General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Jack-booted thugs...

Message started by Serowbot on 07/21/20 at 07:33:03

Title: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/20 at 07:33:03

Remember getting all up in arms (pun intended) and Constitution thumping  over the false conspiracy fears of Clinton or Obama sending military into the streets?...

It's really happening,.. now,.. in Portland, and Trump is threatening soon other places.
Fed military without identifying insignia rounding up citizens, beating them, gassing them,.. throwing them into unmarked vans without cause or charge and taking them to unknown locations...

This is not nutjob conspiracy,... it's reality.
Show me your TDS hypocrisy by arguing that it's okay now.
It's okay now,.. because it's Trump...
Sieg Heil !!!... :-?


Navy vet beaten by federal agents: 'They came out to fight'

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by Eegore on 07/21/20 at 07:55:30

 It's only unconstitutional government action if you don't like the current President.  

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by Serowbot on 07/21/20 at 08:19:11

America Gets an Interior Ministry
"For decades, conservative activists and leaders have warned that “jackbooted thugs” from the federal government were going to come to take away Americans’ civil rights with no due process and no recourse. Now they’re here—but they’re deployed by a staunchly right-wing president with strong conservative support."

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/21/20 at 08:25:22

Is this in the burnt and looted peaceful protest part of Portland, or the soon to be burnt and looted neighboring parts ??? I think they're not Portland anymore, they're CLOT - C (for some Indian tribe) land Occupied Territory, Well atleast its gone back to Indians. LOL.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/21/20 at 10:16:01

Trump is cobbling together something the United States has never had before—a national police force

This David Graham is a moron. Every member of the US Coast Guard is a badge holding Federal Marshal with the authority to arrest US citizens. Essentially a national police force except in name.
People these days...

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/21/20 at 12:03:01

Add to that moron - this one - Chris Cuomo -

The $$$ shot -
CNN's Chris Cuomo: Who Says Protests Are Supposed To Be Polite And Peaceful?

LOL, I think its called the constitution, or connistipation for you retards.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/21/20 at 12:11:43

. "No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take the streets. Persistent and poisonous inequities and injustice."

Dingbat. The ONLY reason anyone is crying over injustices is because it's an election year with a sitting president from the Republican party. Duh!
The real problem is leftist jerkoffs opportunistic hijacking of race issues purely for political gain.

If it wasn't an election year everyone would be like who's George Floyd? by now

Once the Democruds get them black votes it's all - thanks negros you've been swell, now turn around and close your eyes while we stick you from behind by displacing you with gentrification and giving all the manual labor and service industries jobs to Chico and the gang holding up in our crime ridden sanctuary cities.
Huh? Injustice? Oh don't be silly go collect your SSI check and buy a. 40 oz. and an eightball. It's all good

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/21/20 at 12:50:43

And guess what happens when Jack Booted thugs dont get sent in - Cos its "peaceful protest"

Gov. Tim Walz has requested federal financial assistance to help the Twin Cities recover from more than $500 million worth of damage caused by rioting.

In a press release, Walz’s office said nearly 1,500 Twin Cities businesses were vandalized, burned, or looted during the late May riots, with current estimates of the damage exceeding $500 million.

Walz asked President Donald Trump on Thursday to “declare a major disaster for the State of Minnesota because of extensive fire damage to public infrastructure caused by civil unrest.” Assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) would reimburse local governments for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and damage to public buildings, Walz’s office said.

“We’re asking our federal partners to step up and help our communities recover,” Walz said. “We need to come together to ensure Minnesotans who were victims of this destruction have access to critical infrastructure they need so they can go to the grocery store, pick up their medication, and live their lives. Together, we will rebuild.”

The Idiots come asking for $$$ - 1/2 billion worth for chit they allowed to happen and prevented the police from enforcing their charter.

Really which way is it fools ???

Is it a peaceful protest ? Yes ??? OK then no Jack booted thugs, but why is there 1/2 billion worth of broken chit ???

Is it a riot and chit blowing up ? Then why would you stop the police from stopping it, and worse yet demand 1/2 billion ???


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/21/20 at 13:16:03

Because election year. Any other time they wouldn't let their hellhole city get burned down. They would have sent the cops and national guard on day one to protect all the gentrification. And to protect the rich Jews from angry apes.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/21/20 at 13:23:58

In 2012 I was a liberal I think, cos I hated Romney and I still do. But did any chit burn down ? That was the TEA party crap set up in NYC and 100 cites all across. I would guess that was the libertarians backlashing against the democrats and Obama - and may republicans likely joined in - did any freaking think get burnt, looted and/destroyed ???

