General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap

Message started by philthymike on 06/18/20 at 18:13:25

Title: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/18/20 at 18:13:25

What is this scary brainwashing crap that's popping up everywhere?
All of these corporate diversity and inclusion pledges that business executives have to all go sign now are unbelievable. And since crap always rolls downhill it's only a matter of time before CEOs start forcing all the rank and file to sign it too or lose their jobs.
It's seriously creepy and fascist.
I'm not doing it!
I refuse to have this insanity forced down my throat to save my job.
It's sick and demented.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by Eegore on 06/18/20 at 18:35:18

 This has been around for about a decade.

 What is sick and demented?  The method?  Or the process of diversifying a business?

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/18/20 at 19:48:44

What's sick and demented is how people can get cancelled if they refuse.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by Eegore on 06/19/20 at 05:48:17

"What's sick and demented is how people can get cancelled if they refuse."

 I sort of understand this.

 If it were company policy, and not a third party "pledge" would it be different at all?

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/19/20 at 06:37:32

Diversity and inclusion policies are already a standard in the corporate landscape. Employees are already forced to take training for it and sign an acknowledgement form.
But this step of taking a pledge goes too far. I swore an oath to my country when I joined the service.
I will not swear oaths to my employer regardless.

The whole thing rubs me wrong. The consequences of not only losing your job but finding yourself black listed for your refusal to accept will destroy your career. That sort of thing is totalitarianism plain and simple and its being enforced all over the place. Journalists and writers who refuse to blindly follow the narrative of the left, University professors who cannot in good conscience preach the diatribe of political correctness in place of real-world history. Politicians and former celebs that at one time decades ago made a snide remark about some groups of people etc. etc.
This power of cancellation being swung recklessly with wild abandon by a typically uninformed mob of woke witch hunters is a re-enactment of the Spanish Inquisition.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 06/19/20 at 08:06:50

This chit will do the worsening of life for Blacks cos these fools will just hire every other illegal and 1/2 legal immigrant they can find.
This chit is completely irrelevant if they cut off illegal and legal immigration because they have no option but to hire locals which includes blacks if that's what is the local population.
But hey, blacks vote reliably democrap, immigrants vote reliably democrap, so its win win.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/19/20 at 08:44:24

In practice diversity + inclusion policies boil down to more H1B visa employees from India.
Definitely the case where I work which despite their lip service for D+I is the least inclusive company culture I've ever seen but they hire entire departments worth of Indians as though it was a buy one get one free sale.
Recently I had a discussion with a black female coworker about how after a year I've never been introduced to anybody at company events and meetings etc. and the only reason I know the names of people in my office is because of name tags at their desks. She agreed and said that's the exact same experience she's had but she's been there 4 years longer than I have.

Funny how this inclusion nonsense doesn't even apply to black employees in real life. It's all a scam to replace American workers regardless of their race. And black employees there know it. They aren't blind.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/20 at 11:13:37

They aren't blind.

They are if theyre still democrats

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 06/19/20 at 12:04:09

7F6766637B67766266646A0F0 wrote:
Funny how this inclusion nonsense doesn't even apply to black employees in real life. It's all a scam to replace American workers regardless of their race. And black employees there know it. They aren't blind

Its there to bypass blacks. There was a job fair and one of the major banks rounded up a bunch of black people at their booth and started talking to them about - not the job or the company or $$ or any of that nonsense, they were explaining to them about "diversity" at their company and how important it was to them.
Like WTF ???? Its petty much like telling them you're only here because we've been told to talk to you.

This chit has been advertised, and popularized and publicized and promoted and socialized for 30+ yrs at this point, and spectacularly more and more and more black people have been pushed down ward - there have been a few that have been almost by accident as well as some who have worked for it get pulled up, almost seems random accident.


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/19/20 at 15:06:50

It's all hollow virtue signaling and fake-a$$ bullcrap. On ground level it just reeks of the ploy it really is.
But at the same time we're being groomed to eventually blindly pledge to whatever they demand. And after that 1st pledge we're broken and then follows more pledges....

