General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> President uses tear gas to get a photo-op

Message started by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 09:10:44

Title: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 09:10:44

In Donald Trump's America, a president uses tear gas to get a photo opportunity
As the President spoke in the White House, the police cleared protesters with tear gas to prepare for Mr Trump's symbol of defiance

... even clergy were forcibly removed from St. John's Church.  

'I am outraged': DC bishop denounces Trump's church visit after police clear protesters with tear gas
"Let me be clear: The president just used a Bible, the most sacred text of the Judeo-Christian tradition, and one of the churches of my diocese without permission as a backdrop for a message antithetical to the teachings of Jesus and everything that our churches stand for," Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde told CNN.
"And to do so... he sanctioned the use of tear gas by police officers in riot gear to clear the church yard. I am outraged," Budde said.
Budde is the bishop of the Episcopal Diocese Washington, overseeing more than 80 Episcopal congregations, including St. John's. She is the first woman to serve in her position.
“I am going to do everything in my power to disassociate our church from what the president did tonight,” she said.

40 million unemployed
deadly pandemic kills over 100,000 people
riots in the streets
threats of military action against citizens
.... and Trump is using force against clergy in their own church for a moronic photo-op... holding a book he's never read.
How much greater can he make it?....  :-?

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/20 at 09:46:53

The lesbian has read the bible,, and continues to be
Trump is outrageous,,
Ran them outta the Burned up church?
Keep lookin for ways to hate him,, He is still the best president youve seen, whether you will admit it or not,
The unemployed are HIS fault? Thank God he had time to get so much going right before the Rona bullshit.. If he wouldnt have gone along with closing everything down, every death would be his fault,, he did what the experts said,, and NOW the unemployed are his fault..
Its almost as if lefties will choose to believe he is terrible regardless of the truth of the events..

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Matchless G11 on 06/02/20 at 10:17:08

I always find it funny when a Atheist gets upset when someone uses a bible.
Somehow the Atheist becomes an expert on a book he never read.  :-?

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 10:19:46

Lesbians, bad...   Tear gas... good...
Jesus says so...

You have a funny god... ::)


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Matchless G11 on 06/02/20 at 10:20:44


Somehow the Atheist becomes an expert on a book he never read

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/20 at 10:24:46

Does God believe chaos and lawlessness are good? Really?
Whatever you need to believe,, its all okay, Bot,,
If YOUR neighborhood is being overrun and houses burned, businesses burned, shopkeepers beaten and killed,, thats okay? Dont disperse the looters and arsonists,, Ohh, NOOO!
You realize people read what youre saying,right?

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by srinath on 06/02/20 at 10:45:40

What sew, you're against the police state ???? I thought it was the backbone of any socialist state/movement ?
Oh … you're just against anyone not approved by the "chosen ones" to use police force … gotcha.


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 10:58:46

What makes you think I've never read the Bible?..
Do you think you need some kind of special Christian ID to buy one?...
Atheists don't live in bubbles... many have read the bible as well as the Quran and other religious literature.

We don't take it literally... and we don't use it to rationalize bigotry.
From what I've read, Jesus wouldn't approve of bigotry.

BTW,.. haven't you ever wondered if Jesus might have been gay?...
No wife, no kids, hangs out with 12 guys and a reformed hooker.  Wears a robe and sandals, has long hair,... preaches peace and love...
Definitely wouldn't be welcome in Texas...

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 11:08:46

Get off this sidetrack...

The President just used force against peaceful protestors to clear the way for a photo-op...

They turned the lights out on the White House!...
Do they think it becomes invisible without lights?...
Donny hides in a bunker... he even fears clergy...
Must be ANTIFA clergy,... ehh?...

Chicken n' Chief... Trump...  
Your man is a pitiful excuse for a President, or even a human being...
Calls himself a "War President"... while attacking American citizens.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/20 at 11:13:08

What makes you think I've never read the Bible?.. Said Bot

Who said the President had never read it,,

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 11:15:31

Yeah,... right...  ;D
He can't read a one page briefing...

Rome burns,... and Trump holds a gas can...  :-?

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 11:23:11

Aren't you embarrassed at having to defend Trump?

Remember when world leaders laughed at Obama?...
When religious leaders denounced him?...
When scientists corrected him?...
When members of his own staff resigned and trashed him?...
When sports teams declined WH visits?
When victims of violence declined his phone calls?
When cities and schools begged him not to visit?

Yeah,... neither do I...  :-?

