General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump's Covid

Message started by Serowbot on 10/04/20 at 09:17:48

Title: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/20 at 09:17:48

I must say,... Trump's 4 minute hospital vid, showed a good looking Trump.
Better than usual... the lack of orangitanium, garish ties, and hairspray suits him...
He sounded alert, and coherent...
Signing a blank piece of paper was a bit reality TVish...
...but he honestly looked pretty good.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/04/20 at 09:36:40

Glad to hear it,, Havent seen anything, not huntin it,, just expectin a good outcome,, and hopin to see him back out and about soon,

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/20 at 10:10:29

5442554850454853270 wrote:
I must say,... Trump's 4 minute hospital vid, showed a good looking Trump.
Better than usual... the lack of orangitanium, garish ties, and hairspray suits him...
He sounded alert, and coherent...
Signing a blank piece of paper was a bit reality TVish...
...but he honestly looked pretty good.

Don't believe yer lyn' eyes Bot.

That wasn't Trump. It must have that Baldwin guy. ;D

Crack open a coupla beers. Sit down on your couch and watch a few hours of CNN if you've got the stomach for it. Listen to the news anchors and their parade of experts tell you that all the Dr.s at Walter Reed are lying about Trump's condition . Everyone from the White house is lying too. Trump's a dead man talking and the folks at CNN know it. Don't be fooled by the faux expressions of concern, the sanctimonious bullsh*t about the threat to "national secutity", ot the "american people's "right to know the truth". These so called journalists
can barely contain their glee that the President has contracted a potentially fatal disease.

These really are irredeemably evil people.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/04/20 at 10:24:28

 CNN is reporting that Trump's diagnosis is faked?

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/20 at 10:47:03

5070727A6770150 wrote:
 CNN is reporting that Trump's diagnosis is faked?

No. They are "reporting" or more accurately, insinuating, that his condition is much worse than it actually is and that everyone but them is lying about it.

Because only CNN knows the truth. Go listen. They'll tell you. About a hundred times a day.

And because they fervently wish Trump to be gone. And dead is about as gone as it gets.

My crack about Baldwin was sarcasm.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/20 at 11:06:57

It's perfectly normal and expected for any Presidential illness to be downplayed.
...and any journalist's job is to try to see past that and get the real scoop.

The fact that Trump did look good from the hospital is not definitive, but it is reassuring.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/04/20 at 12:17:02

 Well just testing positive isn't a death sentence, and people don't just go into respiratory distress in a day.

 Typically people his age will be ok, unless there is some other condition that puts them at higher risk.  People think because he tested positive he's going to be bedridden with tubes coming out of him a ay later.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/04/20 at 13:18:35

@serowbot, lol, I was thinking the same thing, he looked almost like a normal person.

Regarding him faking the disease, I can't buy into that for the same reason that I won't buy into virtually all conspiracy theories and that it that it would require too many people to not give it away which is pretty well impossible.

Having said that, I think the actual point of suggesting it might be faked, is more a reflection of the fact that anything that comes out of the mouth of the President, or the his surrogates, no matter how benign is impossible to trust.

It is very likely that it was Barrett's Rose Garden get together where Trump contracted the disease, which would be a fitting irony.

Hopefully Trump will make a full and complete recovery so after he's turfed from the W.H. he can face the consequences of his multitude of illegal actions.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/20 at 13:40:53

People think because he tested positive he's going to be bedridden with tubes coming out of him a ay later.

A lot of people also think that wearing a mask made out of an old tee shirt protects them from a virus that is between 60 and 140 manometers in diameter, and blissfully wander around with the stupid things tied around their heads smug in their moral superiority to anyone who knows that that belief is nonsense.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/04/20 at 13:47:30

"A lot of people also think that wearing a mask made out of an old tee shirt protects them from a virus that is between 60 and 140 manometers in diameter, and blissfully wander around with the stupid things tied around their heads smug in their moral superiority to anyone who knows that that belief is nonsense."

