dredging the bottom of the barrel looking for any potential witness , now all you can say is, “Well, that settles it. Joe said it never happened so that’s the end of it”

There’s an FBI investigation opened in 2019 against Hunter Biden and his “associates”. Let’s see how anxious you are to hear from witnesses now.

Oh, and if Biden wins, all of a sudden you won’t object at all to a sitting President calling off an FBI investigation as the head of the justice department.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 16:43:50

"screen prints of text messages and recordings of phone calls are all fabricated???"

 This to me is exactly what you do when you fabricate those messages.  For instance the emails are all images.  All of them?  That is exactly what you do when you don't want metadata available to see how/when/where they originated from.

 I agree to a point that the measure of fabrication here is too much to just say it was all made up.  But certain aspects read heavily into falsification, they show the exact measure of activity needed to provide information without verification.  So those items, and only those I would have issue with, but not all of it.

 I think in a number of these scenarios people go overboard and try to connect evidence, or add in evidence that actually hurts the overall product of an investigation once a lot of that peripheral stuff turns up to be nonsense.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/20 at 16:53:10

4A6A68607D6A0F0 wrote:
"screen prints of text messages and recordings of phone calls are all fabricated???"

 This to me is exactly what you do when you fabricate those messages.  For instance the emails are all images.  All of them?  That is exactly what you do when you don't want metadata available to see how/when/where they originated from.

 I agree to a point that the measure of fabrication here is too much to just say it was all made up.  But certain aspects read heavily into falsification, they show the exact measure of activity needed to provide information without verification.  So those items, and only those I would have issue with, but not all of it.

 I think in a number of these scenarios people go overboard and try to connect evidence, or add in evidence that actually hurts the overall product of an investigation once a lot of that peripheral stuff turns up to be nonsense.

That’s ridiculous. Hundreds of pages? Recordings of phone calls? Are you saying this guy Tony hired a actors to impersonate Hunter’s voice and that of his partners? And the guy turned everything over to the FBI. Do you think an ex naval officer who had a successful international business is going to fabricate all of this and then turn it over to the FBI to be scrutinized? Does that even make sense to you?

Fabrications are short documents like Dan Rather‘s infamous note about George Bush. Not hundreds of pages, screenshots of text messages, recordings of phone calls, and of course three full cell phones turned over to the FBI. If this is a fabrication, it’s the largest, most detailed fabrication of all time.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/29/20 at 16:55:24

If I survive on here next week Eegore, I’m gonna start referring to you as Switzerland. You’re trying so hard to be neutral.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 17:08:24

"That’s ridiculous. Hundreds of pages? Recordings of phone calls? Are you saying this guy Tony hired a actors to impersonate Hunter’s voice and that of his partners? And the guy turned everything over to the FBI. Do you think an ex naval officer who had a successful international business is going to fabricate all of this and then turn it over to the FBI to be scrutinized? Does that even make sense to you?"

 No, I never said anything like that at all.  I very specifically said:

"I agree to a point that the measure of fabrication here is too much to just say it was all made up."

 To clarify I agree, as in the opposite of disagree, I agree with you that it's very unlikely that all of this was fabricated.  I do not however think that all of it is completely truthful since some, not all, just some, as in portions exclusive to their specific content and not all content as a whole, just parts, like the email images, are presented in the exact format one would use if they do not want discovery into their detailed, verifiable information.  

 But only those parts, not all.  As in sections, pieces or separate entities of information presented.  Not every part, the whole thing, or 100%.  Just parts, not all.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/29/20 at 19:22:45

It will all magically disappear next week when it's value is over.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by WebsterMark on 10/30/20 at 05:25:21

4F7D7A6B6C7D6A55796A73180 wrote:
All this suspicious coming from people who hung a Supreme Court nomination on the “recovered memories” of a women thrown into therapy when she saw a new door installed in her house. Not only was there no evidence to back her story, but in fact the evidence that was available directly contradicted her story. Regard, you and the media went 24/7 full bore, tore into high school yearbooks, tracked down paper boys in the neighborhood in an attempt to find anything. Sew, you were so taken in, you believed this kid organized mass rape parties all summer long. You probably bought but the “I believe her” tee shirt.

But actual emails sent to someone, screen prints of text messages and recordings of phone calls are all fabricated??? You guys are totally messed in the head, TDS is eating your brain cells. Biden just says “That’s been dismissed, no one believes that malarkey” and you deep, serious thinkers who applauded dredging the bottom of the barrel looking for any potential witness , now all you can say is, “Well, that settles it. Joe said it never happened so that’s the end of it”

There’s an FBI investigation opened in 2019 against Hunter Biden and his “associates”. Let’s see how anxious you are to hear from witnesses now.

Oh, and if Biden wins, all of a sudden you won’t object at all to a sitting President calling off an FBI investigation as the head of the justice department.

As follow up to this, most of you leftist repeated The NY Times story and figures on Trump’s taxes as absolute truth, but the truth is the Times listed the source as “Anonymous” so you have no idea who it was. But not only do you not believe this guy Tony Bobulinski, a former Naval officer who contributed only to Democrats, you refused to even review the info. And you dismiss the former Naval Officer as being a partner in a Russian disinformation plot.

Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by MnSpring on 10/30/20 at 08:31:53

12001417000604610 wrote:
It will all magically disappear next week ...  

If Ding-Dong & HO-HO win,
Absolutely it will.


Title: Re: Remember the whistleblower
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/30/20 at 13:18:14

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