General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> The Electoral College

Message started by MnSpring on 05/06/20 at 10:06:41

Title: The Electoral College
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/20 at 10:06:41

The Electoral College, Votes, (ECV), are decided by the census.
Census decides how many people live in a place, and where is that place.
Lines are drawn and redrawn, and Districts are made/decided, as  to how many, ‘People’, live in a area.

It is why so many UL Progressives, fought so hard to NOT HAVE the question, “Are you a Citizen’ in the 2020 Census.
They want  #’s of PEOPLE,
Not #’s of CITIZENS, who CAN Vote.

Say a State has 8, districts,
5 of those Districts the winner is candidate #1.
3 of those Districts the winner is candidate #2.
Now those numbers are added up, (total State Votes)
And what ever candidate has the highest number of votes
Effectually throwing away, the MAJORITY, of the VOTES of the Citizens in in 5 Districts !!!!

In the case of Minn, 10 Electoral votes went to HRC.
If the PEOPLE, the CITIZENS, Votes counted,
it would have been 5 ECV, to HAR, and 5 to Trump.

Calf, 55 ECV. went to HRC.
Which means Calf, THREW AWAY, the MAJORITY, of 20 Districts Votes
Threw Them Away !!!!!!!

If counted like only two States in the union count, the vote would be:
35 for HRC, and 20 for Trump.

Used to be the, Rural living people, we’re on a whole, thought to be not as smart as the Urban living people.
That demographic has entirely changed.
Today the Urban ares are FULL of, ‘Gimmie/Gimmie/GIMMIE’S’, which many can not prove CITIZENSHIP.
Yet are allowed to vote by the few who have gained citizenship, and are election judges, for the sole purpose of ALLOWING, NON CITIZENS TO VOTE.

Now who decides if the Rural areas Votes, count ?
It is the Governors/Legislatures.
And when you have UL, DFI, FDS Progressive Socialists Freedom Hating Governors,
(Like Mn & Cal just to name 2)
It’s a snowballs chance in Hell.

(Yea Eegore, have been working on it for a number of years.
Of course it has not been as many years as this State has voted DFL.)

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by Serowbot on 05/06/20 at 10:54:05

Opponents of the Electoral College argue that it can result in different candidates winning the popular and electoral vote (which occurred in two of the five presidential elections from 2000 to 2016); that it causes candidates to focus their campaigning disproportionately in a few "swing states"; and that its allocation of Electoral College votes gives citizens in less populated states (e.g., Wyoming) as much as four times the voting power as those in more populous states

Wyoming voters get 4 votes?...
That sounds fair...  :-?

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by WebsterMark on 05/06/20 at 11:23:57

Again I ask, if 5 lions and 4 zebras are voting what’s for dinner, which would you rather be?

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/20 at 11:26:34

5F495E435B4E43582C0 wrote:
Opponents of the Electoral College argue that it can result in different candidates winning the popular and electoral vote

the MAJORITY of Votes in a District of Citizens,
and Citizens who pay the Taxes, is just fine.

OK, now know exactaly how you feel !

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by srinath on 05/06/20 at 11:39:24

Sorry kids, the electoral collage is BS. Really we need parliamentary and district style voting. Like in India and I think UK and Australia (the Queen's land).
Otherwise we have these ridiculous crap that kills farms and other people who work on and using land, and ends up kills any domestic industry in favor of global importing all the crap instead of making it.

Electoral college is a disaster for democracy - Donald trump 2012.
Parliamentary democracy is far far better - Srinath 2020. (ok I also said it in 2012 but besides the point)

Conveniently libtards would want to go toward the overall plurality crap. Except, we need to get as far far far away from that crap as possible.

Electoral college is a disaster for democracy because it awards state wide electors - basically NYC tramples over all the farmers in upstate New York and shafts them, and imports crap from china and cheap labor from Mexico and India. 1 congressional district = 1 vote. Crap like Nancy Pelosi and Ilhan Omar and AOC will essentially get shafted as soon as they step out of their door. Now they carry NY, CA and whatever the druck Ilhan Omar carries - a load of bigotry, garbage and ignorance - yea.

And seriously we need to follow the Queen's land also called Australia's example of removing birthright citizenship unless atleast the illegal pays their hospital bill in full. Else we don't give anchor baby a birth certificate. A lot less cruel than what the Queensland of Australia did in 1986 IMHO. Very smart people them Aussies, after all they did create Glenn McGrath, who I should say came after my peak as a fast bowler LOL. I was shocked to discover I was near identical in action to Michael Holding - except at 1/2 the pace LOL. But them Queens people are smart none the less.


Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by srinath on 05/06/20 at 11:40:40

1A282F3E39283F002C3F264D0 wrote:
Again I ask, if 5 lions and 4 zebras are voting what’s for dinner, which would you rather be?

WTF, dude. If 1 lion and 9 zebra's are voting for dinner - I'll still guess a zebra is for dinner.


Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/20 at 12:05:05

797863646B7E620A0 wrote:
"...Electoral college is a disaster for democracy because it awards state wide electors - basically NYC tramples over all the farmers in upstate New York and shafts them, ..."

Yep that is what is happening in 48 States now.
And the Blue States do NOT WANT TO CHANGE, because it gives the NON Citizen, the ability to TAKE money from the Tax Paying Working person, so they can sit on the porch and drink Mint Julips.

The Red States see no need to change, because everything is working well, and changing system, will cost money, and affect no change in outcome.

