General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...

Message started by Serowbot on 08/24/20 at 14:02:57

Title: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by Serowbot on 08/24/20 at 14:02:57

Trump will speak all four days... and six other Trumps are in the line-up...
So,.. basically,... it'll be the same ol' daily briefing/rally crap we've been getting every day interspersed with his children cheering him on,.. and a few racist supporters to break things up.
Fiascothon 2020

I can't wait...  ;D

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/24/20 at 15:24:31

Did you expect anything else. For my money the Presidential debates are going to be excruciating for Trump. Especially now that his attacks on Biden as being 'sleepy', have been undone by Biden's flawless delivery at the convention. There's a reason Trump wanted to take down Biden with the help of Ukraine early days. Trump will need to change into his brown trousers for the debate.

However for my money I'm more looking forward to Kamala Harris besting the nonsensically bland and moderately weird Pence.


Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/24/20 at 15:26:47

Speaking of 'penetration' how's Trump's border wall doin'

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by srinath on 08/25/20 at 05:14:26

This is why the wall is stupid. We need to enforce severe penalties on employers - massive fines, and fine illegals too and use that $$ to train people for the jobs that will be available as they self deport. Not walls, enforcement and penalties. Ankle monitors and seriously watch them, if they start going somewhere regularly, likely a work site, find them and fine them and their employer.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/20 at 07:46:02

796F78657D68657E0A0 wrote:
... it'll be the same ol' ...

Much better than being THREATENED,
by someone saying: (to the like)

You will do ...this...
or, ...this... will happen.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/20 at 08:29:25

23312526313735500 wrote:
Speaking of 'penetration' how's Trump's border wall doin'

How's that one sided,
totally TDS infected,
(Enquirer Like),
'Pay For View',
Fake News, (via not reporting the entire, or spinning, the story)

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by verslagen1 on 08/25/20 at 08:53:45

3C2E3A392E282A4F0 wrote:
Speaking of 'penetration' how's Trump's border wall doin'

amazing how safe people feel behind their triple bolted steel door... right next to the big picture window.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/20 at 09:45:52

3422352830252833470 wrote:
Trump will speak all four days... and six other Trumps are in the line-up...
So,.. basically,... it'll be the same ol' daily briefing/rally crap we've been getting every day interspersed with his children cheering him on,.. and a few racist supporters to break things up.
Fiascothon 2020

I can't wait...  ;D

I guess he just didnt have the kinda upstanding supporters Biden has..

At least she isnt what lefties would describe as a homophobe..

Psychology Today has an extensive and sympathetic article about Hylton describing the crime in detail. The American Thinker also has details: Donna Hylton and a group of prostitutes drugged real estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo. They took him to their Harlem apartment, where they subjected him to three-weeks of torture including, starvation, beatings, burnings, and various forms of sexual torture before he was murdered. During one of the sexual rape acts, she squeezed the man’s testicles with pliers. Hylton raped Vigliarolo with a three-foot metal rod, later laughing it off and saying, ‘he was a homo anyway.’

YEAHH,, SO,, WTF are ya rattlin on about? Where do you get iff pretending the left have some MOral High ground here?

Another Perfect opportunity to
Sit this one out..

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/20 at 09:57:27

RNC traded any semblance of a platform in on an "I'm with Stupid" T-shirt...
;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/25/20 at 10:47:10

Totally justifies your moral outrage thet TRump would have the people speak that he will choose while Biden havin a woman who shoved a metal rod up some guys butt and shrigged it off with
He was a homo anyway..
Yeah, TRump family morally equivalent to kidnapper and murderer who expreses disdain for a queer,,
Uh Huhh,, I get it,,

You do understand she was instrumental in the torture and murder of a man, right? And SHE is okay supporting YOUR candidate, but the TRump family are disgusting??

And we are supposed to give people like you the respect you demand for your opinions,,
Uhh, I'll take a  Hard Pass,,

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by Serowbot on 08/25/20 at 11:18:05

No mudflap for you...  ;D

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/25/20 at 11:51:39

As JOG said:
"...And we are supposed to give people like you
 the respect you demand
  for your opinions..."

ESPECIALLY when you say:

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
No mudflap for you...  ;D

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/26/20 at 01:08:46

What about Don Jr's girlfriend Kimberly. She sounds like she just jacked up a sh!tload methamphetamine. How'd you like to be married to that...


Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by Serowbot on 08/26/20 at 10:03:48

RNC speaker booted after sharing a blatantly anti-Semitic message hours before the event began

So much race baiting,.. so little time... :-?

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by Serowbot on 08/26/20 at 12:22:25

Why does Melania's outfit look like a N. Korean military uniform?... :-?


Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by srinath on 08/28/20 at 07:51:32

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Why does Melania's outfit look like a N. Korean military uniform?... :-?