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by Eegore on 06/19/20 at 15:29:11

 I always considered this to be a lawsuit and marketing issue.  A "pledge" or "oath" essentially means nothing to most people, especially if one isn't particularly religious or loyal to any ideology.  

 Much like a "guarantee" means essentially nothing in business, unlike a "warranty" which can legally be challenged.  An "Oath" is prosecutable in official office, but not in private business.

 "Pledge" allegiance to a flag - then burn it, nothing happens, "pledge" means nothing.  Tell everyone how much the US sucks, hold up "God hates the military" signs at veteran funerals: Nothing happens, pledge means nothing.

 Pledge money to a charity, ignore them later and never give any coin: Nothing happens, pledge means nothing.

 So in this case I'd say signing a pledge is more of a "Look what we did!" thing than anything else.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/19/20 at 16:04:35

Those are good points. I still say it's a slippery slope. But also root for the bad guy in movies  :D

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/19/20 at 16:05:18

What does forcing someone to sign a pledge say?
Please don't pretend holding someone's job in the balance isn't Forcing them..

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/19/20 at 16:37:50

Then comes the LGBLT pledge. Then the gender dyspnea pledge, then the kill working class white people pledge and the pledge to the new totalitarian communist state. Then the pledge to not attempt to escape the concentration camps...

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by IslandRoad on 06/20/20 at 15:41:33

27383E3924231222122A38347F4D0 wrote:
What does forcing someone to sign a pledge say?
Please don't pretend holding someone's job in the balance isn't Forcing them..

Signing a pledge you don't believe in is essentially a le. If someone can get you to lie about one thing then you've demonstrated that you will cede the truth to meet their demands. That's very dangerous.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/20/20 at 16:38:31

IR said

Signing a pledge you don't believe in is essentially a le.

I cant disagree..
And , having held someones future in the balance, forcing them to agree to SAY they agree with something they dont actually believe in, Yes,, Now that person is demoralized and more prone to manipulation, having once acted against his own ethical understandings,,
The question was
What does it say about the people using such tactics..?

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by IslandRoad on 06/20/20 at 17:00:46

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
IR said

Signing a pledge you don't believe in is essentially a le.

I cant disagree..
And , having held someones future in the balance, forcing them to agree to SAY they agree with something they dont actually believe in, Yes,, Now that person is demoralized and more prone to manipulation, having once acted against his own ethical understandings,,
The question was
What does it say about the people using such tactics..?

At best, they are guilty themselves of the most dangerous kind of lie - lying to themselves.
At worst, their intentions are incredibly nefarious.
And somewhere in the middle is the insidious 'mob mentality'.

Three roads to the same hell.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by Eegore on 06/20/20 at 23:15:26

 I think the people who developed the program have honest intentions to help, maybe get something done.

 I think corporate America sees it as an opportunity to create a barrier between official practice and legal liability.

 Sign here, do some good.

 Sign here, the legal department recommends it.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by IslandRoad on 06/20/20 at 23:33:55

5070727A6770150 wrote:
 I think the people who developed the program have honest intentions to help, maybe get something done.

 I think corporate America sees it as an opportunity to create a barrier between official practice and legal liability.

 Sign here, do some good.

 Sign here, the legal department recommends it.

That would qualify as 'mob mentality'.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/21/20 at 01:48:24

Did someone mention brainwashing?

“Yes,” he says with a youth pastor’s grin. “Like Scripture.” Every tweet, every misspelling, every typo, every strange capitalization—especially the capitalizations, says Dave—has meaning. “The truth is right there in what the media think are his mistakes. He doesn’t make mistakes.” The message of the shirt to Dave is: Study the layers. “Trump is known as a five-dimension chess player,” Dave says later. And he’s sending us clues. About the Democrats and Ukraine and his plans. “There are major operations going on,” Dave tells me months later, suggesting that Trump is using COVID-19 field hospitals as “a cover” to rescue children from sex trafficking.

If you want a brilliant insight into the church of trump...

Also the best cryptic crossword clue of all time is...

