General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Packing for a trip...

Message started by WebsterMark on 10/08/20 at 18:12:23

Title: Packing for a trip...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/20 at 18:12:23

Biden said we’ll know his position on court packing after the election. Why after the election? According to Joe, if he tells us his position, that’s all we’ll talk about.
No $hit Sherlock.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/20 at 18:22:27

Well, gotta pass the bill to find out what is in it

Imagine a lawyer telling you
You'll Hafta sign that contract to find out what it says.

Joe won't tell who he would want..
In fact, I'm not aware of anything they want that would be good.
Maybe you Joe supporters could point out some promises that you are excited about..

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/20 at 18:38:20

Honestly, given this stance from Biden, a vote for him is a vote to end America.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/08/20 at 21:07:27

As Harris said, the only court packing that has been going on is by the GOP, where Moscow Mitch kept blocking all the Federal judges, which is why there were 200 vacancies when Trump took over. Then of course there was Turtle once again blocking Merrick Garland in fact absolutely ruling it out. Then there's the current hypocrisy of installing another Federalist society loon while people are actually voting.

So when Biden removes the final Filibuster which he'll have to do, and adds two more Supreme Ct Justices to balance out Gorsuch and Barret, he'll just be restoring the Court not 'packing it'.

In fact seeing as 70% of people in America are against dismantling Roe v Wade, these people understand that they need to deliver a Senate majority, so if that's what happens Biden will have a mandate from the people to to fix the Court. And not just Roe v Wade, they also understand that Barrett will also remove Obama Care and there will be no pre existing conditions safety net.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/08/20 at 21:10:39

btw, @Webster, still intend to honour your bet about getting the fcuk off this forum permanently if Biden wins the WH?

@JoG a bit hypocritical of you isn't it seeing as Pence once again lied saying they are going to protect pre existing conditions, when the govt, is in court right now supporting a move to strike down OC completely.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/08/20 at 21:37:05

So, you got nothing to say for Joe?
What's he gonna do for America?

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/08/20 at 21:41:53

Never mind about America it's about what he's gonna do for the world. I think that's pretty clear. He's the anti-trump.

However remember one of Trump's decent plans four years ago, was going to be an infrastructure rebuilding? Completely vanished, that was all bullshit. Well that's one thing Biden will do as part of a job creation and stimulus package, it's the perfect time to create jobs while building the country.

Not only that but he will invest heavily in renewable energy, which means massive job creation. Plus you won't have noticed amid all the chaos of the Trump admin that Trump has been removing all the environmental protections. He allowed offshore drilling of Florida and he only reversed that again because you know why.

Then there's the tax cuts for the wealthiest one percent, he said they will be dismantled. See how Pence tried to scare people with that but as Harris said, it's not for people earning less than 400,000.

What has Trump done for America other than shame her.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/20 at 05:38:00

Ending the filibuster, adding two states for the sole reason to add 4 liberal senators and packing the count to widely swing the balance to the extreme left will have disastrous consequences. Extreme policies that are never forced to pass through the compromise structure will result in the policy of the extreme. When the other side takes control, (and they will) they will enact extreme policies in the other direction.

The result will be wild swings and little or no consistency for businesses to plan a course of action and move forward over a period of time. Without the tax revenue to government and employment (Paychecks) to employees, before you know it, we’re Venezuela and printing money left and right.

The fact Biden won’t answer means that’s his intention and let’s face it, he’s not going to be around all that long. Harris will be the one to start that process and she’ll do it hiding behind the need for “diversity on the court.” I did think of that until I heard someone else say it, but that’s what will happen. Once that process starts, we’re f’d. That’s the end. And you TDS infected clowns will celebrate in your blue jerseys unaware you’ll be among the first left out in the cold. Dumbsh!t$.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/09/20 at 09:36:57

370502131405122D01120B600 wrote:
"...  Once that process starts, we’re f’d. That’s the end. And you TDS infected clowns will celebrate in your blue jerseys unaware you’ll be among the first left out in the cold. Dumbsh!t$.

Hence the saying;
" Useful Idiots are Cannon Fodder "

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by Serowbot on 10/09/20 at 09:48:15

714344555243546B47544D260 wrote:
Once that process starts, we’re f’d. That’s the end. And you TDS infected clowns will celebrate in your blue jerseys unaware you’ll be among the first left out in the cold. Dumbsh!t$.

Thank you for your concern...
I think we'll be fine.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/09/20 at 11:24:37

You won’t be.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/09/20 at 11:52:40

4254435E46535E45310 wrote:
"... I think we'll be fine.  

Biden & Ho-Ho wins, you will NOT be 'safe', or 'free'.
Actually you would be, 'Safer and Freer', moving to the UK, CA, or AU,
Where their is NO, Safety or Freedom !

What is that saying?
"...Those that Ignore History,
are Doomed to repeat it..."