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by MnSpring on 05/06/20 at 12:09:37

6670677A62777A61150 wrote:
Wyoming voters get 4 votes?... That sounds fair...  :-?

A whole bunch fairer that Calf, STEALING, 20 Votes.
And MINN, STEALING, 5 Votes.
And the rest of the 'blue' States, STOLE, how many votes ?

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by srinath on 05/06/20 at 12:23:12

That's a recipe for disaster, these fools only see your corn is $1 a bushel, Chinese crap which is made in conditions we cant see, with chemicals we don't allow, emitting cow farts we don't know about and only costs $.75 after shipping it clear 1/2 way round the world. And tastes fresher cos its been dunked with crap we don't know about. So you people just need to die and come to the big city and type up crap - like Mary Tyler Moore and your worthless way of life needs to die, and we will together face global warming.

No lies on top of lies on top of lies supporting more lies and ultimately massive theft.

Parlimentary style democracy like the Injuns copied form England and other queens lands had foisted upon them.


Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by Serowbot on 05/06/20 at 12:37:21

427077666170675874677E150 wrote:
Again I ask, if 5 lions and 4 zebras are voting what’s for dinner, which would you rather be?

I want to be the one with 4 votes...

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by WebsterMark on 05/06/20 at 16:34:10

7660776A72676A71050 wrote:
[quote author=427077666170675874677E150 link=1588784801/0#2 date=1588789437]Yes.
Again I ask, if 5 lions and 4 zebras are voting what’s for dinner, which would you rather be?

I want to be the one with 4 votes...[/quote]

I don’t blame you for coming up with funny quote. Good one though!

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by WebsterMark on 05/07/20 at 04:53:02

The interesting thing about The EC is that it was always thought of as a stoke of genius to use that as the process for electing a President. The phrase I coined (have not heard anybody else use this) is that it gives the land a voice. I like the image that paints.

Let’s face it, it’s only been recently when a few states, perhaps because of massive immigration, have developed enormous populations, all generally voting one party. That’s the only reason this is an issue. Everyone is very well aware if the Democrats were winning because of the electoral college they would never say a word and their cohorts in the media would not do their bidding for them broadcasting about its inherent inequities.

Leave it alone. It serves its purpose very well. It gives the land a voice.

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by MnSpring on 05/07/20 at 06:08:13

5A686F7E79687F406C7F660D0 wrote:
"... Leave it alone. It serves its purpose very well. It gives the land a voice.

  Yes it does need to be left in place.
What needs to happen is, 48 States need to do what MA/NE do,
and that is when a District Majority has Voted for Candidate One,
That ECV goes to Candidate One !!!!

NOT Switched to Candidate 2, because the state voted for candidate 2,

Which completely nullifies the MAJORITY of votes in, what is been called, ‘the voice of the land’,

Effectually if the State vote, in 48 States, is the majority of votes cast,
The ENTIRE State gives, ALL, ECV to the highest. It is called, "Winner Take All".
And it is the total reason some large city centers are PURPOSELY Filled with Illegal Immigrants.

In Minn, District 5, Mpls/St Paul - Twin Cites - (lhan Omar District) Where, now, a Generation and a 1/2, rarely step out of the Sky-way. And has the highest population of Somalians, outside of the country of Somali.
District 1, Duluth area, Limousine Liberals. And hard-core union ore miners, who do exactaly what they are told to do. Which, if they don't, they get fired.  If they do, they can show up drunk, and nothing is done.
District 6 Rochester area, meat packing with the majority of workers, (not Legal). And chock full of Big Pharma and Doctors/Specialists who make a totally obscene amount of money, by, 'fudging records', just as the CDC and the MDH have told them to do.
Control the ENTIRE State. The ENTIRE State.

Again Minn STOLE 5 votes, out of 10.
Calf STOLE 20 votes out of 55.

Yet, when a State’s Governor, is a total socialist and the LT Gov, has TAUGHT Progressive Socialism for over a DECADE.
It is a hard row to hoe.

(Another reason, North Calf, should be a different State than South Calf)

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by srinath on 05/07/20 at 10:50:20

Well parliamentary system like India the land has more of a vote, Electoral college is less so, but popular vote BS basically eliminates the land.

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/07/20 at 18:13:35

The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
November 7, 2012

Title: Re: The Electoral College
Post by srinath on 05/08/20 at 09:08:46

74667271666062070 wrote:
The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy.
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump)
November 7, 2012

Yea I'm pretty sure he wanted a congressional district level splitting of "seats" like in India.
If 10 million people in NYC vote for Hilary, she gets the 1 seat allocated to that region. If 500 people of podunkville county in montana vote for Trump, he gets that. They don't even count popular vote except as an after thought.
The party with the most seats takes office. Not one where each state is winner take all. That causes the city and apartment and tenement block dwellers to run roughshod over the "land" a little more. But an outright all popular vote count is the worst. Combine that with the lop sided nominating contests like Iowa caucus and what not, and its a true disaster. Atleast the electoral college method is a shade better than that.

One weird thing is, India has no nomination crap. The party leadership hands out the "ticket" at each lower district and whatever level. Its almost those same smoky back room deal, who ever pulls off the biggest publicity stunt gets the ticket. Every level is done the same way. No nomination at all. Nominations are better in the US style, as is debates and whatever that does. It makes politicians answerable to the public, not just other politicians.

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