General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Biggest disaster, is "a great success"

Message started by eau de sauvage on 05/01/20 at 17:08:48

Title: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/01/20 at 17:08:48

As predicted, (although it was not really a prediction because it was inevitable to anyone who understands exponential growth) the four week delay by Trump and his gagging of experts as well as putting fools like Boy Wonder Jared Kushner, and Mike Pence in charge of the pandemic, has created a situation where the USA is now the major epicentre of the catastrophe.

This is in spite of seeing it unfold in the EU first. There is an extra irony here because Trump's travel ban from China, which was a good thing to do, was mitigated by the 40,000 people from the EU who were not subject to the travel ban and it transpired that the EU is where most of the imported virus was from. This is ascertained by RNA mutation analysis.

The main failure of course was that the USA, which is a biomedical powerhouse was unable to develop, let alone release tests to detect this virus in a timely manner like every other country. This is rather astounding. And the Trumpsters can spin this till they drill down to China, but it won't make any difference. The lack of testing simply allowed tens of thousands of people to unwittingly spread the virus thoughout the States, and the results of this Executive branch c.ock up are still trending in a steep upward curve.

This four week delay, cannot be undone. Therefore Trump rebrands it as 'A Great Success'. Much like his success with N.Korea denuclearisation, or Boy Wonder's 'success' in the Middle East.

Pretty interesting read in the New Yorker here...

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/01/20 at 17:47:46

Gagged the Experts? What planet Bullshit do you come from?
He LISTENED to them and Shazzam,, we are screwed,,

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/01/20 at 18:17:31

[quote author=37282E2934330232023A28246F5D0 link=1588378129/0#1 date=1588380466]Gagged the Experts? What planet Bullshit do you come from?
He LISTENED to them and Shazzam,, we are screwed,,

Before you read on remember I'm wondering how the biggest SARS CoV-2 c.ock up in the world is suddenly "a great success"

The biggest failure in the world was caused by no testing being done during the crucial early period. Dead people don't lie.

ROFL. You can spin the impeachment and subsequent farce of a Senate non trial, as much as you like. However there's simply no way to lie your way or spin 10's of thousands of people back to life. And the US is still on a massive upward trend. You've also fallen into the trap that if you want to bullshit and say the problem was Trump 'listened to the experts and was thus screwed', then you have to concede that he has dumbass experts.

But it's all OK because as Trump said himself, 'I take no responsibility', what a man, what a leader.

Fauci confirms New York Times report Trump rebuffed social distancing advice

Donald Trump hits out at top coronavirus expert Dr Fauci after he says president ignored advice
Dr Fauci conceded in an interview that earlier mitigation efforts could have saved more lives, but his advice was ignored by president

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/01/20 at 18:22:48

And news just in...

White House blocks Anthony Fauci from testifying before Congress

Who would ever have guessed that Trump would gag the people who could inform the American people of the truth.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by Eegore on 05/01/20 at 20:42:50

 I don't think it really matters to most people.

 As part of a briefing we fabricated 4 articles about what is going on, all with varying degrees of who is right/wrong.  

 One was Trump stating Fauci/CDC is "on point" and "doing great things" and another was Trump saying the Fauci "is out of touch" and "part of the swamp"

 All of them had the same chart, and stats with them.  Nobody (103 people) used the charts, they went with the article title and agreed/disagreed based off that.  This was part of the exercise, among other things.  However it was very clear that if someone was pro-Trump they went with what he said, no matter what the evidence presented was.

 This work's both ways, it is not exclusive to Trump supporters.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/01/20 at 21:40:56


All true what you say. However one wonders what Trumpsters would actually point to that is "a great success" because clearly this is the worst outbreak anywhere in the world, and it's not slowing down yet.

This is probably because after the ban on China, nothing was done about the chief source of infections which were from the EU, because the testing procedures were borked.

I suppose a cynic could point out that it will kill the elderly more than the young which could alleviate the unfinanced retirement debt. But that's about it.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/20 at 01:47:57

because clearly this is the worst outbreak anywhere in the world, and it's not slowi

Suuure it is..

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 04:44:21

7C6365627F7849794971636F24160 wrote:
because clearly this is the worst outbreak anywhere in the world, and it's not slowi

Suuure it is..

