General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Thats Not really a pattern

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/20 at 04:41:36

Title: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/20 at 04:41:36



Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/18/20 at 05:12:16

Minneapolis is a Democratic city, with a Democratic mayor and a Democratic city council (0.0 Republicans on that body), in a state with a Democratic governor and a Democratic state house; these are the people who hire police chiefs and organize police departments, who specify their procedures and priorities, who write the laws that the police are tasked with enforcing — Democrats and progressives practically to a man. (Not every member of the Minneapolis city council is a Democrat — there’s a Green, too.)
-Kevin D. Williamson

If these riots and such were All in Republican controlled places,, Do you suppose the left would point that out? Would they believe it was somehow an indication that Their ideas and policies Just Dont WORK??>

Maybe its time to stop
and start
REad about how America was built and consider the ways of the people who set the stage for America..
Lifes tough, and NO,, ya Cant legislate that away,,

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by Eegore on 06/18/20 at 11:10:20

 Did any Republican controlled cities report looting or rioting?

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by srinath on 06/18/20 at 12:05:46

6F4F4D45584F2A0 wrote:
 Did any Republican controlled cities report looting or rioting?

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by srinath on 06/18/20 at 12:06:58

4B4A5156594C50380 wrote:
[quote author=6F4F4D45584F2A0 link=1592480497/0#2 date=1592503820]  Did any Republican controlled cities report looting or rioting?


Yea the ratio seems to be about 10 to 1 for the left vs right. San Diego was one IIRC.


Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by verslagen1 on 06/22/20 at 09:52:39

I don't see Los Angeles(D), are we not reporting rioting?
I know there is.
Maybe we've seceded.

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by Eegore on 06/22/20 at 10:10:14

"I don't see Los Angeles(D), are we not reporting rioting?"

 It's obviously a selected list.  Notice there isn't a comparison, just a list.

 Someone out there took the opposite information, made their own list, and left the cities in this picture out of it.  

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/20 at 10:55:42

Youve clearly got access to information that is beyond mine..
What places that have been republican controlled for more than 5 years have been subject to riots?

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by Eegore on 06/22/20 at 12:33:58

"Youve clearly got access to information that is beyond mine.."

 I use the internet just like you, I just don't let other people make lists for me that I blindly go out saying is accurate.  Google "US cities reporting riots 2020" pick 10 sites and make a list from each one.  Do this on three search engines.

 Remove doubles and consolidate into one list.

 Check each city on the list for political affiliation and history.  

 Decide how you manage/categorize cities with a switch within the last 5 years.

 Separate that list into three parts, Democrat, Republican, Other.


 Or let someone else make a list you already agree with and post it with no reference as to who made it, where they got their information, and no comparison of any kind to anything else.  That way we remain in the dark and can only see what the one list says.

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/20 at 12:41:29

I don't
With the list..
The facts speak for themselves.
Show one lie in it.
Why do I Need to go hunting republican strongholds that are hellholes of lefty violence?
With the strength of the media throwing flowers at lefty crap and happily destroying anything outside the Lefty agenda, I would expect plenty of fingers pointing at republican cities with rioting..

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by Eegore on 06/22/20 at 14:11:23

"I don't
With the list.."

 I mean in general, as in content you think is accurate or inaccurate but are willing to post as fact or support of an opinion.

"Show one lie in it."

 I'm not saying there's a lie, I am saying the list is a selected list, not a comparison.  I can pick one Democratic city of 5 years or more and post it saying "Look at this, show me a lie."  What good is that?  No references, no comparative information, it's just a list someone made.  


Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/20 at 14:19:37

It's a list
Of democrat controlled cities
That are in the throes of insane people throwing tantrums where the so called leadership has not taken sufficient action to curb the crazies..
I don't see republican run places being that way.

Just a list,,
Means nothing, right?
Because it's a list of demonstrable failures that belong to the results of lefty ideology being given freedom to express itself.

Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by Eegore on 06/22/20 at 14:53:27

Just a list,,
Means nothing, right?

 To me, a list created without reference, meant to compare - but intentionally leaves out what it is to be compared against, is a waste of my time.

 Why did they leave out the information it is to be compared against?

 It's like taking your car to a mechanic that says if you compare your spark plugs with better ones you can see why you should pay him for better plugs, but won't let you actually see/compare the plugs.  Weird right?


Title: Re: Thats Not really a pattern
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/22/20 at 16:02:21

Show me a comparison, Those are the cities Ive been hearing about,, I dont recall others,, Aer you aware of others? Are Those listed cities NOT ravaged by riots? Are they NOT democrat run? Have you Heard ANYTHING about any city thats not on that list? I Hvaent,,..

Republican cities ravaged by riots

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