General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Funny how the out

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/20 at 17:25:17

Title: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/20 at 17:25:17

Rage goes..


Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/15/20 at 23:18:37

"Once held a gun to the head of an unborn baby while he robbed that child's mother"


  Aracely Henriquez was not pregnant at the time.

 Another example of what could have been a reasonable argument blown to pieces by the fact that it clearly is misrepresenting what really happened.  Now people will just use this as an example of inaccuracy instead of it doing some good.

 Why not use the truth?

 Why do people need to keep drumming up lies to try, and repeatedly fail, to get a point across?  Oh wait, it's because it would have taken 4 or 5 minutes to disprove this image with a simple Google search, too much work.  So instead lies like this spread as if this particular lie is better than other lies somehow.

Case # 114323001010-3 State of Texas vs. George Floyd 11.27.2007 Aggravated Robbery with a Deadly Weapon.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 08:22:49

A not pregnant woman had a gun shoved in her gut by the martyr Floyd..
That wasn't scary or life threatening at all.
He was suffering respiratory distress, sitting in the car.. He was so jacked on drugs. He was most likely gonna die,,
Read the other stuff..

I think you're missing the larger point here..

A five year old boy, brains blown out, by his Neighbor, who had been treated well by the family.
Where is the outrage?
Invite a guy over for supper and try to be friends one day, and the next day. He murders your son? In Front of your daughters?
White people are racist..
You lefties out there are so confused..

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/16/20 at 12:37:09

"I think you're missing the larger point here.."

 I think you are missing the point.  You are using lies as backing for your argument.

 What part of using lies makes your argument stronger, or worth anyone's time?

 Why not use truth?  Do you not understand more people will listen to your stance if you don't lie to them?

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 12:52:29

Ohhh, so I lied..
Not knowing
Is being
How exactly does that detail change what Floyd was? You admit the story is true, except, she wasn't pregnant.
Who unintentionally committed suicide.
Too bad the cops showed up to get blamed.
Coroner's report said
He was suffering from respiratory distress
Because that's what fentanyl does
Before they die..

So, lefties put a total pieceofschitt on a pedestal and used his death to justify destroying cities..
Lefties suck..

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/16/20 at 15:39:35

"Ohhh, so I lied.."

 I never said that.  

"How exactly does that detail change what Floyd was?"

 It doesn't which is my point.  The lies are not doing one thing that is beneficial for you.  Why are they there?  If the point is sound, and effective without lies, why add them in?

 As for you, why not post an accurate image instead?



 Then wouldn't the fair thing to do is to stop bringing up inaccuracies in other people's posts.  Lies are lies, bigFUKKINdeal, just ignore ours if you expect us to ignore yours, at least that way it will be fair.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 15:45:00


NOT the same

doesnt really change much, duzzit??
He isnt some saint
Yet efties have Literally destroyed millions of dollars woth of OTHER people lives,, These cities may never recover,,

I only have the information I HAVE,,
I didnt make it up..

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/16/20 at 16:20:29

doesnt really change much, duzzit??

 Not really in this specific case, but why use the incorrect information?  

 Why not choose an accurate image?

"I only have the information I HAVE,,
I didnt make it up..

 Why use incorrect information?  Why didn't you even try to see if this image was correct?  Too trusting still?  How many times do we have to have this exact conversation for you to realize people lie and make up false or misleading information on the internet, this includes images like these that say things you want to hear.  Approach it with speculation, even if you agree with the content.

 It took minutes to disprove a portion of the image you provided.

 Accurate information exists, why are you throwing us incorrect information and telling us we should ignore the incorrect parts?

 If that is how this goes, its only fair you ignore incorrect information in everyone else's posts.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Serowbot on 08/16/20 at 16:43:51

The point is not whether he was a good or bad person,..
The point is he was suspected of passing a bad $20 dollar bill (which you or I could easily do unknowingly) and they killed him while restraining him.
That's a bit excessive...
Would it have happened if he had been white?... doubtful...

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/16/20 at 17:14:57

"Would it have happened if he had been white?... doubtful..."

 I'm not sure how we can quantify this.  How do we evaluate, accurately, that the officer kneeling on his neck was doing it based off of race?  The system indicates it to be true?

 Could some aggressive Asian, or Caucasian have had his neck pinned in the same fashion as well?  Of course.  I'm not aware of the officer making any specifically racist comments, but maybe there is information available.

