General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> change my mind

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/20 at 15:06:43

Title: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/20 at 15:06:43

A Decision Made, based on RACE, is the exact definition of a Racist Act. Giving some people MORE because of their race is Exactly as Racist as Giving them Less is. Voting FOR someone because of their race is Exactly as Racist as voting Against them because of their race.
Giving someone a place in school while someone else has higher test scores, because of their race, IS racist,,
and it punishes someone for not being \
The Preferred race..
Which any rational person would identify as

Now,, you geniuses can swap a few personal messages and work out your argument,,
Ill wait..
Yeah,, NOW tell me again how Im the bigot,, Im the racist,,
NOPE,, Lefties are the racists,, Because lefties agree with crapping on someone who is more qualified in order to Give something
to someone else,,
You say its Compassionate.,
While denying the fruits of Their hard work from the actual people who deserve it..
How compassionate!
You give away what they earned, to someone who didnt earn it..

Gosh,, Like how you would
Tax the rich..
and watch them leave,,
Give a place to someone less able to make use of it,, and put someone who worked hard and is capable of accomplishing in a spot they worked and deserved to avoid,
Your compassion is misplaced, misguided and delusional,

Come on,, scream at me,, tell me how cold hearted and eeeevil I am,,

and then EXPLAIN Why it is obviously so.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by MnSpring on 08/29/20 at 17:58:39

A group of people are standing on a street corner.

Their, ‘CRY’, is: "EQUALITY For All”

All the while, demanding MORE for one, (color skin), person,
and LESS for another, (color skin), person.

What do you call them ?

The person called tt, (and his/her Clones),
would call them White Supremacists.

The rest of the knowledgeable people,
Who are remembering the, RIOTS, in the major cities.
Call them Thieves and Destroyers.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/20 at 19:04:23

Lookin like the
Drive By folks
ALL have flats

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Matchless G11 on 08/30/20 at 05:22:49

all these days reminds me of the old story of

"The boy who cried racist "

First The boy saw a republican and he called racist . The towns people got out their pitchforks' and showed up, and they hung him.

Second The boy saw a libertarian and he called racist . The towns people got out their pitchforks' and showed up, and they hung him.

Third The boy saw a sensible old school liberal  and he called racist . The towns people got out their pitchforks' and showed up, and they hung him..

But then The boy meet a real racist a klan-black panther  but he hung out with this person and he said this is allright he is only a protester.

But the boy was doomed..

Since he called good evil and evil good.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Matchless G11 on 08/30/20 at 05:28:32

Also the term  "racist" looses it meaning when one calls everyone that.

As Hall and Oats observed

" Smoking guns hot to the touch
Would cool down if we didn't use them so much, yeah"

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 07:33:50

Well, where are the valedictorians?
Im a Trump supporter
And I'm pretty sure that the opposition here believes all Trump supporters are racist,, and I believe lefties are actually the racists,, and here I actually explain my thinking. Not running by, screaming Bullshit and being unwilling to back it up..
Which Would be a bad faith thing..
So, dear lefties, please explain where I'm wrong..

Or just continue with the assertions and accusations. Bad faith, boys,, bad faith..

Come on,, tell me if its true or false,, Here ya go,, SURELY you can answe the question,,

Are these statements correct?

A Decision Made, based on RACE, is the exact definition of a Racist Act. Giving some people MORE because of their race is Exactly as Racist as Giving them Less is. Voting FOR someone because of their race is Exactly as Racist as voting Against them because of their race..Identity politics is a bigoted ideology, period,

If youre unwilling to help the people you would debate in nailing down the definitions,, how can we ever know that when we use a word, how can we know wht the other guy believes it means?

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Eegore on 08/30/20 at 08:13:08

 So if nobody responds within 4 hours they are unable to contribute?

 15:06:43 to 19:04:23 no responses, must mean you are right?

 What is the minimum acceptable timeframe for one to log in conduct research and respond?

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 09:17:13

Ohhh, it's wide open, E.
Just wanted to keep it alive and right in front of them.

Here's the definition of bigot from my 1972 Webster's..

