General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Punking Trump

Message started by Serowbot on 05/14/20 at 12:47:17

Title: Punking Trump
Post by Serowbot on 05/14/20 at 12:47:17

Somebody was punking Tchump by blaring that song during his tour.


Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by srinath on 05/14/20 at 12:55:22

Live and let die … But that's OK right. Its just libtards.
Well there'd be more … there's one born every minute …
Oops, nope kill em babies, that's the libtard way.
But the illegals, and anchor babies are more than keeping pace, so libtards are OK, and ofcourse dead people reliably vote libtard. Hence no incentive for either side to keep em alive.

I'm sorry sew - what are you complaining about then. Looks like win win win win for libtards.


Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/20 at 13:00:46

His only mistake was listening to th Experts..
Model after model, wrong
Prediction after prediction, wrong
Just like the idiotic global warmin bullshit..
Of course had he NOT done what was recommended Eery death would be his..
Unlike every president before him,, Look at THE Facts of the recent pandemics and how they were hand;ed ..
We are gonna be wrecked for a LONG time because of the shutdown,,
The TRUTH is,, the actual mortality rate is LOW,, and any honest person lookin at the known facts knows it.
Live and let die? Bullshit,, The economic destruction looks a lot more deadly than the disease to me.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by srinath on 05/14/20 at 14:01:54

I'll bet libtards killed more babies in 2019 than corona in 20.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/20 at 14:19:36

One of thousands,, They ADMIT it,, and libtarrds wont accept it,,

The Montezuma County Coroner’s Office is disputing the state’s claim of a third fatal case of the coronavirus in Cortez, saying the person died of alcohol poisoning.

County Coroner George Deavers said the person tested positive for COVID-19, but an investigation by him and the pathologist determined the cause of death was ethanol toxicity. The person’s blood-alcohol content was 0.55, or almost seven times the legal driving limit of 0.08 in Colorado, Deavers said. A BAC of 0.3 is considered lethal.

“COVID was not listed on the death certificate as the cause of death. I disagree with the state for listing it as a COVID death, and will be discussing it with them this week,” he said Tuesday.

Deavers said non-natural fatal events, such an accident or an overdose, take precedence as the cause of death over natural events such as COVID-19. He did not provide the name of the deceased person who tested positive for COVID-19.

According to the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, Montezuma County had 25 confirmed positives and three COVID-19 deaths as of Tuesday.

The Montezuma County Public Health Department continues to report two COVID-19 deaths. On Monday, the department listed two COVID-caused deaths and a third that was not caused by the disease even though the disease was present.

“The person who died did not die from COVID-19, but they did test positive for the virus,” said county public information officer Vicki Shaffer. “The state is reporting that death as a COVID death, but our health department wanted to let people know that even though the person did have the virus, they did not die from it.”

The state health department did not immediately respond to The Journal’s telephone calls and emails requesting comment and clarification.

Montezuma County on Tuesday reported 25 positive cases, 13 recoveries and 431 negative tests results.

County officials suggested a new category be added for active cases.

“If we have 25 positive cases and 13 recoveries, so why not show that there are only 12 active cases?” asked Commissioner Keenan Ertel.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by MnSpring on 05/14/20 at 14:20:11

75746F6867726E060 wrote:
I'll bet libtards killed more babies in 2019 than corona in 20.

That would be Correct !!!!!!!
According to the CDC, in 2018 623,471
For 2017, the Guttmacher Institute reported 862,320 abortions.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by Serowbot on 05/14/20 at 14:35:50

Trump got punked... and I hear abortion rant and Covid 19 conspiracy nonsense....
Trump still got punked...  ;D

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by srinath on 05/14/20 at 14:36:25

Y'know what some enterprising abortion opponents got to take the same thing and play it in front of those abortion clinics.

Booya - roll about 30 sec, and you'd see a beautiful libtard - beautiful. This dude is specially creaming libtards. Hilarious.

Just to get libtards like that woman to show their true faces is enough reason to vote trump in 20. Man the jokes endless endless jokes.


Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/14/20 at 15:07:27

What conspiracy?
They ANNOUNCED counting people WITH CV19 as being Considered
It was surely even on CNN..

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by Serowbot on 05/14/20 at 17:45:10

Bad link,... and Trump still got punkd'.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 05/15/20 at 05:14:44

Okay, somebody plunked Trump. They dunked on him that time. A few people dunked on Jordan too.

But here’s something to consider. We’ve all seen those awful, painful to watch, Biden interview clips that look and sound like someone 10 minutes after a bad concussion. However, remember the media is on call 24/7 to make him look as good as possible. What you’re seeing are the best edits they could come up with. Say what you want about Trump not acting Presidential. I’d agree with you perhaps more than half the time. But Biden is a rapidly fading, entitled, handsy old man probably not aware of everything going on around him. This is sad. A result of the Democratic Party transitioning to socialism/communism.

