General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> our four possible civil wars

Message started by philthymike on 09/24/20 at 07:45:09

Title: our four possible civil wars
Post by philthymike on 09/24/20 at 07:45:09

A thought provoking analysis of the potential causes and types of fighting we might expect when and if Civil War breaks out.

I find it particularly interesting that so much thought is being put into this. And disturbing too.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by Eegore on 09/24/20 at 09:29:06

I find it particularly interesting that so much thought is being put into this. And disturbing too.

 Well that is this guys job, to develop easy to learn and play games, and he does it well.  Modern application of historical events seems to be his line of work.  This stuff is really interesting usually.

 I remember all the Civil War scenarios that came out when Obama was running the first time.  Tons of "South will rise again" scenarios etc.

 In Louisiana I visited a guy who had quonset huts and beds put in his backyard for all the people that would move to the south for the Revolution when Obama got elected.  This was even on the local news.  I respected his tenacity but what a level of delusion to think people would drop everything to live in huts in his backyard over an election.

 As for today who knows.  Every president since I was in middle school was going to alter the Constitution to stay in office, every election would lead to an assassination or civil war.  

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by philthymike on 09/24/20 at 14:17:21

Is killing one another going to really solve anything?
Seems to me if any bloodshed takes place you'll get more for your money with an assassination.

And like the author of that article says Russia and China have their knives and forks out drooling for an opportunity like this to carve this country apart and devour it still screaming.

We'll go into a civil war and come out the other side as the People's Republic of Amerika.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by Matchless G11 on 09/24/20 at 16:55:55

Assassinations never seem to work out well, The only one that "did" was one that was not successful. The is when Claus von stauffenberg put a bomb in a breif case and left it in the room with Hitler.
It did not kill Hitler but it did seem to put him in paranoid overdrive, thus shorten the war for us.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by MnSpring on 09/24/20 at 17:29:33

5676747C6176130 wrote:
 Well that is this guys job, to develop easy to learn and play games, and he does it well.   
"... If Biden loses, his supporters will blame GOP trickery and voter disenfranchisement.
If Trump loses, his supporters will blame voter fraud and riots.
It doesn’t matter that the first one of those is real,
            and the second isn’t..."

He, Plays Games, Well !

And Ray Charlies and Stevie Wonder could see how SOCIALISTIC, he/she is.

What a ...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ; 'er

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by Eegore on 09/24/20 at 17:43:08

 I already know Trump supporters that say he will lose because of voter fraud.  

 Didn't he just say today that voter fraud is why he won't agree to peaceful transfer of power?

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/20 at 17:47:06

Ohh,, after fouor years of peaceful transfer of power,, now its on TRump..

Lefties have been using fraudulent means to oppose TRump since day one,
Comey and that little B effin ITCH should be in prison,,

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by Eegore on 09/24/20 at 17:48:45

"Ohh,, after fouor years of peaceful transfer of power,, now its on TRump.."

 Only if he says he won't transfer power.   Who else should be held accountable for what one says other than the person who says it?

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/20 at 17:59:34

Yeah,, TRump will barricde himself in the WH..
Stop being silly,,
Listen to what is actually being said, Im not gonna try to quote her, but he states that he will abide by the voice of the people,,

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by Eegore on 09/24/20 at 18:45:48

 I don't think Trump will physically fight, I just think those statements add to the "Voter Fraud" idea.  I know a number of people that are saying he will lose because of voter fraud.

 Nobody has specifics, they just know that's why he will lose.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by philthymike on 09/24/20 at 19:13:38

03201D3E3C2720294E0 wrote:
[quote author=5676747C6176130 link=1600958709/0#1 date=1600964946]
 Well that is this guys job, to develop easy to learn and play games, and he does it well.   
"... If Biden loses, his supporters will blame GOP trickery and voter disenfranchisement.
If Trump loses, his supporters will blame voter fraud and riots.
It doesn’t matter that the first one of those is real,
            and the second isn’t..."

He, Plays Games, Well !

And Ray Charlies and Stevie Wonder could see how SOCIALISTIC, he/she is.

What a ...
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ; 'er


Funny how the commie dirtbags are the ones publicly strategizing a civil war. After they start the war I'm sure the news will call it a peaceful protest.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/24/20 at 20:33:15

Joe Biden: 600 lawyers ready to battle Trump election › politics › elections › 2020/07/02
Jul 2, 2020 - 'If it's close – watch out': Biden says he has 600 lawyers ready to fight election ... But experts dispute Trump's claims about vote-by-mail. A study ...

Biden Campaign Deploys 600 Lawyers So Trump Can't 'Steal › sites › alisondurkee › 2020/07/02
Jul 2, 2020 - The campaign is sending lawyers and volunteers to every state “to try ... accept the election results, saying on The Daily Show in June that his ...