Yea that's what I thought.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/21/20 at 13:35:36

They didn't have the masked thugs ANTIFREEZE around to incite violence.

I love how these lefty unicorn girl thingies show up to peaceful protests with masked thugs and antagonize the authorities and occupy public property and burn and loot but the second someone actually puts their foot down and does the same back they cry unfair.
Buncha freaking whiny losers.
Don't pick fights if you're afraid to fight.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/22/20 at 07:25:53

0626242C3126430 wrote:
 It's only unconstitutional government action if you don't like the current President.  

The lawsuit is asking a judge to find that the federal agencies' tactics are indeed unlawful and violate Oregonians' First, Fourth and Fifth amendment constitutional rights.

Multiple reports and videos clearly show heavily armed federal law enforcement officers dressed in camouflage stepping out of unmarked civilian vans and forcibly detaining anti-racism and anti-police brutality demonstrators on the streets of Portland, often far away from any federal property (where federal officials have jurisdiction). In many instances, those taken into custody hadn’t clearly violated any laws.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/20 at 17:50:18

2731263B23363B20540 wrote:
... This is not nutjob conspiracy,... it's reality ...

Hmmm, can you say, TSA ?
(also know as  'Thousands Standing Around')

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by MnSpring on 07/22/20 at 18:28:15

6362797E716478100 wrote:
... Gov. Tim Walz has requested federal financial assistance to help the Twin Cities recover from more than $500 million worth of damage caused by rioting.
Is it a riot and chit blowing up ? Then why would you stop the police from stopping it, and worse yet demand 1/2 billion ???

The night the, ‘RIOT’, in Mpls really got started.
Walz, the Fire departments, The Police, the Mpls National Guard,
the cop shop burn.

THEN, ‘guarded’, The Governors Res. !!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/22/20 at 18:29:30

When people are throwing fukkin molotov cocktails, wrecking the life work of others,, You darn Right,, Jackboot time,,
Peaceful protests? Fine,, stomp around and bitchandwhine,,
Start hurting people,, You know,, like the DEAD GUY they found in the pawn shop,,

Its time to go home,, Its not about Floyd,, Its about destroy everythihg,, Coundnt sink the captain, so sink the ship,,

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/22/20 at 20:57:05

19393B332E395C0 wrote:
 It's only unconstitutional government action if you don't like the current President.  

Try this on for size...In Portland, Ore., federal police use batons, tear gas and rubber bullets on moms in bicycle helmets.

They arrest people "pro actively"

That’s so much easier than waiting for people to do something illegal before you lock them up!

How about...

The administration justifies the extraordinary disregard of constitutional protections by calling the demonstrators “violent anarchists” who have made “efforts to start fires at the Hatfield Federal Courthouse.” Trump says that the demonstrators “hate our country” and that “we must protect Federal property.”


Anarchists in Oregon who hate their country are trying to set fires and destroy federal property? Hmmm.

Steven and Dwight Hammond, also from Oregon, were convicted of arson for a fire that burned 139 acres of federal property in the state. A witness testified that Steven Hammond handed out matches with instructions to “light up the whole country” after his hunting party illegally slaughtered animals on federal land. Their imprisonment sparked an armed takeover of federal property in Oregon for 41 days in 2016 by dozens of militia-affiliated gunmen.

And what did Trump think of these arsonists who destroyed federal property and wanted to burn down America? Why, he pardoned them in 2018, calling them “devoted family men” and “respected contributors to their local community” for whom “justice is overdue.”

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by Eegore on 07/22/20 at 21:02:48

 Yeah that's pretty much how that works.

 Arguments will fly both ways about how burning Federal land is different than burning Federal buildings, but both are a crime no matter whos side you are on.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/23/20 at 04:44:32

Well the point in that case was that Trump pardoned the former. Much like he pardons all his convicted friends. Even Manfort is on home release, while Cohen was put back in the slammer.

Regarding the jackboot thugs, two points... 1. It's just about creating confusion and chaos, but everybody knows that schtick by now, which is why it's not working. And 2. One does not need a law degree to know that is is illegal to bundle someone off the street into an unmarked car and whisk them away unless they are arrested. And to arrest someone there needs to be 'probable cause'. It's clear that sort of abduction without arrest would be unconstitutional.

Even having unidentified guards in camo in a US city is meant to intimidate and frighten, I mean camo doesn't work in a city, in fact it's the exact opposite of camouflage.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/23/20 at 04:49:35

Also the best cognitive test for Trump is exactly what he's already doing. I mean to keep going on and on about acing a test for alzheimer's is a sure sign of crazy.

