General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.

Message started by srinath on 09/20/20 at 05:18:38

Title: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by srinath on 09/20/20 at 05:18:38

And democrats have come to regret changing the 60 vote to simple majority - and watch them get creamed.

I cant believe they're this incompetent even at corruption and Hubris. What a useless bunch of dolts. Seriously, if you walked into a democrat run pizza place, you'd find pizzas in the oven and all the sauce on the floor cos they cant open the bottle and are showing that bottle how strong they are by smashing the bottles on the floor.


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/20 at 07:30:11

I do not believe for one second that was her dying sentence. I think her granddaughter is lying about that. I’m sure she said something like that at some point in the last few days but I doubt with that was her last words. If it was, that’s an utterly pathetic way to end your life. And it shows just how much she believed herself to be more important than the system.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/20 at 07:47:05


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/20 at 09:16:54

As could be expected,... see clearly now...
Funny how that works.

RBG has some big, tiny shoes to to fill...

RBG Writes Personal Note To Girl Who Dressed Up As Her For Superhero Day
“Dear Michele: You look just like me!"

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/20 at 10:17:25

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
As could be expected,... see clearly now...
Funny how that works.

RBG has some big, tiny shoes to to fill...

RBG Writes Personal Note To Girl Who Dressed Up As Her For Superhero Day
“Dear Michele: You look just like me!"

Really? Show me where I had a different position then,

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by Serowbot on 09/20/20 at 10:34:45

5F4046415C5B6A5A6A52404C07350 wrote:
Really? Show me where I had a different position then,

Pardon me, JoG...
I was speaking generally...

... but,.. isn't she a little darling?...
Those eyes melt my heart

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 09/20/20 at 11:40:19

5B696E7F78697E416D7E670C0 wrote:
I do not believe for one second that was her dying sentence. I think her granddaughter is lying about that. I’m sure she said something like that at some point in the last few days but I doubt with that was her last words. If it was, that’s an utterly pathetic way to end your life. And it shows just how much she believed herself to be more important than the system.

TOTALLY believe,
that was,  NOT, her dying sentence.

So far that statement can be traced to NPR,
(Rather well known UL, FDS Socialistic, propaganda)
With the rest of the TDS affected media repeating it.

Not gonna be any way to prove, or not prove, it was said.

Unless the granddaughter tells the truth.
Which has the same likelihood of a poncho,
stopping a bullet !

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/20 at 12:34:42

Which has the same likelihood of a poncho,
stopping a bullet !

Worked for Clint Eastwood..
Of course the wood burning stove door hangin behind it MAY have had somethin to do with it..

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/20 at 15:45:59

The Senate deferred action on the Garland nomination because at that time, the White House was in Democrat hands while the Senate was majority-Republican. It was an appropriate exercise of discretion in a split-control situation. The election of Hillary Clinton would have made it impossible to avoid a straight up-or-down Senate vote on Merrick Garland. The loss of the Senate majority to the Democrats would have had the same effect. But the election of Donald Trump and the GOP’s retention of the Senate majority would – and did – put the Garland nomination in a different light, one where the Senate could reasonably allow the incoming president to put forward a different nominee.

    Today, there is no split-control situation. The White House and the Senate are both Republican-dominated. It is reasonable for the president to submit a nominee to the Senate for its advice and consent. It is also reasonable for the Senate to act or not act on such a nomination in its own good time. What President Trump will do, and what Majority Leader McConnell will do, we shall soon see.

    But on a larger and more important point, Schumer’s nonsense about “the American people” deserving “a voice” in the selection of the nominee is contrary to the Constitutional design. Such a “voice” is expressed through their selections of Senators and President. With both those institutions in Republican hands, it is wholly within reason that the president should put forward the nominee of his choice, and leave what follows to the Senate.

Some context for it all

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/20/20 at 15:49:02

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
[quote author=5F4046415C5B6A5A6A52404C07350 link=1600604318/0#4 date=1600622245]

Really? Show me where I had a different position then,

Pardon me, JoG...
I was speaking generally...

... but,.. isn't she a little darling?...
Those eyes melt my heart [/quote]

Ginsburg’s votes allowed many little girls like that to be cut into pieces and thrown out as medical waste because someone else thought those  future eyes weren’t anything other than a choice. They never had a chance to melt someone’s heart.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/20/20 at 17:02:40

Regarding the original removal of the filibuster for that was forced upon the democrats by Moscow Mitch's absolute obstructionist stand, Mconnell then removed the Filibuster to ram through Kavanaugh. It's time the the Democrats to eliminate the final filibuster hurdle. So if the Republican steal a second Supreme Court seat, what can the Democrats do, well as they say in the article below, if they win the presidency but lose the Senate, then the Democrats will have to suck it up.

However if they win both the Presidency and the Senate, there are a few options, all of them good for democracy and are summed up here...

If the Democrats fail to retake the majority in the Senate in November, their options are few except to grin and bear it. But, if they win the majority and Joe Biden wins the Presidency, there are four major possibilities for retribution—which all happen to be good policy as well. The first is the abolition of the filibuster, which should have happened decades ago. Even in the minority, McConnell will do everything he can to thwart Biden, and the filibuster will be the tool. This antidemocratic relic should be retired once and for all.

Second, statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico, with two senators apiece, would be another appropriate rejoinder. Third, Congress should pass a law expanding the number of lower-court federal judges; that number has not increased since Jimmy Carter was President. Finally, the greatest and most appropriate form of retribution involves the Supreme Court itself.

The number of Justices is not fixed in the Constitution but, rather, established by statute. If Republicans succeed in stealing two seats—the Scalia and Ginsburg vacancies—the Democrats could simply pass a law that creates two or three more seats on the Supreme Court. To do so would be to play hardball in a way that is foreign to the current Senate Democrats. But maybe, in light of all that’s happened, that’s a game they should learn to play.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/20/20 at 18:34:08

Oooh, Kavanaugh,
Lies on top of lies, trying to destroy a reasonably decent guy.. He's been a bit of a disappointment, but not just terrible..

