General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Slippery Slope of the Left

Message started by philthymike on 08/12/20 at 06:18:34

Title: The Slippery Slope of the Left
Post by philthymike on 08/12/20 at 06:18:34

Normal Person: Hmmmm I don't think BLM is helping their cause by looting and rioting.

Typical Lefty: you're a racist, white supremacist nazi!!!!

Normal Person: I think antifa is wrong to set fire to buildings after trapping people inside them.

Typical Lefty: you're a fascist, white supremacist nazi!!!!

Normal Person: George Floyd wasn't a model citizen.

Typical Lefty: you're a racist Klanner that lynches millions of black people!!!!

Normal Person: Why do we send so much money to Israel?

Typical Lefty: you're Hitler and you commit genocide and you're a white supremacist, racist homophobe member of the KKK.

You get the idea. If you deviate in the slightest bit from their narrative you're automatically the supporter of and cause of all crimes against humanity and a white supremacist, Hitler, Klansman etc. Ad nauseam yada yada ...whatever.
It's always the slippery slope with these fools. It's how their brand of politics thinks and keeps its followers thinking only the thoughts it approves of. It's self censorship of the kind Communist regimes want so badly they'll resort to genocide to achieve.
But Libtards do it willingly like the obedient little conformists they are.

Annoyingly it's also the tactic they use in order to avoid any debating or intelligent discourse that they know they can't survive without being made out for foolish vacuous dunces they really are.

So since trying to have conversations with them is a pointless gesture I think we should just use their slippery slope back at them.
If they start spouting their prepackaged little certainties about social justice or identity politics or any of their usual drivel then immediately call them Maoists, Bolsheviks, Stalinists, Red Army members and accuse them for the mass genocide, famines and crimes against humanity those regimes are most famous for.
And feel free to call them Nazis too since Nazism was Socialist and modern leftists side with Muslims over Jews and secretly want another holocaust.
Just ask any black person.

Title: Re: The Slippery Slope of the Left
Post by philthymike on 08/12/20 at 06:29:12

And if you're not up on your history of Communist atrocities then go read the Black Book of Communism.

It's an enlightening look at what that belief system has wreaked over history and an instructive lesson on what your modern Marxist Socialist has in mind for our future.

Title: Re: The Slippery Slope of the Left
Post by Eegore on 08/12/20 at 09:38:48

 I see this logic working both ways.

 For instance I asked what process is used for Trump's business to donate money to the US Treasury.  I am anti-Trump now because I had a question related directly to the topic, that would allow me to further inform imbeciles that want to vilify the POTUS inaccurately at every turn.

 I travel a lot.  If I am "around" people who are pro-gun control, I am pro-gun control by association.  But if I go to TX and am around people who are anti-gun control, I am still pro-gun control.  Gun control by association only works one way for some reason.  If I want to re-word the 2nd Amendment, I can only be rewording it for gun control measures.  It's impossible for me to recommend wording that strengthens the 2nd for some reason.

 These are just simple comparisons on this forum.  I get the racist comments too for indicating Floyd was a contributing factor to his death.  I also get the Trump hater nonsense for asking why military personnel are expected to ignore his false claims that he gave them the largest pay increase they have ever seen.

 It works both ways from what I have experienced.

Title: Re: The Slippery Slope of the Left
Post by philthymike on 08/12/20 at 10:02:17

I find your point reasonable enough. Two wrongs don't make a right.
For my part I'm in the habit of venting my disgust for the total breakdown of meaningful communication. Never before have we had so many means of communication and so little use for it all.

As for Trump hating, that's something I actually understand. I didn't vote for him myself. He's been a huge disappointment to his followers and an international embarrassment for our nation.
Honestly if Satan was on the ballot he'd get my vote as the lesser of 3 evils.

The partisanship has gone out of control just as the ancient Greeks that invented Democracy predicted it would. And it's turned the whole thing into sad joke. Yet I don't believe Social Democracy is the answer. Look what a disaster the EU became. Now they're a social democratic tyranny who's member states want out.

I suspect that some of your topics either go over people's heads or are misconstrued because of poor grammar. I have on occasion had to reread your posts and scratch my head a bit. Or perhaps my reading comprehension ain't as good as I like to think.

Title: Re: The Slippery Slope of the Left
Post by Eegore on 08/12/20 at 10:09:39

"I suspect that some of your topics either go over people's heads or are misconstrued because of poor grammar. I have on occasion had to reread your posts and scratch my head a bit. Or perhaps my reading comprehension ain't as good as I like to think."

 I would most likely lean towards my poor grammar/dictation over your comprehension.  I typically have these posts read to me and I speak out my reply.  Sometimes I skip the read-back and don't realize that how I said something made sense in my brain but not on paper.  

Title: Re: The Slippery Slope of the Left
Post by philthymike on 08/12/20 at 10:19:41

Well FWIW this isn't something limited to just you. Many others here do the same thing including myself after I've had a couple beers.

And I do see where the non-liberals have similar slippery slope tendencies. Especially the more righty-extreme types.

It makes me think of the Jedi description of the Sith and how they only deal in absolutes. Amusing that Star Wars provides some sort of wisdom. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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