General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Yeah,, like this

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 17:06:24

Title: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 17:06:24

where the report showed 83 people were tested and all tested positive. The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA said officials are looking into the numbers.

NCF Diagnostics has a location in Alachua, which reported 88 percent of tests coming back positive and 98 percent for Orlando Health.

How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every location mentioned. Orlando Health, the only to answer our question, confirmed errors in the report. Its positivity rate is in fact only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the

Number s like these are being seen by people who use them to make decisions that affect others.
I'm really tired of the Bullshit

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/15/20 at 20:00:43

 And for every one of these there is a contradictory one by people who don't work in the field they claim to have accurate information about.

 This all goes back to which narrative you want to believe.  For instance a CDC article showing masks reducing infection rates is conspiracy, incorrect or otherwise considered false, but a report indicating masks are not effective, useless or negligible - also by the CDC - is all the sudden factual, accurate and to be considered fact.

 Two outcomes, same source material.



Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 20:19:00

I never said it was a conspiracy theory
That's on you
Like Fauci
Opposite recommendations

Cdc doesn't create the numbers
They get reports
When they get lied to
Do the math

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/15/20 at 21:20:24

 I think the problem is that people want guys like Fauci to be wrong so they compare statements made before to information known now.

 People do the same with Trump, and every one else in politics.  If evidence comes out tomorrow saying we should be coughing into each other's mouths to spread antibodies, and Fauci says he looked over the data with multiple teams of specialists and agrees, someone will say "Look Fauci is an idiot, last week he wanted us to wear masks.  Trump needs to fire him!"

 If the science uncovers new information, we need to use that new information, not hold on to our beliefs from yesterday.  Bottom line is right now there is no conclusive information about mask wearing and mass influenza, because it never happened before like this, but people want to have an exact Yes or No answer, so they dig up articles that support their views online.

 Nobody really knows yet, the data collection is too unreliable.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 21:52:52

Everything has been
Save for the
Advice of the experts.
Fauci opposed Trump's halting travel.
I'm tired of people who clearly have no clue
TELLING me what is best.
Hospitals lie and Jack up infection rates

Suddenly, I have to bend over before I can walk in a store
Because liars
And super smart people
Shut everyone and everything down
Well, riots are more important than safety..
How convenient

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/20 at 05:40:41

Let me wade into the middle of this with recent, real world experience. The company I work for is the undisputed leader from a technology point of view in our field. One of the three networks contacted us and we arranged a tour of our manufacturing facility and interview with our R&D head whose been in this field for a long time.

The 90 seconds of airtime on the next evening’s show was perhaps 75% accurate but also perhaps 75% misleading. The comments we’ve seen afterwards shows the real truth was lost in their agenda.

Point is, unless you have real world experience in a particular field, including   hands on research, you’re at the mercy of the story teller. You have to discern for yourself what’s likely to be closer to the truth.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 05:53:05

Yeah, and I have seen documented evidence that , for some reason, there are some people who feel the need to try to make this seem like the second coming of the black plague. The.04or so fatality rate just isn't worth the hoops they want us jumping through. It's hysteria, and the damage to America is incalculable. It's time to stop acting like cowards and live.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by WebsterMark on 07/16/20 at 07:32:35

Honestly, closing schools is a leftist response / attack on Trump and it’s almost unbelievable they would stoop that low.

Speaking of studies and reports, virtually everyone points out and the actual data reflects that children are rarely impacted by Covid. So why not treat teachers and school staff the same as healthcare providers and outfit them with appropriate PPE, and open schools.

The people in position to make these decisions are education and social science majors who are notoriously left leaning to begin with and when you throw the Trump Effect into the mix, kids are used as cannon balls in the war against Trump.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 07:50:01

ding, ding, ding,, a winnah, folks..

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Serowbot on 07/16/20 at 11:47:42

You're so smart to take medical advice from a right-wing political site...

PS... wrong on the first paragraph.
Bear spray is not potent.  It is diluted to discourage the bear rather than injure it.
Regular pepper spray is stronger.

