General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Slave owners

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/20 at 18:30:27

Title: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/14/20 at 18:30:27

I have no reason to believe my family did it.
Kamala, otoh, has it documented.
Yet, she's fine with lefties..
My Fukkin shokktface will never stop..

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by srinath on 08/14/20 at 19:37:56

That b!tch seems to be selling out every aspect of her ...
Ofcourse her pu$$y, mouth and a$$ were sold to Willie Brown to kick off her career a long time ago and as such have no value ...
Then her "Blackness"
Then "Injunness"

But then again she's just 1 heartbeat away from the #1 office on the planet.


Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by MnSpring on 08/15/20 at 12:40:25

Always remember, ONLY, a UL, DFI, FDS, Eleatest, Socialist, Drongo can say;
“You are a  . . . ”
Just as ONLY,  a UL,DFI, FDS, Eleatest, Socialist, can tear down a Statue of a person who lived 200 (+/-) years ago, because they had Slaves.

Which is exactly the same as a VP elect's Grandfather, CAN have had Slaves, (with total Immunity) While condemning any other person who’s ancient relatives had Slaves.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/20 at 15:06:39

Aaaaand No lefties arguing...

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by philthymike on 08/15/20 at 16:18:35

Lefties cannot see beyond the mental horizons dictated to them by their ideological programming. So if they're programmed to think slavery is bad it is bad. But if they're also programmed to ignore slavery on the part of their masters then that's ok.

You can't reason with them. You can't change their minds. Their minds are damaged and locked against anything that isn't sanctioned by their intelligentsia.

Remember my quote of about protective stupidity? Orwellian crap like that is real. It's happening before our very eyes at a colossal scale.

It doesn't matter if their programming is conflicted.

It's like trying to fight a mentally retarded version of The Terminator.
It isn't smart enough to overcome the hypocrisy of its program. It just runs it in a loop forever or until its batteries die or it is physically destroyed.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/20 at 17:14:27

Excellent post

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/15/20 at 18:09:59

Dear lefties..
Where is the outrage?
Only if a bub does it?
You're okay with democrats who hit the big time with slavery in their past?
The suckaciousness that is leftyism is disgusting.
Lefties sukk.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by Eegore on 08/15/20 at 23:21:13

 What lefties?

 The ones that people keep saying left years ago?

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 08:32:55

Some of the most incredible lefties have gone.
Pretending others aren't here would strain a brain.
Unless you think it's constitutional conservatives posting the
Orange Man Bad crap here.
If you don't believe lefties are here, how do you explain the posts I have to argue with?

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by Serowbot on 08/16/20 at 09:54:05

Trump is the antithesis of a Constitutional conservative...

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by Eegore on 08/16/20 at 12:33:06

"If you don't believe lefties are here, how do you explain the posts I have to argue with? "

 You argue with me when I agree with you so sometimes I think you are just doing it out of habit.

 Or maybe I fit in the lefty category by your definition, I'm not sure.

 I post questions with supporting evidence about Trump and nobody says a word.  So "righties" have the same issue as lefties I guess.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 12:58:27

Unlike Bigfoot, evidence of lefties exists here. Take note of the post above, by Not.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/16/20 at 15:46:09

The whole premise of this is ridiculous, all human beings are cousins. It really wouldn't matter what anyone's great great great great great paternal grandmother may have done, let alone if she was raped by a slaveholder. Not forgetting of course that the US fought a civil war for the right to hold slaves, and there certainly must be plenty of descendants of those Americans in Congress, probably on this forum.

I've been listening to this Audiobook recently by Adam Rutherford, highly recommended and you can get it for free at audible then cancel your subscription.

Mark Meadows said yesterday that there's no evidence of widespread mail in ballot fraud, but there's also no evidence that there isn't widespread mail in ballot fraud.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/16/20 at 15:50:56

 Or maybe I fit in the lefty category by your definition, I'm not sure.

If you want to figure out JoG, then you need look no further than his trumpy, role model. Anyone who challenges any opinion whatsoever that Trump regurgitates, is perceived as someone who must be taken down with an avalanche of attack and bs. No matter how trivial.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/16/20 at 18:31:25

WTF IS wrong with you?
I have disagreed with Trump.
He's not a God. There are things I think he should be doing that he isn't.
He does stuff I don't agree with.
And, in spite of his failings, he is still the best I've seen.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by srinath on 08/17/20 at 05:48:21

6C7A6D70687D706B1F0 wrote:
Trump is the antithesis of a Constitutional conservative...

