General Category >> The Cafe >> Contest for the benefit of the site

Message started by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/04/20 at 16:40:15

Title: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/04/20 at 16:40:15

I propose a contest, to encourage members to donate money to the maintenance of the site.

Rules are simple, you post how much you have donated to the site since the start of the contest (start date 8/4/2020).    Donate through the DONATE at the top of each post.


We will not be trying to mess with verifying mail ins on this contest.   Don't do mail ins.

You can bump (add another donation) to increase your total.  

Yes, donate in good faith, because even if you don't win the donation does go to a good cause (keeping the lights on here at the site).

Prizes are the very best of the light small items that still remain from my hoard of motorcycle stuff.

I have 3 prizes, and will let the winners pick what they want in descending donation order ......

We have a Sigma BC 1009 bike computer (fancy small handlebar speedometer with memory functions like highest speed, distance traveled, etc.)

One (1) Japanese Morse built  Super Cam chain that I got during the first superchain build era.

Another one (1) Japanese Morse built  Super Cam chain that I got during the first superchain build era.

Right above the Google Search bar in the blue zone at the top of this (and every other page) you can see Home, Help, Seach, CPanel and Donate --- Donate is the one you want.   One time donations work best, and you can add to your donation level by doing a new one to "top it up" some if you are losing by a small amount.

Don't forget to POST YOUR DONATION AMOUNTS in the thread below, as you might as well get a kudos from everybody as well as your prize.

These are the very last of my bike parts, and they are the items I was planning to sell --- but actually a donation from you to the site gets something more accomplished ----- and I feel better about ending my motorcycling career on a good note.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/05/20 at 00:34:49

Versy, didn't we have a donations report of some kind or another in years past?   I can't find it any more, in any case.  
Mebbe you can point us all towards it .....

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/05/20 at 07:00:28

Never seen such a report.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/05/20 at 07:15:33

I could be mistaken, too.   I'll track it from donation posts on the thread and contact Mysterious John to get any verifications that are needed.

What price did the last batch of super cam chains fetch, just for easy reference?    Bike Bandit is getting $113 for a normal (not super grade) cam chain.   Folks can bet a portion of that on getting one of the now rare original Morse Japan built super grade chains .......

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/05/20 at 08:17:07

616C636E687F3F3A0D0 wrote:
Summer sale for Nitrided Camshaft Chains

Normally $89

Sale price $70 (shp. incl.)

Last 5 available

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/05/20 at 08:21:30

0F2C2426252C2C2532400 wrote:

I could be mistaken, too.   I'll track it from donation posts on the thread and contact Mysterious John to get any verifications that are needed.

I believe the only public disclosure was membership to the Savage Alliance.
Still got my card somewhere.   8-)

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by MMRanch on 10/05/20 at 08:24:08

There must be something wrong with my money ... I don't have a donation button ???    Home Help Search Members CPanel Logout  

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/05/20 at 08:34:05

001200121F0C030E054D0 wrote:
There must be something wrong with my money ... I don't have a donation button ???    Home Help Search Members CPanel Logout  

check your profile in cpanel, options, template style.
basic and old style do not have the 'donation' tab.

I use the default style.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/05/20 at 15:02:58

Of course you can also donate by mail.
I can pm you the address.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by MMRanch on 10/05/20 at 20:27:46

OK , guys ... I just jumped it up to $20.oo .    

How long does this (bidding) last ?   :-?

Thanks Versey !  :)

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Todd James on 10/05/20 at 20:52:59

I just added $20.00.
I don't have records of my previous donations.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/06/20 at 04:10:10

Rules are simple, you post how much you have donated to the site since the start of the contest (start date 8/4/2020).  

Let's see here just a bit, I think too much effort is being wasted digging up very old donations numbers.   This was intended to be all about current donations and was to be somewhat easy to track, just post your current donations.   Only use the donate button to make your donations.

Todd James and MM are in for $20 each, see, easy tracking.

