General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Voter FRAUD

Message started by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 07:41:21

Title: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 07:41:21

For the DFI, FDS, UL, communist progressive socialistic lover,
(Like EDS and all the tt clones)

35273330272123460 wrote:
 ... someone as mentally deficient as your good self.
... only for the nutters, like yourself ...

Here is what is happening now.

(This is for someone with a BRAIN, and has the skill set to understand, the ability to comprehend, and the functionality to actuality watch !
For the tt clones like eds, just start at 4:30 and watch for a bit,
      until your little brain get's tired)

Golly Gee Wally, so that is how Omar gets elected !

Of course Mpls, has the voting FRAUD down pat.
The  first, big time success, was ACORN helping Al Frankton.
And Now Mpls area, CONTROLS the entire State.

After all, anyplace outside the beltway,
is just ‘Rocks and Cows’ land,
According to the current UL, FDS, DFI, ULTRA Socialistic Gov.

Minn Land of where one can just ‘Click’ a box, and VOTE,
REGARDLESS if one is a Citizen !

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 09/28/20 at 08:34:58

0A291437352E2920470 wrote:
Minn Land of where one can just ‘Click’ a box, and VOTE,
REGARDLESS if one is a Citizen !

Just one click?...
Sounds like you could turn the election all by yourself.
Are you afraid you'll wear out your clicker finger?...

Project Veryass....  
Yugely reliable source...;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 08:47:59

7B6D7A677F6A677C080 wrote:
Project Veryass....  
Yugely reliable source...

OH so a Undercover, Actual Recording,
is, 'fake'.
 Yea OK

;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 08:51:54

1006110C14010C17630 wrote:
...Are you afraid you'll wear out your clicker finger?...

I do NOT,
CHEAT and LIE and STEAL !!!!!!!

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/20 at 09:11:16

4751465B43565B40340 wrote:
[quote author=0A291437352E2920470 link=1601304081/0#0 date=1601304081]

Minn Land of where one can just ‘Click’ a box, and VOTE,
REGARDLESS if one is a Citizen !

Just one click?...
Sounds like you could turn the election all by yourself.
Are you afraid you'll wear out your clicker finger?...

Project Veryass....  
Yugely reliable source...;D ;D ;D

Youve caught them wrong?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 09/28/20 at 09:34:52

I've never caught them right... ;D

James Edward O'Keefe III (born June 28, 1984) is an American conservative political activist[2] and provocateur.[3] He produces secretly recorded undercover audio and video encounters in academic, governmental, and social service organizations, purporting to show abusive or illegal behavior by employees and/or representatives of those organizations.[4] He has selectively edited videos to misrepresent the context of the conversations and the subjects' responses, creating the false impression that people said or did things they did not.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/20 at 10:17:47

Wiki ? Youve never caught him Right?
Cmon Bot, thats laughable.

Here,, give this a try

Maybe youve forgotten his video of the CNN editor admitting they were lying to drive up their numbers..

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 10:38:27

4553445941545942360 wrote:
I've never caught them right...
Wiki ...

'...I see said the blind man as he picked up his hammer and saw...'

WIKI, where absolutely ANYBODY,
with absolutely NO Credentials or proof,
Can 'say' ANYTHING they want to about something.  

Ya mean, THAT,  WIKI ???

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/28/20 at 13:31:56

Mn, you're suck a fcuking idiot. You're the "suckers and losers" and 'marks' that the GOP target. I post the definitive answer to your pathetic 'voter fraud' bullsh!t and you go and burst into tears and throw a tantrum. I posted this and said "read on and explain how there's any meaningful voter fraud" and you post your childish smily faces and then start a new thread.

For the record, here's the post from the thread you left to start this...

The president has said that “the only way we can lose … is if cheating goes on.” He has asserted that mail-in voting is “very dangerous” and that “there is tremendous fraud involved and tremendous illegality.”
The lack of evidence renders these claims unsustainable.

Read on and explain how you are able to dismiss this most partisan and experienced of Republican lawyers.

The president’s words make his and the Republican Party’s rhetoric look less like sincere concern — and more like transactional hypocrisy designed to provide an electoral advantage. And they come as Republicans trying to make their cases in courts must deal with the basic truth that four decades of dedicated investigation have produced only isolated incidents of election fraud.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

The president has said that “the only way we can lose … is if cheating goes on.” He has asserted that mail-in voting is “very dangerous” and that “there is tremendous fraud involved and tremendous illegality.”

The lack of evidence renders these claims unsustainable. The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there’s no proof of widespread fraud. At most, there are isolated incidents — by both Democrats and Republicans. Elections are not rigged. Absentee ballots use the same process as mail-in ballots — different states use different labels for the same process

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/28/20 at 13:36:38

In fact here's the full article in case anyone has trouble with the Wapo's paywall...

Benjamin L. Ginsberg practiced election law for 38 years. He co-chaired the bipartisan 2013 Presidential Commission on Election Administration.
Legions of Republican lawyers have searched in vain over four decades for fraudulent double voting. At long last, they have a blatant example of a major politician urging his supporters to illegally vote twice.

The only hitch is that the candidate is President Trump.
The president, who has been arguing that our elections are “rigged” and “fraudulent,” last week instructed voters to act in a way that would fulfill that prophecy. On Wednesday in North Carolina, he urged supporters to double vote, casting ballots at the polls even if they have already mailed in absentee ballots. A tweet claiming he meant only for people to check that their ballots had been received and counted sounded fine — until Trump renewed his original push on Thursday evening in Pennsylvania and again Friday at a telerally.

The president’s actions — urging his followers to commit an illegal act and seeking to undermine confidence in the credibility of election results — are doubly wrong. They impose an obligation on his campaign and the Republican Party to reevaluate their position in the more than 40 voting cases they’re involved in around the country.
These cases are part of a torrent of 2020 voting litigation that pits Republicans’ belief that election results won’t be credible without state law safeguards against Democrats’ charges that many such rules are onerous and designed to suppress the votes of qualified citizens inclined to vote Democratic.

The president’s words make his and the Republican Party’s rhetoric look less like sincere concern — and more like transactional hypocrisy designed to provide an electoral advantage. And they come as Republicans trying to make their cases in courts must deal with the basic truth that four decades of dedicated investigation have produced only isolated incidents of election fraud.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).
Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.
The president has said that “the only way we can lose … is if cheating goes on.” He has asserted that mail-in voting is “very dangerous” and that “there is tremendous fraud involved and tremendous illegality.”

The lack of evidence renders these claims unsustainable. The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there’s no proof of widespread fraud. At most, there are isolated incidents — by both Democrats and Republicans. Elections are not rigged. Absentee ballots use the same process as mail-in ballots — different states use different labels for the same process.
The Trump 2016 campaign, of which I was not a part, could produce no hard evidence of systemic fraud. Trump established a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017 to expose all the fraud he maintains permeates our elections. He named the most vociferous hunters of Democratic election fraud to run the commission. It disbanded without finding anything.
The Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database has compiled every instance of any kind of voter fraud it could find since 1982. It contains 1,296 incidents, a minuscule percentage of the votes cast. A study of results in three states where all voters are mailed actual ballots, a practice at the apex of the president’s outrage, found just 372 possible cases of illegal voting of 14.6 million cast in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — 0.000025 percent.

The president’s rhetoric has put my party in the position of a firefighter who deliberately sets fires to look like a hero putting them out. Republicans need to take a hard look before advocating laws that actually do limit the franchise of otherwise qualified voters. Calling elections “fraudulent” and results “rigged” with almost nonexistent evidence is antithetical to being the “rule of law” party.
Many of the GOP’s litigation concerns are meritorious in principle. But the president’s inflammatory language undercuts the claim that Republicans seek merely to uphold statutory safeguards needed to validate the results’ credibility.
Republicans need to rethink their arguments in many of the cases in which they are involved — quickly. Otherwise, they risk harming the fundamental principle of our democracy: that all eligible voters must be allowed to cast their ballots. If that happens, Americans will deservedly render the GOP a minority party for a long, long time.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/28/20 at 14:46:13

The facts are that Donald Trump and Bill Barr are the ones trying to rid the election, and it won't work for them, when they inevitably challenge the results, and Glenn Kirschner explains why...


Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/28/20 at 14:49:13

"Ya mean, THAT,  WIKI ???"

 I thought it was established that the source is not important as long as the information is correct.  I don't agree, but that's what people said when I challenged source material.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 15:07:15

70627675626466030 wrote:
Mn, you're suck a fcuking idiot.

Who taught you ?
Where did you learn that from ?

Just AW-SUM Rhetoric !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/20 at 17:47:06

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/28/20 at 18:05:23


having some trouble trying to come up with a reason that Benjamin Ginsburg can't be trusted? The most loyal, partisan, involved head of the GOP's lawyers looking for voter fraud for 30 years and effectively finding none.

A recking will be coming in January, you may have forgotten what Kamala Harris was doing when she was grilling Kavanaugh and Barr. Glenn Kirschner reveals why Barr is so invested in the reelection of Trump, both of them know they are in serious trouble otherwise. And Kavanaugh can be impeached for lying under oath, they don' need to stack the court.


Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/28/20 at 18:22:22

Evidence exists..

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 18:54:30

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
Evidence exists..

It is happening all over, yet MOSTLY,
in UL, Socialistic controlled cities.

And when questioned about it.
The, UL Socialistic controlled cities,
Pull a Alfred E. Neuman, (What ME ...)

Yet more and more people are Seeing the LIES of the UL FDS Socialists,
when they say they are the only ones that can give you  'safety/security'.

While CREATING, Fear, unrest, Violence.

   "...Give up freedom, for security,
       you will have NEITHER..."

Oh, except the poster from, 'down under',
they do not have Freedom.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/28/20 at 19:28:35

 Well given Aguirre's background and past legal troubles, and getting fired (he says "retired" in his affidavit so lets see how that goes) you would think he'd be smart enough at this point to not have his wife notarize his affidavit.

 As for Marler if there is substance to his statement no law enforcement group will wait to act once pen is put to paper, especially in this anti-LEO climate.  

 This is the only actual voter fraud claim I have seen that has any real backing.  We will have to see how it goes but one thing I am sure of, no matter what the outcome people will claim for years that 700,000 votes were stolen from Trump.  

 If anything, if there are two people (or even 20) forging signatures there's a ton of tech out there that can prove it.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/29/20 at 15:28:07

7F5F5D55485F3A0 wrote:
" ...  forging signatures there's a ton of tech out there that can prove it.    

I believe it is those people, who will be doing the,
Dead, Nursing home, Harvesting, Multiple, fake mail in, voting.

Because in most cases they will get PAID to do it.

Gee, ya gonna go to the Police station and say;
“Give me a speeding ticket, because I went to fast on that road"

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/29/20 at 16:24:09

"Gee, ya gonna go to the Police station and say;
“Give me a speeding ticket, because I went to fast on that road""


 I am saying that modern tech that can analyze handwriting, develop predictive patterns and mimic signatures to match what is provided in the sample pool.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 09/29/20 at 17:15:13

4F6F6D65786F0A0 wrote:
... I am saying that modern tech that can analyze handwriting,

Totaly unlikely that Abdur Jabale Obwana's  (and cozens +) handwriting/signature is on file ANYWHERE.

Odds are extremely slim that Grams & Grampa, in the nursing home, have the same handwriting they did 10-50 years ago.

The Dead, Oh yea, LOTS of modern reference their.

And pets, (Yes Virginia, lots of people have reported getting a envelope, from the State, saying 'Fluffu Doe' you need to register. And sent to the address of John & Jane Doe) Have yet to see a dog, (or Cat/Horse/Lama/etc/etc/etc/...) pick up a pen !

"...develop predictive patterns and mimic signatures to match what is provided in the sample pool..."

And who better to do that ?

This election will have a HUGE amount of fake votes.
Which will be confirmed by the large number of, 'votes', in a dense Metro area.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/29/20 at 19:43:00

"Totaly unlikely that Abdur Jabale Obwana's  (and cozens +) handwriting/signature is on file ANYWHERE."

 "analyze handwriting" Specifically taking the handwriting currently on the potentially forged documentation and creating a profile.  Not looking at an old file and comparing, that's 1990's fingerprint tech.

"Odds are extremely slim that Grams & Grampa, in the nursing home, have the same handwriting they did 10-50 years ago."

 Not what modern tech does.  It won't analyze old documents, it creates a predictive pattern of the current document that is presented as a forgery.  

"The Dead, Oh yea, LOTS of modern reference their."

 It's not analyzing post-mortem information, nobody thinks the dead are providing handwriting samples.  It creates a profile of a portion of the document under investigation.  Those results are compared against itself.

 The modern tech analyzes the current potentially fraudulent document, the one in that video.  It even can create left-handed profiles (people who are right-handed that switch to left to forge), predicted with 99+ percent accuracy.  

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/29/20 at 20:07:30

Voter fraud is non existent in any relevant amounts. I think the figure was something like less than 2000 votes over billions of votes over 30 years. Something like 0.000025%

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/29/20 at 20:11:21

203F393E23241525152D3F33784A0 wrote:
Evidence exists..

No it doesn't see this op ed by Benjamin Ginsburg.

Legions of Republican lawyers have searched in vain over four decades for fraudulent double voting. At long last, they have a blatant example of a major politician urging his supporters to illegally vote twice.
The only hitch is that the candidate is President Trump.

Who is Ginsburg?...

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/29/20 at 20:25:53

I POSTED examples in this thread, so, yes, evidence exits.
John McCain said he was a republican.
That was a lie.
IDK anything about this guy you're claiming is red hot for the truth, but he sure looks like an idiot, unable to see what is obvious.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/29/20 at 22:17:16

 Well I would say it's a stretch to consider the information "evidence" except for the video.

 It's allegation for sure, but "evidence" from those affidavits are not available to us at this time.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/29/20 at 23:56:20

IDK anything about this guy you're claiming is red hot for the truth...

Well you would if you read my post. You don't want to know because he's so qualified and so Republican that there's not attack.

Sure there's been some election fraud but an amount that is less than negligible. And of the 0.00025% that there is, has been shared equally.

Here is who Ginsburg is...

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 04:58:10

Go see what all gets covered.
Willful blindness doesn't make a problem go away.
If fraud wasn't a staple, then voter I.D would be okay.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/30/20 at 05:14:34

 I've not heard anyone say that non-citizens are incapable of voting illegally.  The driver's license fiasco should be addressed.

 For reference:

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 05:26:44

The republicans are wanting voter I.D.
Democrats say it's rayciss.
Everything that requires photo I.D. except voting isn't rayciss.

Only an idiot could believe it's not beneficial for democrats to have such options getting votes. It would change overnight if it helped republicans.

Work it out.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by WebsterMark on 09/30/20 at 05:42:05

The point isn’t what’s happened in the past so much as the future and this election in particular. As Uncle Joe said last night, it’s when the ballot is postmarked, not when it’s received.

“Absolute power corrupts absolutely“ is one of the best all time phrases. National politicians will do anything to win an election and this opportunity to cheat is going to be too juicy to pass up. Look at last nights debacle. Imagine this scenario, Biden practicing fake anger about his son’s death and waiting for the opportunity to pull that out of his sleeve. How pathetic is that.

There will absolutely be opportunities to cheat and people will take advantage of it. That’s not in doubt. And if you don’t believe wide spread fraud is a strong possibility, it’s because your side is the one that’s going to do the cheating.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 05:44:53

No, E, nobody has SAID noncitizens CAN'T vote illegally. They do seem adamant to be blind to the fact it's happening.
Since, while it's being denied, we have obvious evidence of it, what would an open and honest investigation show?
Why can't we have voter I.D?