Bust down reason (9)

Ans: Brainwash geddit? Bra in wash.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by IslandRoad on 06/21/20 at 02:16:33

As an outsider (who doesn't know American politics) all I can say is ... he's gonna win in 2020.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by eau de sauvage on 06/21/20 at 02:45:43


Hi what brings you into this cesspit of white supremacy? Trump lost the vote by 3million, and he'll lose the next election's popular vote by a larger margin, at least 5 million.

He's gonna lose, and with some luck his spineless Senate enablers will lose their majority. Nevertheless due to the GOP's relentless gerrymandering and disenfranchisement of voters and the skewed electoral college, it's still possible he can keep the presidency even with a larger losing margin.

The white supremacists make a lot of noise but they are the squeaky wheels. Trump is toast. Even his Supreme Court picks went against him this week, by not allowing employers to sack someone just for being homosexual. So this does give us hope that there's enough shred of decency left to turf this imposter out on his fat orange ass.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by IslandRoad on 06/21/20 at 04:00:59

66746063747270150 wrote:

Hi what brings you into this cesspit of white supremacy? Trump lost the vote by 3million, and he'll lose the next election's popular vote by a larger margin, at least 5 million.

He's gonna lose, and with some luck his spineless Senate enablers will lose their majority. Nevertheless due to the GOP's relentless gerrymandering and disenfranchisement of voters and the skewed electoral college, it's still possible he can keep the presidency even with a larger losing margin.

The white supremacists make a lot of noise but they are the squeaky wheels. Trump is toast. Even his Supreme Court picks went against him this week, by not allowing employers to sack someone just for being homosexual. So this does give us hope that there's enough shred of decency left to turf this imposter out on his fat orange ass.

I don't know about all that. I just reckon he's gonna win again.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 06/21/20 at 05:48:15

These fools will sign the pledge, then they'd poke Biden and other libtards into letting in more illegal and legal immigrants and fulfil the D&I pledge by hiring them again bypassing the locals regardless of race - ofcourse that disporportionately affects blacks.

The "Pledge" means something - it will hurt the economic prospects of blacks.


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 06/21/20 at 07:08:02

That's the ultimate goal of it. Libs are all about choking the life out of Blacks despite their rhetorical diatribes to the contrary. Just look at all the Dem run cities for an example.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by WebsterMark on 06/21/20 at 07:15:02

CEO’s do this and donate to various BLM organizations because it’s a low cost marketing strategy and relatively cheap payoff to shakedown artists. People who say they’ll never buy whatever Mrs. Butterworth’s syrup changes into will buy an off-brand.......made by the same company. Oh sure, they’ll lose a little (I refuse to buy anything Nike) but it the long run, they can maintain profitability with their market share from 1/2 the total market.

I’m at a point that I think I could refuse to sign any such document if the company I work for tried that, which they would never do. I work for quality people.

Living in the city where BLM began based on the lie of hands up don’t shoot and seeing almost daily murders of blacks at the hands of other blacks, I can say the percentage of the general population who genuinely believe Black Lives Matter is lowest in the black population.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 06/21/20 at 07:38:30

Someone needs to tell the BLM people how many outsourced employees work at each of their companies and at what locations in that case. So they can start a BLM protest right in front of where all the Idiots are centered around. Nothing like a BLM protest to see some Injuns scatter like rats off a burning ship.

Signing a pledge and paying $$ to their association etc is basically lip service and appeasement $$ - pretty much a bribe. Instead it needs to be looked upon a guilt $$ and bring on a local protest.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/15/20 at 12:28:59

Today's company-wide email from management....

Diversity & Inclusion at COMPANY-X – Our Next Steps

A Message From the Executive Leadership Team

To All COMPANY-X Employees,

Our Executive Leadership Team is united in working together to create a more diverse and inclusive culture at COMPANY-X. We are operating more quickly than ever to advance our diversity and inclusion journey. In the past 30 days, we have taken a series of actions to help promote understanding, inclusion and equality at COMPANY-X, including the following:

Listening Sessions – Early August through Late September

Our first priority is the same: We want to listen and learn from you. To that end, all Executive Leadership Team members will be hosting a series of listening sessions starting in August and ending in September. If you are willing to share, we would like to hear from you about your own experiences at COMPANY-X and in your communities. We welcome input from all employees at all levels.