 Yeah and a lot of people think the mask wearing is to protect the wearer from others instead of reducing and only the word reducing with the exclusion of all other words, only reduce, the fluids coming out of the wearer's mouth, and landing on surfaces.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/04/20 at 14:10:42

I personally think a well fitted t-shirt mask is better than a 3-ply huggie worn below the nose,... but...
... anything is better than nothing.

Just doing your best helps.
Doing nothing,... does nothing.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/04/20 at 15:06:27

Instead of a cloth mask we should be using an oil inpregnated uni filter.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/04/20 at 15:49:21

4876777B6975741A0 wrote:
These so called journalists
can barely contain their glee that the President has contracted a potentially fatal disease. These really are irredeemably evil people.

Yes irredeemably evil, lol, Trump would never express joy if someone like Hilary Clinton contracted pneumonia, for example. Trump couldn't make it 15 feet to his helicopter without oxygen.



Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by oldNslow on 10/04/20 at 16:49:14

2F3D292A3D3B395C0 wrote:
Instead of a cloth mask we should be using an oil inpregnated uni filter.

:D :D

I'm going to give you the benefit  of the doubt and assume you're joking.

Ever hear of hydrocarbon pneumonia ?

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/20 at 07:30:36

6B4B49415C4B2E0 wrote:
  Well just testing positive isn't a death sentence, and people don't just go into respiratory distress in a day....
...   People think because he tested positive he's going to be bedridden with tubes coming out of him a ay later.

Perhaps 80% of the mass media need to be told that !!!!!
As more and more got tested,
Several times a day we heard:
“…more, and  More, and MORE people AFFECTED with C-19…"
“…ICU Beds are nearing capacity …”
When in FACT: “...testing positive isn't a death sentence…”
When it is a FACT: ICU beds are 20 (+/-)% of ALL Hospital beds.
When it is a FACT: A Huge Hospital ship stood in a harbor, EMPTY, when a Socialist Gov was Crying his State hospitals were overwhelmed.
When it is a FACT: That when testing, by a car drive through, MANY filled out the paperwork, then decided they did not want to wait for hours in line, then just left.  A week later they got a notice: “They Were Positive”, and a ‘Contract Tracer' would be in touch.
When it is a FACT: that a HUGE number of deaths, COUNTED AS C-19 DEATH, when IN FACT, that person may have tested positive, but did NOT die from C-19

Like Prostrate Cancer. Odds are Male's 80+ have some form of it. YET, they will NOT die from it.

Yes C-19 is a real virus.
YET, it's entire purpose has become;
How many sheep, can one dog herd !

Testing positive for C-19 is NOT, a death sentence.
(DESPITE WHAT R.W. and her like say)
In FACT, it is estimated that 40-60% of Positive tests are FALSE.
(And ANOTHER, Fact you will never hear R.M. and clones say)

Yet the people that believe the world will come to a end,
BECAUSE, they do not follow the draconian,
Orders/Lock-downs/Directives/Pay Fines/etc/etc/etc/.

Are like FROG'S,
they are put into cold water,
than just sit their,
as the progressive DFI, FDS, Socialists,
slowly turn UP, the water temp !

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/05/20 at 09:26:39

"Perhaps 80% of the mass media need to be told that !!!!!"

 That's the fault of people using it.  Maybe the people handing over the ratings by tuning in every day need to be told that.

"When it is a FACT: ICU beds are 20 (+/-)% of ALL Hospital beds."

 This is true but those beds in some, not all, some and only the word "some" with the exclusion of all other words.  Some intensive care units are overwhelmed as ICU care can not be done in all hospital beds.  The national percentage of ICU beds available means nothing.  An ICU available in Anchorage won't help people dying in Houston.

 I think there have been oversteps, but I also think a ton of the arguments against it lie, and exaggerate just as much.  

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/05/20 at 14:25:13

Text from Trump the emasculated ones on here won’t understand.

I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/05/20 at 18:30:28

 If I had Trump level of care 24/7 at my house I'd leave the hospital too!

 But yeah don't consider every diagnosis a trip to the grave.  But do consider not going out.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/20 at 05:15:11

I see reports from colleges where hundreds, thousands test positive and literally only a couple spent any time in a hospital. In the food packing industry, hundreds tested positive and many, perhaps the majority were shocked to hear they were positive.