Yes, it surely is, approximately 30% of the world's confirmed cases and deaths. So would you like to have a shot at where the 'great success' is?

I'll get the popcorn.

btw, I had a look at Brietbart, which indicated to me that you are a representative sample of the Trump zombies. Check out the comments on the above story, you'll be right at home there.

p.s. don't forget to explain where the 'great success' is. Even the things Trump did right, like ban travel from China, was only half assed because nearly all the cases came from the EU.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by srinath on 05/02/20 at 07:07:08

Yea blah blah blah libtards. Like anyone cares.

China virus needs to be stopped - by someone who has fought china for 3+ yrs, or the one who speaks fluent Mandarin and bends over easily cos he got no spine - easy choice. Not even a choice. China has screwed us - royally. If this doesn't prove Trumps 3yr lone crusade - we're all screwed.
Travel ban a month earlier only china only Europe etc etc is garbage.
He tried to shut down immigration and they're squealing about that. The party of no wants credit for everything trump has done and blame trump for it as well.


Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 07:12:25

71706B6C63766A020 wrote:
Yea blah blah blah libtards.

Yea, blah blah blah fcukwits.

Anyhoo, so would you like to point out what is the "great success" that Trump is referring to? As they say in politics put up or STFU.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by srinath on 05/02/20 at 07:35:35

I'm disappointed in Trump. He should have continued to call it china virus or communist virus. Nukes on china etc etc should be in the works. No idea if anything is.
All the shut down nuts needs to stay shut, wall needs to be built, and apparently all the people who're getting kicked out are testing positive for Corona - atleast there's that. Flattening the curve by kicking disease ridden illegals - good step. Maybe this was the success ???? I'm not listening to Trump speeches. I don't have the time. I don't care. Actions speak louder than words.

Obama bought a 26million mansion on the ocean front in martha's vineyard = He does not believe in global warming.
Trump tariffing China for 3+ yrs = he's wanted to get china out of our economy. Actions - whatever people say usually is a lie. Trump is a known liar. Biden is a Career politician AKA career liar.

Trump is bad. I'll vote for Daffy Duck - but A Mandarin speaking fool who bends over easy, and has a slick willy is just much much worse.


Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/20 at 08:13:08

I guess by calling heart attacks and car wrecks CV deaths it proves America did the worst job.
Here's what I have been complaining about Eegore,, prime example. People have been Told the numbers weren't just inaccurate, but ridiculously inflated, and Lo and Behold, they believe them anyway..

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by srinath on 05/02/20 at 08:52:14

BTW the title says everything you need to know - just some words have been left out for the slick willy to slide in and "save the day"

Biggest disaster made by china, is "a great success" for china as they screw over the slick willy countries who bend over easily.


Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by Eegore on 05/02/20 at 09:28:45

"Here's what I have been complaining about Eegore,, prime example. People have been Told the numbers weren't just inaccurate, but ridiculously inflated, and Lo and Behold, they believe them anyway.."

 Just as you believe that in the US, not Europe, the US specifically with the exemption of all other countries, that "car wrecks" are documented as SAR-COV-2, but nobody can provide an example of this.  Requests to multiple individuals that claim they have done this have yield zero confirmed instances, they all the sudden can not recall the exact day, time, location etc.  It is also against the requests of CDC coding, but you would have to read the documents you provide to know this.  But keep repeating it so it sounds true.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 09:32:11


Typical JoG. Your fall back 'argument' is simply to label anything as 'lies'. What is so ridiculous about it is that even the Orange Buffoon himself does not dispute the death toll.

So, again I ask, what is the "great success"?

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by eau de sauvage on 05/02/20 at 09:40:51

09292B233E294C0 wrote:
 But keep repeating it so it sounds true.

Works for Trump, in fact it's a major tactic. Trump's poll numbers are sliding downwards due to his handling of this catastrophic pandemic. I suppose according to JoG's crazy theories, we should be seeing a large drop in deaths from 'car wreck', unless they've been double counted.

And the point about that, is not the poll numbers dropping per se but that a drop in polling can only come from his base, not the most fanatic conspiracy theorists like JoG but the Christian lobby who have one eye on their own agenda while pegging their noses, or the midwesterners who thought they had nothing to lose, not even considering that they could lose their lives or the lives of their family. In other words, even his base is not buying his repetitive claims of 'great success'.