The problem has been documented in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and especially in sanctuary cities. It isn’t hard to find problems either. So many aliens are getting on the rolls that they write letters asking to be taken off when they realize it fouls up their naturalization applications to be breaking federal law by registering to vote.

Pennsylvania has allowed thousands, if not more, aliens onto their voter rolls. To add insult to injury, they are hiding the extent of the problem. I have been locked in federal litigation with Pennsylvania for years trying merely to obtain the government records associated with the mop-up Democrats in Pennsylvania’s executive branch attempted.

They have been playing hide-the-facts the whole time.

Project Veritas Strikes Again: Voter Fraud Aids Rep. Ilhan Omar
Virginia has had a problem with noncitizen voter registration. Fairfax County saw hundreds of people escape jury duty after they swore under oath they were not citizens – potential jurors drawn from the voter rolls. It turns out Virginia has been canceling citizens as non-citizens, a fact discovered only after the government classified these same individuals as “declared non-citizens” and vouched that they never re-registered to vote.

But alien voting is real, and it is happening in substantial numbers.

Whenever we say that, the usual

Seriously, Why can't we have voter I.D?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 06:21:35

Certainly looks sketchy.

Why would it require legal action to pare down bloated registration rolls?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/30/20 at 08:50:19

 We discussed this exact thing already. Judicial Watch math is extremely poor in this 19 county allegation, and by now has been debunked multiple times.  Why won't they release their math to the public like they want everyone else to do?

 When Fitton said "eight Iowa counties have more voter registrations than citizens old enough to register." and then Iowa presented their already publicy available voter registration data, all the sudden Fitton can't provide his math, again.  The Dec 11 2019 form to CO took about an hour to show was wrong, again Fitton can't provide the math used to allege CO county numbers exceeded registered voters.  

 Remember JW sends these out like candy on Halloween and has a very low success rate.  How many times do their calculations need to be wrong before someone says, maybe they are wrong?  

 Nothing about a letter from JW means a state faces Federal lawsuit potential.  I am glad someone is out there trying to get information to the public but at least cross reference your accusatory math with someone that can use a calculator or something.  If anything I think JW is hurting legitimate voter fraud cases, RCP is just as detrimental.


Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 09:17:41

I guess without ballot harvesting and actually knowing who is voting, it wouldnt matter.

It would be great to be able to actually trust claims by a foundation supposedly out to uncover the truth,,

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 09/30/20 at 09:36:53

Dead people are so rude,.. they forget to cancel their voter registration.
They must be cheaters. ;D

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 09:55:24

they forget to cancel their voter registration.

Thats okay,, as long as they actually stop voting,,
Some of them just seem so opinionated and determined,,

Now, why NOT have voter ID?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/30/20 at 10:28:33

"It would be great to be able to actually trust claims by a foundation supposedly out to uncover the truth,"

 If only.  I'd say technically Judicial Watch is a corporation, they have millions in funding, and not to my surprise Scaife is a huge donor.  I don't consider JW to be a truth-seeking group, they do after all need that money, and in about 15 minutes they could have saved themselves the correction that came from the CO letter.

 Was it a mistake or did they just cherry-pick the part of the Voter Registration Act?

 Seems awfully convenient to me that they used only part of a paragraph to indicate CO needs to maintain their voter registration data, but left out this:

"failing to respond to mail and vote in two federal elections"

 At the end of the day I consider it my responsibility to see how accurate a claim is, and look at those links, there it is in black and white.  Judicial Watch, to me, has a poor record of voting fraud claims.  I approach anything by them with extreme skepticism.  

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 10:38:28

I approach anything by them with extreme skepticism

Ill try to remember this,,

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/30/20 at 13:58:51

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 09/30/20 at 14:34:28

 I use the cr@p out of these types of charts.  An interactive cummulative graph on ballot harvesting posts:

 Also I totally agree with the following, this type of stuff happens all the time, and then we blame "the media":

"this is a good example of the ability of a small number of coordinated political influencers to drive the narrative on a platform such as Twitter or Facebook and to generate millions of impressions for a single video. This video should not be considered to have organically “gone viral”, and the effectiveness of this technique, as well as the weak response by the most critical platforms, lends us to believe that we should expect misleading videos of this type to be pushed in a similar fashion in the coming days."

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/01/20 at 07:18:06

Interesting, you all down play these instances of voter fraud yet a judge has overturned an election because of 4 votes (or instances of fraud, I don't remember).

republican, democrat, doesn't really matter.  until it is zero we are all at risk.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by WebsterMark on 10/01/20 at 09:21:55

61736764737577120 wrote:

You can’t pull a Biden and just make a statement that it’s been debunked or unsubstantiated. That might fly in a debate with a partisan moderator but not here.

I watched those videos and listen to the comments and there’s just no way around it, her organization was cheating with votes.

It’s foolish to think that in the first election with widespread mail in voting that there won’t be people who see an opportunity to cheat. That’s ridiculous to think otherwise. Sure, we had mail in voting in certain states for a long time but nothing approaching this scale. To say otherwise is evidence that you support your side cheating to win an election.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/06/20 at 16:40:46

THIS is who Mpls will NOW elect.

Tell me again, no Voter Fraud ???????
(Especially a Drongo not even allowed to Vote in this Nation)

Suppose because eds has NO Freedom, and is a, Subject.
He want’s everybody else to suffer !

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 03:26:06

Here's some early Republican fraud...

California’s attorney general and chief elections officer on Monday sent a cease-and-desist letter to Republican Party officials demanding that they immediately stop using private ballot collection containers marked as “official” drop boxes, saying that the do-it-yourself containers that have appeared in several communities across the state are illegal.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/20 at 05:21:56

Easy solution

Vote in person
Present a photo I.D.

Good to see you figure that out.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 13:38:04

um, you're that one who has 'figured it out' not me.

People are not going to all vote in person. Some States only have mail in. And of course there's a current Pandemic. The WH shows what happens when it's not taken seriously. Many old people are particularly vulneralble.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 10/13/20 at 13:47:17

Yes,.. I've voted by mail here in AZ  for 20 years,... no problems, no lines,... and no FRAUD...

I just read that wait in line in Georgia is over 10 hours.
That's insane.
You don't even need voter suppression when people have to wait that long.
It's criminal incompetence,... or, it's just plain criminal.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Rockn on 10/13/20 at 14:22:31

50425655424446230 wrote:
Here's some early Republican fraud...

California’s attorney general and chief elections officer on Monday sent a cease-and-desist letter to Republican Party officials demanding that they immediately stop using private ballot collection containers marked as “official” drop boxes, saying that the do-it-yourself containers that have appeared in several communities across the state are illegal.

Oh no, everyone that commented about the Veritas video and ballot harvesting is eerily silent when the GOP officials admit to harvesting ballots in CA.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/13/20 at 14:27:46

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
Easy solution

Vote in person
Present a photo I.D.

Good to see you figure that out.

Goose/ Gander..

Want honest elections?
Wake up
Quit pretending having photo I.D. is Rayciss,
Demand honest elections..

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/13/20 at 14:28:16

There was long lines here (CA) I don't know why it was a fiasco.  I wonder if it was the new machines by microshit.
I voted early, walked across the street like I've done for the past 20 years and was the only one there. A pretty girl walked me over to the machine, explained the new machine to me, I voted, she took the printout and fed it into the other machine.

Now my voting center is across town.  I'll likely drop it in the mail on election day. [smiley=angry.gif]

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 19:20:28

You don't even need voter suppression when people have to wait that long.
It's criminal incompetence,... or, it's just plain criminal.

Well De Joy's actions are criminal, as are Barr's. And if people are waiting in line for that long there's plenty of opportunity for voter intimidation which is in fact voter suppression.


Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/13/20 at 19:22:52

This is why Trump and his cronies are sh!tting themselves when they lose the election..


Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 02:26:13

5F424E4643594548454C5A462D0 wrote:
Oh no, everyone that commented about the Veritas video and ballot harvesting is eerily silent when the GOP officials admit to harvesting ballots in CA.

But wait, there's more... Trump is urging them to ignore the warnings and continue with the ballot harvesting fraud. FFS you couldn't make this up.

OAKLAND — President Donald Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday to urge the California Republican Party to “fight on” in its move to collect ballots in unofficial “drop boxes’’ around the state, in defiance of legal threats from state officials.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/20 at 11:20:17

3E232F2722382429242D3B274C0 wrote:
Oh no, everyone that commented about the Veritas video and ballot harvesting is eerily silent when the GOP officials admit to harvesting ballots in CA.

Ballot harvesting in the Veritas video was about collecting blank ballots and marking them the way the harvesters wanted.

Whereas in California, ballot harvesting is a law written by and passed by democrats about collecting voters marked and sealed ballots and turning them in unopened to election officials.

Completely different use of the word 'harvesting'

If you can't see that, you're biased.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 13:49:04


However you have conveniently omitted the fact that the Republicans are illegally using unofficial ballot collection boxes with official markings on them that indicate that they are official.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Rockn on 10/14/20 at 14:11:58

33203736292422202B74450 wrote:
[quote author=3E232F2722382429242D3B274C0 link=1601304081/45#48 date=1602624151]Oh no, everyone that commented about the Veritas video and ballot harvesting is eerily silent when the GOP officials admit to harvesting ballots in CA.

Ballot harvesting in the Veritas video was about collecting blank ballots and marking them the way the harvesters wanted.
Whereas in California, ballot harvesting is a law written by and passed by democrats about collecting voters marked and sealed ballots and turning them in unopened to election officials.
Completely different use of the word 'harvesting'
If you can't see that, you're biased.[/quote]

Yes, my apologies that I didn't differentiate between a far right wing disinformation campaign video about "ballot harvesting" and California GOP officials using unofficial collection boxes to collect ballots.

The Veritas video does in fact make a claim that they are collecting and returning ballots illegally (in addition to claiming that votes were paid for.)

"This type of so-called “ballot harvesting” — collecting mail-in ballots from voters who are sick, elderly or otherwise unable to get their votes in the mail — may not have even been illegal. In Minnesota, campaigns are typically allowed to collect only three ballots at a time, but a district court ruling earlier this year permitted the collection of more ballots over a five-week period from July 28 to Sept. 4."

The use of the word and practices doesn't change my statement.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/20 at 14:52:14

Definitions, like sex, are fluid, as we discovered after Eau explained how nonexistent a definition for Court Packing was what ever you wanted it to be. Arguing with disingenuous people is a waste of time.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/20 at 15:43:03

4E535F5752485459545D4B573C0 wrote:
[quote author=33203736292422202B74450 link=1601304081/45#54 date=1602699617][quote author=3E232F2722382429242D3B274C0 link=1601304081/45#48 date=1602624151]Oh no, everyone that commented about the Veritas video and ballot harvesting is eerily silent when the GOP officials admit to harvesting ballots in CA.

Ballot harvesting in the Veritas video was about collecting blank ballots and marking them the way the harvesters wanted.
Whereas in California, ballot harvesting is a law written by and passed by democrats about collecting voters marked and sealed ballots and turning them in unopened to election officials.
Completely different use of the word 'harvesting'
If you can't see that, you're biased.[/quote]

Yes, my apologies that I didn't differentiate between a far right wing disinformation campaign video about "ballot harvesting" and California GOP officials using unofficial collection boxes to collect ballots.

The Veritas video does in fact make a claim that they are collecting and returning ballots illegally (in addition to claiming that votes were paid for.)

"This type of so-called “ballot harvesting” — collecting mail-in ballots from voters who are sick, elderly or otherwise unable to get their votes in the mail — may not have even been illegal. In Minnesota, campaigns are typically allowed to collect only three ballots at a time, but a district court ruling earlier this year permitted the collection of more ballots over a five-week period from July 28 to Sept. 4."

The use of the word and practices doesn't change my statement.

Did you even watch the Minnesota video? they collected blank ballots and filled them in.  And threw away the ones with the wrong votes.  AND THEY WERE PAID TO DO THAT.

You equate that with California harvesting of completed ballots and turning them in to election officials?

You are truly biased.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 15:56:02

Arguing with disingenuous people is a waste of time.

I know, right?

Court Packing referred specifically to Roosevelt's 1937 attempt to appoint 6 justices. That is referenced in the Article.

Whereas the Democrats propose to merely add two, or maybe even only one Justice, to replace the Garland appointment that was wrongly refused. This hardly quailfies as 'court packing' by the definition that YOU yourself refer to.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/14/20 at 16:36:42

Earlier you said it was whatever..
Now it's more definite.
Fukkin pick one..

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 16:47:08

57484E4954536252625A48440F3D0 wrote:
Earlier you said it was whatever..
Now it's more definite.
Fukkin pick one..

LOL. You complained I didn't use your specific linked to definition but my own. So I went back to your definition and show that too is nothing to do with what the Democrats will likely do.

And you still complain. The fact is that what the Democrats propose to do if Barrett is rammed through after Garland has been refused a hearing, and the 200 Federal Judges were held up for Trump, IS court packing, but we don't need to give it a name, but if you did want to give that a name, it's more worthy of the epithet 'court packing' than the Democrats fixing what the Republicans are doing which is actively thwarting the will of the American people. I mean if they weren't they wouldn't need to use their raw power to block Obama's appointees and then force through Barrett

You make up your mind what what you want to call court packing. Or we can just say, what the Republicans did is perfectly fine. And what the Democrats are going to do is also perfectly fine.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 17:23:40

But to make it even clearer, I will pick the definition that you yourself chose by linking specifically to it. That link correctly referenced 1937.

That was Roosevelt trying to insert six judges onto the SC in order to push his agenda.

What the Democrats are suggesting is simply to constitutionally add one or maybe two judges in order to rebalance the appointee (Garland) stolen by Obama, and/or Barrett, while the voters are actually voting. So the 'court packing' epithet applied to them doesn't fit your own link to description.

So why keep on calling it court packing? Oh that's right because the Republicans want to maintain absolute minority rule and they are shameless about how they go about it. So stop frikken whingeing like a little baitch.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/20 at 19:26:25

6E7C686B7C7A781D0 wrote:
That was Roosevelt trying to insert six judges onto the SC in order to push his agenda.

So the democrats are at it again.   ::)

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 21:21:31

So the democrats are at it again.

Oh really, the Democrats who do not hold the Presidency or Senate are pushing for 6 extra judges?!. Amazing. You'll say any nonsense no matter how divorced from reality. Please tell me the 6 judges that President Biden is pushing through.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/14/20 at 21:30:13

31233734232527420 wrote:
So the democrats are at it again.

Oh really, the Democrats who do not hold the Presidency or Senate are pushing for 6 extra judges?!. Amazing. You'll say any nonsense no matter how divorced from reality. Please tell me the 6 judges that President Biden is pushing through.

Do you even know what you're talking about?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/14/20 at 22:25:52

Do you even know what you're talking about?

is this the best level you can rise to? Talking like an eight year old. Just posting non sequiturs and imbecilic sentences like the above. I just answered your sarcastic post that in fact made no sense. Make sense of your post for me if you can.

So the democrats are at it again.

There you go, please explain it. What are they at 'again'?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/15/20 at 08:04:44

4D5F4B485F595B3E0 wrote:
... Talking like an eight year old ...
... posting non sequiturs and imbecilic sentences ...

When I say, you post things only a Drongo would post.
You enjoy it.