 The length of time on the neck is for sure excessive, but I don;t see a reason, at this time. to say the officer did it based off of race and not other circumstances.  

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 18:24:58

ENTANYL OVERDOSE – Multiple officer’s …
Jul 19, 2020 · George Floyd died of a drug overdose when his bloodstream became suddenly flooded with Fentanyl, causing respiratory depression and death from ‘Wooden Chest Syndrome’ Did you know that Fentanyl is 50 times more potent than heroin, and 100 times more potent than morphine, according to the DEA?

Who Killed George Floyd? | The American Spectator
Aug 06, 2020 · Instead, the evidence proves that, when he first encountered the police, George Floyd was well on his way to dying from a self-administered drug overdose.

Images of George Floyd death Overdose
Image result for George Floyd death Overdose
Image result for George Floyd death Overdose
Image result for George Floyd death Overdose
Image result for George Floyd death Overdose

See all
See all images
Or Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose? - The Daily Coin
Jun 19, 2020 · It is widely believed that George Floyd died from a police officer’s knee on his neck, whether due to asphyxiation or neck injury. That may be how it looks, to a naïve viewer. In reality, the county autopsy report says he died of a heart attack, [1] and states that there were “no life-threatening injuries.”.

Author: Unz Review
Did George Floyd Die from Asphyxiation or Drug Overdose?
Jul 03, 2020 · It is widely believed that George Floyd died from a police officer’s knee on his neck, whether due to asphyxiation or neck injury. That may be how it looks, to a naïve viewer. In reality, the county autopsy report says he died of a heart attack, and states that there were “no life-threatening injuries.”

Tucker Carlson Announces George Floyd Fatally …
Aug 06, 2020 · The police realized Floyd was on drug overdose and called for medics. Floyd was being held still so as not to exhaust his restricted oxygen capability in agitation. Floyd died because the ambulance did not get there in time.

Or Did George Floyd Die of a Drug Overdose? Fatal Fentanyl ...
Jun 22, 2020 · It is widely believed that George Floyd died from a police officer’s knee on his neck, whether due to asphyxiation or neck injury. That may be how it looks, to a naïve viewer. In reality, the county autopsy report says he died of a heart attack, and states that there were “no life-threatening injuries.”

Updated Autopsy Report: George Floyd Died of Heart …
Jun 02, 2020 · George Floyd officially died from a heart attack while under arrest with evidence of fentanyl and meth use. Derek Chavin continues to be charged with third-degree murder …

George Floyd's Death Was a Homicide, Says Medical …
Floyd died on May 25 in police custody after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin pinned him to the ground for several minutes with a knee …

George Floyd Was on Fentanyl, Medical Examiner Says, As ...
Jun 02, 2020 · U.S. Fentanyl Deaths A press release from the Hennepin County Medical Examiner says that George Floyd, the 46-year-old black man who died in police custody after a Minneapolis police officer knelt...

Author: Daniel Villarreal
Claims of Drug Overdose in the Death of George Floyd ...
Jul 15, 2020 · He uses toxicology knowledge and the Dragon Wok video footage of George Floyd to conclude that he did not die of a Fentanyl overdose, although he does not explicitly consider a delayed release from ingested Fentanyl.

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The prosecutor's complaint noted that Floyd first said he could not breathe several times before he was restrained under officer Chauvin's knee as video footage has shown. Floyd was handcuffed, standing and not voluntarily entering the police car, telling officers he was claustrophobic and unable to breathe.
George Floyd Couldn't Breathe Before He Was Pinned Dow……
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George Floyd Couldn't Breathe Before He Was Pinned …

May 30, 2020 · The prosecutor's complaint noted that Floyd first said he could not breathe several times before he was restrained under officer Chauvin's knee as video footage has shown. Floyd was handcuffed…

Author: Benjamin Fearnow
George Floyd told police he was struggling to breathe ...
May 30, 2020 · George Floyd told police he was claustrophobic and struggling to breathe even before he ended up face down on the Minneapolis pavement, with an officer's knee planted on his neck, prosecutors said...

George Floyd told police he was struggling to breathe ...
May 29, 2020 · Floyd initially cooperated but then "actively resisted being handcuffed," the complaint said. But once "handcuffed, Mr. Floyd became compliant," according to prosecutors. Floyd did not want to get into a squad car, as he "stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic," the complaint said, as Minneapolis police ...