•            On meetings: We have decided to offer three different listening session methods, including by phone (1:1 discussions), small group sessions to be held in person (where feasible), and in small virtual groups.

•            To participate: Send an email to and indicate “Listening Session – Participant” in the subject line. Participation is voluntary and any information shared will not be personalized as we gather themes to report out to the organization in October. No specific information will be tied to any employee.

•            On facilitation: We will be using facilitators to manage the meetings. If you are interested in serving as a facilitator, email and include “Listening Session – Facilitator” in the subject line.

This is the informant network. It's for workers to anonymously finger others to be fired for anything they deem a hate crime (mindcrime)

Improved Hiring Guidelines – Now Implemented

We know we are not doing a lot of hiring right now – but we are unwilling to wait to implement our improved hiring guidelines, which we will be sharing with all managers and supervisors this week.

Effective immediately, all hiring managers are to work with their Talent Acquisition representatives to use diverse interview panels and create diverse talent pools for all positions at D- and E-levels. We will eventually expand this requirement to all levels – but right now, we are putting a special emphasis on these upper leadership-level bands. As we have learned from our diversity training, the more diverse the talent pool, the chances of hiring a diverse candidate increase. From this point forward, we are directing that no interview process is to be concluded without the hiring manager first seeking a diverse talent pool.

This above is self explanatory. It mandates all hiring approvals will be racially biased and decided by the minority groups.

“Introduction to Bias” Course – Now an Assigned Course on All COMPANY-X Learning Plans

There is one thing that all of us can do right now to make a difference. We are offering an “Introduction to Bias” course that can help each of us identify and deal with our unconscious biases. This course is great because it provides tools and techniques to help us understand our bias, what triggers bias and how we can work to remove bias from our decision-making.

This training has been an optional course on our COMPANY-X Learning Center since April. We appreciate everyone who has taken the course so far. We truly want everyone to take it – which is why we’ve just assigned the course to all COMPANY-X non-agreement employees, with the expectation that the course be completed by the end of August. In September, we will begin to assign the course to COMPANY-X agreement employees with access to COMPANY-X email.

This great training is so great it's now mandatory. You're risking your continued employment by refusing to take it.

CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion – Our Commitment to the "I ACT ON Pledge"

We know that a commitment to diversity and inclusion starts at the top. As we shared with you previously, Joe Blow is formally seeking membership into a national network called “CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion,” which is the largest CEO-driven business commitment to advance diversity and inclusion within the workplace. In the meantime, our entire ELT will be signing the individual "I ACT ON Pledge," in which each of us will commit to:

•            Check my own biases and take meaningful action to understand and mitigate them.

•            Initiate meaningful, complex and sometimes difficult conversations with my friends and colleagues.

•            Ask myself: “Do my actions and words reflect the value of inclusion?”

•            Move outside my comfort zone to learn about the experiences and perspectives of others, which I will be doing in our listening sessions.

•            Share my insights related to what I have learned.

We invite you to consider taking this pledge, which is completely voluntary. It is another means of having immediate access to valuable resources we can use to help us increase our understanding of bias, take action to remove bias from our decision-making and continue learning how to have direct, respectful and honest conversations with one another.

Soon to also be mandatory like the training above.

Diversity & Inclusion Council – Framework Created, to be Operational Soon

We have created the framework for our Diversity & Inclusion Council. We will finalize this approach later this month, and we expect the council to be operational soon. Our intent is to create a strong D&I council that will hold us accountable for results, provide governance and oversight on our diversity efforts, and promote company-wide communication on our progress.

•            If you are interested in supporting the D&I Council, send an email to In the subject line, write “Diversity Council – Interested.”

We will continue to provide you with regular updates on our progress. We appreciate your continued support in making COMPANY-X the kind of company we all want it to be.

This diversity council is extra creepy. It's like how Soviet businesses had to have political officers ensuring all workers adhered to state sanctioned ideology in their daily activities. Seriously Orwellian and totalitarian direction of travel here.