52405457404644210 wrote:
... Drongo is almost a term of endearment....

Keep up the good work !

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/15/20 at 08:23:23

42504447505654310 wrote:
Do you even know what you're talking about?

is this the best level you can rise to? Talking like an eight year old. Just posting non sequiturs and imbecilic sentences like the above. I just answered your sarcastic post that in fact made no sense. Make sense of your post for me if you can.

So the democrats are at it again.

There you go, please explain it. What are they at 'again'?

25372320373133560 wrote:
But to make it even clearer, I will pick the definition that you yourself chose by linking specifically to it. That link correctly referenced 1937.

That was Roosevelt trying to insert six judges onto the SC in order to push his agenda.

What the Democrats are suggesting is simply to constitutionally add one or maybe two judges in order to rebalance the appointee (Garland) stolen by Obama, and/or Barrett, while the voters are actually voting. So the 'court packing' epithet applied to them doesn't fit your own link to description.

So why keep on calling it court packing? Oh that's right because the Republicans want to maintain absolute minority rule and they are shameless about how they go about it. So stop frikken whingeing like a little baitch.

Do you know Roosevelt was democrat?

What makes you think they'll stop at 1 or 2?

What do you think the republican response will be?

Can you follow your own train of thought?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/15/20 at 12:58:21

1.Do you know Roosevelt was democrat?

2.What makes you think they'll stop at 1 or 2?

3.What do you think the republican response will be?

4.Can you follow your own train of thought?

1. He was not a democrat obvs, but that is irrelevant because I was quoting JoG's post where he referenced TR's plan as 'court packing' for the sake of some definition.

2. What makes you think they won't

3. What does it matter because we see the Republican response right now in real time which is, 'our plan is to do whatever the fcuk we want'. Remember they are a minority/majority Senate ramming Barrett down the collective throats against the wishes of a large majority as an expression of the raw power they have.

4. Obviously you are the one unable to think beyond the most basic partisan arguments and like y'all do, try to project your insufficiencies on others.

With that said, read up on this article which brilliantly details the stark reality going forward and why if given the mandate of the Senate, the Democrats have no choice...

P.S. I have to admire the way you willingly dropped cover when you saw JoG was in over his head so you take over and try to drown the thread. Typical childish tactic.

And you guys beg for donations while fostering this sh!tty little 'political' forum. LOL. You drive more people away you alienate normal people who just want to come to a m/cycle forum without knowing this putrid cesspool exists. Pity those who wander into it.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/16/20 at 09:50:58

4F5D494A5D5B593C0 wrote:
1.Do you know Roosevelt was democrat?

2.What makes you think they'll stop at 1 or 2?

3.What do you think the republican response will be?

4.Can you follow your own train of thought?

1. He was not a democrat obvs, but that is irrelevant because I was quoting JoG's post where he referenced TR's plan as 'court packing' for the sake of some definition.

2. What makes you think they won't

3. What does it matter because we see the Republican response right now in real time which is, 'our plan is to do whatever the fcuk we want'. Remember they are a minority/majority Senate ramming Barrett down the collective throats against the wishes of a large majority as an expression of the raw power they have.

4. Obviously you are the one unable to think beyond the most basic partisan arguments and like y'all do, try to project your insufficiencies on others.

With that said, read up on this article which brilliantly details the stark reality going forward and why if given the mandate of the Senate, the Democrats have no choice...

P.S. I have to admire the way you willingly dropped cover when you saw JoG was in over his head so you take over and try to drown the thread. Typical childish tactic.

And you guys beg for donations while fostering this sh!tty little 'political' forum. LOL. You drive more people away you alienate normal people who just want to come to a m/cycle forum without knowing this putrid cesspool exists. Pity those who wander into it.

1. there's more than 1 roosevelt and TR is not it.
2. thanks for proving my point.
3. so when D's increase it to 9 and R's increase it to 12, you're ok with that?
4. bless your heart.

P.S. if you don't like it, piss off.   ;D

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/16/20 at 15:36:58

1. As I said, it is irrelevant.

2. And your point is what? You haven't made any 'point'

3. That's just your shallow way of thinking. Look what the Republican are now doing, you OK with that. Well of course you are but the majority of the US isn't.

4. You are also free to piss off.

The reason it won't end in a judicial arms race is because ... elections. IF the US voters give Biden a clear mandate to fix the wrong of the Supreme court by flipping the Senate, then that is clearly what they want, which is to fix the current outrage.

Now you say what if the Republican just add more Justices, then the American People will speak and they'll be out of Congress for decades.

If Biden gets a majority Senate, he has no choice but to rebalance out the extreme unrepresentative Barrett. She's proven to be a cunning liar, racial bigot which is no more than you'd expect.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/16/20 at 16:03:32

There's no point in discussing this with you if you can't even see where you've been proven wrong.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/16/20 at 23:57:26

485B4C4D525F595B500F3E0 wrote:
There's no point in discussing this with you if you can't even see where you've been proven wrong.

Ah yes, the famous, 'you've been proven wrong'. Nothing been proven, you are not even able to explain what your point is. All you have is puerile responses.

Go on what is the 'point' your supposedly making. If you are indeed making a point that is. Are you able to clearly state a point?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/17/20 at 15:04:31

Ah, the old lefty defense.
he makes a point... 2 of them in fact... 1 in each ear.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/17/20 at 15:15:47

Ah yes the old right wing nut job defence, when actually asked what the point is you're supposedly making, instead of stating it clearly you dissemble. Why? Because there was no point you were making, other than more obfuscation. And the point of your childish retorts is to encourage abuse then go whinging.

Instead I ask you again, if you have a point, then just say it and we can continue. So do you have a point?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/17/20 at 15:20:36

"...the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters..."

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/25/20 at 16:25:07

When 80(+/-)% of the Media completely ignores this.
Then it did not happen,
and Biden did not just admit to; VOTER FRAUD ![/url]

And the Drongo's of the world,
will still vote/campaign for Socialistic Control of this Nation.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/20 at 10:27:20

Found this on the Internet:

“I'm not voting for Trump!
I'm voting for the First Amendment and freedom of speech.
I'm voting for the Second Amendment and my right to defend my life and my family.
l'm voting for the next Supreme Court Justice to protect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for the continued growth of my retirement 401K and the stock market.
I’m voting for a return of our troops from foreign countries and the end to America’s involvement in foreign conflicts.
I'm voting for the Electoral College & the Republic in which we live.
I'm voting for the Police to be respected and to ensure Law & Order.
I’m voting for the continued appointment of Federal Judges who respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I’m voting for our jobs to remain in America and not be outsourced all over again to China, Mexico and other foreign countries.
I’m voting for secure borders and legal immigration.
I'm voting for the Military & the Veterans who fought for this Country who gave the American people their freedoms.
I'm voting for the unborn babies, who cannot defend themselves, that have the right to live.
I'm voting for continued peace progress in the middle east and in support of Israel.
I’m voting to fight against human/child trafficking.
I’m voting for Freedom of Religion.
I'm voting for the American Flag that is disrespected by the Democratic Party.
I'm voting for the right to speak my opinion & not be censored (Google, Facebook, Tweeter...).
I'm not just voting for one person, I'm voting for the future of my Country.
I'm voting for my children and my grandchildren to ensure their freedoms and their future.
What are you voting for?

I would just change the last line to:
“Why are YOU going to vote For, SOCIALISM ?"

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/20 at 10:28:49

“… According to the Office of the California Secretary of State, "in most cases, California voters are not required to show identification at their polling place." A voter may be asked to provide identification at the polls…”

For any UL FDS, DFI Socialists who may read this,

The words, ‘May”, and ’Shall’, mean

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 10:57:19

 So I looked over the Judicial watch over-100% thing in CO again, and the law still says the voters are removed after failing to vote in two Federal elections.