You can figue that out as soon as you figure out the speed of dark.

Wait, I thought Trump was going to speak on all days of convention ??? LOL.


Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/28/20 at 10:42:51

3523342931242932460 wrote:
Why does Melania's outfit look like a N. Korean military uniform?...

Don't know.
It looks like a fancy, (or someone thinks so) Designer dress.

What is your deep fascination with N. Kora anyway ?
Are you looking to live in that idealistic Socialist environment ?

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/28/20 at 11:09:20

I wish she had worn something more festive,, but what would those optics have been? Ohh,, Look,, SHES all decked out,, while America is in turmoil!! THAT would have been the lefty whine,, Maybe she chose something like that to make lefties rethink what they wanna see in the Whitehouse,, because you guys keep it up and actually succeed in taking over, THATS what we will be seeing,,
The Antifascists ARE the fascists,, disagree with them an find out.
See what they did in that restaurant, woman backed up against a wall, while they heckled her with the Raised fists, demanding she also raise her fist in solidarity?
How many dems were attacked leaving the DNC ?
What happened to Rand Paul?
His wife?
and others?
Without cops,, no tellin where that would have ended..
Keep pretending lefties have the moral high ground and it allows for intimidation and outright violence,,
The race war you guys want, that will be decades if not longer healing,, could be yours,,
Say ya dont want a war,, go ahead,, maybe ya dont,, but what ya DO want is unconditional surrender of whites, and an admission that being born white equals being born guilty of atrocities,, and society has no place for us..
You people are being led down a VERY dark path.
I PRAY you wake up and stand with a functional society rather than the
Burn it down and rebuild it better idea.
Its almost as if the REcord low unemployment of minorities didnt even happen,,
WHO do ya Spose was HIRING people?
So,, lets go burn them out,, right?
Buncha valedictorians runnin loose,, hurting people, destroying everytjmg theyve built,, and how many businesses WERE owned by the very people lefties SAY they are working to build up?
Huhh? Account for the bullshit,, maybe we can have an honest discussion,,

Look at every city that looks like a war zone..
Democrats in charge for decades,
So,, every sentient creature should be hurrying to turn the Nation over to such ideologies??
Ive yet to hear what DONE looks like from a lefty,,
Progress is the word,,
Progress towards WHAT??
Tell me what society needs to look like when you people have achieved your goal?
Right now it looks like you people will have accomplished it when theres a bloody civil war, in the streets, in everytown USA,,
Because THEN we get Martial law and tyranny..
Which is what lefties really are
Lefty No Like it?
Ban it
Lefty says Good
Make it mandatory,,
You people hate America,, admit it..

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by verslagen1 on 08/28/20 at 13:25:13

41625F7C7E65626B0C0 wrote:
[quote author=3523342931242932460 link=1598302977/0#14 date=1598469745]Why does Melania's outfit look like a N. Korean military uniform?...

Don't know.
It looks like a fancy, (or someone thinks so) Designer dress.

What is your deep fascination with N. Kora anyway ?
Are you looking to live in that idealistic Socialist environment ?

I would've said a WWII women's uniform, but maybe if you've had to line up and... salute you'd say the last thing you've seen.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by rocknthehawk on 08/28/20 at 20:21:54

322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 wrote:
I wish she had worn something more festive,,


You people hate America,, admit it..

Impressive at the amount of bigotry and vitrol that stems from something so small as a comment about a dress. Maybe time to step away from the computer, get outside and enjoy some time on your bike. jeez.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by srinath on 08/29/20 at 08:30:40

3224332E36232E35410 wrote:
Why does Melania's outfit look like a N. Korean military uniform?... :-?

Y'know the other thing that's been catching my eye about Melania is - everything she does and wears seems to be wrapped in a what I call Euro trash, or Commie chic or whatever you want to call it ...
She is prettier than Michele obama and Jill Biden even when adjusted for age, except those 2 look classy and elegant and what they lack in outright good looks they more than make up for it otherwise - Especially Jill Biden. Melania instead takes excellent good looks and trashes it with everything else she does and wears etc.
Michelle Obama's Teeth and that lower jaw structure will put Laurel of Laurel and Hardy to shame - that is just Fugggly and scary like watching a wolf snarl at you ... just dont smile or laugh and you're good.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/20 at 09:19:10

667B777F7A607C717C75637F140 wrote:
[quote author=322D2B2C31360737073F2D216A580 link=1598302977/15#17 date=1598638160]I wish she had worn something more festive,,


You people hate America,, admit it..

Impressive at the amount of bigotry and vitrol that stems from something so small as a comment about a dress. Maybe time to step away from the computer, get outside and enjoy some time on your bike. jeez.

Cut and paste my obvious bigotry,, show it to me,

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/20 at 14:41:21

Anyone who woud care, or dare, to take me to task,, rather than run your face,, SHOW ME,, Cut and paste My WORDS and pint out what I said that was racist, bigoted,, whatever.. Dont just run by screaming

SHOW me my words that prove it..