Author: David K. Li
New video appears to show moments before George Floyd …

Jun 01, 2020 · Floyd had complained of being "claustrophobic" and having troubling breathing before he was wrestled onto the pavement face first, according to the arrest warrant. Chauvin was arrested on Friday and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the death of Floyd.

George Floyd Likely Couldn't Breathe Despite Speaking ...
Jul 10, 2020 · Floyd, a Black man who was handcuffed, died May 25 after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly 8 minutes, keeping Floyd pinned even after he stopped moving. In the moments before he died, Floyd told police he couldn’t breathe more than 20 times.

Commentary: Who Killed George Floyd? - Tennessee Star
Aug 07, 2020 · As documented by Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports, his breathing difficulty was caused not by a knee on his neck or pressure on his back, but by the fact that he had in his bloodstream over three times the potentially lethal limit of fentanyl, a powerful and dangerous pain medication known to shut down the respiratory system and cause coma and death.

Chauvin, Lane, Kueng, and Thao: The George Floyd Fall …
Aug 12, 2020 · According to his toxicology report, Floyd had over three times the potentially lethal amount of fentanyl in his blood when he expired. …

Medical experts: Floyd's speech didn't mean he could …
Jul 10, 2020 · Floyd, a Black man who was handcuffed, died May 25 after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly 8 minutes, keeping Floyd pinned even after he stopped...

Who Killed George Floyd? | The American Spectator
Aug 06, 2020 · As documented by Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports, his breathing difficulty was caused not by a knee on his neck or pressure on his back, but by the fact that he had in his bloodstream over ...

How did George Floyd die? Toxicology report, transcript ...
Aug 11, 2020 · As documented by Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports, his breathing difficulty was caused not by a knee on his neck or pressure on his back, but by the fact that he had in his bloodstream over...

The prosecutor's complaint noted that Floyd first said he could not breathe several times before he was restrained under officer Chauvin's knee as video footage has shown. Floyd was handcuffed, standing and not voluntarily entering the police car, telling officers he was claustrophobic and unable to breathe.
George Floyd Couldn't Breathe Before He Was Pinned Dow……
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George Floyd Couldn't Breathe Before He Was Pinned …

May 30, 2020 · The prosecutor's complaint noted that Floyd first said he could not breathe several times before he was restrained under officer Chauvin's knee as video footage has shown. Floyd was handcuffed…

Author: Benjamin Fearnow
George Floyd told police he was struggling to breathe ...
May 30, 2020 · George Floyd told police he was claustrophobic and struggling to breathe even before he ended up face down on the Minneapolis pavement, with an officer's knee planted on his neck, prosecutors said...

George Floyd told police he was struggling to breathe ...
May 29, 2020 · Floyd initially cooperated but then "actively resisted being handcuffed," the complaint said. But once "handcuffed, Mr. Floyd became compliant," according to prosecutors. Floyd did not want to get into a squad car, as he "stiffened up, fell to the ground, and told the officers he was claustrophobic," the complaint said, as Minneapolis police ...

Author: David K. Li
New video appears to show moments before George Floyd …

Jun 01, 2020 · Floyd had complained of being "claustrophobic" and having troubling breathing before he was wrestled onto the pavement face first, according to the arrest warrant. Chauvin was arrested on Friday and charged with third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter in the death of Floyd.

George Floyd Likely Couldn't Breathe Despite Speaking ...
Jul 10, 2020 · Floyd, a Black man who was handcuffed, died May 25 after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly 8 minutes, keeping Floyd pinned even after he stopped moving. In the moments before he died, Floyd told police he couldn’t breathe more than 20 times.

Commentary: Who Killed George Floyd? - Tennessee Star
Aug 07, 2020 · As documented by Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports, his breathing difficulty was caused not by a knee on his neck or pressure on his back, but by the fact that he had in his bloodstream over three times the potentially lethal limit of fentanyl, a powerful and dangerous pain medication known to shut down the respiratory system and cause coma and death.

Chauvin, Lane, Kueng, and Thao: The George Floyd Fall …
Aug 12, 2020 · According to his toxicology report, Floyd had over three times the potentially lethal amount of fentanyl in his blood when he expired. …

Medical experts: Floyd's speech didn't mean he could …
Jul 10, 2020 · Floyd, a Black man who was handcuffed, died May 25 after Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck for nearly 8 minutes, keeping Floyd pinned even after he stopped...