 This should be updated, but to say it's proof of fraud is definitely inaccurate.  

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/29/20 at 14:27:03

5474767E6374110 wrote:
  So I looked over the Judicial watch over-100% thing in CO again, and the law still says the voters are removed after failing to vote in two Federal elections.   This should be updated, but to say it's proof of fraud is definitely inaccurate.  

So: "...a September 2020 study revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters..."

Is not proof of any fraudulent activity ?
Coupled with several States that require NO ID to Vote, Just 'tick' a box !

OK   Got-it !

Alabama: Lowndes County (130%); Macon County (114%); Wilcox (113%); Perry County (111%); Madison County (109%); Hale County (108%); Marengo County (108%); Baldwin (108%); Greene County (107%); Washington County (106%); Dallas County (106%); Choctaw County (105%); Conecuh County (105%); Randolph County (104%); Shelby County (104%); Lamar County (103%); Autauga County (103%); Clarke County (103%); Henry County (103%); Monroe County (102%); Colbert County (101%); Jefferson County (101%); Lee County (100%); Houston County (100%); Crenshaw County (100%) *Alaska: Statewide (111%) Arizona: Santa Cruz County (107%); Apache County (106%) *Arkansas: Newton County (103%) Colorado: Statewide (102%); San Juan County (158%); Dolores County (127%); Jackson County (125%); Mineral County (119%); Ouray County (119%); Phillips County (116%); Douglas County (116%); Broomfield County (115%); Elbert County (113%); Custer County (112%); Gilpin County (111%); Park County (111%); Archuleta County (111%); Cheyenne County (111%); Clear Creek County (110%); Teller County (108%); Grand County (107%); La Plata County (106%); Summit County (106%); Baca County (106%); Pitkin County (106%); San Miguel County (106%); Routt County (106%); Hinsdale County (105%); Garfield County (105%); Gunnison County (105%); Sedgwick County (104%); Eagle County (104%); Larimer County (104%); Weld County (104%); Boulder County (103%); Costilla County (103%); Chaffee County (103%); Kiowa County (103%); Denver County (103%); Huerfano County (102%); Montezuma County (102%); Moffat County (102%); Arapahoe County (102%); Jefferson County (101%); Las Animas County (101%); Mesa County (100%) *Florida: St. Johns County (112%); Nassau County (109%); Walton County (108%); Santa Rosa County (108%); Flagler County (104%); Clay County (103%); Indian River County (101%); Osceola County (100%) *Georgia: Bryan County (118%); Forsyth County (114%); Dawson County (113%); Oconee County (111%); Fayette County (111%); Fulton County (109%); Cherokee County (109%); Jackson County (107%); Henry County (106%); Lee County (106%); Morgan County (105%); Clayton County (105%); DeKalb County (105%); Gwinnett County (104%); Greene County (104%); Cobb County (104%); Effingham County (103%); Walton County (102%); Rockdale County (102%); Barrow County (101%); Douglas County (101%); Newton County (100%); Hall County (100%) *Indiana: Hamilton County (113%); Boone County (112%); Clark County (105%); Floyd County (103%); Hancock County (103%); Ohio County (102%); Hendricks County (102%); Lake County (101%); Warrick County (100%); Dearborn County (100%) Iowa: Dallas County (115%); Johnson County (104%); Lyon County (103%); Dickinson County (103%); Scott County (102%); Madison County (101%); Warren County (100%) *Kansas: Johnson County (105%) Maine: Statewide (101%); Cumberland County (110%); Sagadahoc County (107%); Hancock County (105%); Lincoln County (104%); Waldo County (102%); York County (100%) Maryland: Statewide (102%); Montgomery County (113%); Howard County (111%); Frederick County (110%); Charles County (108%); Prince George’s County (106%); Queen Anne’s County (104%); Calvert County (104%); Harford County (104%); Worcester County (103%); Carroll County (103%); Anne Arundel County (102%); Talbot County (100%) *Massachusetts: Dukes County (120%); Nantucket County (115%); Barnstable County (103%) *Michigan: Statewide (105%); Leelanau County (119%); Otsego County (118%); Antrim County (116%); Kalkaska County (115%); Emmet County (114%); Berrien County (114%); Keweenaw County (114%); Benzie County (113%); Washtenaw County (113%); Mackinac County (112%); Dickinson County (112%); Roscommon County (112%); Charlevoix County (112%); Grand Traverse County (111%); Oakland County (110%); Iron County (110%); Monroe County (109%); Genesee County (109%); Ontonagon County (109%); Gogebic County (109%); Livingston County (109%); Alcona County (108%); Cass County (108%); Allegan County (108%); Oceana County (107%); Midland County (107%); Kent County (107%); Montmorency County (107%); Van Buren County (107%); Wayne County (107%); Schoolcraft County (107%); Mason County (107%); Oscoda County (107%); Iosco County (107%); Wexford County (106%); Presque Isle County (106%); Delta County (106%); Alpena County (106%); St Clair County (106%); Cheboygan County (105%); Newaygo County (105%); Barry County (105%); Gladwin County (105%); Menominee County (105%); Crawford County (105%); Muskegon County (105%); Kalamazoo County (104%); St. Joseph County (104%); Ottawa County (103%); Clinton County (103%); Saginaw County (103%); Manistee County (103%); Lapeer County (103%); Calhoun County (103%); Ogemaw County (103%); Macomb County (103%); Missaukee County (102%); Eaton County (102%); Shiawassee County (102%); Huron County (102%); Lenawee County (101%); Branch County (101%); Osceola County (101%); Clare County (100%); Arenac County (100%); Bay County (100%); Lake County (100%) *Missouri: St. Louis County (102%) *Montana: Petroleum County (113%); Gallatin County (103%); Park County (103%); Madison County (102%); Broadwater County (102%) *Nebraska: Arthur County (108%); Loup County (103%); Keya Paha County (102%); Banner County (100%); McPherson County (100%) Nevada: Storey County (108%); Douglas County (105%); Nye County (101%) *New Jersey: Statewide (102%); Somerset County (110%); Hunterdon County (108%); Morris County (107%); Essex County (106%); Monmouth County (104%); Bergen County (103%); Middlesex County (103%); Union County (103%); Camden County (102%); Warren County (102%); Atlantic County (102%); Sussex County (101%); Salem County (101%); Hudson County (100%); Gloucester County (100%) *New Mexico: Harding County (177%); Los Alamos County (110%) New York: Hamilton County (118%); Nassau County (109%); New York (103%); Rockland County (101%); Suffolk County (100%) *Oregon: Sherman County (107%); Crook County (107%); Deschutes County (105%); Wallowa County (103%); Hood River County (103%); Columbia County (102%); Linn County (101%); Polk County (100%); Tillamook County (100%) Rhode Island: Statewide (101%); Bristol County (104%); Washington County (103%); Providence County (101%) *South Carolina: Jasper County (103%) South Dakota: Hanson County (171%); Union County (120%); Jones County (116%); Sully County (115%); Lincoln County (113%); Custer County (110%); Fall River County (108%); Pennington County (106%); Harding County (105%); Minnehaha County (104%); Potter County (104%); Campbell County (103%); McPherson County (101%); Hamlin County (101%); Stanley County (101%); Lake County (100%); Perkins County (100%)Tennessee: Williamson County (110%); Moore County (101%); Polk County (101%) Texas: Loving County (187%); Presidio County (149%); McMullen County (147%); Brooks County (117%); Roberts County (116%); Sterling County (115%); Zapata County (115%); Maverick County (112%); Starr County (110%); King County (110%); Chambers County (109%); Irion County (108%); Jim Hogg County (107%); Polk County (107%); Comal County (106%); Oldham County (104%); Culberson County (104%); Kendall County (103%); Dimmit County (103%); Rockwall County (102%); Motley County (102%); Parker County (102%); Hudspeth County (101%); Travis County (101%); Fort Bend County (101%); Kent County (101%); Webb County (101%); Mason County (101%); Crockett County (101%); Waller County (100%); Gillespie County (100%); Duval County (100%); Brewster County (100%) Vermont: Statewide (100%) Virginia: Loudoun County (116%); Falls Church City (114%); Fairfax City (109%); Goochland County (108%); Arlington County (106%); Fairfax County (106%); Prince William County (105%); James City County (105%); Alexandria City (105%); Fauquier County (105%); Isle of Wight County (104%); Chesterfield County (104%); Surry County (103%); Hanover County (103%); New Kent County (103%); Clarke County (103%); King William County (102%); Spotsylvania County (102%); Rappahannock County (102%); Albemarle County (101%); Stafford County (101%); Northampton County (101%); Poquoson City (100%); Frederick County (100%) Washington: Garfield County (119%); Pend Oreille County (112%); Jefferson County (111%); San Juan County (108%); Wahkiakum County (108%); Stevens County (103%); Pacific County (103%); Clark County (102%); Island County (102%); Klickitat County (102%); Thurston County (102%); Lincoln County (101%); Whatcom County (100%); Asotin County (100%) *West Virginia: Mingo County (104%); Wyoming County (103%); McDowell County (102%); Brooke County (102%); Hancock County (100%)