This isn't bidding, it is DONATING to a good cause.   The site has value to all of us, so let's try to support it just a little bit.

Versy, I never intended request or to try to to count mail in donations as that is un-trackable.  Donations through the site are trackable.

The old original superchains (specially processed by Morse Hy-Vo's Japanese Mfg division) have a value that exceeds the $113 that Bike Bandit is charging for a new stock Suzuki chain.

As such they are a worthy prize to encourage people to donate to the site.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by MMRanch on 10/06/20 at 08:27:31

I get $20.oo worth of enjoyment from this site easily !   8-)

Its usually the first place I click on when my computer get turned on.   ;)

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by SoC on 10/06/20 at 08:44:49

Guys, thanks for the reminder. Had problems trying to donate for a while, Paypal did not like my outdated computer browser. It was successful today.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/06/20 at 11:05:59

As far as the little handlebar Speedometer, I only used the data collection part of it on mountain trips.   The one in question is new, it was my backup unit and has never been installed on a bike.

I remember once, a ride member really didn't believe we had gotten up to 75 miles per hour on the sweepers of the Cherohala Skyway because his Savage wouldn't go that fast.   Took just a second to twist the speedo dial off the holder and 4-5 button pushes on the dial face while we were sitting at a McDonalds soaking up a soft drink .....  and there she was, the maximum speed since last reset was 74.6 mph.

I remember the sweeper in question, there was tall Bahia grass on the roadside that had those long tall dual seed heads that were just missing my shoulder as we leaned way over in the long sweeping turn with the throttle open pretty far, a long string of us just a singing along in a dotted line.  

A gentle right hand downhill sweeper, good for breaking in new mountain riders .....

Good times,


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/09/20 at 14:13:36


The prizes are ready to post to the winners, the contest rules are all settled and we are only missing one item.

YOU.    Your donations are what make the contest work.

Right now we have 3 prizes and only two current donators, both are logged in at $20.

Highest donator gets a superchain or their choice if they want the speedometer.

But it is sorta hard to do a current donation contest if there are more prizes than donations.

Help an old man out a bit, click on top and donate, then post the amount.


Go there and click, donate and post your donation amount.   click here, donate

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/09/20 at 14:38:23

This is all a hoot to me, but I have a strange sense of humor anyway.

Back in the day, the list was eaten up with worn out cam chains so the group mind went to work on the issue of premature chain wear and the rattle of death.

I sourced a better cam chain.

Slavy and Verslagen built a better tensioner system.

The problem went away --- and nobody needs a cam chain any longer ?!?!

JOKES on me, and I am laughing at my success ......     ;D

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by BobH on 10/09/20 at 16:19:48

Are you tracking all donations since 8/4?  I gave on Sep 2nd.  $50.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/09/20 at 16:25:42

$50 just now.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/09/20 at 18:55:16

OK, got reminded to put a goal post up at the end of the football field in case anybody wanted to go for extra points at the last minute with a long field goal.

Contest ends Sunday night the 11th 6:00 PM and the prizes ship on Monday's mail pick up IF all these ties get properly busted up by adder donations or by a new player ringing in.

Somebody new coming in with a $55 donation breaks up the ties on top and lets the good times roll.    Or an existing player can put in a bumper by making a new small donation.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/09/20 at 19:01:00

SHORT STROKES TIME,  time to consider that bumper donation to bust up these ties.

We got a tie on the top end and at the bottom end

Verslagen and BobH tied at $50

Hot Rod at $40

MM Ranch and Todd James tied at $20

SoC donated $35 but does not want a prize

So I guess I should say it ends Sunday the 11th if all these ties get all properly busted up.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by hotrod on 10/10/20 at 06:28:28

My $40.00 is in.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/10/20 at 06:43:36

SHORT STROKES TIME,  time to consider that bumper donation to bust up these ties.