Again, trust the science right? Okay, The WHO says 750 million worldwide cases with 1,000,000 deaths (questionable) which means a tiny fraction die from Covid, on par with a bad flu year.

Stop the nonsense. Protect the vulnerable, we know who they are. This entire over response in the USA was driven by politics and the media’s desire to harm Trump. We could have, should have, been Sweden, but instead we acted like Spain and made everything worse.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/20 at 07:11:23

He,s not doing well.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/20 at 08:06:35

Stop wishing for someone to suffer. And die. Instead, be glad someone is recovering to the point they can walk up stairs.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/06/20 at 08:28:23

Trump is on a steroid that can cause erratic, manic, delusional, behavior...
The scary thing is we can't tell if he's affected or not.  :-?

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/20 at 08:39:38

I know someone who has had corona he was a hard worker who worked for the community in his spare time.
Unfortunately he still has not recovered after 3 months.If he can work 2 hours a day then it is a lot. that's something you don't wish on anyone. I think Trump is the worst president ever. But when I see him like this, my heart aches.

We are all so vulnerable, even if we don't think so.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by verslagen1 on 10/06/20 at 08:54:10

this is terrible, he's going to be bed ridden for an extended period... tweeting, tweeting, tweeting...

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/06/20 at 09:00:31

6F7C6B6A75787E7C7728190 wrote:
this is terrible, he's going to be bed ridden for an extended period... tweeting, tweeting, tweeting...


Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/20 at 09:09:07

7C6370636863686374616F63060 wrote:
I know someone who has had corona he was a hard worker who worked for the community in his spare time.
Unfortunately he still has not recovered after 3 months.If he can work 2 hours a day then it is a lot. that's something you don't wish on anyone. I think Trump is the worst president ever. But when I see him like this, my heart aches.

We are all so vulnerable, even if we don't think so.

I know 6 people who’ve had it and recovered fully. I also know two people who committed suicide because of the depression brought on by lockdowns in isolation. I’m thrilled to see him walking around.

So whose personal examples do we follow? Mine or yours?

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/20 at 09:10:41

495F48554D58554E3A0 wrote:
Trump is on a steroid that can cause erratic, manic, delusional, behavior...
The scary thing is we can't tell if he's affected or not.  :-?

I take a course of steroids occasionally for asthma. They do not cause erratic, manic, delusional, or behavior issues when taking short term. That develops over time. An honest journalist probably should’ve mentioned that in the new story.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/06/20 at 09:18:31

So Trump's erratic, manic, delusional, behavior... is just Trump being Trump.
That's what I thought.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by verslagen1 on 10/06/20 at 09:42:24

They also said it's rare... but he's got a button   :o
He likes pushing buttons, just ask all the democrats.   ::)

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/06/20 at 10:45:33

"I take a course of steroids occasionally for asthma. They do not cause erratic, manic, delusional, or behavior issues when taking short term. That develops over time. An honest journalist probably should’ve mentioned that in the new story."

 Depends entirely on the steroid, some cause delusional behavior right after consumption.  Dexamethasone does not require extended dosage to have side-effects.  I imagine a journalist didn't bother to examine medical steroid types, dosage, usage and average reported side-effect timeframes.  That's our job.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/20 at 13:19:35

   Trump as president has almost the same side effects:
   upset stomach
   stomach irritation
   increased hair growth
   easy bruising
   irregular or absent menstrual periods

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/06/20 at 13:32:38

223D2E3D363D363D2A3F313D580 wrote:
   Trump as president has almost the same side effects:
   upset stomach
   stomach irritation
   increased hair growth
   easy bruising
   irregular or absent menstrual periods

No, those are the effects he has on lefties..
He Causes those,, he doesn't Have them.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by zevenenergie on 10/06/20 at 14:00:32

I ment to say    Trump as a president has almost the same side effects:

He is old old news soon.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/06/20 at 15:20:22

@zevenenergie, you underestimate Fox News. Trump will make himself a sniper after the election and Faux News will be his platform.

