General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Tree bombs...

Message started by Serowbot on 09/16/20 at 09:32:36

Title: Tree bombs...
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/20 at 09:32:36

Trump falsely claimed that the California wildfires were fueled by trees that 'explode'
"You can knock this down to nothing," Trump said. "You go to Europe ... They're very, very strong on management, and they don't have a problem. With — as they say — more explosive trees than we have in California."

Raking up the forest would help too... ;D
Like they do in Europe... ;D
60% of California forest are federal land.  
Do you think Trump will rake them up?... ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by Serowbot on 09/16/20 at 09:47:43

You Trumpettes pretend to worry about Biden's brain deteriorating...
I worry that Trump's never fully formed in the womb.
Where are those "Beware of Exploding Trees" signs in National forests?....
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by MnSpring on 09/16/20 at 10:20:54

4A5C4B564E5B564D390 wrote:
... I worry that Trump's never fully formed in the womb....

Cheese and Rice !!!!!

Say someone said:
“. . .  that fire was explosive  …”

Would someone think their were, ‘explosives’, in that fire ?
Or would one think the word, ‘explosive’, referred to a very fast burning material ?

ONLY the Thoroughly TDS affected would say something as ignorant as:
“. . . "Beware of Exploding Trees" . . .”

Of course, calling a current POTUS a, ‘FASCIST’ / 'RACIST'
(totally regardless of how extremely offensive that is)
Is perfectly OK.

Yet saying someones mouth is just a C ock Holster,
is forbidden !!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by MnSpring on 09/16/20 at 10:49:31

1107100D15000D16620 wrote:
... 60% of California forest are federal land.  ...

And another TDS comment !

Fed Forests, are monitored by UL DFI FDS’ers,
who do NOT want anybody/thing to touch them in any way.

Just like the little thing in northern Minn called the Boundary Water Canoe Area.
It is Highly regulated, one has to have a permit to go in, and must come out when they said.
Most parts can NOT, have ANY motors at all, on anything !
Absolutely Everything packed in MUST come out.

Number of years ago, a Tornado/s went through and knocked over/killed several trees.
Loggers/companies insisted that those downed trees need to be taken out, they even said crews would go in on foot/canoes, then helicopters (NEVER TOUCHING THE GROUND) would pick up the downed trees.

But NO !

So 10 years later it was the biggest fire MN has ever recorded !!!!!!!!
And the, (socialistic newspaper), said: “...A massive, unpredictable fire…”
100,000 acres of fire that was TOTALLY Predicted` by MANY, MANY, MANY people.

OH, Wait, according to the TDS affected,
It was caused by:
"... Exploding Trees ..."

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/16/20 at 12:56:45

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by philthymike on 09/16/20 at 16:12:05

Living in Lake George NY I witnessed exploding trees after an ice storm. No flames but big explosions with shrapnel and the tops of trees falling. Sounded like shotgun blasts.

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by srinath on 09/17/20 at 10:32:30

I have been in my friends house where a tree right by the house got hit by lightning. It sounds like thunder - 12 feet and 1 thin a$$ brick wall away. We went out to see massive coconut fire balls fall and explode on the way down.
All those huge coconut tree leaves every one of them was burning center out and most of them fell and since it was raining, it fell into wet mud and fire went out. It looked cartoonishly odd. Green leaf tips and burnt spine and a foot or so of the leaf - Look up coconut tree leaves, these are huge like 8-12 feet. Anyway in a few minutes a 30-40' tree was a smouldering mess on the ground leaving a 8' or so trunk that was boiling hot with the rain hitting it sizzling off.
Ofcourse in Oregon the antifa acheive the same thing by throwing molotov cocktails on them.

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by Eegore on 09/18/20 at 05:53:22

"Of course, calling a current POTUS a, ‘FASCIST’ / 'RACIST'
(totally regardless of how extremely offensive that is)
Is perfectly OK.

Yet saying someones mouth is just a C ock Holster,
is forbidden !!!!!!!!


 When you agree to use a forum that you do not run, things like this happen.


Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/20 at 12:13:17

Eegore wrote:  
... When you agree to use a forum that you do not run, things like this happen ...

Totaly understand that.