Ford's Best friend for life said Ford was full of it..
But keep believing he had rape parties and nobody remembered until he was nominated for SCOTUS.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/20/20 at 22:56:50

as usual JoG completely misses the point, which is then covered by disparaging Ford, the filibuster was removed by the Republicans in order to force an unelectable not so much that it was shouty Kavanaugh it could have been anyone because this is Mitch's project. If the Democrats win control of the Senate then they have carte blanche to pursue all the options in the red paragraph in my previous post. So the next election is not about the Presidency it's about the Sentate and the future of the Republic and  "if you can keep it"

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/20 at 08:51:21

If you can impeach a President in an election year, hard to argue that same President can’t appoint a replacement Supreme Court Justice in the same year.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 09:51:05

If you can impeach a President in an election year, hard to argue that same President can’t appoint a replacement Supreme Court Justice in the same year.

Well maybe its hard for you to argue that but that is expected. Now there's nothing in the Constitution that says a President cannot appoint a SC Judge. The issue is that McConnell stole one from Obama in the name of Merrick Garland on his newly invented 'principle' that you cannot appoint a Judge this close to an election, which was at the time nine months.

The Democrats will have finally woken up that being 'nice guys' and playing by the rules is just for suckers and losers. This is going to be a handy attitude to have if they win the Senate and the Presidency. McConnell will have overplayed his hand and the electorate might very well understand the importance of giving Biden a Senate majority.

The "McConnell rule" goes out the window when it's convenient. However it's only convenient to McConnell. Pretty soon Trump will realise that it's in his own interest to not appoint another SC judge. Why? Because then he can dangle that as a carrot to the hypocritical evangelics. If the Supreme Court has a super majority, then Trump has nothing more to offer them.

Remember Trump is just a useful idiot. So it's my prediction that Trump will not appoint anyone, or he might appoint someone and convince McConnell to make sure it doesn't happen and then blame it on the Democrats.

It's tricky because McConnell only cares about raw power and remaking the Judiciary, he won't give a toss about what Trump wants. He knows if they lose the Presidency then he'll have missed his chance.

But Trump doesn't care about any of that, his only consideration as always is what benefits him personally.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/20 at 11:34:49

So it's my prediction that Trump will not appoint anyone, or he might appoint someone and convince McConnell to make sure it doesn't happen and then blame it on the Democrats.

So in a coin toss, you choose both heads and tails with some nonsensical explanation that’s supposed to make you look smart or something?

If you’re going to make a political prediction, make it. $hit or get off the pot.

And if after watching the Kavanaugh hearings, the Banana Republic impeachment fiasco and the ‘look the other way’ response to street violence and think the Democrat’s default character is nice.......then you must be the guy typing “200 million are dead” on Uncle Joe’s teleprompter.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/21/20 at 12:40:52

Had she only retired while Obama could replace her with another activist working diligently to destroy what made America great..

Party affiliation of Supreme court justices Shouldnt matter. But because theyre unable or unwilling to just do the job without bias,, there we go..

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 13:36:14

@wm, the only prediction worth any salt is that if Biden gets the Senate he'll add two seats on Scotus and add make DC and PR states, in fact I said he'd pack the court ages ago. He really has to, to save the Republic. However it's pretty obvious that McConnell is at this stage more concerned with his legacy so if Trump tries to keep the nominee as a carrot, this is too important for McConnell. It could backfire badly.

@JoG, Ginsberg couldn't retire, McConnell would simply stonewall anyone Obama selected. He point blank refused to even consider anyone for Scalia's seat, so how was Ginsberg retiring going to make any difference to that situation.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/20 at 14:46:32

I have a $200 bet with Eegore on the outcome of the election made before Covid. Eegore stepped up because the former vaginal discharge from Chicago had a big mouth but no conviction to back it up. I still like my odds of winning.  

While DC is run by sellouts to leftist traitors, I wouldn’t bet PR is quite so willing to hand over sovereignty to Harris, Pelosi and Schumer.

Selling statehood and packing courts because that’s the only way to get policies enacted is the definition of destroying The Republic. And in a more civilized time, they’d be shot.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 15:15:46

And what was your bet on the election, It's pretty obvious that Biden will win, and I predicted that ages ago, not that Biden would win because he wasn't selected then, but rather that there's no way that Americans will select Trump now that they've seen him. I said he'd lose by a larger majority, probably 5 million. I wasn't sure about the electoral college then but I am now.

However this is not the bet that is worth having, which is given that Biden will win the question is, will the Democrats be able to flip the Senate. That I do not know. I wouldn't bet on it but I think it's possible because this is not going to be a close election like everyone thinks, it's going to be a landslide to Biden.

You focus on "packing the courts" but why do they need to be packed, that's right because McConnell used his power to thwart the President so he could keep working on getting Judges who would uphold their undemocratic Gerrymanders and voter suppression.

McConnell left 100 Federal Court judges for Trump too, by obstructing Obama at every turn. Removing the final filibuster, making DC and PR States, and packing the Court with two Judges is only what is the right thing to do. The 'packing of the court' would only balance the two Judges that McConnell stole (assuming he gets to replace Ginsburg before the election)

What comes around goes around. The reason I do think that Biden can flip the Senate is that America as an idea, 'the great experiment' is simply too important for the future of humanity. And I have a deep faith that however fcuked up the world is and America is, ultimately there are good people there and that what is right will ultimately prevail. Biden winning and not flipping the Senate will be close to useless. But then maybe it's meant to happen that way and next election will see Kamala Harris and a flipped Senate. A lot can happen in four years, she has time to grow into the role.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by Eegore on 09/21/20 at 15:23:39

"I have a $200 bet with Eegore on the outcome of the election made before Covid. Eegore stepped up because the former vaginal discharge from Chicago had a big mouth but no conviction to back it up. I still like my odds of winning. "

 I don't recall the outcome and do not recall paying $200 US.