Who Killed George Floyd? | The American Spectator
Aug 06, 2020 · As documented by Floyd’s autopsy and toxicology reports, his breathing difficulty was caused not by a knee on his neck or pressure on his back, but by the fact that he had in his bloodstream over ...

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by srinath on 08/17/20 at 05:58:44

687E69746C79746F1B0 wrote:
The point is not whether he was a good or bad person,..
The point is he was suspected of passing a bad $20 dollar bill (which you or I could easily do unknowingly) and they killed him while restraining him.
That's a bit excessive...
Would it have happened if he had been white?... doubtful...

Yesterday at the sturgis motorcycle rally the cops took down a white antifa after he kicked out a motorcycle that was passing by. Exact same knee on back/arms/neck. That dude also was likely 300lb. There were 8 or so cops - so they restrained him faster. George Floyd was in the car, he wanted to be on the ground - he was dying of an OD. The white antifa man wasn't shoving fentanyl up his a$$ and hence didn't die from the same type of takedown. Worth watching that. 1000's of bikers have uploaded it.
I'm gonna say Floyd was treated exactly the same as white guy was after all the screaming about knee on the back/neck etc. Floyd's dead from a$$ drugs. White guy is likely out with a fine awaiting a court date. Not race, stupidity. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/20 at 07:57:03

He couldn't breathe

Analogues Lead to Wooden Chest Syndrome
Nov 08, 2019 · Fentanyl and fentanyl analogues (FAs) may produce a rigidity in the diaphragm, chest wall, and upper airway, known as fentanyl-induced muscle rigidity or wooden chest syndrome …

Wake up

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/20 at 11:27:27

7C5C5E564B5C390 wrote:
... Lies are lies, bigFUKKINdeal, just ignore ours if you expect us to ignore yours, at least that way it will be fair.

In your statement above it is clear that the word you used, "yours", refers to JOG.

Who does "Ours" and "Us", represent ?

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/17/20 at 12:58:41

"He couldn't breathe

 Kneeling on someone's neck for 9 minutes is excessive in any environment where the rest of the individual is controlled.  Lets not pretend his airway and blood-flow was completely unobstructed.  "Controlled" means any other human capable of assisting is doing so thus reducing the requirement for a human to use their body weight as the primary means of pressure on the neck.  

 Of course people will overdo it and say he would have lived if he wasn't kneeled on that long and go burn down buildings, etc. etc.  This is an omission of certain facts.  It's obvious that all factors should be taken into account for accuracy, and not select the facts we want to care about.

 Does that mean we have to underdo it and say the cops weren't at all responsible?  There was no need for that level of continuous force on the neck.  If I did that in a hospital to a guy on meth, and he died from a IG bleed that was totally unrelated, I would be fired for kneeling on his neck that long.

 I would be prosecuted, and would fully expect the prosecution to say I was a contributing factor to his death, and my defense would have to disprove that.  

 On the street though I'd have to watch my back.  

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/17/20 at 13:01:23

"In your statement above it is clear that the word you used, "yours", refers to JOG.

Who does "Ours" and "Us", represent ?"

 If you were to make a guess I imagine you would be very close to being correct.

 I can assure you I am not indicating that I would be aware of who JoG communicates with, in totality, at all moments of his life.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/20 at 13:56:09

A look back in my posts will show I said he was murdered,,
After more information came out
I said he wasnt handled right,,

Now it looks like its just sad the cops even got there before the fukin thug died

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/20 at 20:40:14

So your answer below to:
"Who does, "Ours" and "Us", represent ?"
(As to Reply 13 of this thread),
Is a clear statement of your position ?

4464666E7364010 wrote:
 If you were to make a guess I imagine you would be very close to being correct.

I can assure you I am not indicating that I would be aware of who JoG communicates with, in totality, at all moments of his life.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by MnSpring on 08/18/20 at 07:30:33

7E5E5C54495E3B0 wrote:
"Ohhh, so I lied.."
... I never said that ...  

Not directly, yet sure inferred !
By saying these words.

...Why do people need to keep drumming up lies...
...clearly is misrepresenting... example of inaccuracy...
...So instead lies like this...
...You are using lies as backing...
...What part of using lies makes your argument...
...if you don't lie to them?...