The fly in the ointment is,
when someone says,
they DO NOT do that.

The old phrase, "I Can Do That,
YOU Can Not",
comes to mind.

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by Eegore on 09/18/20 at 12:55:27

 I think it depends on how one wants to wordsmith things to adjust the meanings.

 For instance a Moderator can say "I have never said Person A's mouth is a c ock holster.  I DO NOT do that."

 As long as the Moderator does not say specifically Person A and only Person A's mouth and only mouth is a c ock and only c ock holster and only holster then the statement is correct.

 A Moderator does not state Person A's mouth is a c ock holster.

 Any argument that Moderator can say X-thing about one public figure and you can not will most likely fall on deaf ears.  That's how forums we are not in control of work.   No amount of bringing it up will change that.

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by Serowbot on 09/18/20 at 13:04:22

What?..... ;D

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by Serowbot on 09/18/20 at 13:18:13

Honestly,... the Perpetrator n' Chief has said the most vile, sexist things imaginable, unapologetically....and has lost any due respect.
AOC, on the other hand has shown a dignity beyond her years.

I will not equate one with the other.
I will also not equate misogynistic vulgarity with earned disrespect.

There is a difference here with distinction that will not be ignored.
We do not abuse women,.. because we will be above that.
If your morals don't guide you,... I will...
Here in the TT at least.

Be the man your family would respect
Be the man your dog thinks you are


Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by WebsterMark on 09/18/20 at 14:27:23

3A2C3B263E2B263D490 wrote:
Honestly,... the Perpetrator n' Chief has said the most vile, sexist things imaginable, unapologetically....and has lost any due respect.
AOC, on the other hand has shown a dignity beyond her years.

I will not equate one with the other.
I will also not equate misogynistic vulgarity with earned disrespect.

There is a difference here with distinction that will not be ignored.
We do not abuse women,.. because we will be above that.
If your morals don't guide you,... I will...
Here in the TT at least.

Be the man your family would respect
Be the man your dog thinks you are


Let me state the obvious which is if the woman involved were Ann Coulter or Sarah Palin, I doubt your convenient morals would get riled up.

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by MnSpring on 09/18/20 at 18:15:04

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
 Let me state the obvious which is if the woman involved
were Ann Coulter or Sarah Palin,
I doubt your convenient morals would get riled up.

So incredibly TRUE.
AOC is a 'saint' (LOLOLOOOOL)

Yet anybody else, is totally, fair game.

;D  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by verslagen1 on 09/22/20 at 13:46:19

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by MnSpring on 09/22/20 at 18:44:35

150611100F0204060D52630 wrote:

Why did you post that ?
Was Bot one of the injured ?

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by verslagen1 on 09/23/20 at 17:09:23

jojoba bushes are all over the desert.
I forgot what the fire fighters call it... something like gas bush.

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by MnSpring on 09/23/20 at 17:59:30

584B5C5D424F494B401F2E0 wrote:
jojoba bushes are all over the desert.
I forgot what the fire fighters call it... something like gas bush.

I called my friend in Ajo AZ,
and she told me that, ‘jojoba’ oil, was a FAD !

It really didn’t work for anything that they touted it for.
It was used just to tell investors how wonderful it was.

Kinna like, ‘Artichokes', in Minn.
They were HIGHLY promoted, and many farmers spent buckko  bucks for seed, and specialized planting/harvest equipment.
Just 6 years later they went BELLY UP, and the company equipment, went for fractions of a penny on the dollar at auctions.
And they, Farmers that invested, sold their equipment. for SCRAP metal price.

Reminds me of three, retired old farts, talking over coffee one morning.
One said: "Had a clothing store for last 50 years, then one day it started on fire, so I took the insurance money and retired”.
Next one said: “I had a hardware store, and a Tornado took it all. So I took the insurance money and retired”.
Third one said:  “HOW DO YOU START A TORNADO ?"

Title: Re: Tree bombs...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 09/23/20 at 19:12:52

Jojoba has been a staple in my house.
I have a particular time of year when the back of my head itches.. like now,, when I get enough of that, I rub that stuff in. Takes a few days and then it's about over,, and I have a dog with allergies that it helps. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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