Imagine a large grizzly bear is terrorizing your neighborhood. You have a powerful bear gun and potent bear spray that will make the bear go away or allow you to eliminate it if it attacks you.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 12:08:13

Ohh,, you so Smaaaht,,

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/16/20 at 16:32:12

"Yeah, and I have seen documented evidence that , for some reason, there are some people who feel the need to try to make this seem like the second coming of the black plague."

 So why do you keep addressing this?  Nobody here has provided any information saying "millions" will die, yet you keep bringing it up.  I've asked many times and I am met with silence when I ask for the reports/models of millions dying.


"Fauci opposed Trump's halting travel."

 Yeah, the science at the time didn't support that move.  A scientist uses science.  This further supports what I said before; that anyone can look back and say "You did it wrong."  

 As the data evolved so does the opinions of people, but instead let's go back and say "Fauci made a wrong decision"  as if he stands by that today.  He was wrong, but now assesses the current data more accurately.  It takes zero skill to look backwards in time and say you would have done it better.

 Of course we all know that some people on his forum know considerably more about most things than the people that do the actual jobs in their respective fields.  Much like people who have never rode a motorcycle will know more than anyone here about how to ride or maintain a Savage because they look up articles about motorcycles on the internet.


Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 16:51:28

Quit pretending I said crap..

Read it

Yeah,, like this
Yesterday at 01:06:24Alert Board Moderator about this Post! Quote Modify Remove

where the report showed 83 people were tested and all tested positive. The report also showed that the Orlando Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center had a positivity rate of 76 percent. A spokesperson for the VA said officials are looking into the numbers.

NCF Diagnostics has a location in Alachua, which reported 88 percent of tests coming back positive and 98 percent for Orlando Health.

How could that be? FOX 35 News investigated these astronomical numbers, contacting every location mentioned. Orlando Health, the only to answer our question, confirmed errors in the report. Its positivity rate is in fact only 9.4 percent, not 98 percent as in the

Number s like these are being seen by people who use them to make decisions that affect others.
I'm really tired of the Bullshit

Back to top        
The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.- Edmund Burke.Personal Message   IP Logged

Wrong, or lying?
I'm supposed to believe medical professionals DIDN'T know they were reporting BULLSHIT,??

Keep defending Fauci.
You want to stand on proven?
He's been Wrong at every turn.
Show me the proof wearing masks stops a virus.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/16/20 at 17:02:18

"Keep defending Fauci.
You want to stand on proven?
He's been Wrong at every turn.

 Except when he's right, but all the information I put up about that is too hard to read, or conveniently ignored.

Show me the proof wearing masks stops a virus.

 It reduces the amount of spit that comes out of your mouth and into the world around you.  Keep asking how it stops a virus and I will keep saying it reduces spit you put into the world around you.  

 Your justification for not wearing a mask was you somehow know you are not carrying an influenza virus thus being exempt from the asymptomatic phase you already acknowledged exists.  No other known human has this ability.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by MnSpring on 07/16/20 at 17:17:26

0626242C3126430 wrote:
... Nobody here has provided any information saying "millions" will die, ...

Nop, just,
“If you don’t do this and that, this way and that way …, you are …”

(By some here, the VAST majority of the Media, several Political ads, and many, 'officials'.)

IMPLYING, that not, ‘doing’, those things,
will/can cause, ‘many/millions’, to die !

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/16/20 at 17:26:00

 I'm not a victim of implying politicians and there's not a lot I can do about those who are.

 I am referring to the "Reports" that are commented on here that  millions will die, and why they are not provided in any capacity, even a Google reference, any time I ask.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 17:49:56

We saw high numbers thrown around, I don't remember what they were.
I posted factual, proven evidence that numbers are being played with.
Pretend those aren't being used to make decisions, and to try to make Trump look bad..

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/16/20 at 21:48:21

"We saw high numbers thrown around, I don't remember what they were."