Pithymike $66.60

Verslagen and BobH tied at $50

Hotrod at $40

MM Ranch and Todd James tied at $20

SoC donated $35 but does not want a prize

So I guess I should say it ends Sunday the 11th as the tie at the top got all properly busted up.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by philthymike on 10/10/20 at 12:36:57

I donated $66.60 to the site. Way I see it y'all put up with my dumb questions and political harassment enough I ought to be taxed. And you've all helped me to build Thumpy who is undoubtedly the funnest bike I've had. More fun than my Ducati even. Thanks!  8-)

Oh now that I'm a paying member I suggest taking the deletion abilities away from certain moderators who've gone mad with their pathetic little scrap of power.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/10/20 at 13:43:48

I agree the Savage is the most fun bike I ever owned.

Not the fastest,

Not the most cruise comfortable,

But certainly the best to go romping in the mountains upon.

I hope my nephew and his sons enjoy it .......   (safely)

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/10/20 at 13:57:50


Pithymike $66.60     (read PMs from me, I need some info from you)

Verslagen and BobH tied at $50

Hotrod at $40

SoC donated $35 but does not want a prize

MM Ranch and Todd James tied at $20

So I guess I should say it ends Sunday the 11th at 6:00 PM as the tie at the top got all properly busted up.

Unless somebody bumps you, you know where you are right now.   Potential winners have been asked for an address.  

If you haven't been asked or are at less than $50 you need to log in a bump ASAP.

If you want to bump somebody, do it soon or else it will be TOO LATE.

If you got folks mad with you, bump a little harder since they like to try to mess you up at the last minute out of pure contrary meanness.

I mean really, taking up collections to form a bump consortium is jest plumb mean, really .......  a week at the river resort sorta mean.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/10/20 at 14:57:11

716275746B6660626936070 wrote:
$50 just now.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/10/20 at 15:04:43


Verslagen at $70

Pithymike at $66.60     (read PMs from me, I need some info from you)

BobH at $50

Hotrod at $40

SoC donated $35 but does not want a prize

MM Ranch and Todd James tied at $20

So I guess I should say it ends Sunday the 11th at 6:00 PM as the tie at the top got all properly busted up.

Unless somebody bumps you, you know where you are right now.   Potential winners have been asked for an address.  

If you haven't been asked or are at less than $50 you need to log in a bump ASAP.

If you want to bump somebody, do it soon or else it will be TOO LATE.

If you got folks mad with you, bump a little harder since they like to try to mess you up at the last minute out of pure contrary meanness.

I mean really, taking up collections to form a bump consortium is jest plumb mean, really .......  a week at the river resort sorta mean.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by springman on 10/10/20 at 15:57:21


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by springman on 10/10/20 at 16:00:15

I'm out of town. Posting from small tablet. Not easy.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/10/20 at 20:51:27


Springman at $75           need an address from you

Verslagen at $70

Pithymike at $66.60       need an address from you

BobH at $50

Hotrod at $40

SoC donated $35 but does not want a prize

MM Ranch and Todd James tied at $20

Brentoast $10

So I guess I should say it ends Sunday the 11th at 6:00 PM as the tie at the top got all properly busted up.

Unless somebody bumps you, you know where you are right now.   Potential winners have been asked for an address.  

If you haven't been asked or are at less than $50 you need to log in a bump ASAP.

If you want to bump somebody, do it soon or else it will be TOO LATE.

If you got folks mad with you, bump a little harder since they like to try to mess you up at the last minute out of pure contrary meanness.

I mean really, taking up collections to form a bump consortium is jest plumb mean, really .......  a week at the river resort sorta mean.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Brentoast on 10/10/20 at 23:27:26

Just donated $10! Even though this is my first bike and I'm new to riding and this site. I've gained more knowledge just browsing all the forums than I could have hoped for. Keep up the awesome work

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/11/20 at 15:22:37

Contest is concluded.

Awards will leave tomorrow AM by USPS.

Still need Springman's snail mail  address.   He is out of town posting on a tablet when he isn't working, so that may take a while.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/11/20 at 15:24:44

Contest is concluded.