The Executive Leadership Team

Your corporate leftist overlords

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 12:40:21

Seriously Orwellian and totalitarian direction of travel here.

You know if you threatened someones ability to earn a paycheck, youd get in trouble..

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/15/20 at 12:45:44

091610170A0D3C0C3C04161A51630 wrote:
Seriously Orwellian and totalitarian direction of travel here.

You know if you threatened someones ability to earn a paycheck, youd get in trouble..

Don't you love how none of this crap has anything to do with actual business? In any way shape or form.
It's just forced down your throat and if you don't like it leave or be terminated.
And the irony is this company has the worst track record for inclusion I've ever seen. So it's all lip service on the part of the company but for us workers it's life or death.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 13:04:32

Diversity,, is a word,, and its JUST a word they use to screw the white guy,,

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/15/20 at 13:33:12

736C6A6D70774676467E6C602B190 wrote:
Diversity,, is a word,, and its JUST a word they use to screw the white guy,,

I wish I had a way to know how many of the C19 staffing cut victims will be white guys this October. I'm the only white guy on my team besides my boss. And they ain't gonna fire him....

In the future job interviews for white males will require sucking a black guys thingy. And then still get the thanks but no thanks letters.

With companies instituting these diversity hiring panels I wonder if I'll ever work again after I get sacked.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 13:54:19

Its almost as if someone wants a societal conflict,,

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/15/20 at 15:06:28

It’s not a discussion on race, it’s vilifying an entire group of people because of their race, in the name of equity and equality.

But,, nobody sees it,, right?
and its not racist to hate whitey,,

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/15/20 at 15:42:02

It's not up for discussion anymore. It's never been about equality because we all know such a thing doesn't exist in nature.
It's all about power. And evil. Same as it ever was.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 07/16/20 at 06:51:22

They also use diversity as the overall cover to get rid of the ones that dont fit the narrative.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/16/20 at 07:54:18

Liberal universities are already using this bogus diversity standard to weed out job applicants.

Berkeley rejected 76 percent of qualified applicants without even considering their teaching skills, their publication history, their potential for academic excellence or their ability to contribute to their field. As far as the university knew, these applicants could well have been the next Albert Einstein or Jonas Salk, or they might have been outstanding and innovative educators who would make a significant difference in students' lives.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/16/20 at 08:01:03

I remember what Diversity was
before it morphed into
We NEED a ( fill in the blank) in a position on our staff. Weve Never Had a ( Use that same answer) on our staff. Quick,, recruit a ( Blank)!

Diversity isnt something to Create.
Its just something to NOt avoid.
When qualified people apply for something, teaching or student,, determine WHO is accepted based on WHAT??
Not the fact that youve never Had one of Those,, but on what?
OHH, did you say

It doesnt matter aboout anything else,, just qualifications,,
Well,, I guess if someone simply refuses to bathe and wears the same clothes all week,, they might get shitcanned for being a health hazard,,

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/16/20 at 08:33:44

Look how well this D&I crap is working for M$

From the sound of it this policy is just causing the problem it's supposed to be solving. And generating lawsuits they can't win

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/20/20 at 09:26:29

Today everyone in the company was told to Strike for BLM.
At noon everyone was supposed to stop working for 8 minutes 49 seconds.
I was too busy working to save a failing system to stop at the time.
Oh well....

This is ridiculous beyond words. Now companies are telling employees to do what BLM says while they work.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 07/20/20 at 15:13:17

Let that chit fail man, I worked a 9 hr saturday cos someone failed to test or make sure the chit we installed and put up will do a replication on a db.

Seriously, this garbage of finding the cheapest stupidest fools 13 hrs round the world and 12 languages removed to throw some crap against the wall has to die by its own very very painful hand.

Oh yea, I'm getting tomorow off for doing this - I will have my lb of flesh.


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by Matchless G11 on 07/20/20 at 17:24:04

2D353431293524303436385D0 wrote:
Today everyone in the company was told to Strike for BLM.
At noon everyone was supposed to stop working for 8 minutes 49 seconds.
I was too busy working to save a failing system to stop at the time.
Oh well....