 I may be deficient, which is a big issue to me.  Do I owe you, or someone some coin?  

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/20 at 16:04:16

7656545C4156330 wrote:
"I have a $200 bet with Eegore on the outcome of the election made before Covid. Eegore stepped up because the former vaginal discharge from Chicago had a big mouth but no conviction to back it up. I still like my odds of winning. "

 I don't recall the outcome and do not recall paying $200 US.

 I may be deficient, which is a big issue to me.  Do I owe you, or someone some coin?  

Good, cause I’d feel bad taking your money. We bet on Trump winning. As I recall, you stepped cause TT was getting his a$$ handed to him. You were being a nice guy. At the time, I figured Harris would be Trump’s competition which as it turned out, she kinda is.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by srinath on 09/21/20 at 16:04:26

He he he , Its not even like you made your bed now lie in it, the libtards squealing now is pretty much like - You made my bed, and forced me to lie in it, and now that I looks like I'm doing well, you wanna pregnant dog and moan LOL.


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/20 at 16:10:31

And what was your bet on the election, It's pretty obvious that Biden will win

Let’s bet. Loser will ask the moderator to delete them from the forum.

There is a risk. Democrats will protest like hell when they lose. Already saw a state judge rule ballots can be counted three days after Election Day.

I’d love to be a scummy leftist lawyer in DC cause they’re gonnna clean up filing suit after suit,

But eventually, even the leftist on the Supreme Court will have to follow The Constitution.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by srinath on 09/21/20 at 16:21:39

5F6D6A7B7C6D7A45697A63080 wrote:
And what was your bet on the election, It's pretty obvious that Biden will win

Let’s bet. Loser will ask the moderator to delete them from the forum.

There is a risk. Democrats will protest like hell when they lose. Already saw a state judge rule ballots can be counted three days after Election Day.

I’d love to be a scummy leftist lawyer in DC cause they’re gonnna clean up filing suit after suit,

But eventually, even the leftist on the Supreme Court will have to follow The Constitution.

Man, you should already know the Left uses the constitution for toilet paper. Or only the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and a bunch of others as well as the main BOR. The 14th is it, they love, the 10th they use to get crap from the feds and not use it, and the 25th will be used by Ole Joe in case he won, by the 25th of Jan and he'll retire to the nursing home with his 2 memory care nurses for the next 10 yrs on the taxpayers dime.

So unless it is abused they got no use for it.


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 17:30:49

@WM, Why would I make a bet about anything of any kind with a non entity like yourself, especially something like staying on this forum which I couldn't give a toss about who is or is not on it, the entire forum is a polluted cesspit of shite, I just turn up occasionally now for a larf and wonder why I ever took it seriously, and in fact I still wonder why Eegore, submits himself to your continuous insults like some sort of pu55y whipped husband.

That you think Trump can win just goes to show that you do not understand the electoral college at all. Trump has to hold all three rust belt States that he flipped and he's way behind in all three. and Biden could lose them all and still win the electoral college with Florida. And he can win without Florida which would just be a bonus. Trump is toast. The focus is on the Senate that's what this election is all about.

It's quite likely that Biden will get a result on election night, then it will be amusing to see how Trump reacts to that because if the result when his way before the mail in ballots got counted he'd be wanting to invalidate them all.

This entire election year has been so frikken weird what with covid, and impeachment and muller and barr and ginsburg that I predict there will be another dramatic twist in the tale before election night. Something big will happen. Maybe Biden will have an heart attack just before the vote and Harris ends up getting elected by a shocked nation. Anything can happen in these topsy turvy times.

But I ultimately do have faith in your flawed democratic republic.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/21/20 at 18:19:15

66746063747270150 wrote:
@WM, Why would I make a bet about anything of any kind with a non entity like yourself, especially something like staying on this forum which I couldn't give a toss about who is or is not on it, the entire forum is a polluted cesspit of shite, I just turn up occasionally now for a larf and wonder why I ever took it seriously, and in fact I still wonder why Eegore, submits himself to your continuous insults like some sort of pu55y whipped husband.  

I don’t insult Eegore. I’ve called BS on his comments a couple times and I’ve admitted he’s changed my mind on a few things.

You don’t wanna bet because 1) you’re talking smack and 2) you’d miss this cesspool.

That you think Trump can win just goes to show that you do not understand the electoral college at all. Trump has to hold all three rust belt States that he flipped and he's way behind in all three. and Biden could lose them all and still win the electoral college with Florida. And he can win without Florida which would just be a bonus. Trump is toast. The focus is on the Senate that's what this election is all about.

Trump was behind the first time in those states. First, tell me why those three or four thousand people in those key states would switch to Harris/Biden? What are they going to give them Trump hasn’t?

It's quite likely that Biden will get a result on election night, then it will be amusing to see how Trump reacts to that because if the result when his way before the mail in ballots got counted he'd be wanting to invalidate them all.

This entire election year has been so frikken weird what with covid, and impeachment and muller and barr and ginsburg that I predict there will be another dramatic twist in the tale before election night. Something big will happen. Maybe Biden will have an heart attack just before the vote and Harris ends up getting elected by a shocked nation. Anything can happen in these topsy turvy times.

But I ultimately do have faith in your flawed democratic republic.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 23:29:38

OK WM, if the best is that if Trump becomes President I cease to post here and if Trump loses you cease to post, then sure I'll take that. But you mentioned something about a name, which sounds to me like you'll just resign up with another name. That's the sort of slippery thing I'd expect.