“It was 30 to 35 questions,” Mr. Trump said. “The first questions are very easy. The last questions are much more difficult. Like a memory question. It’s, like, you’ll go: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV. So they say, ‘Could you repeat that?’ So I said, ‘Yeah. It’s: Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV.’”

Look at the words he chose. Person, woman man. That's because a man and a woman are both persons so he wouldn't fcuk it up on TV, and of course he then went with Camera and TV, because that's what he was looking at. All this proves his mental incapacity to understand what he's doing. Which is making himself look more and more like a weirdo idiot.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/23/20 at 05:08:07

The bar is extremely low. For over 40 mins, in 100 degree heat under direct sun Trump took a blind side interview with open ended scope and questions from what he assumed was a friendly.

I'd like to see Biden do that sitting in his basement.

There is no claiming that Trump will ace a Harvard entry interview at this point. There isn't even a claim that Trump will beat Clinton or Obama or even Bush 2. The only thing I want to see is Biden do this exact same thing.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by WebsterMark on 07/23/20 at 05:13:35

6375627F67727F64100 wrote:
Remember getting all up in arms (pun intended) and Constitution thumping  over the false conspiracy fears of Clinton or Obama sending military into the streets?...

It's really happening,.. now,.. in Portland, and Trump is threatening soon other places.
Fed military without identifying insignia rounding up citizens, beating them, gassing them,.. throwing them into unmarked vans without cause or charge and taking them to unknown locations...

This is not nutjob conspiracy,... it's reality.
Show me your TDS hypocrisy by arguing that it's okay now.
It's okay now,.. because it's Trump...
Sieg Heil !!!... :-?


Navy vet beaten by federal agents: 'They came out to fight'


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/23/20 at 05:46:45

Apparently the Chris Wallace interview was over an hour.
This is Chris wallace after the interview.

Its only 3 mins, cos the last 1+ minute is an ad for something.

Straight up, Chris says Biden needs to do these and not have pre vetted and answers on a teleprompter and he still stumbles all over those.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/23/20 at 06:16:34

This country's numerous intelligence agencies have been whisking away innocent people in cars since the invention of cars. Those agencies are just smart enough to avoid being a headline. It's not that unusual as you might think.

Democrats have put troops in the streets before so they need to stop being such whiny hypocrites.

Finally when rioters are trying to burn down buildings full of federal employees, assaulting police with bombs, fireworks, bricks and bottles full of excrement in a city where the homicide rate is up 240% inside of a month that's obviously an insurrection. Not peaceful protest. In Minneapolis they set fire to a 911 call center full of people and physically assaulted and injured a politician trying to enter the courthouse. He was a democrud and gay too.
Sorry but the gloves do come off at times like this.
And the ANTIFAG cowards inciting it all are terrorists and recognized as such all over the world. They have clearly announced their desire to KILL police. And have done so.
If the feds nab them and speed off in unmarked vehicles so what?
Terrorists don't have the right to due process.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/23/20 at 06:29:30

Did you hear about the guy who was found burnt to a crisp in the seattle CHOP ?
Obviously not, peaceful protest and peaceful burning, nothing to see here people. Nothing to see.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/23/20 at 07:20:48

Nope haven't heard anything about that. Read about the reports of rape and how police were blocked from responding to the victims.
And the blocking of EMTs for gunshot victims.
It's nightmarish and inhumane.
How is this supposed to engender faith in their cause?
It doesn't and it's because there's no actual cause.
It's thuggery and disorder for the sake of criminality. Period.

Once they started interfering with emergency services that's when the line was crossed and police should have been ordered to kick butt and take names.

Try to imagine yourself a rape or gunshot victim and seeing help being blocked from getting to you.

Very peaceful thought huh?

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/20 at 09:52:02

1213080F001509610 wrote:
Did you hear about the guy who was found burnt to a crisp in the seattle CHOP ?
Obviously not, peaceful protest and peaceful burning, nothing to see here people. Nothing to see.

I have, I mentioned it

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by philthymike on 07/23/20 at 10:43:39

It was just a nice peaceful summer barbecue. Is that so wrong?

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by Serowbot on 07/23/20 at 11:01:54

4342595E514458300 wrote:
Did you hear about the guy who was found burnt to a crisp in the seattle CHOP ?

No, tell me...

I found a homeless man burned in Seattle in February,.. and a man burned in Kansas city in May...
CHOP didn't exist then.
Nothing in Portland.

How does this relate?...
Is this like attacking Iraq and Afghanistan because men from Saudi Arabia crashed planes?