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/02/20 at 11:44:10

YOure more pissed about Trump goin there than thugs burning it..
Youre transparent

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by srinath on 06/02/20 at 11:47:16

4056415C44515C47330 wrote:
Aren't you embarrassed at having to defend Trump?

[color=#ff00ff]Remember when world leaders laughed at Obama?...
When religious leaders denounced him?...
When scientists corrected him?...
When members of his own staff resigned and trashed him?...
When sports teams declined WH visits?
When victims of violence declined his phone calls?
When cities and schools begged him not to visit?

Yeah,... neither do I...  :-?[/color]

Hey sew, I had a lot of high end audio equipment, and some cool motorcycles, and why don't we just add to this hypothetical situation - gold jewelry and I was giving it away, OK why not, add the USD $$$$ too , along with a lot of my knowledge. Just free. I just put a bench by my front driveway and said free and sat there for 8 years. I gave it away. You come up and ask for $$$ - here, say you failed at selling burgers in A VEGAN BS country, here is $$$ and knowledge (sell em fakon instead of Bacon) etc etc … gave it away free.

Then My son came home and said WTF you fool, and kicked me in the NVTS …
Then he saved all the $$$ and gold and the audio equipment went on ebay and the knowledge went into his business making cell phones and 5g crap and satellite crap and what not. Yea I had a lot of knowledge.

Imagine when the whole world said my son was a monster and an A$$.

All those 8 years of me sitting on my driveway giving away gold and $$$ and knowledge and audio equipment and motorcyles … all came to naught.

In Tamil we have a saying, and its a beggar who begs for food who's speaking - Loosely translated it means -

My children - we're starving tonight because, The goddess who never gives me food didn't give me food as usual, but the pregnant dog who always gives me food also did not.

LOL, I don't remember no one protesting when we gave away the house either.
Now that we have some kind of checks and balances on the free chit we'll give out, we hear all the losers and the charity cases squealing.


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/02/20 at 11:52:16

Jesus must love you...  ;D

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by srinath on 06/02/20 at 14:43:41

584E59445C49445F2B0 wrote:
Jesus must love you...  ;D

What's that supposed to mean. You do know I'm not Christian right.

Racist Sew.
Racist, Racist, Racist.
I don't even know what to tell you, this is why we need a Hindu's only bathroom, really, we can not sit here oppressed by these Jesus things people say, not especially when we're taking a holey chit.


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Eegore on 06/02/20 at 15:52:42

 What I am wondering is if the SS attempted to clear the area without force ahead of time like they always do.

 If so, it is entirely the protester's fault.  If not it is a misuse of the Use Of Force paradigm.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by WebsterMark on 06/02/20 at 19:34:02

Sew is wrong again. He’s regularly posted stories from CNN that are not true and this is another.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/03/20 at 02:40:04

Just another
Here's another
Why you should hate Trump
lie,, twisted Bullshit half truth crap..
Business as usual for CNN.
How is he supposed to know?
They pretend to sell a service, providing useful information,, and then they LIE,, I don't know of an alleged news network that doesn't.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by WebsterMark on 06/03/20 at 04:18:54

And like the rest of our media and many Democratic politicians, they’ll be no consequences. They lie and spread rumors with impunity. There was no tear gas used, there was never a “white nationalist are fine people“ comment and Sarah Palin had nothing to do with Gabby Giffords shooting but all those lies will live on in the minds of leftist.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by srinath on 06/03/20 at 05:40:06

1030323A2730550 wrote:
 What I am wondering is if the SS attempted to clear the area without force ahead of time like they always do.

 If so, it is entirely the protester's fault.  If not it is a misuse of the Use Of Force paradigm.

SS - OMG. what next Gestapo will be rounding up people and off to concentration camps … what will this NAZI president stoop to next. Just atrocious. He is the 3rd returning of the 2nd anti Christ for sure. Come on we've already seen the pics of him holding the bible exactly like Hitler did. Same thumb position even, and I'm sure the fingers in the back are same position too. Obviously he next put it in the fire like Hitler did also.


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/03/20 at 08:22:30

635156474051467955465F340 wrote:
And like the rest of our media and many Democratic politicians, they’ll be no consequences. They lie and spread rumors with impunity. There was no tear gas used,


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Eegore on 06/03/20 at 08:35:34

"SS - OMG. what next Gestapo will be rounding up people and off to concentration camps … what will this NAZI president stoop to next. Just atrocious. He is the 3rd returning of the 2nd anti Christ for sure. Come on we've already seen the pics of him holding the bible exactly like Hitler did. Same thumb position even, and I'm sure the fingers in the back are same position too. Obviously he next put it in the fire like Hitler did also."