 I've seen social media garbage and lies that said that.  No models, no reports.

"I posted factual, proven evidence that numbers are being played with."

 I agree.  I do not however agree that all numbers are.  I posted evidence, in full, that anyone could look over and run the numbers themselves and yet somehow they are wrong without anyone even looking at them.  The information posted here predicted 7 counties in TX and 6 of them have increases within the timeframe.  Every model wrong.  Except the one's that aren't.

 Many people could care less about Trump.  I could care less.  I see people dying, I see potential solutions and act on them no matter if it helps or hurts Trump, that is literally the last consideration I would ever make.  I would not withhold medical supplies based off of a level on perceived appreciation because Trump said to.  I am not going to look a family in the eyes and say "Yeah we have the equipment but your Governor wasn't appreciative enough."   If I can get that equipment to the people that need it, I will, end of story.

 Everyone I work with feels this way.  Nobody puts together manifests and says, "Wait, will this help Trump?  Lets do it different."  Nobody even brings up his name.


Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 23:04:34

And I'm very happy that you are here.
Otherwise, I would not have access to what you say.
Did you see Texas took some 3,000 off the total today?
I just showed how Florida had lies in their total. They lie to the Cdc.
How do I know what is real?
How do you?
You can't be there and watch who is reporting obvious Bullshit,
Who figured out the Bullshit from Florida was Bullshit? Dammifino..

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by MnSpring on 07/17/20 at 08:05:15

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
  ...  [quote]Imagine a large grizzly bear is terrorizing your neighborhood.

A sign at a public park;
"Bears present, carry pepper spray, and wear little bells"

Sign little further down the trail;
" Know how to recognize bear scat,
it smells like pepper, and has little bells in it"

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 09:14:44

"Did you see Texas took some 3,000 off the total today?"

 This is what happens.  I am not aware of any mass counting system this complex that reports only accurate numbers 100% of the time.  Mistakes are made, numbers change.

"How do I know what is real?
How do you

 I helped pull in a cooler rig to a medical center because their morgue is set to be over filled.  This isn't a bad number reporting system, this is an accumulation of dead humans that is exceeding normal capacity.  It doesn't mean millions will die, it doesn't mean the rig will have to be used, it just means current mortality rates and rate of movement is high enough to warrant a mitigation strategy.  

 Will I be called a liar for supporting the emergency storage?  Yes I will.  Because if that unit is not used, it was just a money grab, even though I'm not paid to do it.  But numbers change, rates of infection change, people screw up so I expect the predicted usage to change.  How many people am I damaging by getting this cooler into a place where it can help?  The same number I am hurting when I wear a mask at a hardware store.  


Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by srinath on 07/17/20 at 09:44:00

All deaths are Trump's fault.
For example, the Libtards are elder abusing Ruth Bader Ginsberg wrestling her back from the jaws of death what, like 15 times in the last 2 yrs and again, Trump's fault.
Remember folks, all dead people are dead because of Trump.


Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/20 at 09:45:33

This isn't a bad number reporting system, this is an accumulation of dead humans that is exceeding normal capacity.

Why arent those bodies being sent to the undertaker?
With so many thngs upset , transportation , whatever,, an accumuation doent necessarily mean scary numbers are dying,, need more information..

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 10:08:13

Why arent those bodies being sent to the undertaker?

 I assume you mean private funeral homes?

 Many are to be re-tested, some are autopsies, and in most cases funeral homes are at capacity.  Hospitals are body storage.

 Rate of death is exceeding normal storage capacity.  Rate of death, not rate of private funerals.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/20 at 10:41:52

And youve been ON site, personally, seeing thisa?
And its not a lack of the existing, normaal, day to day pipeline of seeing the dead off to the funerals and buried, its a function of people dying at such a rate that the system is overwhelmed..

The Normal System is functioning at capacity, as it was prior to CV19,, is that a statement you would feel cofortable making?

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 11:24:46

 The Normal System is functioning at capacity, as it was prior to CV19,, is that a statement you would feel cofortable making?