Check out this video of the Orange Wussolini showing how he has recovered. He's obviously in a lot of pain and is struggling to breath.


Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/06/20 at 16:25:25

Yea, I’m sure he was.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by MnSpring on 10/06/20 at 16:34:13

786A7E7D6A6C6E0B0 wrote:
 Check out this video of the Orange Wussolini showing how he has recovered. He's obviously in a lot of pain and is struggling to breath.

WOW, a Drongo, who is a Subject, NOT a Citizen.
Is Really reaching on that one  LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLWOW !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D'er

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/06/20 at 19:54:46

"Check out this video of the Orange Wussolini showing how he has recovered. He's obviously in a lot of pain and is struggling to breath."

 He also had a brain tumor based off another video, and a stroke, and dementia, and herpes etc. etc. etc.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/06/20 at 23:56:22

497B7C6D6A7B6C537F6C751E0 wrote:
Yea, I’m sure he was.

Still planning on fcuking off from the forum after you lose your bet and Trump is a citizen again after the election?

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/07/20 at 02:01:06

hey Eegore, you've joined the dark side I see. Trump is clearly struggling to breath. As also noted below.


Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/07/20 at 02:49:40

Trump is so hopped up on Dexamethasone and no one is stopping him. I thought the triumphant propaganda WH movie he made upon his return was a joke, but it'a frikken real! WTF. After this nonce is turfed from the WH, he is going to be a complete laughing stock. And then he'll go to jail.

I mean FFS look at this bollox. Starts at 1:58


Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Eegore on 10/07/20 at 07:01:46

"hey Eegore, you've joined the dark side I see. Trump is clearly struggling to breath. As also noted below."

 I never said he wasn't.

 To clarify, I am not debating the content of your post.  I am not saying he is not struggling in any way as I do not use YouTube to create diagnosis.

 What I am saying is this is far from the first video to claim Trump has medical issues.  You have posted videos here before claiming other conditions.  I am only saying that other video exist, claiming other medical conditions in exclusivity, no other assessments are inferred.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by verslagen1 on 10/07/20 at 07:23:38

I once heard no credible doctor/physiatrist would make a diagnosis based on video alone.
I wonder what changed... oh wait, nothing.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/07/20 at 08:08:25

But it's not a diagnosis based on video alone.
It's a fact that Trump has Covid, and is under the influence of an experimental medical cocktail the likes of which has never been studied.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/07/20 at 09:35:38

7C6A7D60786D607B0F0 wrote:
But it's not a diagnosis based on video alone.
It's a fact that Trump has Covid, and is under the influence of an experimental medical cocktail the likes of which has never been studied.

If you think they pumped a bunch of unknown drugs into  Trump, you’re completely out of your mind.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by verslagen1 on 10/07/20 at 10:47:45

3620372A32272A31450 wrote:
But it's not a diagnosis based on video alone.
It's a fact that Trump has Covid, and is under the influence of an experimental medical cocktail the likes of which has never been studied.

At what point did any of those 'doctors' personally examine Trump?
Or even look at his records.

They are looking for their 15 seconds of fame, and a paycheck.
They are Trump with a medical degree.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/07/20 at 15:40:35

6C7F6869767B7D7F742B1A0 wrote:
I once heard no credible doctor/physiatrist would make a diagnosis based on video alone.
I wonder what changed... oh wait, nothing.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/08/20 at 02:10:53

624240485542270 wrote:
 What I am saying is this is far from the first video to claim Trump has medical issues.

And now you can add to that, that he's drugged up on psychoactive steroid medications. And he also has the nuclear football.

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by WebsterMark on 10/08/20 at 05:27:56

Even a semi-vegetable like Biden overflowing with dementia can’t stumble into a room and press buttons that launch rockets thinking he was calling for his nurse to read Dr Suess to him causes he’s having trouble falling asleep.
Nobody’s really stupid enough to believe that’s how it works are they?

Title: Re: Trump's Covid
Post by Serowbot on 10/08/20 at 07:44:51

Yup,.. Trump doesn't know it, but the nuclear football now contains nothing more than an Staples Easy button....
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