General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.

Message started by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 14:39:45

Title: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 14:39:45

He probably thinks that he's deliberately winding the reporters up in order to evince 'poutrage' and that he wins by forcing them to write more about himself. This is the beauty of a clinical narcissist who cannot see further than one minute into the future.

I'm guessing that not only will he lose those who took a chance on him but that he's going to lose a fair few of the Christian block who pegged their noses in order to achieve their higher aims of undoing Roe vs Wade. They have their conservative majority in the Supreme Court and I think they'll be satisfied with that rather than vote such a disgusting person back into office especially as they will not be able to deny to themselves who they really are voting for.

OK here it comes...

“The models show hundreds of thousands of people are going to die,” he said. “I want to come way under the models. The professionals did the models. I was never involved in a model. But – at least this kind of a model.” Yep, even Fox News is disgusted with the orange buffoon.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by Matchless G11 on 04/29/20 at 14:41:37

And you ignore Biden's woes?

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 14:43:10

59404E4E18185B4C5D4C4A421A1D1C290 wrote:
And you ignore Biden's woes?

You already win for most idiotic non sequitur of the year.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 14:52:36

Woe,, he really stepped in it, huhh? Good GAWD man,, do you wake up Hunting something to get butthurt over? You wouldnt last a minute in a Texas group.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 14:57:14

405F595E43447545754D5F53182A0 wrote:
Woe,, he really stepped in it, huhh? Good GAWD man,, do you wake up Hunting something to get butthurt over? You wouldnt last a minute in a Texas group.

It's a rootin' tootin' shootin' little Texas Trumpster come in to shoot up the thread.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 14:59:40

That you think thats anything short of funny is just, well, You.. Youre a pathetic guy

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 15:27:05

544B4D4A5750615161594B470C3E0 wrote:
That you think thats anything short of funny is just, well, You.. Youre a pathetic guy

Looky here Texas Trumpster, didn't take you long to start slinging the labels around did it. You really do try to follow Trump's lead, but Trump is not really the sort of brain dead moron who is worth looking towards for guidance. You sound like you suck the words right out of Trumps a-hole and vomit them straight out of your cake hole.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 15:29:11

Well, NO,, I'm not stupid. I see short, I call it Short.
I see fat and ugly, I call it fat and ugly.
I see stupid,, well,, there ya go..

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 15:31:23

425D5B5C41467747774F5D511A280 wrote:
Well, NO,, I'm not stupid.

Of course you're not, why do you feel the deny it though.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 15:38:19

Is Biden your Toastmasters coach? Leaving whole words out,, seriously, slow down,, Tantric mental masturbation will be your best bet,, Maybe you'll calm down and make complete sentences..

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 15:48:13

0B141215080F3E0E3E06141853610 wrote:
Is Biden your Toastmasters coach? Leaving whole words out,, seriously, slow down,, Tantric mental masturbation will be your best bet,, Maybe you'll calm down and make complete sentences..

I worry about you JoG, was it you who was spying on kiddies from your car in playgrounds, maybe I'll need to look for the thread, it may have not been you, but I think it was. Anyhoo back to your comment, you seem to bring up 'masturbation' and related topics a lot as well.

Did Biden leave some words out. Maybe Trump found them because Trump has The Best Words, he said so himself...


Bit of an own goal there Texas Trumpster.

Pip Pip!

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by srinath on 04/29/20 at 15:49:01

OMG … He make lewd joke .. OMG .. OMG …
Whaaa he say - China gotta pay ?

Maybe send over 1 billion virgins cos his C0ck is small ???
Send over a trillion a year, and we'll tell em when its good ??? Cos some of the victims are women and virgin guy seems stupid to get them happy ...

If he didn't, sorry he didn't go far enough.

On second thought Chinese virgin sounds as appetizing as a can of salmon so let keep it simple as $$$ for all cases. No virgins required.


Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 15:54:16

2E2F34333C29355D0 wrote:
OMG … He make lewd joke .. OMG .. OMG …
Whaaa he say - China gotta pay ?