Considering he lost the popular vote by 3 million, and considering that the death toll is not going to be forgotten by election day, especially as the flu season will be in full swing and the second wave of Covid will be upon them, he could lose to Biden, by an absolute never seen before margin.

Biden looks like a pretty weak opponent, but as they say in Australia when the incumbent is majorly disliked, 'a drover's dog' could win against Trump. All Biden has to do is not be Hilary, bide his time and let Trump beat himself.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/20 at 14:28:46

2505070F1205600 wrote:
"Here's what I have been complaining about Eegore,, prime example. People have been Told the numbers weren't just inaccurate, but ridiculously inflated, and Lo and Behold, they believe them anyway.."

 Just as you believe that in the US, not Europe, the US specifically with the exemption of all other countries, that "car wrecks" are documented as SAR-COV-2, but nobody can provide an example of this.  Requests to multiple individuals that claim they have done this have yield zero confirmed instances, they all the sudden can not recall the exact day, time, location etc.  It is also against the requests of CDC coding, but you would have to read the documents you provide to know this.  But keep repeating it so it sounds true.

Ohh OPiss offf, You know what Im sayng, Pretebd its exact,

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by MnSpring on 05/02/20 at 14:39:36

6B4B49415C4B2E0 wrote:
" ... but nobody can provide an example of this ..."

Let's see, that FACT that the CDC said:
"...In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.’..."
The FACT that the MN Dept of Hearth, basically said to FOLLOW the CDC.
The FACT that many doctors, (who do NOT KISS AZZ), have come out and said the over reporting of death DUE to, JUST, C-19 is wrong.

Then less payout on some Life insurance policies if death was C-19 caused.
Then More payout to Hospitals/staff, if death was from C-19

Yet you believe:
"...nobody can provide an example of this..."

HOW does one Dog Herd a group of Sheep ?

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by Eegore on 05/02/20 at 15:45:33

"Ohh OPiss offf, You know what Im sayng, Pretebd its exact, "

 You keep claiming car wrecks are labeled as SARS-COV-2 deaths.  There's no evidence of this.  

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 05/02/20 at 15:51:59

Really? I know, Im the guy who said TRump Brought the JOBS back, and YOU wanted to pretend that because they bWERENT THE EXACT SAME JOBS, I was wrong!
Maybe youre nhot able to follow with the idea of hyperbole, You havent demonstrated juch imagination. You seem to need to split hairs instead of GRASP the point made..

Death NOT associated with Cv are Being COUNTED AS cv death. I dont really Give AF if you agree or not, Its what has been done.It has been done, and admitted to

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success
Post by Eegore on 05/02/20 at 16:28:58

""...In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID–19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty), it is acceptable to report COVID–19 on a death certificate as ‘probable’ or ‘presumed.’...""

 Then blatantly ignore that the numbers you presented were 1: Some of them before that coding started.  2: Outlined specifically that UCOD is not included.

"Yet you believe:
"...nobody can provide an example of this...""

 Yeah I believe when a DC is issued, and a Provider claims they put SARS-COV-2 as a UCOD on a vehicular fatality, then when asked to provide that Public Document and they can not recall the place, time, date of that event that they can not provide proof.

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by Eegore on 05/02/20 at 16:42:48

"Really? I know, Im the guy who said TRump Brought the JOBS back, and YOU wanted to pretend that because they bWERENT THE EXACT SAME JOBS, I was wrong!"

 That's not at all what I said.  

Maybe youre nhot able to follow with the idea of hyperbole, You havent demonstrated juch imagination. You seem to need to split hairs instead of GRASP the point made..

 I understand the point, I've agreed with you already. I do not however think that complaining about lies, and presenting false information in the same sentence presents much of a point.  

Title: Re: Biggest disaster, is "a great success"
Post by srinath on 05/03/20 at 05:58:57

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
"Ohh OPiss offf, You know what Im sayng, Pretebd its exact, "

 You keep claiming car wrecks are labeled as SARS-COV-2 deaths.  There's no evidence of this.  

This is due to the political mileage that can be gained milking the virus.
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