So you state the terms of the bet in unequivocal languageand if the terms are suitable I'll take the bet, because I'm certain enough that Trump will lose the Presidency. Your call.

Trump was behind the first time in those states.

The first time is irrelevant, because he was an unknown quantity, who talked the big talk, (remember he's a con man) now people are voting on the person they've seen for four years. Trump is toast. And if Biden win Florida he won't need any of the rust belt. But he doesn't need Florida either.

When Trump points to the riots and all his fear mongering and says 'this is what Biden will give you, people aren't stupid, they know he's the President not Biden, all the chaos is on Trump's watch.

But Trump losing won't be the end of Trump, he'll snipe from the sidelines. I'm not just predicting a Biden win, I'm predicting a landslide. This is going to be the biggest voter turnout in any election ever.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 23:41:38


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/21/20 at 23:51:02


2 min55 secs in listen to Trumps slurring  where he cannot even pronounce his own name.

@ 9 mins and 52 secs, there is a montage clip of what the GOP said they would do if the situation that has now arisen, actually occurred.


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/22/20 at 05:00:22

22302427303634510 wrote:
OK WM, if the best is that if Trump becomes President I cease to post here and if Trump loses you cease to post, then sure I'll take that. But you mentioned something about a name, which sounds to me like you'll just resign up with another name. That's the sort of slippery thing I'd expect.

So you state the terms of the bet in unequivocal languageand if the terms are suitable I'll take the bet, because I'm certain enough that Trump will lose the Presidency. Your call.

Trump was behind the first time in those states.

The first time is irrelevant, because he was an unknown quantity, who talked the big talk, (remember he's a con man) now people are voting on the person they've seen for four years. Trump is toast. And if Biden win Florida he won't need any of the rust belt. But he doesn't need Florida either.

When Trump points to the riots and all his fear mongering and says 'this is what Biden will give you, people aren't stupid, they know he's the President not Biden, all the chaos is on Trump's watch.

But Trump losing won't be the end of Trump, he'll snipe from the sidelines. I'm not just predicting a Biden win, I'm predicting a landslide. This is going to be the biggest voter turnout in any election ever.


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/22/20 at 05:29:14

The first time is irrelevant, because he was an unknown quantity, who talked the big talk, (remember he's a con man) now people are voting on the person they've seen for four years. Trump is toast.

Everyone knew exactly who he was. No one was surprised. Trump was perhaps the most open and transparent candidate ever.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/22/20 at 09:30:01

Polls are polls,, but look at the parades, boats, buggies, cars,
and folks, even the Cubans in Florida,, These things tell us Just how unpopular he is..
and OHH Lookie!

Biden isnt gettin anywhere near the action,,

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/22/20 at 10:42:25

Democrats will cheat, that’s a given. And it’s possible they’ll pull it off.

But on the whole, I like his chances. I think Uncle Joe’s gonna have to find a way to get out of a debate. Maybe his team have figured out a way to avoid Joe speaking off the cuff on dozens of topics. Not sure what they’re gonna do.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/22/20 at 13:22:22

Everyone knew exactly who he was.

People thought the Presidency would constrain him, their was a hopeful belief.

Trump was perhaps the most open and transparent candidate ever.

lol. He promised his tax returns would be released like the Presidents before him and has been fighting tooth and nail ever since to thwart that. Plus there's the hush money payments. I'm not putting this up as an extensive list, it's just to point out the most obvious things that come to mind. You talk like Trump when you say things like 'the most (fill in the blank) ever'.


Deal? What fcuking deal, I told you to state whatever the bet is again, clearly and unequivocally, without any room for weaselling out at the moment it's not clear enough. Then when you put up something that is clear, we can agree.

Democrats will cheat, that’s a given.

You're insane, Trump has already been cheating for the past year, undermining the entire election. You're seriously going to go along with Trump's assertion that he has already won? Yes Trump has already won, he cannot lose unless there is widespread fraud and cheating. So if he wins it's all good and if he loses he really won. Is this how you get out of your bet? When he loses you say he really won?

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by srinath on 09/22/20 at 13:52:57

625057464150477854475E350 wrote:
Democrats will cheat, that’s a given. And it’s possible they’ll pull it off.

But on the whole, I like his chances. I think Uncle Joe’s gonna have to find a way to get out of a debate. Maybe his team have figured out a way to avoid Joe speaking off the cuff on dozens of topics. Not sure what they’re gonna do.

Biden has Chinavirus and is required to be in doors for 6 weeks starting Sept 25th, and per doctors orders, strictly no debates.
When he gets out around thanksgiving and sees his shadow he's president.
BTW for libtards - This is a 100% acceptable and in fact recomended stance


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 09/22/20 at 18:26:16

6A786C6F787E7C190 wrote:
 ...  I said he'd lose by a larger majority, probably 5 million. ...

So, how many of those 5 Mil you say,
are NOT USA Citizens ????
Where in MANY States, MN Included, you do NOT HAVE TO PROVE you are a Citizen, just check a box.
How many of them vote 2,3,5 times ????
How many real Citizens, vote 2,3,5 times in a District, (Say Mpls MN), off a Cable bill, Phone Bill, Gas bill, Rent recite, ????
How many DEAD people vote.
How many Nursing Home people are given a FREE ride around town, with a stop at the polling place ????
How many, Dogs, Cats, Horses, VOTE ????

And then hang on, because it will be the start of the total decline.
PROTECT ANY money you have,
cause any ‘paper’ and what is recorded in the bank/stocks, will be in 10 years be totally WORTHLESS.

And any and all, freedoms will be totally taken away,
only way to survive is to act like a person living in Australia !!!!!

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/23/20 at 02:05:27

So, how many of those 5 Mil you say,
are NOT USA Citizens ????