A person obstinately and unreasonably wedded to a particular religious creed, opinion,or practice; a person blindly attached to any opinion,system or party, and bitterly intolerant of those who believe differently.

Sounds exactly like lefties believing cops are killing blacks at a rate unlike the rate they kill whites. Evidence exists to show that isn't true. So,continuing to believe it is
Bigoted, by definition.

My post that states that decisions based on race are racist is undeniably correct, but nobody thus far has been willing to agree or make a rational argument against it, because? Because why?
Because unlike the people who just make claims about me and pretend I'm acting in bad faith, and explain nothing to let others see Why they believe that, they use that claim as a shield, and pretend they are exempt from explaining why they said it, because they said it, and it's true, so no need to engage?
Sure looks exactly like a bad faith argument to me.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 09:20:15

The hallmark of a bad-faith argument is that it disguises the core point of a debate rather than addressing issues, beliefs, and values head-on. Bad faith arguments aren’t “real” positions; they’re proxy positions people take for rhetorical purposes.

Show me where I'm guilty..

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 09:22:57

4C6C6E667B6C090 wrote:
 So if nobody responds within 4 hours they are unable to contribute?

 15:06:43 to 19:04:23 no responses, must mean you are right?

 What is the minimum acceptable timeframe for one to log in conduct research and respond?

I think the challenge has been up longer than you are saying.
It's been well over any four hours

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/20 at 10:04:42

You continually piss into the wind and invite others to join you.
No takers?...

Can't blame them. :-?

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 10:12:54

People have said things
I disagree
I offer rational arguments
They dont wanna stand their ground and explain WHY they say what they say
I explain why
Im not reasonable?
I dont blame them either, row,, because they cant win a real debate
Facts are in my side..
But nobody is gonna change what they believe, regardless of thre facts presented
That makes THEM
not me..
I noticed you have weighed in,,
Am I wrong in what I stated regarding what is racist behavior?

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 10:14:05

Heck,, lets make it easy

Just this part,, cmon,, have a say,,

anyone, Bueller?

A Decision Made, based on RACE, is the exact definition of a Racist Act. Giving some people MORE because of their race is Exactly as Racist as Giving them Less is. Voting FOR someone because of their race is Exactly as Racist as voting Against them because of their race.

This is how I see it,, NObody shares such treal thoughts about their own thought processes and decision making,,
If Im wrong,, say so
Explain why,,
Anyone,, dive in,, Is that Not what a forum is for? REal debate?
Lets buonce this around..

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/20 at 10:53:56

A decision based on race is not necessarily racist.
A decision based on a negative opinion of a race is racist.

A vote for Obama is not racist.
A vote for Obama because you hate white people would be racist.
A vote against Obama is not racist.
A vote against Obama because you hate black people would be racist.

How is such a simple thing so hard to understand?

So, I disagree with your definition.
A "Racist act" is one based upon a negative opinion of a person or group based on their race.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 11:08:16

What you describe is racist.
Isn't it racist to give a place in school to someone who scored lower than the person who doesn't get to attend?
Isn't it racist to act in favor of someone, solely because of their race?
I know the definition in the internet dictionary, and you have it,
I agree with that
And I think it's an incomplete definition.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/20 at 11:21:14

It is a fact that black people have been disadvantaged and persecuted because of racism for centuries.
Taking steps to correct that must take race into account.

If you've spent your life hating cats and want to make amends... you must make those amends to cats.
Making amends to dogs won't work.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Eegore on 08/30/20 at 12:05:03

 Well for me, making any decision based off of race does not make one "racist".  If I choose a Black American to discuss Black History month, and an Italian American to discuss Columbus Day, I do not feel I am racist.  Saying the Black American is better at talking about Black History month than the Italian American because he is black, that would be more racist.  Saying the Italian American can do all things better that the Black American because white guys are smarter is racist.

 "Racism" to me, matches more closely to the dictionary:

Prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.

 Specifically the terms, "discrimination, and "antagonism" lend itself to the more accurate end of a "racist" decision.  I believe racism is negative, not neutral.  

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/20 at 12:10:30

3C2A3D20382D203B4F0 wrote:
"... A vote against Obama is not racist ..."  

Absolutely agree.