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/20 at 12:16:04

Is this like attacking Iraq and Afghanistan because men from Saudi Arabia crashed planes?

Love IT!  Never understood Invade There! When the pilots came from Saudi..

Anyway,,Some dude was found scorched in the rubble of, IIRC, a pawn shop that had been looted and burned,, They were cleaning up, I think,, it was a pretty early on in the riots thing,, and I saw a picture of someone who has already been arrested,, before they found the dead guy,, arrested for fire bombing the place,,
I didnt know it was in CHOP,, I cant say anything about location,, hell,, Im not even sure of the city,, BUt Yeah, Dead guy,, burnt up,,
MurDURD,,, Owner? Who knows..?? Maybe he was fool enough to stand tough,, or was too white to run fast enough to get away from the mob,, Nobody knows WHY,, But the dudes dead, and I Think that face in the mugshot was female,, whatevs,, thats all I got Row,

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/23/20 at 16:27:32

Looks like sending Cohen back to prison while all Trumps other mates get released or pardoned didn't work. A flagrant first amendment violation.

Meanwhile here's an article illuminating what Trump really wants more than anything but now can't have because of his own mishandling of Sars CoV-2...

“So we went down there, and the speeches were made,” Gay recalled, and Bush capped his remarks by placing his hand on his heart and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance, and then Barbara Bush joined him on the podium, and the rest of his family, and their families, and Dan Quayle, his pick for vice president, and his family, “and there’s 25 people out there, and with that, the band strikes up, the confetti starts to fall, the balloons are rising and falling,” 150,000 of them, red, white and blue, and there were 15-plus minutes of sustained, ecstatic sound.

And in the middle of this scene, Trump said something, not quite to Gay, who was immediately to his left, but loud enough for him to hear.

“This is what I want.”

“I’m sorry,” Gay said.

Trump looked at Gay.

“This,” Trump said again, “is what I want.”

Jacksonville Republican convention...cancelled.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/23/20 at 17:38:59

Welcome to the world of performative authoritarianism, a form of politics that reached new heights of sophistication in Russia over the past decade and has now arrived in the United States.


Why has this been allowed to happen? Any rank amateur could have predicted that unprepared troops with guns would increase tension and prolong the crisis. The people in the White House and the Department of Homeland Security who have sent employees of ICE and the Coast Guard into Portland surely knew that they would make people angrier. But although the administration’s behavior makes no sense as law enforcement, it makes perfect sense as a new kind of campaign tactic.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/26/20 at 20:13:00

Here's the proof of no probable cause for arrest. Ergo not constitutional.

Kris Cline, Deputy Director of the Federal Protective Service—apparently does not know what the word “arrest” means.

The person in the now notorious video was merely in or near a crowd from which someone shone a laser at the police.

Simply put, for an arrest to be constitutional it must be supported by probable cause.

Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/31/20 at 04:45:21

I finally saw the one and only person dressed in all black get carted off the street by 2 Jack Booted Thugs (JBT for short) while atleast 1 more JBT stood by and watched.

This was filmed by a fellow "peaceful protester".

The guy who got carted off into a van, as soon as he sees the 2 JBT's approach looks em in the face, and puts his hands behind his back - not up, not get on the ground - behind his back (where he could have a gun and shoot them). They dont even bother yelling at him to do this or that. They walk to him - dont cuff him - very important, now he's within knife range cos they're next to him. They take him by his hands, the third guy is guarding them all and isn't looking at the guy they snatched, but at everyone else around. The filming woman asks for his name and says we'll get you out, and he mumbles something. No resistance, no cuffs, he never tries to outrun them - which is easy cos they're 40lb loaded with bullet proof and guns and flashlights, and he's taller too, easy for him to take them on in a sprint and all he had to to was turn a corner and hide (being from that area he knows the spots I'd assume if he was a real local protester) - Instead they walk him out of there without cuffs and no one knows his name.

This was them retreiving an undercover asset. Look it up and look up analysis by cops and other people who are better at reading body language on you tube. Officer Tatum is a good one in this aspect.


Title: Re: Jack-booted thugs...
Post by srinath on 07/31/20 at 05:49:58

The feds are protecting a federal building in portland. Now that building has been the target of 50+ days of destruction, its only partially destroyed, and hence they're still trying to destroy it, and that's when the feds went in to protect it.
How about Sending Portland a bill for the building repairs/replacement as needed, and if that building does some immigration processing or other federal work that's a favorite libtard cause, essentially stop doing that function altogether. So the 5 immigration processing centers now are down to 4, if the BLM destroys another building doing the same thing, down to 3 and so on till the city rebuilds it to original state.

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