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/23/20 at 04:52:39

Deal? What fcuking deal, I told you to state whatever the bet is again, clearly and unequivocally, without any room for weaselling out at the moment it's not clear enough. Then when you put up something that is clear, we can agree.

That was predictable.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/23/20 at 05:00:49

Biden has Chinavirus and is required to be in doors for 6 weeks starting Sept 25th, and per doctors orders, strictly no debates.

That’s a possibility but then they’re in a box. A disease that has a survival rate in the high 90’s% range has been painted as some sort of Biblical plague. If they say Biden has it and needs to rest but is expected to recover fully......that doesn’t match up with their catastrophic message very well.

On the other hand they’ll  get 100%  support from the news media so they might be able to pull that off. I honestly can’t think of any other way they’re going to get him out of the debates because there’s no way he’s going to stand up there with Trump and survive. Maybe their plan is to pump him full of some type of speed and energizing long enough, I suppose that’s a possibility.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/23/20 at 05:04:23

20322625323436530 wrote:
So, how many of those 5 Mil you say,
are NOT USA Citizens ????


I think the vote in California is going to surprise some people. Certainly Trump will not win the electoral votes in California. But right now I bet he will not lose by his much as he did to Hillary. The simple fact is Hispanics support Trump in far greater numbers than they have in the past.

Remember when you talk about this “Hillary won by 3 million votes last election” thing recall that she won by 4 million more in California and lost 1 million in the other 49 states. That’s why we have an Electoral College.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/23/20 at 05:23:10

Here’s an interesting factoid I just saw. Kamala Harris has been the VP nominee for the past 42 days and hasn’t had a single open press conference. Not one.
Why is that? We know why uncle Joe can’t take questions but why can’t Cruela?

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 09/23/20 at 07:30:34

eau de sauvage wrote on 09/21/20 at 23:29:38:
... which sounds to me like you'll just resign up with another name. That's the sort of slippery thing I'd expect.

Golly Gee Wally, that sort of thing has NEVER been done before,
by a   …slippery…  Progressive Socialist.
Who was FOOLED,
by a person who, WAS, a staunch Republican,
then saw he could easily make more money,
by DUPING, the Socialistic FDS Progressives,
by using the name Justice,
which is closely related to Comic Book Characters.
Which his audience, donators, subscribers, followers, believe in.
;D ;D ;D ;D

eau de savage wrote:  ...When he loses you say he really won?…
Seem to remember, starting about 3-3/4 years ago,
the Fairy Dust Sprinkling, Progressive Socialists
That a personal gain, pocket stuffing, Murdering, Lying, Cheating, POS,
‘actually’ won.

if he she loses he she really won

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by philthymike on 09/23/20 at 08:55:41

Maybe Bill Gates and Co. can cobble together an A.I. driven Joebot to tackle the debates for far-too-frail Biden?
In fact they can just put the robot in his place permanently if he wins so to stop worrying about his dying in his sleep two days into his presidency.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 09/23/20 at 20:06:55

4D5F4B485F595B3E0 wrote:

Really ?
Explain what, "FFS" means.
And explain why you, apparently, disagree.  

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/23/20 at 20:55:55

0F3D3A2B2C3D2A15392A33580 wrote:
Deal? What fcuking deal, I told you to state whatever the bet is again, clearly and unequivocally, without any room for weaselling out at the moment it's not clear enough. Then when you put up something that is clear, we can agree.

That was predictable.

What was predictable? I'm still waiting for the precise uneuquivocal terms that we both can agree to, I'm letting you name them, can't get fairer than that. I'm not going to set the terms because you're the one who wanted to bet, so wager away. I originally was under the impression that one of us agrees to fcuk off out of this forum permanently if our guy lost, but I'll need that either confirmed by you or name some other term.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/24/20 at 01:49:06


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 09/24/20 at 17:34:04

6E7C686B7C7A781D0 wrote:
...What was predictable?

Standing over here,
I would say what is Predictable,
is you  Backpedaling !!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by Eegore on 09/24/20 at 17:47:14

Good, cause I’d feel bad taking your money. We bet on Trump winning. As I recall, you stepped cause TT was getting his a$$ handed to him. You were being a nice guy. At the time, I figured Harris would be Trump’s competition which as it turned out, she kinda is.

 Oh yeah, I put in the wager because I thought it was going to the website here.  It had nothing to do with TT.

 Either way I will pay $200 donation if a US President is elected and call it a day.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/25/20 at 14:10:45

is you  Backpedaling !!!

Well that is fcuking weird, considering that WM has suddenly run away when I say sure I'll take a bet but word it in such a way so he can't weasel out of it, then bada bing, WM vanishes, and you say I'm 'backpedaling'. Nice to see that you come in to rescue your friend from a losing bet.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by srinath on 09/25/20 at 20:20:38

Oh wait a sec - RBG's husband of 376 yrs when he got dementia and was in a retirement home 108 yrs ago - he started boning other 311 yr old hotties, and RBG decided "he was not himself but instead was a teenager and let him go" LOL, but they wont extend the same courtesy to Biden ???

Come on man ... that 131 yr old chick is just begging for it, cant you see, its obvious ...

So Biden is being shafted on all sides now ??? Elder abuse and no boning other chicks under cover of dementia ??? so sadly, being a democrat presidential nominee, he only gets his memory care nurses but no boning  130 yr old crypt keepers ???


Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/20 at 06:30:40

2505070F1205600 wrote:
Good, cause I’d feel bad taking your money. We bet on Trump winning. As I recall, you stepped cause TT was getting his a$$ handed to him. You were being a nice guy. At the time, I figured Harris would be Trump’s competition which as it turned out, she kinda is.

 Oh yeah, I put in the wager because I thought it was going to the website here.  It had nothing to do with TT.