 The laboratory testing is delayed as requests are about 1400% above national average.  I believe funeral homes are moving at a slower rate but I do not know how many funerals per day is average in this region.

 The system could be overwhelmed when it comes to body storage so mitigation efforts are in place.  This of course makes me a liar for helping to prepare in some people's eyes because some "news source" somewhere will report that these trucks are being sent to hospitals.  I for one have seen bodies piled on street corners when I went to Haiti.  I dropped off trucks of bodies in landfills and helped fly in hydrology experts to manage the mass graves.  

 The numbers indicate a considerable potential for the morgue to be over-capacity so I'd rather a refrigerator truck be made available.  If it's never used that doesn't make me or anyone else a liar, and doesn't mean we shouldn't be prepared.  

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/20 at 12:00:34

I'm just trying to get the
Why storage is necessary
Worked out..
I figure the majority hear about that and infer
So many are dying that the system is overwhelmed..
Looks like it's due to several things..

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 13:32:39

"So many are dying that the system is overwhelmed.."

 This is correct.  But one can not say that everything is completely the same with the exception of SARS-COV-2.  

 It's not 100% of the overage is exclusively SARS-COV-2 deaths, people still die from other things.  Some bodies are held for examination, autopsy, or testing, not every one will absolutely be SARS-COV-2, just most of them.  More bodies for testing means longer storage times.  Not every funeral home can be guaranteed to be operating at it's normal speed.

 The rate of death is higher due to the addition of SARS-COV-2 patients, so there are more bodies in the hospital, more of them are fatal, this means more bodies for the morgue.

 The rate of change is substantial, nothing that's been recorded in modern times with the exception of natural disasters, like a hurricane.

 One thing is that people want to focus on the bogus death reporting, but ignore the confirmed positives.  When you have over 10,000 new positive cases in one day, confirmed tests, it would be a miracle for all of those people to live through any influenza infection, especially one without a vaccine.  So a percentage increase of medical care can be assumed based off of historical outcomes since recording has existed.

 Since people who are hospitalized in intensive care with SARS-COV-2 die at a higher percentage than other patients, a 10,000 person infection rate increase will most likely mean more deaths.  

 I for one am trying to get out from under this.  FN has a new SCAR platform that my real job needs to be implementing and I need 20 minutes a day minimum of usage I am not getting.  If this goes on much longer I will lose my certification, so I'd love to hear good news about how all of this death count and infection rates are bogus.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/20 at 14:54:49

one am trying to get out from under this.  FN has a new SCAR platform that my real job needs to be implementing and I need 20 minutes a day minimum of usage I am not getting.  If this goes on much longer I will lose my certification, s

I have no idea what your real job is.

Or what you're saying

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 16:04:42

 I build training programs, usually for the government/military or private contractors, usually addressing deficiencies.  FN is a firearms company that provided the M16 replacement and are now implementing a newer unit for certain military groups.  In order for me to educate I have to meet or exceed the qualifications of those in the programs and the minimum familiarity requirement is 20 minutes a day usage of the FN firearm for SF among other units.

 I'm not getting that done and there are no exceptions, even if I am pulled, or volunteer, due to Federal or State emergencies.  So here I am losing my qual times getting other stuff done.  I can always re-qualify easily, but I'd rather just keep things maintained.

 But on the other end, I'd much rather dead bodies be refrigerated.  

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by MnSpring on 07/17/20 at 16:59:18

4B6B69617C6B0E0 wrote:
 ... Since people who are hospitalized in intensive care with SARS-COV-2 die at a higher percentage than other patients, ...

I don't have the stats,
perhaps you can provide the, 'evidence', that c-19 infected people,
hospitalized in intensive care, die at a higher rate than,
Heart/Cancer/Organ failure/etc. people,
that are hospitalized in intensive care ?

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/20 at 17:04:43

You're a good dude,,

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/17/20 at 17:39:11

I had a Mossin Nagant,,
Spankin round..

