General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> So, you survived CV...

Message started by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/20 at 14:59:39

Title: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/20 at 14:59:39

And now you have antibodies..
And, WHAT?

Now they are saying
Those antibodies won't protect you..

So, if antibodies from HAVING it won't protect,, then WTF is the point in trying to develop a vaccine?

Posters of ridiculously stupid answers will be rightfully excoriated.

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by oldNslow on 04/28/20 at 15:57:02

So, if antibodies from HAVING it won't protect,, then WTF is the point in trying to develop a vaccine?

So Bill Gates can make ANOTHER fortune from the vaccine he's gonna make in his soon to be built, brand new, Chinese vaccine factory.

Fu**in' guy is the king of viruses.

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by MnSpring on 04/28/20 at 16:07:31

Why test, to see if you have had it,
and are now, protected' from it.
So one can then get, 'Travel', papers !!!!!

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by Eegore on 04/28/20 at 16:25:27

 You seem to acknowledge that the potential of natural antibodies not working came later than the onset of the disease and research into a vaccine:

"Now they are saying
Those antibodies won't protect you.."

 This, to me, reads that the discovery is recent.

"So, if antibodies from HAVING it won't protect,, then WTF is the point in trying to develop a vaccine?"

 So are you saying they shouldn't try to develop a vaccine until they know for sure if natural antibodies work?

 Or if they think that natural antibodies won't work, they should immediately halt research on a vaccine?

 It's pretty obvious to me that vaccine research pre-dates the antibody-might-not-work discovery, that is at this point speculative.

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/20 at 16:34:15

Im not splittin hairs, E.. I TOLD you they were LYING to us, and they KNew it,, But they Chose to tell us every hour
More dead from CV,
And they KNEW that a Bunch of those Had CV, BUT THAT wasnt what killed them,, So, FUKKTHAT..
AND, they NEVER even TRied to quantify the number of asymptomatic, they KNEW they were a part of the equation YET, they determined nthe Mortality RATE without even TRYING to include those figures..
Dishonest or STUPID, who The Fukk cares?
WHY listen to Idiots at best, liars most likely?

So, lets run Head Long into a vaccine that, if reason should infiltrate your brain, will at BEST be as piss poor as the flu vaccine?
And WHY the big rush? The ACTUAL mortality rate is Bupkis,,
They just dont wanna admit the Experts panicked the herd and screwed up everything..

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by Eegore on 04/28/20 at 16:47:55

"But they Chose to tell us every hour
More dead from CV

 I don't use the same data sources as you so I imagine my numbers are either more clear- (for instance UCOD and DCOD are separated), or they lower than whatever you are seeing.

"AND, they NEVER even TRied to quantify the number of asymptomatic, they KNEW they were a part of the equation YET, they determined nthe Mortality RATE without even TRYING to include those figures"

 I am aware of 3 different methods that were evaluated to create a semi-reliable asymptomatic assessment, (I'd reference them but the smallest is 27 pages and we know nobody reads that type of stuff here)  but the primary problem is that asymptomatic means "no way to know" unless there's a test given.

 Testing is a huge problem because it didn't exist, then so many were garbage, and now availability of reliable tests is still too limited to test ever human in the country.  To say nobody tried to come up with a way to evaluate asymptomatic people is incorrect.  

 How would you recommend quantifying a group of people with no symptoms, and no test to find out?

 I sort of understand your concern about rushing to a vaccine, but how long would you recommend waiting to start research which is not trials, or distribution?  What are the parameters for researching a vaccine?  Then trials would begin.

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by srinath on 04/28/20 at 17:41:56

JOG - The way flu shots work is - They find the most common 3-6 strains, chemically neuter them and shoot it into you at the begning of the flue season.
The immunity you build lasts 3-6 months. So you don't get the most common 3-6 types of flu that year.
It may be that china virus is a variation of that and now you get 2 flu shots - the regular flu shot and china shot.

FWIW - I have never got the flu shot, and never got the flu either. The Injun immunity at work here, and in a year or 2 I need to get back there and "renew" my immunity.

Anyway, I'm sure Bill Gates is waiting at the other end of that bill for your china flu shot.


Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/20 at 18:20:41

FWIW - I have never got the flu shot, and never got the flu either.

If Ive ever had the flu, I dont remember.. I never get the shot. I managed to dodge the shot in 73, in the Air Force,, that took some doin,,

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by oldNslow on 04/28/20 at 18:40:46

554A4C4B5651605060584A460D3F0 wrote:
FWIW - I have never got the flu shot, and never got the flu either.