"...Censorship in Italy was applied especially during the Fascist Regime of Benito Mussolini..."
"... many regimes banned or burned books because ..."
"... turning Germany into a one-party dictatorship, the Nazis orchestrated a massive propaganda campaign to win the loyalty and cooperation of Germans..."
"... schools played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas. ..."
"...some books were removed from classrooms by censors, other textbooks, newly written, were brought in to teach students blind obedience ..."

And it goes ON and ON and ON and ON, and ON, and ON, and ON >>>, >>>, >>>, !

You need to read, and study HISTORY !
Every Dictatorship ERASED/REMOVED/REWROTE History.
Can you not see, what is happening ?

Yea, Trump has no filter.
he is NOT,
in the pockets of others like,
Ding-Dong & HO-HO.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/09/20 at 14:20:54


I think you are going to miss the days when the Democrats played by the normal rules while the Republicans laughed at them and called them suckers. Fact is that all of what you say the Democrats will do is being done right now by the Republicans, whose current Senate majority represents a minority of the population. And worse than that is that that minority wants to ram their religious strictures down the throats of a changing America.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/09/20 at 16:20:07

3D2F3B382F292B4E0 wrote:
"... you are going to miss the days when the Democrats played by the normal rules ..."

Would that be some time before 1960 ?

Let's see,
89 Democrats served for 36-59 years.
36 Republicans served form 36-59 years.

So the current crop of, UL, FDS, DFI Socialists,
who have been, 'leaders', for 40 + Years,
Have done, what ?

Oh I know, they have,
with TAX payer Money !

Now again, exactaly how does any of this,
affect a 'subject',
who lives in a country that has NO,
free Speech, or Freedom ?

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/09/20 at 21:48:37

@Mn, As much as I'd like to you make it  impossible to respond to you as you appear to be a puerile  fcuking moron as well as an imbecile. So I guess you win! Carry on.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/10/20 at 05:55:47

73617576616765000 wrote:
you appear to be a puerile  fcuking moron as well as an imbecile.

Thank you so much for your comments.

Just make sure you do, NOT, say anything bad about AOC !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by WebsterMark on 10/10/20 at 06:03:04

42504447505654310 wrote:
@Mn, As much as I'd like to you make it  impossible to respond to you as you appear to be a puerile  fcuking moron as well as an imbecile. So I guess you win! Carry on.

This is what’s known as leftist, moderator buddy privilege.

I guess Sew would say Eau’s dog looks at him like a “puerile  fcuking moron as well as an imbecile” so it’s okay for Eau to talk this way. Everyone else’s dog must look at them normally so if they get out of line, the delete button comes into play. Who knew Sew was on the Presidential Debate Commission?

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by philthymike on 10/10/20 at 11:11:10

7761766B73666B70040 wrote:
[quote author=714344555243546B47544D260 link=1602205943/0#7 date=1602247080]Once that process starts, we’re f’d. That’s the end. And you TDS infected clowns will celebrate in your blue jerseys unaware you’ll be among the first left out in the cold. Dumbsh!t$.

Thank you for your concern...
I think we'll be fine.

In fact youll be the 1st to go judging by all past Communist revolutions.

You simply don't understand how much of a tool you are. Literally.
As soon as your support isn't needed anymore it's off to the camp for you. And before the rest because the revolutionaries just cause trouble with their relentless expectations that the party fulfill its promises of social justice and equality. They don't want that. They don't want you. They just want the power of Greyskull and once you give it to them you become an enemy of the party.
All the political feel good bullcrap is just that. In the end you're nothing but a pawn sacrificed to take another pawn.
Sucks to be you.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/10/20 at 13:29:13

Hey Webster, still feeling lucking your bet to vacate this forum after Biden becomes President.

@Mn, you misunderstand, I wasn't saying anything 'bad' about you why would I do that, I was just lamenting the fact that I'd like to answer you but your idiocy makes it impossible, in a way not dissimilar to Trump.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/10/20 at 17:01:51

5F4D595A4D4B492C0 wrote:
"... Mn, you misunderstand, I wasn't saying anything 'bad' about you..." .

OK then,
       just a Drongo,
trying to construct a sentence.
       Got it !

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/12/20 at 02:33:49

Ahhh Mn, you still don't get it. Maybe you think 'drongo' is some sort of insult but we really don't talk like that here. I would never call you that, it's more of a crododile dundee hollywood thing. Check out the video of Aunty Donna below. Drongo is almost a term of endearment. We more say stuff for example like "you Mn are a vacant c.unt" which you are. When we wanna slag someone off believe me 'drongo' doesn't come into the equation. You fcuking brain dead fcukwad.


Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/12/20 at 08:31:17

62706467707674110 wrote:
... "you Mn are a vacant c.unt" which you are.
... You fcuking brain dead fcukwad.

Excellent comments,
Just excellent,
Totaly proves how a  Drongo thinks !

Just, DON"T say,
"AOC's mouth, is only good for being a holster, for a 'thing'".