This is ridiculous beyond words. Now companies are telling employees to do what BLM says while they work.

You must keep clapping, keep clapping comrade till Stalin tells you to stop.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/23/20 at 08:14:20

For companies that don't want to form their own in-house diversity watchdog council they can simply contract it out.

Dembe’s decision to support Reardon publicly came in opposition to preliminary recommendations issued by the crisis consultancy it had hired, called DiverseForce. The Philly-based firm has worked with corporations and nonprofits including Wells Fargo, the Greater Philadelphia Cultural Alliance, Comcast and United Way.

Need to get rid of your white executive management in order to promote unqualified black or minority people into the roles, call DiverseForce now. We'll publicity shame your company into making those difficult staffing changes and ensure that lawsuits for reverse racism won't ensue. For the month of August we're having a buy one get one free sale and will gladly get another white worker terminated for no extra charge.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/20 at 12:54:52

Is it just me? Or is the constant drumming and chantiing of
White GUy Bad
starting to seem a bit Racist??

Howcumizzit that I can be hated for being white, and its not racist,, ???

Im just so confused,, Somebody needs to explain this,, please,,

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/23/20 at 14:51:15

6B747275686F5E6E5E66747833010 wrote:
Is it just me? Or is the constant drumming and chantiing of
White GUy Bad
starting to seem a bit Racist??

Howcumizzit that I can be hated for being white, and its not racist,, ???

Im just so confused,, Somebody needs to explain this,, please,,

The problem isn't that your white. It's you're not underprivileged. It's not about race it's about privilege.

Homeless on the streets and growing up on welfare sure gave me an overabundance of privilege. It's obvious because I have a career and don't live in the projects now. I didn't earn my way here it was given to me through privilege. Even when NAFTA sent my former career overseas. Going to community college and learning a new career field had nothing to do with starting a new career. It was all privilege.
And then when the dotcom bubble burst and I had to join the Navy to provide health insurance to my family and then restart my career afterwards it wasn't hard work and self sacrifice that pulled me back on my feet. It was privilege. Because I'm oh so privileged.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/23/20 at 22:58:34

Yeah, Mike, a life of undeserved and unearned high position, gifted you because you're white.. Good job, you did what was necessary to take care of your family.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 07/24/20 at 05:16:25

How these lefty fools can advocate for black equality or reparations or whatever and be for open borders I simply dont understand. Nothing in left foo foo land makes sense.

Worse yet, I am a lefty.

There was a meme I saw - a pic of Jack Kennedy with the caption if a Liberal from 1960 dropped into 2020, he'd be termed a conservative.
And a pic of AOC with the caption. If a liberall from 2020 was dropped into 1960 She'd be termed a Lunatic.

BTW anoter word that needs to be erased from a politicians vocabulary - FREE - that has to be gone. Its not free you fool, its tax payer funded.

BTW I really want to see Mexico pay for the wall. I propose taxing remittances, but if there isn't a tight collection point its impossible to collect. So I'd change the rule to, all USD in Mexico is not legal tender. Deal at your own risk. If legality is proveable then its going to convert to pesos at your local US based outlet. Else its non negotiable.

And we should think along these lines for china as well. Turn the real estate and other assets they own like shares of amazon or what not into US govt assets for fighting china virus.


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/24/20 at 05:33:08

That was fast!


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by eau de sauvage on 07/24/20 at 05:42:01


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/24/20 at 08:54:34

514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 wrote:
Yeah, Mike, a life of undeserved and unearned high position, gifted you because you're white.. Good job, you did what was necessary to take care of your family.

Facetiousness aside my life has always resembled a sad Country song. The crap I've been through! But I don't let it define my existence and I'm well aware others have had it worse off and turned out even more successful than myself.
But then there's those that resign themselves to their fate.

I have never had anything handed to me. My father passed away recently and didn't leave me a red cent. At every turn I've been bent over and jerked around and crapped on. And mostly by my own kind that are better off than me. Being from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks hasn't endeared me to anyone along the way. I've certainly never had anyone stop to help me with a darn thing - ever.