That was from Fox News!, what can I say, other than quote one of the comments...

Trump's clearly just trying to lighten things up a bit. When 2,000 Americans die in one day it's the Presidents job to bring some good humor to the situation. I hear tomorrow he's going to put on a puppet show!

Pip pip!

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 15:58:39

As if Fox doesnt suck.. Hired the woman who gave hillary questions. If you dont yet understand there is and has been from the beginning a HUGE Status Quo push to eliminate TRump,, You're not gonna figure it out.. The PEOPLE are his friend.. No media ,, You're so desperate to find fault you have no grasp of humor. Hes RAGGING on the idiots who created the models that destroyed our economy. But,maybe that's a bit Nuanced for a lefty.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 16:07:31

415E585F42457444744C5E52192B0 wrote:
As if Fox doesnt suck.. Hired the woman who gave hillary questions. If you dont yet understand there is and has been from the beginning a HUGE Status Quo push to eliminate TRump,, You're not gonna figure it out.. The PEOPLE are his friend.. No media ,, You're so desperate to find fault you have no grasp of humor. Hes RAGGING on the idiots who created the models that destroyed our economy. But,maybe that's a bit Nuanced for a lefty.

Oh look the Texas Trumpster has discovered 'nuance'. Looks like you're already positioning yourself as someone who never supported Trump. Have a bit more faith little Texas Trumpster, I feel bad that I have shaken your belief in the religion of the Orange Buffoon.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 16:11:37

You have never been in a position to shake me in any way. I am proud to support the best president America has had in my life. No matter how it goes, I will always stand up and say that.. He has been the VERY best president Ive seen, Yes, Reagan is a distant second.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by srinath on 04/29/20 at 16:27:39

+2 of voting age and +1 under age - and doesn't vote LOL.
And true immigrants too.

Follow the rules and you're good, break that and you're a dirtbag - are we to believe when you break that biggest rule of them all, you're not breaking any other ???


Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/29/20 at 17:10:55

627D7B7C61665767576F7D713A080 wrote:
You have never been in a position to shake me in any way. I am proud to support the best president America has had in my life. No matter how it goes, I will always stand up and say that.. He has been the VERY best president Ive seen, Yes, Reagan is a distant second.

I am not surprised you claim to be proud. I mean Trump appears to pretend he is 'proud' of his so called achievements but that is only because he needs his rally fans to shore up his lack of self worth. This is why religious fanatics knock on your door trying to convert people, it's because there is no security in 'beliefs'. The problem is it matters not how many people shore you up, fact is that no one can get away from their own brain.

I bought a Gretsch short scale bass off a god botherer, a couple of weeks ago, he seemed like a decent chap, although it was a bit suspect about how he claimed to be incredibly happy with the peace and tranquility that his faith has bestowed upon him.

However when I called him back to let him know that the bridge pick up is not working, he got very angry, abusive, and told so many lies that he even forgot about his previous lies. I knew right away when he said, "Sorry to hear that mate I haven't used it for a while last time it was working fine Ted"

next day he says..."I've played the guitar before I brought it up to you & it was fine so I don't know why you're having this trouble". So which is it? Not just a liar but stupid as well. It will probably just need a bit of contact cleaner somewhere, but I can't get to it and I'm not prepared to cut cable ties and start pulling out wires from a hollow body bass. But the point that is so amazing is that, this is someone who is 75, and all he cares about is that he might be up for a hundred bucks or something. That's not even serious money. You remind me someone like him in the way you speak and always try to big yourself up while acting in a very small way.

Title: Re: Trump make lewd joke about Covid deaths.
Post by srinath on 04/30/20 at 07:57:17

Trump has definitely lost it. I mean he called it china virus, then he backed out. Seriously that's not the wimp we put in office. Hopefully he's re-sensitizing us to the term, or maybe he's gonna call it communist virus.
He doesn't fix this, I may vote for him only 2-3 days after early voting begins. Really, this just hurts me in my conviction.

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