YET, people that talked against him in 07/08  
because they believed he was not the right person,
and by 11/12 they KNEW he was not fit.
Were called: "RACIST",  LEFT AND RIGHT.

When you say:
"... How is such a simple thing so hard to understand? ... "
I don't know.

Exactly WHY is it that, EVERY time one says BLM supporters are not furthering the case of less prejudices, by Stealing and Destroying,
They are called a RACIST, (Or a Hitler) ?

Exactly WHY is it that, Every time someone says they don't believe a grossly overweight man marching down a street, wearing only a pink thong, is the best way to show support for LBGJQURST rights.
They are called a HOMOPHOBIC, (Or a Hitler) ?

Exactly WHY is it that, Every time someone says they believe Ilhan Omar does not have the interests of the USA as a priority.
They are called ISLAMOPHOBIA, (Or a Hitler) ?

Exactly WHY is it that, Every time someone says they believe AOC is Really Ignorant.
They are called MISOGYNIST, (Or a Hitler) ?

\And on and on it goes/

YET, when someone calls the POTUS, 'Orange', 'Small Hands',  'Stupid", 'Dishonest",
It is exercising the 1st Amendment.

"... How is such a simple thing so hard to understand? ... "

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by oldNslow on 08/30/20 at 12:19:59

5640574A52474A51250 wrote:
It is a fact that black people have been disadvantaged and persecuted because of racism for centuries.
Taking steps to correct that must take race into account.

Taking steps to correct that must take GUILT into account.

Why is it that folks who have not participated in that persecution and discrimination must be required to make "amends" because the color of their skin is NOT black.?

Sorry. Not going to play that game.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 12:21:02

[quote author=485E49544C59544F3B0 link=1598738803/15#15 date=1598811674]It is a fact that black people have been disadvantaged and persecuted because of racism for centuries.
Taking steps to correct that must take race into account.

Fine,, if youve been mistreating people,, by all means, make amends.
I havent..Never understood racism or sexism, confused me from childhood on..
Someone is cool,, Im good with them,, Pink with purple polka dots, I dont care,,

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 12:23:30

Ohh,, and I appreciate the involvement by everyone.. Thank You so much..
I want to understand thenhows and whys of others here.
This is looking like a fruitful effort.I hope others come on in..

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by Serowbot on 08/30/20 at 15:17:03

506E6F63716D6C020 wrote:
[quote author=5640574A52474A51250 link=1598738803/15#15 date=1598811674]It is a fact that black people have been disadvantaged and persecuted because of racism for centuries.
Taking steps to correct that must take race into account.

Taking steps to correct that must take GUILT into account.

Why is it that folks who have not participated in that persecution and discrimination must be required to make "amends" because the color of their skin is NOT black.?

Sorry. Not going to play that game.

Don't confuse guilt with resentment.
I don't feel guilt over slavery...
You shouldn't either.
Perhaps you guilt over resentment.

Title: Re: change my mind
Post by oldNslow on 08/30/20 at 16:48:23

7E687F627A6F62790D0 wrote:
[quote author=506E6F63716D6C020 link=1598738803/15#18 date=1598815199][quote author=5640574A52474A51250 link=1598738803/15#15 date=1598811674]It is a fact that black people have been disadvantaged and persecuted because of racism for centuries.
Taking steps to correct that must take race into account.

Taking steps to correct that must take GUILT into account.

Why is it that folks who have not participated in that persecution and discrimination must be required to make "amends" because the color of their skin is NOT black.?

Sorry. Not going to play that game.

Don't confuse guilt with resentment.
I don't feel guilt over slavery...
You shouldn't either.
Perhaps you guilt over resentment.[/quote]

"Perhaps you guilt over resentment."

I'm not sure what that sentence means.

I feel no guilt about slavery. Why should I ? It was done away with in this country long before I was born. Nor do I feel any guilt about the plight, real or imagined of blacks in general in the US, or of any particular black person, because I have not contributed in any way to the problem, either collectively, or in the case of any particular individual.

Are you implying  that I'm am responsible and should be held responsible simply because I am of white European ancestry ?

That implication I do resent, and reject as absolute nonsense.

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