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 10/29/20 at 14:56:14

7E5D6043415A5D54330 wrote:
Is not proof of any fraudulent activity ?

It's proof that people die,.. and people move....
That's all.
Nuthinburger, Right-wing histrionics...

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/29/20 at 15:52:48

It's POTENTIALLY a way to commit fraud.
Let's Fix it...
Voter I.D. seems like a good start.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 16:36:28

"Is not proof of any fraudulent activity ?"

 Nope.  This is along the lines of you thinking that people that never work get Social Security that you paid into from working, or that Internet Neutrality means free internet for everyone.  I won't go further with this until you are willing to go over CRS with me in detail.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 16:39:28

"Voter I.D. seems like a good start.

 Not really.  How will requiring ID solve the fact that people die after an election that they showed an ID for, but. by law, must remain on that registered voter calculation for the next two Federal elections?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/29/20 at 17:46:33

69494B435E492C0 wrote:
"Is not proof of any fraudulent activity ?"

 Nope.  This is along the lines of you thinking that people that never work get Social Security that you paid into from working, or that Internet Neutrality means free internet for everyone.  I won't go further with this until you are willing to go over CRS with me in detail.

Not fraud, negligence.

If they haven't got time to keep the voter registration up to date, where are they going to find time to check voter validity?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Eegore on 10/29/20 at 18:22:21

"Not fraud, negligence."

 I'd say that's a closer assessment.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/29/20 at 19:20:19

The main point is that effectively voter fraud in the US does not exist. Therefore even buying into what extra safeguards are needed is itself a fraudulent argument. Probably the reason why voter fraud effectively does not exist is that it's not worth the penalty to try and vote twice, or lodge a handful of votes that are not going to make a difference anyway.

If voter fraud existed in numbers that were significant then the flaws in the system would become apparent, but there is not enough data to work out where the flaws are because voter fraud is a Republican ruse to perpetuate the real voter fraud which is disenfranchisement of voters.

And this is why the recent Supreme Court shenanigans need to be fixed ASAP because it's at that level where the real fraud is enabled. As we have seen recently and as we saw in Bush v Gore. Where a 5/4 split decided to stop counting votes.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/30/20 at 08:14:41

71637774636567020 wrote:
... voter fraud in the US does not exist.  ...

Exactly the same way as,
a B.J. in the Oval Office,
       is NOT Sex !

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/30/20 at 08:19:00

"Not fraud, negligence.”

Negligence, which could be, ‘just’, a lazy Register office, not communicating a Death Certificate.
Negligence, which could be, ‘just’, a lazy Assessor office, not communicating a change of ownership in a property.

Is a Open Door, with a great big WELCOME sign on it,
for the Thieves of a Vote.

Which was shown to this Nation in 2008 with Franken in Minn.
And only the Thieves of Votes paid attention to how it is done,
and the Thieves of Votes, refined the process,
and the Thieves of Votes, continue,
            Nation wide.

(Using the Deaths/Moving as just one of their tools)

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/30/20 at 08:34:16

5A485C5F484E4C290 wrote:
The main point is that effectively voter fraud in the US does not exist. Therefore even buying into what extra safeguards are needed is itself a fraudulent argument. Probably the reason why voter fraud effectively does not exist is that it's not worth the penalty to try and vote twice, or lodge a handful of votes that are not going to make a difference anyway.

What part of 16 elections overturned by a judge does voter fraud not exist?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by WebsterMark on 10/30/20 at 08:49:45

Voter fraud is certainly more of a threat to elections than the fabricated excuses of voter suppression losing candidates (see Stacy Abrams for example) fall back on.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/30/20 at 13:16:08

Voter fraud in the US effectively does not exist. And trying to pretend otherwise is just the right wing echo chamber perpetuated by fake president Trump and an army of followers and bots. The purpose of which is to enable voter suppression.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/30/20 at 13:53:22

23312526313735500 wrote:
Voter fraud in the US effectively does not exist ...  

Sure, Got-it !

... And trying to pretend otherwise is just the right wing echo chamber perpetuated by fake president Trump and an army of followers and bots. The purpose of which is to enable voter suppression...

Said by a person, who does NOT live in this Nation.
Said by a person, who is NOT a Citizen of this Nation.
Said by a person, who does NOT Vote in this Nation.
Said by a person who has NO, first hand knowledge,
of what happens in this Nation.

A-Yep, Sure Do,  GOT-IT !!!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D    (LOL)

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/30/20 at 13:57:24

More nuance here...

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/31/20 at 09:33:44

" ... We get 487,000 non-existent Minnesota voters.
This calculation doesn’t count people in prison or on parole who can’t vote, illegal aliens who vote, or court ordered incompetents who can’t legally vote.
These categories are small but important in close elections like the election that elected Al Franken senator by a few hundred votes. ... "

" ... Minneapolis and St. Paul have created ordinances that compel landlords to hand out voter registration applications and other materials to new tenants, without any regard to the tenants’ citizenship or legal status. Both cities have declared themselves to be “sanctuaries” for ineligible persons ..."

" ... Democrats block all efforts, to establish these easy fixes to ensure a fair election. What we see here is a situation ripe for abuse and manipulation by Democrats. That is why Democrats win all close elections in Minnesota.
What most people would call voter fraud is actually legal in Minnesota elections. Self certification; abuses of same day registration and vouching are all legal under Minnesota law and explain how Democrats use the legal system to win elections ... "

"... - a U. S. Senate race decided by just 312 votes;
- Seven House and Senate races decided by a 50 votes or less;
- a school board race decided by one vote;
- school referendum in Washington County decided by just four votes;
- a mayoral election that ended up in a tie and was decided by a coin flip...."

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by verslagen1 on 10/31/20 at 16:06:19

inconsequential... unless they were won by republicans.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 10/31/20 at 17:57:28

"... Senator Al Franken likely owes his Senate victory to felons. With a razor thin victory over Senator Norm Coleman in 2008 of just 312 votes, felons convicted of crimes such as murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assaults may have given Democrats the filibuster proof sixtieth vote that allowed Obamacare to be passed ... "

"... Democrats, who have waged a relentless campaign to block any attempt to block ineligible voters from voting, or eligible voters from voting more than once as “voter suppression.” ..."

"... When the initial count was completed on November 18, Franken was trailing Coleman by 215 votes.[2][3] The close margin triggered a mandatory recount.[4][5] After reviewing ballots that had been challenged during the recount and counting 953 wrongly rejected absentee ballots, the State Canvassing Board officially certified the recount results with Franken holding a 225-vote lead...."