 Either way I will pay $200 donation if a US President is elected and call it a day.

Yes it did, you were nicely providing him cover.
Biden wins, I’ll send $200 to the site based on our bet and disappear based on what I think is an agreement with our Australian drive-by.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/20 at 06:37:00

4F5D494A5D5B593C0 wrote:
is you  Backpedaling !!!

Well that is fcuking weird, considering that WM has suddenly run away when I say sure I'll take a bet but word it in such a way so he can't weasel out of it, then bada bing, WM vanishes, and you say I'm 'backpedaling'. Nice to see that you come in to rescue your friend from a losing bet.

I’ve been busy drive-by. Pretty simple, Trump wins, you go away. Biden wins, I go away. Given the commie/socialist Democrats have polluted the stream with their mail in vote scam, it probably won’t be Election Day, but sooner or later, one will be declared the President.

Simple enough?

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 09/27/20 at 06:40:22

5D5C47404F5A462E0 wrote:
Oh wait a sec - RBG's husband of 376 yrs when he got dementia and was in a retirement home 108 yrs ago - he started boning other 311 yr old hotties, and RBG decided "he was not himself but instead was a teenager and let him go" LOL, but they wont extend the same courtesy to Biden ???

Come on man ... that 131 yr old chick is just begging for it, cant you see, its obvious ...

So Biden is being shafted on all sides now ??? Elder abuse and no boning other chicks under cover of dementia ??? so sadly, being a democrat presidential nominee, he only gets his memory care nurses but no boning  130 yr old crypt keepers ???


I just saw one of those videos Biden puts out cause he’s scared to take questions where he said he was in The Senate for 180 years! So your joke above is timely!

But seriously, Biden is a shell. No one is voting for Biden, you’re voting for Harris.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/27/20 at 16:44:55

I’ve been busy drive-by. Pretty simple, Trump wins, you go away. Biden wins, I go away. Given the commie/socialist Democrats have polluted the stream with their mail in vote scam, it probably won’t be Election Day, but sooner or later, one will be declared the President.

OK, done, you have your bet.  I reckon it won't even be close possibly Biden will be winning on election night itself. Regarding your fantasy world of mail in voter scam you should check this opinion piece by Benjamin Ginsburg, voter fraud is complete nonsense.

The president has said that “the only way we can lose … is if cheating goes on.” He has asserted that mail-in voting is “very dangerous” and that “there is tremendous fraud involved and tremendous illegality.”
The lack of evidence renders these claims unsustainable.

Read on and explain how you are able to dismiss this most partisan and experienced of Republican lawyers.

The president’s words make his and the Republican Party’s rhetoric look less like sincere concern — and more like transactional hypocrisy designed to provide an electoral advantage. And they come as Republicans trying to make their cases in courts must deal with the basic truth that four decades of dedicated investigation have produced only isolated incidents of election fraud.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

The president has said that “the only way we can lose … is if cheating goes on.” He has asserted that mail-in voting is “very dangerous” and that “there is tremendous fraud involved and tremendous illegality.”

The lack of evidence renders these claims unsustainable. The truth is that after decades of looking for illegal voting, there’s no proof of widespread fraud. At most, there are isolated incidents — by both Democrats and Republicans. Elections are not rigged. Absentee ballots use the same process as mail-in ballots — different states use different labels for the same process

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/27/20 at 18:10:35

@MnExplain what, "FFS" means.

It means a double handed facepalm, it means why bother trying to argue this with someone as mentally deficient as your good self. It means challenging electoral integrity in the USA, is only for the nutters, like yourself with absolutely zero ability to understand. See my above post or read what Benjamin Ginsburg himself has to say in full...

Before you go running to look up who Ginsburg is and try and discredit him he is the most loyal, connected, partisan Republican lawyer there is and has been at the forefront of looking for any type of election fraud for 30 years.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 09/28/20 at 08:22:35

24362221363032570 wrote:
... it means why bother trying to argue this with someone as mentally deficient as your good self.
It means challenging electoral integrity in the USA,
is only for the nutters, l
ike yourself with absolutely zero ability to understand.

A excellent explanation !!!!

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D  'er

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 09/30/20 at 15:36:17


posting endless little animated smiley faces as you do so often to various people on this forum, is not exactly a demonstration of your mental acuity, rather it is the very proof of your puerile inanity.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/30/20 at 17:56:03

The system is so secure that democrats refuse to allow voter I.D.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/01/20 at 00:42:38

Well I have no idea which State you're referring to  and all States have their own laws, but the actual instances of voter fraud are as good as negligible over the past 30 years. Including in States that are only mail in.

BTW voter ID laws are just another part of the GOP disenfranchisement of voters who they don't want to vote. Trump said as much when he said 'if all the people who could vote were allowed to vote there's never be another Republican government' or words to that effect. I guess this is why the Federalist Society has been grooming the likes of Kavanaugh and Barrett for a generation, and then ram them through as well as a whole bunch of their lower court Judges.

When Bill Barr was recently asked about what evidence he has in a recent interview with Wolf Blitzer, his answer was 'my own logic'. That says it all.

Trump knows he's lost this election, he knew that Biden was the best challenger, which is why he tried to set him up earlier. Trump is only interested in Trump and just like he bankrupted all his businesses, he's pretty well fcuked up any advantage he could get as President. He makes a lot of his money on 'branding' and he's pretty well trashed the Trump brand.

Because he is a clinical narcissist, all this election fraud bullsh!t is simply to convince himself (and whoever else he needs to believe him) that the election was 'stolen' by the 'deep State', blah blah. And that after he loses in a landslide he'll be able rev up all his racist loser followers.

He even complained about "millions of illegal votes", when he friggen won! because he lost the popular vote. Oh boo fcuking hoo, people didn't praise him enough. Trump will soon be history.

