General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Owning Racism

Message started by philthymike on 06/04/20 at 07:24:05

Title: Owning Racism
Post by philthymike on 06/04/20 at 07:24:05

In the past ALL blacks were habitually referred to with the so called N-word. One day they decided to remove the power of the word by taking ownership of it. And it worked.

Nowadays all white people are habitually referred to as Racists. Doesn't matter if like me you have multi-racial children your automatically a racist because you're white. And if you attempt to deny it then you're also a Nazi too.

Let's take a lesson from those darker than us and take ownership of the R-Word and insist violently that only we can use that word. We can say " yo, what up racist" to one another but punch the lights out of anyone else calling us that word. The mass media will have to censor it out of everything they produce and we can sue them if they fail to do so.

That word has become meaningless anyway through overuse and blanket labeling by the perpetually victimized liberals. Let's take it away from them and remove its power. Let them scurry to find a replacement word to call white people and force them to have to go back and revise everything they've published for the past couple decades to avoid litigation and bad press.

Peace out Racists  ;D

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/04/20 at 08:06:04

We can say " yo, what up racist" to one another but punch the lights out of anyone else calling us that word.

You One Brilliant MoFuggin Racist!

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by Serowbot on 06/04/20 at 08:35:45

I think owning your label works when it's an imposed label based on elements out of your control...
Racism requires active, voluntary effort.
Owning your own words and actions is honest, but it won't reduce culpability.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/04/20 at 08:39:26

As if you dont actually believe every TRump supporter is a racist,,

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by philthymike on 06/04/20 at 09:16:38

Regarding culpability the current popular mindset is that the only people actually capable of being racist are white people and that to even think other races can act in a racist way is itself racism. So there's no culpability to be assigned to anyone else no matter how racist in fact they actually are if they're non-white. It's another typically idiotic Catch 22 invented by the circular reasoning crowd aka marxist leftist liberal elites following Marx's principles of weakening the masses with divisiveness by turning everyone against each other.

Anyone see the sudden popularity of statue toppling events born out of recent protests? Frank Rizzo here in Philly.
Again, the Marxist doctrines of the end of all history playing out. Unburdened by history is the only way the new socialism can work towards the future utopian society etc. Ad nauseam
And the tools think they're actually protesting racism.
Wait til :-Xl they're forced to topple statues of MLK Jr and Marcus Garvey along with all the rest and replace them with new statues of Karl Marx, Chairman Mao and the rest of the blood soaked genocidal megalomaniacs of the revolution.

Racism is fake news to distract us from what's really transpiring in front of our very noses. It's a shell game. A card trick. A magician and his magic sleeves. We haven't had so called systemic racism for about 4 decades now but they'll keep the wet dream of it alive as long as they can milk every last drop of divisiveness and distraction out of it.

That's why the word itself needs to be sanitized, bleached and starched into a wearable fashion statement. The R-Word makes the commies go back to the drawing board.

Also my mixed son has told me that 99% of the racist bullying he endures in the classroom is from non-white classmates. And I believe him because I've seen it happening more times than I can count with my own two eyes. But I'm a racist if I complain about it.

So I'm a racist. So be it...

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by Serowbot on 06/04/20 at 09:58:54

I'm sad for the wrongs against your son.
That is what the label of racist is for.
Wearing that label won't help him or vindicate those that taunt him.

Trump's actions against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans, should not be ignored or supported either.
In addition to sexist attacks against women and LGBT.

I don't see how supporting Trump helps your son.
Regardless,.. your love and concern for him does help.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by srinath on 06/04/20 at 10:29:21

Can I be racist, can I be racist, Can I be racist …

If being Racist is wrong, I don't wanna be wrong, or right or whatever …


Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/20 at 10:37:02

2335223F27323F24500 wrote:
I'm sad for the wrongs against your son.
That is what the label of racist is for.
Wearing that label won't help him or vindicate those that taunt him.

Trump's actions against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans, should not be ignored or supported either.
In addition to sexist attacks against women and LGBT.

I don't see how supporting Trump helps your son.
Regardless,.. your love and concern for him does help.

Trump’s actions weren’t against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans etc....  
They were against illegal immigrants,  Criminal Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans etc...
Big difference that you’re unwilling to see.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by philthymike on 06/04/20 at 10:39:55

2E382F322A3F32295D0 wrote:
I'm sad for the wrongs against your son.
That is what the label of racist is for.
Wearing that label won't help him or vindicate those that taunt him.

Trump's actions against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans, should not be ignored or supported either.
In addition to sexist attacks against women and LGBT.

I don't see how supporting Trump helps your son.
Regardless,.. your love and concern for him does help.