If there's such a thing as white privilege then I must not be white because it certainly never done squat for me.
I've fought tooth and nail working since I was 13 years old to get away from the squalor I grew up with. At some point along the way other poor people started treating me as someone else. Someone they didn't approve of. And people who weren't poor still looked down on me. I've felt like a social outcast most of my adult life because I don't fit in anywhere. People I came from only see me as a walking ATM machine and people I'm surrounded by now treat me as a loser. Old coworkers and work friends from 20 years ago that started out at the same level as me then are all middle to upper management and even CEOs and business owners nowadays meanwhile I'm still in the same position I was then. Just a Senior role now though. And that works against me because companies dont want senior level people who earn more money.
Job search results across the country typically look like this now.

Entry level - 15000 jobs
1-3 yrs experience - 23000 jobs
3-5 yrs - 33000 jobs
5-10 yrs - 4500 jobs
10+ yrs - 334 jobs

I'm at 20 yrs still doing the same crap. It took me an entire year to find a new job last time I was out of work. All of 2018.
And now they're making it even harder with this D&I bullcrap.
Sometimes I feel like I've spent my life spitting into the wind.

But mostly I'm just thankful I'm not poor anymore.

They sent another mass email about taking the still voluntary pledge today. This time with instructions for telling the company you're going to take it.

I predict it will become mandatory next month....

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by Matchless G11 on 07/25/20 at 02:57:13

2B3332372F33223632303E5B0 wrote:
[quote author=514E484F52556454645C4E42093B0 link=1592529205/45#45 date=1595570314]Yeah, Mike, a life of undeserved and unearned high position, gifted you because you're white.. Good job, you did what was necessary to take care of your family.

Facetiousness aside my life has always resembled a sad Country song. The crap I've been through! But I don't let it define my existence and I'm well aware others have had it worse off and turned out even more successful than myself.
But then there's those that resign themselves to their fate.

I have never had anything handed to me. My father passed away recently and didn't leave me a red cent. At every turn I've been bent over and jerked around and crapped on. And mostly by my own kind that are better off than me. Being from the proverbial wrong side of the tracks hasn't endeared me to anyone along the way. I've certainly never had anyone stop to help me with a darn thing - ever.

If there's such a thing as white privilege then I must not be white because it certainly never done squat for me.
I've fought tooth and nail working since I was 13 years old to get away from the squalor I grew up with. At some point along the way other poor people started treating me as someone else. Someone they didn't approve of. And people who weren't poor still looked down on me. I've felt like a social outcast most of my adult life because I don't fit in anywhere. People I came from only see me as a walking ATM machine and people I'm surrounded by now treat me as a loser. Old coworkers and work friends from 20 years ago that started out at the same level as me then are all middle to upper management and even CEOs and business owners nowadays meanwhile I'm still in the same position I was then. Just a Senior role now though. And that works against me because companies dont want senior level people who earn more money.
Job search results across the country typically look like this now.

Entry level - 15000 jobs
1-3 yrs experience - 23000 jobs
3-5 yrs - 33000 jobs
5-10 yrs - 4500 jobs
10+ yrs - 334 jobs

I'm at 20 yrs still doing the same crap. It took me an entire year to find a new job last time I was out of work. All of 2018.
And now they're making it even harder with this D&I bullcrap.
Sometimes I feel like I've spent my life spitting into the wind.

But mostly I'm just thankful I'm not poor anymore.

They sent another mass email about taking the still voluntary pledge today. This time with instructions for telling the company you're going to take it.

I predict it will become mandatory next month....[/quote]

They tried to push some transgender awareness training on us (gov work), They were very pushy about it, but I refused to take it. In the end they marked me down as I had done it though I did not. If Biden gets in, maybe I will lose my job if I refuse again.  

By the way philthymike does this song hit a few notes for you?

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/20 at 03:47:31

How these lefty fools can advocate for black equality or reparations ...

Yeah,, reparations,,
Maybe I just don't understand the concept,, so I'll explain it, as I understand it, and you guys can straighten me out...

Reparations are monies given to people who have never suffered the injustice being atoned For , BY people who have never committed the injustice being atoned for,,

Is that about it?