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by MnSpring on 10/12/20 at 16:30:09

2F3D292A3D3B395C0 wrote:
... Check out the video of Aunty Donna below ...
... Drongo is almost a term of endearment ...

So glad calling you a Drongo does not offend you!
Then I'll just keep using it to describe you,
and your posts !

Interesting video,
can you tell us which one is you ?

Don't know who, 'Aunty Donna' is,
is she a blood relative of yours ?

So nice that she has her own show
and allows you to appear on it.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/12/20 at 17:44:02

Filling empty seats
NOT packing..
Changing the number of justices
In Order to Fill Newly Created seats with
Friendly justices

Stop pretending Trump is doing anything wrong..

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 02:54:20

@JoG, Trump was elected for a four year term yet there's 4 years and 7 months between the death of Scalia and Ginsburg. Why would not Mitch even hold a hearing for Garland? Why were there 200 Federal vacancies for Trump to fill?

Because Garland's place was denied in order to...wait for it...pack the court. why were 200 vacancies not filled by Obama, because McConnell blocked them all in order to ... wait for it... pack the court.

All perfectly within their rights, and if the Democrat gain the senate as well as the presidency it will also be within their constitutional rights to add or subtract from the court, end the filibuster and do whatever they nee to do.

But won't that end in a judicial arms race? No it won't because what comes around goes around. Just like McConnell wants to say the constitution allows him to have done all these things, similarly there's no set number of judges.

If the Republican Party and its conservative defenders are going to operate according to a narrow, legalistic parsing of the rules — if they’re going to do anything and everything that isn’t expressly forbidden by the text, all in service of minority rule on an already counter-majoritarian playing field — then the only rational response is for Democrats to do the same. To adopt forbearance would be to accept defeat.

With some luck this will be the last of Lindsey Graham...


Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/20 at 05:18:38,individual%20justices%20as%20they%20oversee%20the%20circuit%20courts.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 19:39:29


OK you post a link that says the constitution does not specify the number of Supreme Court Justices, which we already know. So what is the point you're making.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/20 at 19:46:41

I thought the definition of packing was also in there

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 22:38:05

There's no 'definition' for 'packing' it's whatever you want. However in a colloquial sense 'packing' whether it's local branch stacking at a political office or 'packing' the SC, is simply nefariously adding you own guys.

The keyword being nefariously. The Republicans have been using their raw power to pack the court, not just scotus but the federal courts, by denying Obama 200 federal judges, holding them over for Trump, and also by UNCONSTITUTIONALLY holding back Merrick Garland.

The Constitution says that it is the job of the Senate to 'advise and confirm' Judges picked by the President. Obama selected Garland, and McConnell, using his raw power, refused to do that, saying that Garland is not even going to get a hearing, there will be no advise much less consent.

And why.... to 'pack the court' with their own Federalist selected guys. This is not what the majority of the US public want. This is not how the US public wants Judges with a lifetime job to be selected.

So when the Democrats win the Presidency, if the American people give them a mandate in the Senate, then they should 'unpack' the court and rebalance it to what it would have been had they not conspired to pack it.

Look electing Coney Barrett, is OK but it's not OK that they hold back Merrick Garland.

McConnell and Graham make the ludicrous justification that "A President's term is 4 years not 3.5 er... yes that is correct, but then that also applies to Obama's second term. So Trump get's to select over a period of 4 years and seven month which is the time between the death of Scalia and Ginsburg.

So it's laughable that the Republicans want to try and whinge about "court packing".

Also note that the article correctly points out that there's no set number of judges. It's been anywhere from 5 to 10. The Republican were happy to keep it to 8 for nearly a year.

It is the Republican's who have packed the court and the Democrats could simply just lose Barrett and keep the court at eight. Which would actually be a good idea, then the court would have to make more concessions. There wouldn't be these 5/4 splits.

If the court split 4/4 then the lower court ruling would stand, and y'all wouldn't have such a divisive judiciary.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/16/20 at 21:17:34

Let's talk about 'court packing', when the Republican thought Clinton would win...

With just days until the election, some Senate Republicans are suggesting that when it comes to the Supreme Court, eight is enough. Eight justices, that is.

For the first time, some Senate Republicans are saying that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the GOP should prevent anyone she nominates from being confirmed to fill the current court vacancy, or any future vacancy.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/17/20 at 11:11:01

There's no 'definition' for 'packing' it's whatever you want.

Then theres no point to a conversation,.

Title: Re: Packing for a trip...
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/19/20 at 18:07:51

Then theres no point to a conversation,.

Well there is, we can talk about what is actually happening without giving it an editorialising moniker.

For example is it wrong for McConnell to unconstitutionally refuse a hearing for Garland, on an invented pretext, and then throw that pretext out and force through Barrett. If not why not, and should Biden right this wrong if given a Senate majority and if not why not.

Plenty to discuss there. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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