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/20 at 09:28:56

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
A look back in my posts will show I said he was murdered,,
After more information came out
I said he wasnt handled right,,

Now it looks like its just sad the cops even got there before the fukin thug died

Which means
Unlike so many
Can have an opinion
and then change
with new infromation..
Lefties should give that a try,
Its very freeing, being able to admit to being wrong yesterday,,
IN order to NOT be wrong

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by WebsterMark on 08/18/20 at 11:13:54

022220283522470 wrote:
"I think you're missing the larger point here.."

 I think you are missing the point.  You are using lies as backing for your argument.

 What part of using lies makes your argument stronger, or worth anyone's time?

 Why not use truth?  Do you not understand more people will listen to your stance if you don't lie to them?

The point is we treat black Americans like spoiled children that we’d rather promise an ice creme to than invest the time so they can function on their own. It’s easier to pretend Floyd was flat out murdered than to place some of the blame on him. And we’d rather not have cities burn if that were a black 5 year old so we pretend nothing happened.

A few blacks escape the not always so invisible plantation Democrats created for black Americans and good for them. Here’s one:

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/18/20 at 16:10:12

"Not directly, yet sure inferred !
By saying these words."

 I never said JoG is making up lies himself.

 I said he uses material that contains them as leverage to his argument.

 Truthful alternatives exist.  His argument is to ignore the incorrect portions of his material.  That's fine, but he should do the same.

 If any of us, meaning anyone using this forum, posts incorrect, misleading, inaccurate, not correct, false, wrong, etc. material, he should ignore those parts as he has requested I do on multiple occasions in the interest of being fair.

 Nitpick all you want as usual, the point is if he wants me to ignore the incorrect portions of information he chooses to present, he should do the same.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/20 at 16:15:28

His argument is to ignore the incorrect portions of his material.

I didnt kNOW it wasnt correct,,
How was I gonna?
How did you check it?
Why would I bother to see if every detail was supported elsewhere?
He DID in fact hold a gun on a woman .. So,, Yeah,, Its not a big deal she wasnt pregnant,.Hes STILL a complete TURD of a man..
What is it that makes your
Ohh, He wasnt so bad
info right?
How differently should I see that POS Floyd, knowing she wasnt pregnant?
Not all incorrect statements have the same bearing on the Grand Total of the information, so your assertion that I said Screwitt, ( Correct you were, because at the end of the day, he was a total POS who the world is better off without)

Too bad the cops got there before he died,,

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/18/20 at 16:17:13

"The point is we treat black Americans like spoiled children that we’d rather promise an ice creme to than invest the time so they can function on their own."

 I agree with that.

 I do not agree that this point should be presented to me with misleading information and when I provide empirical evidence of the incorrect portion I am then told to ignore it.

Why on earth with all the truthful/accurate information supporting this view would one select inaccurate information to support their view?

 How does that help the conversation?

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by Eegore on 08/18/20 at 16:31:00

I didnt kNOW it wasnt correct,,
How was I gonna?
How did you check it?"

 I got on Google and typed "Did George Floyd point a gun at a pregnant woman?  The first few links showed the actual case material.  Took about 5 minutes.

"Why would I bother to see if every detail was supported elsewhere?"

 Because the internet is full of lies, even the portions you agree with.  Like tons and tons of lies.  A tremendous amount of misleading information exists, so much its on the mainstream media almost daily.  Trump mentions it constantly.

 I have brought it up in multiple posts you have made.  We have had this exact conversation multiple times.  

"He DID in fact hold a gun on a woman .. So,, Yeah,, Its not a big deal she wasnt pregnant,.Hes STILL a complete TURD of a man.."

 I agree.  I still do not see any reason for anyone to add in misleading information and expect me to pretend they are being truthful.  Give me accurate information - not an explanation to ignore the false information.

"What is it that makes your
Ohh, He wasnt so bad
info right?"

 I never said that.  What is "right" is that he did not point a gun at a pregnant woman.  Why is the appropriate response here to tell me to ignore the wrong parts and just look at the right parts?  Would you accept that from me?

"How differently should I see that POS Floyd, knowing she wasnt pregnant?"

 I don't care how you see Floyd.  I agree with you.  What I do care about is being given misleading information and being told to ignore that part.  Then in another post your parameters are "Try using factual arguments"

 The most fair way to handle that is to ask people to provide information and then inform you exactly what inaccurate portions of their argument you should ignore.

 That's what you did here, just let us do it too.

Title: Re: Funny how the out
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/20 at 16:45:29

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