Short stroke piston is less likely to foul?
Not sure I understand why a short stroke makes for better dependability..
But if someone would provide the weapon and ammo, I can find 20 minutes
You can certainly elaborate,, I'll start a thread if ya want..

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 19:56:31

"I don't have the stats,
perhaps you can provide the, 'evidence', that c-19 infected people,
hospitalized in intensive care, die at a higher rate than,
Heart/Cancer/Organ failure/etc. people,
that are hospitalized in intensive care ?"

 Before I go into the specifics are you asking specifically about Heart/Cancer/Organ failure or all patients as I indicated?

 I can most likely find a standard of care, by region, for intensive care but separating them by type of disease will take a rather long time, I'd say 7 months as I don't have many people that can look into this at this time and data is heavily in flux.    

 Basically there are two fields of thought regarding ICU and exclusively ICU with not other type of medical care, type, concept, implementation or execution of care, exclusively ICU and only ICU care, and the mortality rates specific to SARS-COV-2 and exclusively SARS-COV-2 with the exclusion of all other types or SARS, influenza, or any other disease.

 One is that some areas were initially overwhelmed with an influx of ICU, exclusively and only ICU patients and this led to a non-typical waiting time, or delayed implementation of what would be considered standard ICU measures.  This means many people were too far gone by the time they received proper care.

 Another is that the standard of influenza care in ICU and only ICU treatment processes is not ideal for SARS-COV-2, and only SARS-COV-2 excluding all other disease.  So the learning curve has resulted in a disproportionate amount of mortality for patients with SARS-COV-2 and only SARS-COV-2.

 Now the huge variables come into play when comorbidity factors are taken into account.  This would be an enormous undertaking to evaluate at this time.  My expectation is that survival rates for SARS-COV-2 and only SARS-COV-2 will increase as availability of care is managed appropriately, and we learn more about how to treat those patients.

 My assessment is that 10,000 new cases of verified SARS-COV-2 were identified yesterday in one county.  I would expect an increase of patients due to this disease would end up in hospitals.  If 10,000 organ failures were identified in the same county tomorrow, I would expect an increase of organ failure patients to end up in hospitals as well.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/17/20 at 20:14:30

"Short stroke piston is less likely to foul?
Not sure I understand why a short stroke makes for better dependability.."

 I'm not sure either, but "proving ground" assessments aren't exactly my field of work.  I would design and implement the process, but service personnel would provide the input on functionality etc.  If I recall correctly the field user assessment was less than two months, and overall the SCAR platform met the "similarity" component a lot of SOCOM units want.  This means the weapon type is very similar in use and feel when caliber or component changes happen.

 Also I said M-16 and meant Mk 16.  As far as I know the Next Gen Squad Weapon hasn't been finalized to replace the old school M16.  

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by oldNslow on 07/18/20 at 07:29:18

money quote"

"FOX 35 News found this out after asking Orange County Health Officer Dr. Raul Pino whether two coronavirus victims who were in their 20s had any underlying conditions. One of his answers surprised us.

“The first one didn’t have any. He died in a motorcycle accident,” Pino said.

...but the fact that the individual didn’t die from COVID-19…died in the crash. But you could actually argue that it could have been the COVID-19 that caused him to crash.

This guy is a doctor??

Yeah, the hose from his f**kin' ventilator came loose and got caught in the front wheel of his motorcycle probably. ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by MnSpring on 07/18/20 at 12:57:37

"He died in a motorcycle accident”

Ya know, if HRC got another million or so of ILLEGAL Non-Citizen votes, she would be Pres.
Then, the people saying c-19 is a real thing,
(and you should do this or that),
would be told:
“Take Off The Tin-Foil Hat”

Because you KNOW, she and her crooked cohorts would completely cover it up.

Just like now,
a great big Mountain is being made out of a molehill.
All because of TDS.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by MnSpring on 07/18/20 at 13:34:51

6C4C4E465B4C290 wrote:

... will take a rather long time ...
... I'd say 7 months  ...
... don't have many people that can look into this...
... data is heavily in flux ...   