Gee they forgot to tell you that about 1,359 FELONS voted,
but ONLY 43 were charged.

Forgot to tell you the State AG was a Ultra, ULTRA Liberal FDS.

Forgot to tell you, over 1,000 ballots, 'magically', appeared in the trunk of a car.

Forgot to tell you that, if the election judge knows that you are ineligible to vote because he personally knows that you just got out of prison and that you are on parole, you can still vote by self-certifying.

Forgot to tell you that, In Minnesota, 500,000 people typically register to vote on election-day in presidential election years. No verification of their eligibility is done prior to irretrievably counting their ballots.

Forgot to tell you that The illegal vote still counts in Minnesota. The Minnesota Secretary of State is in charge of elections, and that office has been in Democratic hands for 30 years.

And on and on, and on, and on Et.c etc. etc, ...

Oh WAIT, someone, from another Country,
who can NOT vote here,
who does NOT live here,
who is NOT a Citizen, but a subject,
who has NO first hand experience here.
Is telling us their is NO Voter Fraud.

Yep, Got it !

Forgot to tell you that Following the 2008 election, the state couldn’t confirm the addresses of 17,000 voters and 31,000 other voters were marked “challenged” because they failed one or more eligibility checks. The ballots of all 48,000 of these questionable voters counted in the election Al Franken won by just 312 votes.

Now, how many FDS's believe that same thing is NOT happening in Calf, NY, and other States ?????

For the FDS's that believe that,
Got some Ocean Front Property in Tuscon AZ,
Right Next to Bot's House !

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/31/20 at 21:30:47

@Mn, I'm not going to go through everything you wrote because I get the gist and its all right wing propaganda, which is obvious because of all the official reports that all point to the same thing i.e. that voter fraud is inconsequential. Something like 0.0025%

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by MnSpring on 11/01/20 at 07:17:39

57455152454341240 wrote:
... voter fraud is inconsequential. Something like 0.0025%

A-Yep, coming from someone who lives in a MONARCHY,
and has no FREEDOM.

;D ;D ;D ;D (LOL)

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/01/20 at 19:00:22

Yep, Voter fraud has been thoroughly investigated and completely debunked as inconsequential.

More voter fraud, Republican try to have 127 thousand votes thrown away because they don't like the drive through voting. They say the law doesn't specifically allow for it. But the law also doesn't disallow it. This is so obvious that the Republican controlled Supreme Ct just threw it out. Again.

Can you imagine the howling if the democrats tried this bs.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/20 at 01:31:02

My hope is on the black voters, I pray that they will empower their self and vote.
I don,t want Trump in there for anathor 4 years.

But let's pass it and learn that no one has the right to attack someone else.
Sometimes things have to get worse before things improve.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by WebsterMark on 11/02/20 at 04:39:03

Blacks vote overwhelmingly for the Democratic candidate to begin with. Trump is likely to get the highest percentage of black vote and Latino vote than a Republican candidate has gotten in a long time, perhaps ever. If blacks vote in record numbers, it’s not going to go how you think.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 11/02/20 at 08:18:43

534C5F4C474C474C5B4E404C290 wrote:
My hope is on the black voters, I pray that they will empower their self and vote.
I don,t want Trump in there for anathor 4 years.

But let's pass it and learn that no one has the right to attack someone else.
Sometimes things have to get worse before things improve.

Democrats have been promising to make things better for blacks since LBJ and The Great Society. See how that worked? Trump's policies improved lives and put people to work in record numbers. If Better for Minorities is the Goal, Trump is the way forward.
Change my mind with facts.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/20 at 08:21:14

Yes it will.
And You are facing a civil war.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/20 at 08:44:14

6C7360737873787364717F73160 wrote:
And You are facing a civil war.

Let's hope it's a little one... :-?

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/20 at 09:40:04

Normally, the human state is such, that if there were no judicial system, civilization would go under.

Now you have a head of the judicial system who likes violence and show that openly.

There is only one outcome posible.

I don't know how bad it will be, but here's an inspiring video

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by Serowbot on 11/02/20 at 10:26:36

253A293A313A313A2D38363A5F0 wrote:
There is only one outcome posible.

Even whales are on the Dutch side...
Pretty amazing... ;D
Whale Sculpture Stops Dutch Train from Crashing More Than 30 Feet Off Railway Platform

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/20 at 10:32:19

Nice that it is going all over the world. :)
The miracles are not over yet.
Everything is possible.
live can be so cheerful,
Why throw away so much value entirely for an obsession with political play.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by WebsterMark on 11/02/20 at 12:54:16

687764777C777C7760757B77120 wrote:
Normally, the human state is such, that if there were no judicial system, civilization would go under.   How did we evolve and establish a judicial system to begin with then? It’s a relatively recent phenomenon.

Now you have a head of the judicial system who likes violence and show that openly.  Who are you talking about?

There is only one outcome posible.

I don't know how bad it will be, but here's an inspiring video

Windows are being boarded up not to protect contents from right wing rioters but to protect contents from left wing rioters if Trump wins. There is no evidence in recent events that would lead anyone to believe there’s going to be a real widespread rioting and looting from members of the right. That’s solely in the domain of leftist.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/02/20 at 13:39:22

3D2231222922292235202E22470 wrote:
Yes it will.
And You are facing a civil war.

There cannot be a civil war for the reasons that Bill Maher gives in the video below. Not only that but Trump has revealed the weakness of the US institutions that people just accepted were safe because of 'norms'. Trump has done the US a big favour, because it's Trump 2.0 who is the real menace, that is a Trump who is not a complete idiot and knows how to use the levers of power. That can now be protected against.


Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/20 at 14:52:19

Ohhhh, I thought for a while that something was wrong, but you are one big family..... and the country is no longer divided into 2 parts.
It is cone be one big reunion... stupid me  ;)

You know what I,ll put mij trust in Trump making averything great again. :P
Let's meet here again in a few weeks, then we'll have a chat about how wonderful Trump is. And how he had no share whatsoever in what is to come.

I say all this, because I think the consequences of what will be, will be so far-reaching that it is better that we start hoarding food here in Europe.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/02/20 at 15:32:42

don't worry, trump is a showman, a conman and above all a coward. He got lucky and conned enough people. There's no point being in government if you don't have the senate, so Trump will play a big part in giving Biden and Harris a senate majority. In the end he's done America a big favour. If Florida falls on election night which is well possible due to early counting, then trump will not even be able to falsely claim victory.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by zevenenergie on 11/02/20 at 15:50:29

Perhaps.... Politics is a profession in its own right.

But I think people are going to go wild, and that's so hugely contagious. Everyone has been holding back for so long. Once it starts, there is no stopping it, until people are exhausted. And history shows that that can take quite a while.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by WebsterMark on 11/02/20 at 17:19:50

Let’s insert a little honesty here, PEOPLE  are not going to go wild. Leftist are going to go wild.

And it will take a while to burn out. Portland OR has been facing that for 4 months. And that dumb$hit of a mayor said he’s worried about right wing white supremacist violence. Why do we tolerate $hitheads like this? No one believes that.

Trump wins?....and major cities will burn. Leftist Democrats are spoiled children.

Title: Re: Voter FRAUD
Post by eau de sauvage on 11/02/20 at 18:36:28

Trump is going to lose in a landslide. He is completely off his rocker today, he's going on and on about how it's crazy that he can't have a decision on election night. Pennsylvania doesn't even start counting the mail in votes till the day after the election.

As I said, Trump is as a pissweak tinpot wannabe dictator. All he is interested in is tormenting chaos from a handful of his most crazy supporters. There won't be any violence, there'll just be a lot of whining from the WH. You know there's gonna be so much whining.

What is going to be interesting is how much damage he is going to try and do between tomorrow and 20th Jan. He will burn the country down if he can. The day of reckoning is to come.

Hopefully Lindsey Graham will be out too. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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