Correct, and that's the best aspect of him.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by MnSpring on 08/17/20 at 11:36:39

6F7D696A7D7B791C0 wrote:
...  all human beings are cousins. ...

That's right, believe is it up to 1/1250th.

BUT, not all Human Beings are Drongos

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/17/20 at 16:36:42

WTF IS wrong with you?
I have disagreed with Trump

Well I bother to argue with idiots, so that's something that's wrong with me. With regard to you asserting you disagree with Trump, you can always say that because Trump keeps changing his positions, which you can also easily do when it suits.

Tell me something you disagree with that Trump promotes or has promoted.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/17/20 at 16:38:21

You should have made note of my protests when I made them,,

Even E has TOLD you of times I disagreed with TRump,,

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/17/20 at 16:48:52

As I said, saying you disagreed with Trump on occasion is like Trump being endorse by Kanye West and then saying "see I can't be racist".

It's not a matter of whether you agree or disagree with Trump, it's that you use his exact same tactics, it's like you don't even speak for yourself. You only post links from right wing nut job sites, in the same way that all Trumps contentious ideas, both racist and fascist also come from nut job right wing think tanks.

Notice how the Wapo, and the NYT, also have writers that post alternative views and op eds to what the paper holds for the sake of balance. I get it that you have your extreme views that mirror the worst of Trump but you use the same bullsh!t way of making points, which is to highlight false information, and then not engage with counter arguments. It's just fcuking tiresome. Why Eegore spends so much time bashing his head against you guys when it's obvious y'all argue in bad faith is hard for me to fathom. I've asked him but I still don't understand.

Anyway I've seen how y'all answer him, in such bad faith and really just use him as a foil to push your own bullsh!t, so expecting me to attempt the same is not going to happen. I've long ago given up the fantasy that you'll ever engage in good faith. Why the hell do you think everyone with alternative views to you WM, Sri, and the like have completely stopped posting. It's because it's utterly pointless trying to have any meaningful discussion with the lot of you. If it wasn't for Eegore giving you something to bite on, you'd all just be here sucking each other d!cks which is basically all you do anyway.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by Eegore on 08/18/20 at 19:18:36

" Why Eegore spends so much time bashing his head against you guys when it's obvious y'all argue in bad faith is hard for me to fathom. I've asked him but I still don't understand."

 You sort of answer this below:

" If it wasn't for Eegore giving you something to bite on, you'd all just be here sucking each other d!cks which is basically all you do anyway."

 The internet is a great way to learn new things and exchange ideas.  However with the advent of advanced metadata and advertising revenue most interactions in the internet, primarily social media, has developed a corralling of like-minded interactions in order to more efficiently sell ads by customizing search outcomes and interaction methods.

 A rudimentary explanation, but important.  For instance if I use one IP to run through "lefty" websites and media, and another IP to do the same with "conservative" websites and media - then search for the exact same topic, I will get different results.

 This along with most individuals preference of hearing what they want (positive reinforcement) leads us to just see what we want to see.  So we end up talking to people with our same ideas, sharing memes we agree with, ending up in a cycle of having our opinions constantly reinforced instead of challenged.

 This forum is a bit of a break from that since it's so old.  If I only hung out on law enforcement and contracting forums I'd have no idea how other people think, and even more dangerous, just have a situation where peole keep telling each other they are right.

 I have no objective here beyond looking over what people present and offering my opinion.  As I have said before, I don't care to change anyone, or their minds on any subject.  

 A lot of my interactions are about the accuracy of presented material, we rarely advance into why and how we feel the way we do about a subject as challenging accuracy typically just results in profanity and complaining.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/18/20 at 21:37:11

Bad Faith,, from a lefty,, I can hear the film walking thru the sprockets of his projector,

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by eau de sauvage on 08/18/20 at 21:40:50


There's the rub. It's not so much what other people think, it's more how do they come to the conclusions that they do, if you want to understand anything.

For example, there are a niche group of Christians who literally believe that the Earth is 6000 years old. But if we want to understand anything it's not that people believe that, it's how exactly are they able to come to that conclusion while at the same time blithely accepting the very same science that shows how that is impossible, in their everyday life with their electronic products.