Trump wins 2020. Maybe Florida Governor Desantis in 2024, but after that; it’s AOC & gang and the rapid descent of America into the gutter.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by srinath on 05/15/20 at 05:45:38

I think Andrew Cuomo is getting swapped in @ Convention.
Biden being put up there is elder abuse.


Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by MnSpring on 05/15/20 at 08:04:19

5741564B53464B50240 wrote:
... and Trump still got punkd'.

"We are all in this together”

Who started that phrase, and why?

Research it, find out the, ’switch’, that phrase trips in sheep.

Who, is getting, ‘punkd’ ?

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/15/20 at 10:42:03

I was wonderin if I was the only one who noticed that propaganda bullshit.
Sure is everywhere.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by won in a photo on 05/15/20 at 13:03:48

Trump did not cause the pandemic but his handling the problem is average. he has not taken control. he refuses to take responsibility and blames others. he manages like a mediocre boss. he has not made America great.

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by srinath on 05/15/20 at 14:16:15

5A4D5B5A5C191D280 wrote:
Trump did not cause the pandemic but his handling the problem is average. he has not taken control. he refuses to take responsibility and blames others. he manages like a mediocre boss. he has not made America great.

And I'm sure Alzheimer ward permanent resident, being subject to elder abuse Hidin Biden will - well forget where he is, forget who he is, grope the Chinese reporter and tell Tara Reid she's hot and stick his finger up her a$$ to wet her.

Gimme a break, its always a comparison between the lesser of 2 evils.
Donald duck beats Donald Trump, sadly hiding biden or lying Clinton does not.

US is doing better per capita than most of Europe - which has socialized health care, and definitely doing better than Australia which has lost a port to China and I kept hearing china threatening their Bali bali bali etc etc and I was wondering why they're so concerned about the Island of Bali - and I finally find out - its Barley, and Chinese are rejecting Australian Barley because Australia is asking for a probe of virus etc etc - yes my friends of the banana republic league of nations - you have a new member - its called Australia.

Now you want Arizona to be added to the list won in a photo ??? Yes - then vote for Hidin Biden, or whatever dummy is dropped into his spot by the DNC at that convention.

Its always comparative. When virus has been sent out and has hit say 20 places at the same time - and China made sure it did because 6 weeks they hid it, and rounded up all the supplies from other countries - its really only fair to see who is doing better compared to who. No other way to check what is good vs bad.

Your bicycle is faaaaaaasst faaaaaast … faaaaast compared to a caveman trying to run. Compare it to my savage and I'll leave you in the dust. Just till my neighbor flies past me on his GSXR - kapische ????


Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by MnSpring on 05/15/20 at 19:42:54

31263031377276430 wrote:
"... he refuses to take responsibility ..."

Please explain how a virus,
That was unleashed  from Wuhan  China,
(Which every person on this planet that takes a breath knows),
is Trumps 'responsibility' ?

"...and blames others..."

A Yep !!!!!!!
Came from dat dar Chine place, don't ya now !

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by MnSpring on 05/15/20 at 19:51:28

33243233357074410 wrote:
"... he has not made America great.

Oh but he DID !!!!!

Until the, Swamp Critters, got their panties in a bunch,
cause they could not stuff their pockets full of money like they wanted.

So they enlisted the UL, DFI, FDS Progressive Socialites to do their bidding !
And the good little Gullible Sheep they are,
they just jumped right on that bandwagon !!!!!

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by WebsterMark on 05/16/20 at 06:09:58

392E38393F7A7E4B0 wrote:
Trump did not cause the pandemic but his handling the problem is average. he has not taken control. he refuses to take responsibility and blames others. he manages like a mediocre boss. he has not made America great.

No one knows that yet with any degree of certainty. Every event has a beginning, middle and end, like a movie. You’re judging before the end but you have no way to know how far along the movie is. And if you were to go back to the beginning and switch actors, you can only speculate.

Tom Selleck was originally cast as Indiana Jones but the TV network enforced a clause that gave them the right to pull him from other jobs if they felt it would interfere with Magnum PI so they did. Harrison Ford became a household name for the last 40 years. Would the Indiana Jones series have been as popular with Selleck instead of Jones? Who knows. Different actors, different results.

One thing for certain, pull NYC numbers out of the national figures and everything changes. No other city duplicated NYC’s debacle. Why? Density, cultures, health conditions, subways, .....?

Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by srinath on 05/16/20 at 06:58:41

605255444352457A56455C370 wrote:
No other city duplicated NYC’s debacle. Why? Density, cultures, health conditions, subways, .....

And Cuomo shafting and decimating their health system - AKA - a democrap did exactly what Trump is accused of doing.


Title: Re: Punking Trump
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/16/20 at 08:23:44

HEY! Ive got an Idea!
Lets put elderly CV patients into nursing homes! » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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