FYI I didn't vote for Trump I wrote in Jello Biafra. I'm going to keep writing in Punk Rockers for president until I have a choice that isn't between dogcrap and cat puke. That's my personal form of protest. No ATMs are harmed in the process.

And everyone else ought to protest against the poor quality of the candidates we're given each time around by writing in whoever they would prefer instead or their favorite cartoon characters, comic book heroes, radio DJs, Pro Wresters, porno stars etc. Instead of constantly having to choose the lesser evil.

Maybe we'll actually end up with Mickey Mouse for president one year. And what an improvement that would be over the crooked, corrupt, wealthy, soulless, animated corpses we usually get.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by srinath on 06/04/20 at 11:14:16

495150554D51405450525C390 wrote:
[quote author=2E382F322A3F32295D0 link=1591280645/0#5 date=1591289934]I'm sad for the wrongs against your son.
That is what the label of racist is for.
Wearing that label won't help him or vindicate those that taunt him.

Trump's actions against immigrants, Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans, should not be ignored or supported either.
In addition to sexist attacks against women and LGBT.

I don't see how supporting Trump helps your son.
Regardless,.. your love and concern for him does help.

FYI I didn't vote for Trump I wrote in Jello Biafra. I'm going to keep writing in Punk Rockers for president until I have a choice that isn't between dogcrap and cat puke. That's my personal form of protest. No ATMs are harmed in the process.

And everyone else ought to protest against the poor quality of the candidates we're given each time around by writing in whoever they would prefer instead or their favorite cartoon characters, comic book heroes, radio DJs, Pro Wresters, porno stars etc. Instead of constantly having to choose the lesser evil.

Maybe we'll actually end up with Mickey Mouse for president one year. And what an improvement that would be over the crooked, corrupt, wealthy, soulless, animated corpses we usually get.[/quote]

You understand that the constitution (connistipation for those on the left) was written for those people - as well as plumbers, carpenters, farmers, truck drivers, brick layers etc etc - AKA people from all walks of life to be part of a "government for the people and by the people" and when done - disappear into that walk of life …

This is exactly why Obama made a great president - he was 1/2 term politician, and also why Trump - 0 term politician makes a great president.
Career politician should absolutely not exist. any one who says otherwise is basically using the constitution (connistipation) as toilet paper.

On a side note - in all walks of life - I wonder why all these people are all walking for … maybe the free flat screen TV when you walk into a target store and walk out with one.


Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by philthymike on 06/04/20 at 12:10:47

I was a volunteer for a presidential campaign in the 90s and learned some valuable lessons from it about how our political parties and election campaigns really work. The whole system is corrupted and broken so IMHO your vote doesn't count so vote for whoever. If enough people vote for anyone but an actual candidate it sends a message. Message being, I took the time to participate but flagrantly threw away my vote because there's nobody worth voting for and I have no faith in our self-serving political parties that only represent themselves and not their constituents.

It's better than being the silent majority and sitting on my fat lazy ass and not even trying.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by MnSpring on 06/09/20 at 14:12:02

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
Trump’s actions weren’t against immigrants,
Mexicans, blacks, Native Americans etc....  

They were against illegal immigrants,  ...

Big difference that you’re unwilling to see.

A-YEP !!!

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/09/20 at 14:23:48

Their choice of understanding of the events,, They CHOOSE to See it thru a lens that makes it bad, in spite of the obvious.. They pretend Trumps actions say something against a certain group, when its simply, and obviously, not so.
At least they dont do that and then at as if Im supposed to take them seriously.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by srinath on 06/09/20 at 17:07:35

Yo racist bro is that allowed do we have a secret code handshake ??? - I'm super dark brown racist myself …

My wife is super light skinned (she passes for a pretty "like a Mexican" all the time) … and racist.

I don't even know where this is going, but I like it.


Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by philthymike on 06/09/20 at 19:23:54

Y'alls some racist muthas up in here!

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by srinath on 06/10/20 at 06:25:29

283031342C30213531333D580 wrote:
Y'alls some racist muthas up in here!

Shouldn't it be Racist Crackas …

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/10/20 at 09:41:48

Kinda ReDundant,,
We have been told by those
In The KNow
That only whites are even capable of being racist..
So,, Crackas isnt needed,,

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by philthymike on 06/10/20 at 10:42:03

This is timely.

Bad honky whitey cracker racists!

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by hotrod on 06/11/20 at 14:06:35

I avoid blacks whenever possible. That decision is based on years of experience and observation. Neighborhoods where I grew up are destroyed. I would be killed or attacked if I returned. The buildings are still there. The people in them are different.

Title: Re: Owning Racism
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/11/20 at 14:30:19

Havent heard squat abut the Blacks KILLIN Blacks in Chicago,,
Ohh,, how about that?
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