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/25/20 at 08:23:11

They tried to push some transgender awareness training on us (gov work), They were very pushy about it, but I refused to take it. In the end they marked me down as I had done it though I did not. If Biden gets in, maybe I will lose my job if I refuse again.  

By the way philthymike does this song hit a few notes for you?

That was an appropriate song for me in the 90s when I lived in my 67 Econoline a n d scrapped metal out of abandoned factories for money. Lots of interesting memories from that.

I think in a general sense this song says it for me now.
I remember listening to it back in the 80s when my mom was on welfare and drunk all the time. She used to bring home these losers from the bar who were always mean drunks and I'd have to beat the snot outa them and throw em out the house after they inevitably got belligerent towards me and tried to put hands on. I had a colorful childhood.
If there's such a thing as a soundtrack for my life then this is the one they play over the end credits.

Just sums it nicely.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 07/25/20 at 09:30:41

This is the classic - win races sunday, sell cars monday.

Transgender snowflakes are under 1 in 10,000, add in gays, bi's and other foo foo fruitcakes, its still less than 3% of the population.

Yell and scream about that 3% being shafted (though most of those fools will love that) and you can get 50% of the population believing its rampant and happening to large numbers and entire populations of people.

Same with Illegal and legal immigration vs blacks. yell and scream that Trump is racist because of immigration stand not ever mentioning the influx of immigrants has essentially shafted the black people - again.

That's why reparations need to be paid for with immigration fees and fines on illegal employers. The incentive for reporting them will now be the responsibility of the black people and their so called supporters. Ooooo Antifa tards aren't reporting them ???? SJW ??? no ? OK then.


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 07/25/20 at 09:52:49

You stop with the facts, you logic Nazi..
Democracy! Duhh,,
Where a miniscule part of society are put on a pedestal and Everyone else is supposed to bow, scrape and fawn all over their perverted asses..

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/25/20 at 10:05:33

My company has a token transgender thing it loves to parade around and give mic time to at all-hands meetings. Its in charge of the company social media dept. or some such useless position. And because its vegan the food served at these events always contains a meat free category. At the end of meeting 95% of that stuff gets tossed in the garbage uneaten and it's such a waste. There's people starving everywhere.

Thomas Sowell wrote...
"On a sinking ship with more passengers than the lifeboats can carry the only truly just solution is everyone drowns"

It's a wasteful point of view and ignores other options that might be mutually agreeable to all involved. But we're not permitted other options or to even consider them. There's no agreement to be had because no discussion is allowed. Discussion isn't allowed because it may deviate from narrative being dictated.

The equity of all is impossible. Especially for those whose lifestyle choices are nothing more than an elected means to get attention and be a victim a group.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 07/25/20 at 13:23:05

If your company has anything between 2000 - 5000 employees, that's the national average.
The lefty lather about it covers almost 50% of the population.

BTW it takes a real spine for someone in its role to say "shut up fool, I'm not a shim, I'm just a Fugly woman" instantly it loses all cache and likely its employment. Easier and more lucrative to keep up the parade ...


Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by philthymike on 07/25/20 at 14:31:43

I'm just glad it works in DC and not at my work location because its so ugly it physically hurts to look at it. Hideous! Fat with a five O clock shadow and fake breasts. Egads! I'd prefer a rusty spoon in my eyes.
It certainly makes me glad that nobody introduces anyone at these meetings. The idea of having to shake its hand is loathsome and creepy as f**k.

Title: Re: Creepy Diversity Pledge Crap
Post by srinath on 07/25/20 at 14:36:24

2E3637322A36273337353B5E0 wrote:
I'm just glad it works in DC and not at my work location because its so ugly it physically hurts to look at it. Hideous! Fat with a five O clock shadow and fake breasts. Egads! I'd prefer a rusty spoon in my eyes.
It certainly makes me glad that nobody introduces anyone at these meetings. The idea of having to shake its hand is loathsome and creepy as f**k.

Hey, I know a couple-o-guys like that, and they got real breasts.
Lose it and just hire a fat guy with gynecomasty instead.
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