All addresses received and posted.    Mailman has picked them up, they are on the way.

Awards have left 10/12/20 AM by USPS snail mail.   Will come slowly as automatic machinery can't process the little bricks so each sort will hit a small delay.

Springman at $75               wants chain
Verslagen at $70                wants  chain

Pithymike at $66.60            wants speedo

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by philthymike on 10/17/20 at 15:46:16

So I got the mounting for the speedo without the actual speedo.
Pretty awesome! Thanks a bunch!

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/18/20 at 06:18:32

Many apologies for my error in not thoroughly checking out the package.    I must have gotten into the package years ago and the unit is somewhere in a box at the nephew's house (assuming it made the trip with the rest of the stuff).

No matter, Sigma has an improved unit available.

Shoot me a PM with your current address as I purged all the old address stuff when the contest ended.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by springman on 10/19/20 at 14:35:32

Hello Oldfeller. Just got the chain in the mail. Have not even opened yet. I expected it to be a lot heavier. Now that I have the chain, does it mean I have to install it? :o

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/19/20 at 19:18:10

It weighs 9.6 ounces.

If you have unwrapped it, you already know this ...... there are double zip lock baggies and heavy gear oil around the chain itself.

It is marinating in the oil, jest getting better year by year by year .......

If you have the double hole Slavy or double hole Verslavy tensioner, you have a lot of years before you will need the chain.   Savor them, they are vintage years.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by springman on 10/19/20 at 20:40:54

Thanks Oldfeller. I do have the double hole verslavy but it is on the second hole since about 16K miles and I am at 38K+ now. I'll take a look at it when I open it up for the clutch plate and/or clutch push rod.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/20/20 at 05:07:17

You do realize on the second hole on a simple Slavy mod the chain will continue to stretch until it eventually hits itself coming and going on the up - down motions, with oil coated hard steel sliding over oil coated hard steel.

Interesting thing, nobody has ever heard this happening ......  yet.

Nor noticed any downside effects of it happening ..... yet.

I am now willing to consider that there aren't any noises or effects on a practical level, really.

You shall eventually find out, not me as I am FSO at this stage of things (should not be riding anything due to medical conditions).


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by springman on 10/20/20 at 11:25:38

Yep, that is what I have been told and understand, that the chain will continue to stretch. As best I can tell for now, the bike seems to be running just fine other than the slipping clutch (so far only under hard acceleration). I do intend to open it up to fix the slipping clutch and that will give me a chance to see what the chain, tensioner and guide look like. I am really hoping that it all looks just fine.

Oh, pardon my ignorance but what does FSO stand for?

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/20/20 at 12:54:27


Former Savage Owner

Used by folks who have sold or given away their much beloved Savage at the end of their riding career.

Some can't stand being Savageless and they buy another one and start the process all over again.

But not me, my riding shirt was burned a while ago and I really am done with riding motorcycles, although I do have plenty of fond memories of my Savage on mountain twisties to keep my memory all happy.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by springman on 10/20/20 at 14:50:07

Thanks for the explanation Oldfeller. I'm glad I got the chance to ride with you at least once. I'm working on building up some good memories for myself. You are already in my memories as the guy that patched me up after the Tail of the Dragon ride. Thanks for that.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/20/20 at 15:55:43

I think trump got mine.

Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by Oldfeller--FSO on 10/21/20 at 04:55:34

Trump stole your first aid kit?   Man, what a rascal .......

Seriously, my wife used to ask "What are you guys up to up in those mountains?" as I lifted all her Neosporin and bandages and stuff to restock the first aid kit on my bike.

Once she stripped me naked just to see how many raw places I had from this particular trip ......   I kept telling her I patched up other people too, but she wasn't listening right then.


Title: Re: Contest for the benefit of the site
Post by verslagen1 on 10/21/20 at 21:42:24

Is that what you sent him?
I guess you sent the burn cream to bernie.

but the chain has arrived! thanks. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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