Biden assembles army of attorneys for post-election legal fight › us-news › sep › biden-attorne...
Sep 16, 2020 - Protracted battle expected as likely surge in mail-in votes means winner of Trump-Biden contest may not be known on election night.

Biden pulls together hundreds of lawyers as a bulwark against › article › us-usa-election-biden › bid...
Jul 1, 2020 - Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden said on Wednesday that his party has assembled a group of 600 lawyers and thousands of other ...

Biden Creates Legal War Room, Preparing for a Big Fight › U.S. › Politics
Sep 14, 2020 - ... and hundreds of lawyers, the Biden campaign is bracing for an extended legal ... this fall and be able to trust the results,” Ms. Remus said in an interview. ... “What we oppose is a rushed and forcibly implemented nationwide ...

Biden campaign readying hundreds of lawyers in expansive › politics › biden-voter-protection-efforts
Jul 2, 2020 - Joe Biden's campaign is assembling hundreds of lawyers nationwide to monitor potential voting issues as part of its extensive voter protection ...
Missing: outcome [ch8206]| Must include: outcome

Biden assembles legal team ahead of divisive 2020 › ...
Sep 14, 2020 - WASHINGTON (AP) — Democrat Joe Biden is assembling a team of top ... for an already divisive presidential contest in November that could produce ... locked in legal fights on election rules that could help shape the outcome of the vote, ... Democratic lawyer Marc Elias and a team of lawyers from his firm, ...

Joe Biden Campaign Hires Hundreds of Lawyers | Law & › 2020-election › biden-brings-in-hu...
Sep 14, 2020 - The Biden campaign has brought in an army of lawyers, including former ... order to suppress the vote and as a pretext to any potential challenge over ... 2020 is to have a “free and fair election” with results that can be trusted.

Biden assembles legal team ahead of potential court ... - › newshour › politics › biden-assembles-l...
Sep 14, 2020 - Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is assembling a team of top ... for an already divisive presidential contest in November that could produce ... locked in legal fights on election rules that could help shape the outcome of the vote, ... Democratic lawyer Marc Elias and a team of lawyers from his firm, ...

Why Has Biden Hired 600 Lawyers? | News › news › why-has-biden-hired-60...
Biden says he needs all these lawyers to fend off “voter suppression,” which he ... Following a highly publicized election contest, she lost to Republican Trump ...

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by philthymike on 09/25/20 at 06:59:22

I can't even afford a single lawyer for my case against the public adjuster who robbed us blind.

Clearly the left wants a fight. Hopefully it will take place in court and not in the streets.
The last thing we need right now is more peaceful protesting.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by philthymike on 09/25/20 at 15:53:49

There's a fifth scenario our good buddy the Socialist gamer left out.
Civil war erupts and the military gives the finger to whoever the president is and forcefully occupies DC kicking all the infantile squabbling politicians to the curb and puts the country under military rule.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by MnSpring on 09/26/20 at 07:58:17

Could also be, No Civil War.
Trump wins, Nothing will happen.
Because he WILL stop the Stealing Arsonists.

Biden wins, his goons, thugs, er, 'protesters',
(about, 1,000 - 2,000)
will 'think', they can expand their, Theft !
However they will be met,
by about 130 MILLION Citizens.
that will say, 'NO'.

Then they will run real fast and hide in Mommies & Daddies basements !.

Title: Re: our four possible civil wars
Post by philthymike on 09/26/20 at 09:56:58

In my estimations the left can't really sustain protracted fighting. Not enough actual fighters. Look at what they're comprised of. Gays, effeminate metrosexual guilty white males, drug addicts, lesbos, trannys, spoiled Stupid rich kids from the affluent suburbs and naturally black people. I don't see Hispanics throwing in for this, they really don't give a darn about American cultural issues. They'll watch out for themselves and enjoy watching the spectacle from the sidelines with a cold beer.
The lesbos are probably the toughest of them after the blacks which they'll use as cannon fodder. Once they run low on able bodied black males who aren't incarcerated what's left really? The gays? Oh scary.
Their white males may contain the odd ex military members but really they're all emasculated from being shamed and guilt tripped the last few decades for their toxic masculinity and white privilege. Groveling at the feet of women, gays and blacks for so long like whipped dogs they're of little use except as suicide bombers at best.
Then there's the trannys which are mostly dudes and they usually have a bit of feist to them but their numbers are so few.

The left wants a fight but to not have to actually fight in it so it'll be all the suckers they can get to fight for them. All the angry victim groups whose dire they've been fomenting with their divisive social justice, identity politics and race baiting brainwashing.
Once those pawns are gone or surrendered there will be a hasty retreat back to their gated communities and Ivy League campuses to lay low until it's all blown over so they can start the next phase of their psychological warfare campaign against the population.
And anonymously sow the seeds for their next great bloody revolution they won't spill their own blood in. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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