His debate performance and all his other antics are simply to pander to the same people who are going to vote for him anyway, in spite of the fact that it will lose him even more swing voters. He's just an idiot.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/20 at 04:52:11

voter ID laws are just another part of the GOP disenfranchisement of voters who they don't want to vote.

OHH, DO expound on THAT,,
I want you to explain just exactly how asking someone for THE Very Same Identification that is REQUIRED to get on ANY govt. aid, or open a banl accpunt, cash a check, rent a car, get on an airplane,, OHH, DO explain it,, oh please ,,Ohh PLease,,

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/01/20 at 14:47:10

Because the voter ID laws are arbitrary in what ID's are required, and they are designed to affect the people who would not vote GOP substantially more. In fact the current system works pretty well because over the past 30 years voter fraud in the US elections is vanishingly rare.

Trump set up a commission after the 2016 election due to his claims of 'millions' of fraudulent votes and the commission was disbanded having found nothing. This current attempt is simply Trump creating a background to contest the election, but it won't work because he will lose in a landslide, but your fragile democracy still loses, because you buy into the bs.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/01/20 at 15:00:46

Because the voter ID laws are arbitrary in what ID's are required, and they are designed to affect the people who would not vote GOP substantially more.


In what way?
A Photo ID that would suffice for opening a checking account is Arbitrary now?

and they are designed to affect the people who would not vote GOP ..

So,, people who woud need government assistance are targeted?
Who are you saying would vote GOP?
You cant even get IN a federal building without a photo id,,
YOu cant get Social security,, Welfare, medicare, food stamps,,
So,, wanna try again?
Do you even KNOW what parts of daily life in America have built into them a legal requirement for a Photo ID?

AWW Hayull! YOu Got Me!

You cant be hired without a photo ID,,

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/01/20 at 21:54:37


In what way?

Different States have different laws, if they were solid then the ID laws would be done in such a way that minorities are not disadvantaged. similar to marijuana offences, people are arbitrarily arrested or not charged mostly depending on their minority status.

These are simply facts, if you don't give a sh!t that minorities are disenfranchised, that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion but don't hide behind bullshit. Because the facts are that voter fraud is almost non existent to the point of irrelevance.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 10/02/20 at 07:01:03

4B594D4E595F5D380 wrote:
.../Different States have different laws,  

Yep, like MN,
where one DOES NOT NEED,
to prove one is a Citizen,
just 'check a box',
to Vote.

BUT, if selected for JURY duty,
One MUST PROVE Beyond a shadow of a doubt.
that you are NOT, a Citizen,
to not serve.

(For Eegore, excepting the standard exceptions)

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/20 at 12:16:48

12001417000604610 wrote:

In what way?

Different States have different laws, if they were solid then the ID laws would be done in such a way that minorities are not disadvantaged. similar to marijuana offences, people are arbitrarily arrested or not charged mostly depending on their minority status.

These are simply facts, if you don't give a sh!t that minorities are disenfranchised, that's fine, you're entitled to your opinion but don't hide behind bullshit. Because the facts are that voter fraud is almost non existent to the point of irrelevance.

Some4 states require ID,, some dont
Thats different, awwrite..

Why is it
anyone to require a state issued photo ID to vote?

Canr get on welfare without it,,
Cant open a bank account\
Buy booze
Many things,, like getting IN a federal building,,
Youre Choosing to fail to grasp the obvious, because
Youre a lefty.
Here, let me help ya,,
It Is NOT in any way Racist or somehow against anyone who would be more likely to vote one way or the other.
There is only one treason to keep this ridiculous pretense up.. And that is because the chaos created in the system by NOT demanding voter ID favors democrats,,

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/02/20 at 13:35:09

You keep forgetting that voting Fraud is negligible to the point of virtually non existent and it's been that way for at least the past 30 years. End of.

What you need is enforcement and improvement of the voting rights act.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/02/20 at 18:54:57

You keep forgetting that voting Fraud is negligible to the point of virtually non existent..

So you say,, repeatedly,,

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/02/20 at 21:23:19

Not me, I go by Benjamin Ginsburg, and in fact Trump's own phoney commission after the 2016 election found nothing and was disbanded, this is after Trump claim "millions and millions" of fake ballots.

The president’s words make his and the Republican Party’s rhetoric look less like sincere concern — and more like transactional hypocrisy designed to provide an electoral advantage. And they come as Republicans trying to make their cases in courts must deal with the basic truth that four decades of dedicated investigation have produced only isolated incidents of election fraud.

These are painful conclusions for me to reach. Before retiring from law practice last month, I spent 38 years in the GOP’s legal trenches. I was part of the 1990s redistricting that ended 40 years of Democratic control and brought 30 years of GOP successes in Congress and state legislatures. I played a central role in the 2000 Florida recount and several dozen Senate, House and state contests. I served as counsel to all three Republican national party committees and represented four of the past six Republican presidential nominees (including, through my law firm, Trump 2020).

Each Election Day since 1984, I’ve been in precincts looking for voting violations, or in Washington helping run the nationwide GOP Election Day operations, overseeing the thousands of Republican lawyers and operatives each election on alert for voting fraud. In every election, Republicans have been in polling places and vote tabulation centers. Republican lawyers in every state have been able to examine mail-in/absentee ballot programs.

You should read the whole article if you really give a toss about what is...

This is someone who headed up a team of lawyers looking for election fraud for 30 years.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/02/20 at 21:32:47


The Trump 2016 campaign, of which I was not a part, could produce no hard evidence of systemic fraud. Trump established a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017 to expose all the fraud he maintains permeates our elections. He named the most vociferous hunters of Democratic election fraud to run the commission. It disbanded without finding anything.

The Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database has compiled every instance of any kind of voter fraud it could find since 1982. It contains 1,296 incidents, a minuscule percentage of the votes cast. A study of results in three states where all voters are mailed actual ballots, a practice at the apex of the president’s outrage, found just 372 possible cases of illegal voting of 14.6 million cast in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — 0.000025 percent.

Voter Fraud is Effectively Non Existent. And that's not me saying it, it's Trump's own commission. It's government documented fact base reports.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by Eegore on 10/02/20 at 22:24:32

"Voter Fraud is Effectively Non Existent. And that's not me saying it, it's Trump's own commission. It's government documented fact base reports."

 If we have learned one thing it is that anything Trump's commission's material finds out is only to be use when you disagree with someone else.  If WH Trump directed research does not reveal the results we want... ignore it.'

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/03/20 at 00:03:08


What is so pathetic is the obviousness that the only point of the accusation of voter fraud is to pander to Trump's clinical narcissistic needs. That the GOP is willing to trash their democracy and lower themselves and their status on the world stage to the point of being a joke, is, quite frankly unbelievable. History will not be kind to Trump but we have yet to see the what the Senate will bring, there will be a lot of anger at ramming through Barrett and electors know that it's only through their Senators that they can fix it.

The looming 'voter fraud' court fights will be non existent due to the result being a landslide.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by WebsterMark on 10/03/20 at 06:58:08

35273330272123460 wrote:

The Trump 2016 campaign, of which I was not a part, could produce no hard evidence of systemic fraud. Trump established a Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity in 2017 to expose all the fraud he maintains permeates our elections. He named the most vociferous hunters of Democratic election fraud to run the commission. It disbanded without finding anything.

The Heritage Foundation Election Fraud Database has compiled every instance of any kind of voter fraud it could find since 1982. It contains 1,296 incidents, a minuscule percentage of the votes cast. A study of results in three states where all voters are mailed actual ballots, a practice at the apex of the president’s outrage, found just 372 possible cases of illegal voting of 14.6 million cast in the 2016 and 2018 general elections — 0.000025 percent.

Voter Fraud is Effectively Non Existent. And that's not me saying it, it's Trump's own commission. It's government documented fact base reports.

When Trump wins (which I still think is a higher likelihood, watch how quickly those like our Australian friend  turn on a dime and suddenly find evidence of widespread voting fraud.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by eau de sauvage on 10/03/20 at 15:27:53

WM, see above posts, voting fraud is as good as non existent. That isn't going to change depending on who wins the election, that is just an example of your projection.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 10/03/20 at 16:44:19

4D5F4B485F595B3E0 wrote:
"... voting fraud is as good as non existent. ...".  

LOLOL That's the same THING that a, snag dole bludger Drongo, would SAY about:
Benghazi had Nothing to do with the SOS.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 10/03/20 at 17:08:00

So, instead of EXPLAINING how it is
To demand the exact same type of identification from
Everybody who wants to vote
Rather than explain
Why it is some extraordinary
Burden on those who would be less likely to vote GOP..
And how is it possible to even pretend to believe that is possible without first believing that there are inherent commonalities in certain kinds of voters, and isn't THAT VERY BELIEF racist in and of itself?
Ohhh, how Dare you??

So, rather than explain Why designing a system that would preclude Fraud by demanding identification is wrong, once again we get assurances that there simply isn't enough fraud to necessitate requirements for voter I.D.

That's some kinda screwy justification...
I'm supposed to accept that because someone SAYS he's
Such a Republican
And he has just searched high and low for evidence of illegal activity
That I'm just supposed to shrug and say

I wanna know WHY it's wrong to ask responsible adults to PROVE they are who they say they are and Demonstrate , with a photo I.D. they have the Right to vote.
It's NOT racist to demand that same level of proof in order to buy booze, apply for jobs, apply for unemployment, open a bank account, hellfire, a photo I.D. is important for people.. who doesn't have one? How is it racist to demand one?
Stop dodging
Explain WHY it's a hardship for people who would not vote gop, but people who would vote gop, it isn't.
That ASSERTION sounds a lot more racist than demanding
Be treated the same..

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 10/03/20 at 17:42:09

382721263B3C0D3D0D35272B60520 wrote:
"... I wanna know WHY it's wrong to ask responsible adults to PROVE they are who they say they are ...

A-YEP, couple of years ago, I am flying from AZ to MN.
I have a MN DL License.
Was stopped at the front of the TSA counter,  BECAUSE, I did not have a, "REAL" ID.  It was 'Just', a Minn DL.
I had a 'PASSPORT CARD', in my wallet, but just wanted to see how far this DFI  TSA agent was going to take it.
His, 'superior', came over, looked at the MN DL, THAN SAID, "it's ok, MN has another year".

Golly Gee Wally, I can NOT FLY with proper ID,
Yet I COULD VOTE !!!!!!!
    (In MN, now land of UL, FDS's, not 10,000 lakes)

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by verslagen1 on 10/05/20 at 07:45:08

2505070F1205600 wrote:

"Voter Fraud is Effectively Non Existent. And that's not me saying it, it's Trump's own commission. It's government documented fact base reports."

 If we have learned one thing it is that anything Trump's commission's material finds out is only to be use when you disagree with someone else.  If WH Trump directed research does not reveal the results we want... ignore it.'

63 pages, 11 entrees per page, multiple counts per entry... non existent. (63*11*100=69,300)
16 Election Overturned... non existent.
Yeah, I guess that would count as non existent in some 3rd world country.

Trump's commission? you mean that one that gave up because no one would cooperate?
I don't remember a report saying there wasn't any... maybe you can refresh our memory.

Title: Re: And RBG bites the big one - RIP RBG.
Post by MnSpring on 10/05/20 at 08:12:54

2F3C2B2A35383E3C3768590 wrote:
 "... Trump's commission? you mean that one that gave up because no one would cooperate? ... "

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