General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 00:24:56

Title: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 00:24:56


Absolutely fabulous! Including a classic comment "What is the difference between 'Trump' and a 'Flying Pig'?

the letter 'f'."

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by MnSpring on 05/02/20 at 08:22:45

Didn't watch it.

Yet, Colbert, as a CARTOON,
is very appropriate !

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 09:51:21


No wonder you're so morose, you've had a humour transplant. You're like the everyman of curmudgeonly grandpa's. Seriously, posting elaborate arrangements of laughing gifs, is no substitute for an actual sense of humour. Your devotion at the altar of Trump condemns you to a life of bitterness. You know you can still support the Orange Buffoon and have a larf as well.

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by MnSpring on 05/02/20 at 14:51:31

4C5E4A495E585A3F0 wrote:
elaborate arrangements of laughing gifs,

;D ;D         ;D ;D ;D      ;D ;D ;D
;D   ;D       ;D                    ;D
;D     ;D     ;D ;D               ;D
;D    ;D      ;D                    ;D
;D ;D         ;D                ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/20 at 15:07:22

Me? No sense of Humor? You only believe that because of your inability to follow my humor..And it's obvious you have no idea how much I LAUGH at You.. You're frikken hilarious! But, Being funny unintentionally isnt exactly a social Plus..

Watchin the Sausage make his point


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 17:44:01


If the wise man disapproves; bad. If the simpleton applaudes; worse. No one's laughing at you because I doubt that even your loved ones care about your inane views. But Trump is the laughing stock of the world, even the strongmen quasi dictators he sucks up to like Putin, Jong, and Erodan, openly mock him on the world stage. And as you've pinned your self worth on the coat tails of Trump then it's obvious to see why you defend him. In your twisted world view, anyone mocking Trump is mocking you personally. I now see the essence of your lack of self worth and why Trump is so important to fools like yourself.

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/20 at 19:02:36

You have no idea what you're talking about.
My self image has nothing to do with Trump.
I've been waiting for a president who wasn't a suckass for decades. I celebrate Trump and fart at fools like you.

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 22:48:56

3F2026213C3B0A3A0A32202C67550 wrote:
You have no idea what you're talking about.
My self image has nothing to do with Trump.
I've been waiting for a president who wasn't a suckass for decades. I celebrate Trump and fart at fools like you.

Trump is popular with people like you because somehow his idiocy gives you some validation. Your entire way of presenting yourself is like a poor man's Trump, you have adopted his syntactical tactics and idiotic bullshit. Like him you cannot see further than the next minute. And as you've just revealed you do not like being mocked or laughed at otherwise you would not have said it to me, therefore being laughed at must be something that means something to you.

And this is why you are so vile in your responses, any attack on Trump is indeed taken by you to be an attack on you. I do not expect you to change after he is thrown out of office in seven months (even though it would be hilarious if he won a second term, he has brought out the best of the comedy writers and satirists, he is the gift that keeps on giving) and I expect you to deny it will happen up until that day, and when that day comes I expect you to buy into whatever conspiracy theories that Trump uses to blame his loss on.

You are utterly incapable of civil debate precisely because your interpretation of events is just a rehash of his worst sycophantic asslickers. I spit in your general direction.


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by srinath on 05/03/20 at 06:09:28

36243033242220450 wrote:
Trump is popular

Trump is popular ??? Wow, with whom ? your friends and family ??? People like you make me sick.

Cos he sure looks and talks and acts like a jackass to me.

In fact if there was a viable Jackass on the ticket I'd probably vote for it.

Only person I don't want to vote for over Trump is a slick willy politician.

How do you know a politician or a govt stooge is guilty ??? They answer allegations corruption/malfeasance/pu$$y grabbing etc etc with "their long career of public service" Like anyone asked you about having a cushy govt job for 50yrs when people have been laid off 20 times in 40 yrs, had to move from corner to corner every few months and still barely eke out a living.


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by srinath on 05/03/20 at 06:13:35

13011516010705600 wrote:

Absolutely fabulous! Including a classic comment "What is the difference between 'Trump' and a 'Flying Pig'?

the letter 'f'."

BTW the funniest thing I have ever seen - regarding Stephen Colbert - Ben Affleck doing an impression on SNL.
I mean classic. Just classic.
Right up there with Winona Ryder doing Bjork, Kirsten Dunst doing Anna Kournikova "but the Tips of the boobbings" is still utterly the best line ever said on TV IMHO.
Affleck's rant is awesome as well, nothing stands out but its beyond anything else Affleck ever did.


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by MnSpring on 05/03/20 at 06:26:20

293B2F2C3B3D3F5A0 wrote:
I spit in your general direction.

Just Love M.P.
Many years ago used to group go to the movie house, with coats stuffed full of Little Wally's, sit in the first row of the balcony, and laugh our azz off.

So uncanny how you select exactly the right clip.
Like this one, where the, ‘French’, portray you !

        ;D   ;D
       ;D      ;D
     ;D         ;D
        ;D   ;D

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/03/20 at 14:57:31


Oh look the Trumpeteer cavalry has arrived to shore up your, and by extension each others self image. This is what happens when one's self worth is tied to Trump.

Same mechanism as a religious cult. This is why y'all have to spam any thread on any topic that concerns Trump. The religion of Trump. Trump's name shall not be taken in vain by the unbelieving scum on the other side. For verily we must chop up and rip up and stomp up and down. Dumb all over and a little ugly on the side. (apologies to FZ)

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by srinath on 05/03/20 at 16:26:01

60726665727476130 wrote:

Oh look the Trumpeteer cavalry has arrived to shore up your, and by extension each others self image. This is what happens when one's self worth is tied to Trump.

Water of sausage - You are pretty much gonna get outgunned maybe 10-1 on a motorcycle forum in this regard. Go to a Harley forum and it'll be 100-1, if you're lucky.

You may want to try -, or my or (and its not organization BTW) for your views to be validated.

Else you stand a 1 in 10 chance of being called a cuck to your face. Sorry bro that's just reality.


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/03/20 at 23:03:32

@cavalry leaderine,

So much butthurt to process and so little time, have you selected a nice dark slimy little rock to slither under in seven months time?


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by srinath on 05/04/20 at 06:07:59

No the butt hurt is gonna start if Biden starts to sell out to china in the "spirit of cooperation" legalising illegals in the "spirit of coming out of the shadows" and brings in more H1's "to grow the industry" from "china virus recession"


Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/04/20 at 07:00:21

Thats the kind of Presidential Language that screwed America

Title: Re: Stephen Colbert dreams his monologue.
Post by srinath on 05/04/20 at 07:29:09

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
Thats the kind of Presidential Language that screwed America

Yea not to mention "jobless recovery" then the wonderful "wageless recovery" and the ever impressive "change his calculus"

Great great vocabulary. I'm seriously happy Trump doesn't understand any of those words.

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