Maybe STFU and learn?

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/29/20 at 18:01:48

3F222E2623392528252C3A264D0 wrote:
  Impressive at the amount of bigotry and vitrol that stems from something so small as a comment about a dress.

Excellent observation,
on what the UL, FDS, DFI, Socialists, do
   SO WELL !

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/29/20 at 19:11:44

And yet,, not ONE piece of evidence from my post to back up his bitchinandwhinin..

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by rocknthehawk on 08/29/20 at 20:57:51

47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 wrote:
And yet,, not ONE piece of evidence from my post to back up his bitchinandwhinin..

There's not much point in engaging with you JoG. You don't actually want a discussion in good faith. You come here to have your extreme boogeyman whataboutism reaffirmed by your shadow Mnspring and other ilk.

Merriam Webster puts it very plainly:

Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I guess I was wrong, you've never made a post treating members of a group with hatred and intolerance. (you'll find some weird justification here, we all know.)

Tally up the amount of time you spend on this tiny forum, typing out incoherent rambling threads multiple times a day, begging for someone to prove you wrong. Put that effort into something good. Be the change you want to see, instead of fighting so hard to tell people if they don't share your beliefs, the world will end and they're to blame.

Or keep posting, it's kind of hilarious.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by WebsterMark on 08/30/20 at 04:22:06

Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

You pretty much fit that description Rock.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/20 at 05:56:07

3E232F2722382429242D3B274C0 wrote:
... incoherent rambling threads ...

What kinna Cheese you want !

(Said In a deep announcer style voice)
This Drive by was brought to you by,
a true leader in the industry of Drive By Comments.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by Matchless G11 on 08/30/20 at 06:11:49

I don't see anything bigoted in JoG posts.
I have met real racists in my life, both black and white.
I do not see JoG in those categories.

Yes JoG gets passionate about things.
But is that a being a bigot?

JoG points out the double standard in society.

So is  truth now racist?    :-?

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by rocknthehawk on 08/30/20 at 06:19:26

487A7D6C6B7A6D527E6D741F0 wrote:
Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

You pretty much fit that description Rock.

Good one.

Can always count on the regulars to pop up like clockwork and defend each other

I plead the JoG defense, asking for an example of me fitting that description. I pointed out his reply to a comment about a dress was some wild "lefties hate America" rant. Didn't tell him he's wrong, or tell him to not post. I even suggested maybe he put his time into making actual change. Heck, go meet these people he dislikes so much. Volunteer. Get some new experiencs. Or stay in this bubble, doesn't change my day haha.

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by MnSpring on 08/30/20 at 07:08:44

4F525E5653495558555C4A563D0 wrote:
...  an example of me fitting that description...

Just a few:
... not much point in engaging with you ...
... You don't actually want a discussion ...
... You come here to have your extreme boogeyman whataboutism reaffirmed ...
... incoherent rambling threads ...
... if they don't share your beliefs, the world will end and they're to blame ...

Your posts, (and Clone posts),  sound JUST like this description !!!!!!!

... a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ...

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don't agree ?
Do something about it,

What is. Your opinion, on why,
(black) Cop killing a (white) Woman,
Is treated differently than a
(white) Cop, restraining a (black) man.

Or pick why does Biden's VP say,
they are FOR, Stealing and Destruction.

Or why does 80% of the Media ignore what she said ?

Stop looking for Cheese to go with your Wine !

Title: Re: RNC,... well,.. Trumpoluza...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/30/20 at 07:26:00

39242820253F232E232A3C204B0 wrote:
[quote author=47585E5944437242724A58541F2D0 link=1598302977/15#24 date=1598753504]And yet,, not ONE piece of evidence from my post to back up his bitchinandwhinin..

There's not much point in engaging with you JoG. You don't actually want a discussion in good faith. You come here to have your extreme boogeyman whataboutism reaffirmed by your shadow Mnspring and other ilk.

Merriam Webster puts it very plainly:

Definition of bigot

: a person who is obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (such as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance

I guess I was wrong, you've never made a post treating members of a group with hatred and intolerance. (you'll find some weird justification here, we all know.)

Tally up the amount of time you spend on this tiny forum, typing out incoherent rambling threads multiple times a day, begging for someone to prove you wrong. Put that effort into something good. Be the change you want to see, instead of fighting so hard to tell people if they don't share your beliefs, the world will end and they're to blame.

Or keep posting, it's kind of hilarious.

Thanks for showing us your bad faith.
Rather than cut and paste my offensive words to show what a bad guy I am, you simply continue stamping your little foot, complaining about what a jerk I am,
But you won't use my hateful words and show everyone..

Looks like you have no real argument to me. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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