Great Answer !

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/18/20 at 15:52:32

"Great Answer !"

 I could say the same since you completely avoided my question.

 Every time you have claimed I won't provide information I have done it, so let's not start this "reliability in question" tactic to redirect the fact you completely ignored my question.  Anyone here can testify that every dollar I have promised has been sent to every member, every vehicle part, food, donation and reference has been presented so let's not pretend all the sudden I am lying.

 Are you asking only about "Heart/Cancer/Organ failure" or all patients as I indicated in my statement?

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by MnSpring on 07/18/20 at 16:24:03

0B2B29213C2B4E0 wrote:
... Are you asking only about "Heart/Cancer/Organ failure" or all patients as I indicated in my statement?

To answer your question will take a long time, perhaps more than a half dozen months.
This is due to the fact the data is very hard to find, and I do not have people that can do this for me.

So just report the, ‘information’, you want to.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/18/20 at 18:25:17

"To answer your question will take a long time, perhaps more than a half dozen months.
This is due to the fact the data is very hard to find, and I do not have people that can do this for me."

 So you re sayng it would take you 6 month to tell me if you, when you said "Heart/Cancer/Organ failure" that you either meant only those features, or not?

 For my situation to gather 6 months of ICU data, would take 6 months.  Imagine that.  Then 30 days to compile, review and submit for audit that information.

 Nobody believes you are employing people to gather information about how you are interpreting your own question.  This is an attempt to again dodge the question.  Deflect much?

  I will ask again, let's see how you dodge it this time:

Are you asking only about "Heart/Cancer/Organ failure" or all patients as I indicated in my statement?  

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/20 at 12:50:11

I culdnt get it to post n here,, anyway,,
a common cold can result in a positive test for CV19,,

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/19/20 at 19:53:22

 That's not true.  Social media cut and paste lies strike again.

 The confusion is the difference between antibody tests and SARS-COV-2 viral tests.  Also people are just lying or cutting the image to remove the specific details.

 The CDC image referenced here is discussing specifically the presence of antibodies, and that SARS-COV-2 antibody tests can test false positive if one has had a similar COVID infection.  Similar, but not exact.

 This does not create a false positive SARS-COV-2 test.

 The CDC outlines this clearly, but this quote has been conveniently removed from the social media posts:

"Two kinds of tests are available for COVID-19:[ch8239]viral tests[ch8239]and[ch8239]antibody tests. A viral test tells you if you have a current infection. An antibody test might tell you if you had a past infection.”

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/19/20 at 20:01:52

Two kinds of tests are available for COVID-19:[ch8239]viral tests[ch8239]and[ch8239]antibody tests. A viral test tells you if you have a current infection. An antibody test might tell you if you had a past infection.”

Ya know, that is common knowledge.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/19/20 at 20:05:50

"Ya know, that is common knowledge."

 Then why are you posting the common cold can provide a false positive SARS-COV-2 viral test issue?

 If you know antibody tests aren't showing current SARS-COV-2 infections due to common knowledge why would you reference that image that clearly indicates an antibody test?  What am I missing?

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by oldNslow on 07/20/20 at 04:16:32

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
"Ya know, that is common knowledge."

 Then why are you posting the common cold can provide a false positive SARS-COV-2 viral test issue?

 If you know antibody tests aren't showing current SARS-COV-2 infections due to common knowledge why would you reference that image that clearly indicates an antibody test?  What am I missing?

Maybe the fact that the CDC has already admitted that they have been conflating positive antigen and antibody tests? Treating a positive in either kind of test as a "case"

Calling a positive antibody test, which only proves that someone was, at some point, exposed to the virus, and developed  antibodies. Which is the normal immune response when ones body detects a foreign invader. In this case the a SARS virus.

Eposed. Not necessarily either sick or infectious. Counting a positive antibody test as a "case" is at best inaccurate, and at worst deliberately misleading.