 SS is an acronym, I referred to specifically for this post and only in this post on this topic in exclusivity, to represent the agency of the "Secret Service" and only the "Secret Service" with the exclusion of all other agencies past present or future.

 I wonder if the "Secret Service" and only the "Secret Service" while acting in official capacities of their jurisdiction and authority had informed the protesters, as they always do towards the public of any kind, prior to the implementation of tear gas.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by srinath on 06/03/20 at 09:55:28

I have spokennnnn.


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by MShipley on 06/03/20 at 09:58:29

It was just announced on TV that there was no teargas....

CNN got it wrong again, honest mistake.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/04/20 at 07:18:11

United States Secretary of Defense Marl Esper, and former SoD Gen. Mattis have both denounced Trump's actions against protestors citing the Constitution.

Clearly they have TDS... Right?...

Is there any person on the planet that can speak out, that could give Trump supporters pause?
If not,... I believe Comparisons to Nazis and Hitler are legitimate.  
Mattis appears to agree.
"Instructions given by the military departments to our troops before the Normandy invasion reminded soldiers that "The Nazi slogan for destroying us...was 'Divide and Conquer.' Our American answer is 'In Union there is Strength.'" We must summon that unity to surmount this crisis—confident that we are better than our politics.
Donald Trump is the first president in my lifetime who does not try to unite the American people—does not even pretend to try. Instead he tries to divide us. We are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership.

We know that we are better than the abuse of executive authority that we witnessed in Lafayette Square. We must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by MShipley on 06/04/20 at 08:04:53

It just confuses me, I see liberals saying that Trump is a nazi and gone too far then I get liberals that denounce him because he has done nothing. Which is it?

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/04/20 at 08:20:46

7E605B5A435F564A330 wrote:
It just confuses me, I see liberals saying that Trump is a nazi and gone too far then I get liberals that denounce him because he has done nothing. Which is it?

He used military force against peaceful US citizens exercising their Constitutional right to peaceful protest...
I don't count that as any kind of accomplishment.
Neither do our military leaders.

Supporting Trump requires that you flout the Constitution, freedom, and US military.
Good on you...

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 06/04/20 at 08:42:42

He didnt tell anyone they couldnt protest,, they just had to move,, Maybe you recall how Free Speech Zones for Non lefties worked,,
HE has a right to go to a place and make a speech, too,, and the SS have a responsibility to keep him safe,,, So,, they hadda go away from THERE,, NObody said they hadda go home,,

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by srinath on 06/04/20 at 10:33:46

4D6D6F677A6D080 wrote:
 SS is an acronym, I referred to specifically for this post and only in this post on this topic in exclusivity, to represent the agency of the "Secret Service" and only the "Secret Service" with the exclusion of all other agencies past present or future.

 I wonder if the "Secret Service" and only the "Secret Service" while acting in official capacities of their jurisdiction and authority had informed the protesters, as they always do towards the public of any kind, prior to the implementation of tear gas.

Just lame and weak excuses. Beyond excuse zone bro. Gestapo and SS are at the door, and the Nazi are hauling away the injuns and blacks and everyone else non conforming to their cause.


Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by WebsterMark on 06/04/20 at 10:39:28

So’re just gonna ignore the fact you passed false info about tear gas by switching to another topic? You missed out on a good paying CNN reporting gig....

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Eegore on 06/04/20 at 14:41:50

"Just lame and weak excuses. Beyond excuse zone bro. Gestapo and SS are at the door, and the Nazi are hauling away the injuns and blacks and everyone else non conforming to their cause.

 I very specifically meant and only meant Secret Service.  I have no reason to believe that time travel was involved.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Eegore on 06/06/20 at 06:08:49

In the photos there are 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile canisters.  That's CS, not smoke.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/20 at 06:59:15

695B5C4D4A5B4C735F4C553E0 wrote:
So’re just gonna ignore the fact you passed false info about tear gas by switching to another topic? You missed out on a good paying CNN reporting gig....

Ignore facts?... Parhaps you should work for Faux...

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Eegore on 06/06/20 at 07:53:20

 I bet they were planted there to damage Trump.  An Biden supporter tossed a few empty CS canisters into the street.

Title: Re: President uses tear gas to get a photo-op
Post by Serowbot on 06/06/20 at 08:40:35

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