Now to bring that back to the topics discussed on these boards, it's not so much what JoG, Sri, or Mn think, or the people who read the nut job sites they link to, you won't get any insight into how they think, you already know. The insight you want if you want any insight at all, is how do they formulate their opinion.

And to get an answer to that all you really need to do it watch as much Fox News, excerpts on youtube as you can stomach without throwing up. Because it's these people who drive the mainstream loony right, then of course there's the even more loony Brietbart or Q anon.

As you say people will want to hear what they want to hear, so if you delve deeper the insight you get is that people are fundamentally very unhappy and this unhappiness comes out as a hatred for the other. It's no different to how fascism works, paint human beings as 'the other' and tap into that primal fear. But fear is just a flavour of insecurity it's a vicious cycle.

You see it when srinath, routinely uses 'libtards' when not even referring to anyone in particular, just a general dehumanising of the other. It's a rational for their hatred. But because everyone knows that is wrong because they don't want to be dehumanised, so they have to justify it with more hatred. It never ends well.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by MnSpring on 08/19/20 at 07:06:57

537371796473160 wrote:
...  I don't care to change anyone, or their minds on any subject.  ...

I recall a different attitude on you working to, 'change someones mind', on opening the 2A, for the purpose of re-defining it.

Don't understand how, "... shall not be infringed ..." can be refined,
unless someone wants to add; "But, this/that/and those ..."

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by Eegore on 08/19/20 at 14:33:00

"I recall a different attitude on you working to, 'change someones mind', on opening the 2A, for the purpose of re-defining it."

 To clarify:

 I do not want to change anyone's mind on this forum, specific to this forum with the exemption of all other forums.  

 When discussing the Second Amendment I specifically would like to re-word the phrasing "well organized militia" or remove it.  

 If someone does not agree with this - I will not try to change their mind - I do not care if they agree, I will just state my reasoning for my stance.

 If a person feels I am only capable of requesting a re-phrasing of the Second Amendment for gun control measures and no other reason - I will not try to change their mind - I will however indicate that my stance for re-phrasing, to me, is not for gun-control, but for the opposite.

 Again, my communication on this forum, and only in application for this forum, with no other forum or form of communication of any kind, is to share ideas.  I am not interested in change on this forum.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/20 at 17:04:08

Seems to me the amendment, while somewhat confusing for those who choose to not understand, is clear enough,,

Shall Not be infringed is pretty clear.,

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by Eegore on 08/19/20 at 17:46:06

 It's the "well regulated militia" part that gets so many people "on the fence" to go with the restricted gun laws.

 I'd rather remove that influence than fight the poor interpretations.

 Like getting drugs out of the neighborhood versus teaching Johnny that drugs are bad.  I'd rather do both.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/19/20 at 20:46:09

Rewritten it would say what?
I agree with ya,, yeah,, Ive seen people demand an explanation that agrees with ther grasp of what REgulated means today,,
My argument to them has always been
The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
is not needing any interpretation..

So, how would ya go about the rewrite?

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/20 at 01:45:16

And,, back to the topic,,
It sure LOOKS like Kamala is the direct descendant of a slave ownin family.. Making her EXACTLY one of the cancel cutures Perfectly Deserving Targets,,
Yet,, she gets a pass,,

Is it okay if I dont unnerstand that?

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/20/20 at 08:36:59

So,, let me see if I got this right,,

Statues of Long Dead guys who did things in our nations history and owned slaves need torn down,,
But Kamala, a direct and proven descendant of slave owners is okay for a VP..
Is that about it?

Is it okay if I am a bit confused by THAT???

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by srinath on 08/21/20 at 06:19:48

Rules for you but not for me -
Global warming for you, beach front Island Mansion for me. Why is that so hard to understand JOG ???

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/20 at 09:22:47

3C2325223F3809390931232F64560 wrote:
So,, let me see if I got this right,,

Statues of Long Dead guys who did things in our nations history and owned slaves need torn down,,
But Kamala, a direct and proven descendant of slave owners is okay for a VP..
Is that about it?

Is it okay if I am a bit confused by THAT???

Ill wait on the full weight of the lefty intellectuals to explain, too..
Im pretty sure we have a few guys here who would love a chance to point out where Im wrong..

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by srinath on 08/21/20 at 14:41:43

Lefties hate the american flag more than the confederate flag. So that's why.

Title: Re: Slave owners
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 08/21/20 at 16:22:26

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