General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> A safe space

Message started by NHLycan on 08/20/20 at 11:11:42

Title: A safe space
Post by NHLycan on 08/20/20 at 11:11:42

The lack of self awareness in this forum is worth remarking upon.  

The conservatives in this group are like a cartoon version of themselves. There's a Qanon conspiracy type or three, a couple of proud white nationalists who probably have shrines to Timothy McVeigh, something that is pretty obviously a bot, a few self-righteous junkies, a couple who really don't understand the idea of truth, Christian dominionists, and a few who are indistinguishable from Russian trolls. The Venn Diagram is almost a bullseye.

Most of them are so outside the normal flow of informed engagement required to meaningfully participate in our democracy that they might as well be 12th century head hunters. Like pre-literate peoples, they're certain that they've figured out how things REALLY work, unlike all the 'sheeple'. And if you need a link to some crazed conspiracy website explaining how Killary raped Seth Rich to death in a pizza parlor on the orders of a vaccine created lizard man named Soros, they've got it bookmarked.

The level of grievance is laughable. You remark about a cloud being a bright white color and they squeak about someone playing the race card. They really think white men have it worse than Jesus (Who was blonde haired and blue eyed, of course.) on the cross. That members of the dominant culture, gender, religion and race can feel so terribly put upon, without imagining for even a second how everyone else must feel is the least believable proposition available but there it is, a cold hard fact. If you were writing a scifi script, this would be a great stepping off point, like warp drive or sentient robots.

They epitomize the euphemism about cutting off ones nose. Their collective childlike hooting about socialism is actually scary. They really seem to believe that supporters of socialized medicine are a death cult. All of them are beholden to socialisms benefits but would be out there with picks and shovels tearing up the street if they realized that is what socialism actually is. The ones who aren't on relief, that is.

In their upside down world patriotism means tribalism. If they could push a button that killed everyone who had voted for Obama, they would. In self defense, of course. Because in their minds, wanting people not to go bankrupt when they get sick is Step One on the path to white genocide.  

Trump is another focal point of madness. Their every communication about him is some combination of three things.
1st they state that they have reservations about some aspects of his manners. Not his ethics, judgement or character. Just how he presents.
2nd they accuse anyone who says anything critical about him, no matter how well documented, of being insane.
3rd is some version of a defense of Trump which in the end reads like, "Mmmm..Trumps taint is sweet like honey!"

The misanthropy is profound. If it's bad for humanity as a whole, they love it. Coal, for instance. People starving in Sudan is like Christmas.
They consider anything gentle and virtuous to be positively foul. Compassion is for the weak.  Honesty is for suckers. Decency is a losers game. Forbearance is incomprehensible. And they're proud of this. That's the staggering thing, they actually think virtue is evil. You'd be forgiven for thinking they touch themselves to pictures of Central American kids crying in cages.

The sexism is a close second. Scanning this forum trying to find something nice said about a woman is a needle in a haystack exercise. If this forum was all you knew of humanity, you'd be sure that no woman has ever been REALLY raped. They just made it up to hurt men or get fame. Except the ones accusing Bill Clinton, of course. If you had a normal upbringing with people who loved you, you'll probably have a hard time believing that people could hate their fellows as much as this group does.

The raving contempt directed at people who don't conform to what they consider normal would be at home ringside at a professional wrestling match. Of course, nobody on what they consider the other side is ever simply  mistaken. Progressives are always traitors, libtards, demonrats, morons, baby killers, commies, etc. It's as if calling someone a 'progressive' would trigger a seizure.

That, in its turn, illuminates how they don't actually seem to be capable of communication. They gibber. They repeat the noises they've heard more senior members of the troop make in the hopes of keeping group status intact. "The KKK was started by Democrats!" "Guns don't kill people!" "Sanger was racist!" "It snowed in Texas!" "Chicago!" "Look at this!   It proves the Bildeburgers stole my lunch!" It's like a sad text version of Tourettes combined with a learning disability piled on top of paranoid schizophrenia.

And then, perfectly demonstrating the profound intellectual incapacity which defines them, they're mystified when dialogue dries up.
They have their safe space and they're welcome to it.

Title: Re: A safe space
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/20 at 11:15:07

Geez, I hope you cut and pasted that and didn’t really put that much time and thought into it....

Title: Re: A safe space
Post by WebsterMark on 08/20/20 at 11:21:15

....because you have no idea what you’re talking about.

That post that you worked so hard on is a little bit like that scene in Good Wil Hunting. You know the one. The bar scene with the smar-a$$ student from Harvard trying to embarrass Ben Affleck‘s character only to get schooled by someone he considered a worthless piece of trash.

How do you like those apples.

Title: Re: A safe space
Post by Serowbot on 08/20/20 at 12:11:31

54525663797B741A0 wrote:
Bildeburgers stole my lunch!

I want to copyright that and put it on a hat... ;D
... but maybe it's too long for a hat... :-?

How 'bout,... "Libtards stole my lunch"... ?... ;D

Title: Re: A safe space
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/20 at 13:46:29

I know its pretty much all conjecture,, but what do ya suppose the worlds wealthies get together and talk about?

Title: Re: A safe space
Post by Serowbot on 08/20/20 at 13:53:03

Ask Trump,...
Maybe, grabbin' women by the pu$$y... or peeping on teen pageant girls,... or hookers peeing...
... or how they did it all without help from daddy...

Title: Re: A safe space
Post by verslagen1 on 08/20/20 at 14:30:15

I'm sure hunter would know. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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