Not to mention that a lot of the antibody tests have been shown to be significantly less than accurate.

Which of those two possibilities is the actual situation? I'll leave it up to you guys to argue about that,

Based on the level of bullsh*t that's being spread around by the official manure spreaders and their lackeys in the media, I'm  pretty sure I know what I think.


Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/20/20 at 05:07:34

 But the CDC isn't "reporting" this, they are disclosing how they collect data for their own use.

 I'm sure plenty are "reporting" these as positive cases.  This goes back to the whole if I say something and "the media" misrepresents it, I am the liar?  Since Trump knows people misrepresent his Twitter feed he is a liar.  Not the "news" that misrepresents it.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by oldNslow on 07/20/20 at 06:26:51

 I'm sure plenty are "reporting" these as positive cases.

Exactly. The number of positive cases being being "reported" is not the true number. It's a lie.

I don't care who you want to blame for the lie. The lie itself is what is important, Talk about the implications of that.

This is exactly the same as when the New York Times publishes a front page story with banner headlines that is patently untrue, based on "undisclosed high ranking sources" and the electronic media repeats the story every hour on the hour until the story is debunked.

Then the times issues a 3/4 column  inch correction buried in the middle of the paper where no one look, and the bobblhead media doesn't mention the retraction at all. They just stop talking about it or, worse, keep repeating the storyas though the retraction never happened.

The damage is done. Millions of people believe the original untrue story to be fact and almost no one sees that it is not.

That happens far to often to be an accident.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/20/20 at 09:54:25

"Exactly. The number of positive cases being being "reported" is not the true number. It's a lie."

 Yes but not by the CDC.  They are being transparent about data collection methods.

"I don't care who you want to blame for the lie. The lie itself is what is important, Talk about the implications of that."

 You don't find it at all important to establish that the lies are not from the source?  So if Trump makes a statement and the NY Times makes up lies about it, you do not care about what Trump actually said?  Only the implications are important?

"The damage is done. Millions of people believe the original untrue story to be fact and almost no one sees that it is not.

That happens far to often to be an accident."

 I agree, but I don't think the "news" is 100% to blame.  50% of any information I get, and utilize is because of me.  I am always half of that problem.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by oldNslow on 07/20/20 at 11:55:29

You don't find it at all important to establish that the lies are not from the source?

I know the source. It just doesn't make any difference any more. It's too late.

The source of the lie is the CDC. The only thing they have been "transparent" about is that their data is not accurate. If they hadn't been questioned about it they wouldn't have been transparent.

Then the press jumped on the bad data, exaggerated and sensationalized it.

The implications of that are that the data - inaccurate, and the press reporting of that data is being used to justify public policy decisions. Contradictory decisions. Because most policy makers know that the data is no good, so they just wing it based on their own political calulations of what's best for them.

So now we have a situation where disease statistics are being treated like a sporting event in some quarters. It's the COVID Olympics. Which country has the best numbers, which one has the worst. Who is going to kill the most because of their response to the virus? Trump or the democrats? Red states or blue states. Capitalist countries or Socialist ones. Place your bets. Rah,Rah, Rah for the home team.

We know where the lie came from, and we know why. We know whose team the CDC is on.

cui bono.

Title: Re: Yeah,, like this
Post by Eegore on 07/20/20 at 12:43:39

"If they hadn't been questioned about it that wouldn't have happened."

 This is inaccurate.  They provided these procedures prior to any press inquiries about SARS-COV-2, some of them are a decade old.  The antibody information is updated to say "COVID 19", but the overall procedure was used for other events, and have been public the entire time.  

"We know where the lie came from, and we know why. We know whose team the CDC is on."

 Again the CDC is a liar because politicians and "the media" misrepresent the procedures being used.  Most of which have been used for decades.

 So by this logic if I publicly post online how I clean a carburetor, and then my neighbor lies to you and says I clean it with Lysol... I am a liar. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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