If Ive ever had the flu, I dont remember.. I never get the shot. I managed to dodge the shot in 73, in the Air Force,, that took some doin,,

I get a flu shot every year. My wife has never got one. Neither of us has ever got the flu.
I submit that as irrefutable scientific evidence that nobody actually knows WTF they are talking about most of the time.

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/20 at 19:07:59

Okay, so here we see Three people who don't take the shot
Who don't get the flu.

Aaaaand, unless people are living under a rock, they know people who take the shot and get sick A.F. right afterwards. My wife gets sick every year, but she has to, for her job.
I don't understand why people take it.

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by Eegore on 04/28/20 at 20:04:20

Typically the locations I work with now that require flu shots see a decrease in flu cases.

 In this case most people are in their 20's and 30's with a significant decrease into the 40's, very few in their 50's and none after age 59.  So age I'm sure has something to do with it.

 I know at the medical center they mandated flu shots and saw a decrease in call offs, and stopped mandating after 3 years due to egg allergies.  There was an increase in flu related call-offs and it decreased again once the mandate re-started.  I don't remember the exact numbers but definitely double digits.  This is an average of 2700 people annually, most do not get the flu.

 The problem of course is how do we know that the shot worked for anyone that received it, and they didn't just avoid the virus altogether that year?

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/28/20 at 21:21:20

know at the medical center they mandated flu shots and saw a decrease in call offs, and stopped mandating after 3 years due to egg allergies.  There was an increase in flu related call-offs and it decreased again once the mandate re-started.  I don't remember the exact numbers but definitely double digits.  This is an average of 2700 people annual

Would more information be good?
Certainly, but that is enough to make me feel better..
But it would be great if they realized my wife gets sick every year, when she takes it.. this year took a long time to get over..

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by Eegore on 04/29/20 at 03:10:04

"But it would be great if they realized my wife gets sick every year, when she takes it.. this year took a long time to get over.. "

 Yeah, an annual flu should be something of concern I would think.  Especially since every year the potential for long-term or fatal consequences increase.  

 Typically if it is the flu shot causing an annual case, one would think the symptoms would arise around the same timeframe after receiving the shot.  Is this her case?  Does she get the flu approx. 1 week after a shot every year, or something similar?

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by srinath on 04/29/20 at 06:40:29

Also many high fatality flu seasons have a significant number of those who took the shots.
Its almost like your body has an immune system that has its head on a swivel and is fighting all flu strains. But take a shot, and you're now fighting the most common for that year 3-4 in your region/state/county/country.

Then a foreigner brings in a virus that's not one of those 3-4 and they're asymptomatic because they're un vaccinated, so they're fighting all the ones they encounter. Your immunity has been hyper trained now to work on those in the shot. And that strain now gets you.


Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 06:52:26

[quote author=1434363E2334510 link=1588111180/0#12 date=1588155004]
"But it would be great if they realized my wife gets sick every year, when she takes it.. this year took a long time to get over.. "

 Yeah, an annual flu should be something of concern I would think.  Especially since every year the potential for long-term or fatal consequences increase.  

 Typically if it is the flu shot causing an annual case, one would think the symptoms would arise around the same timeframe after receiving the shot.  Is this her case?  Does she get the flu approx. 1 week after a shot every year, or something similar?

Yeah, get the shot, in days, sick,, she's got other issues, asthma being one,,

Title: Re: So, you survived CV...
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/29/20 at 08:06:37

7050525A4750350 wrote:
"But they Chose to tell us every hour
More dead from CV

 I don't use the same data sources as you so I imagine my numbers are either more clear- (for instance UCOD and DCOD are separated), or they lower than whatever you are seeing.

"AND, they NEVER even TRied to quantify the number of asymptomatic, they KNEW they were a part of the equation YET, they determined nthe Mortality RATE without even TRYING to include those figures"

 I am aware of 3 different methods that were evaluated to create a semi-reliable asymptomatic assessment, (I'd reference them but the smallest is 27 pages and we know nobody reads that type of stuff here)  but the primary problem is that asymptomatic means "no way to know" unless there's a test given.

 Testing is a huge problem because it didn't exist, then so many were garbage, and now availability of reliable tests is still too limited to test ever human in the country.  To say nobody tried to come up with a way to evaluate asymptomatic people is incorrect.  

 How would you recommend quantifying a group of people with no symptoms, and no test to find out?

 I sort of understand your concern about rushing to a vaccine, but how long would you recommend waiting to start research which is not trials, or distribution?  What are the parameters for researching a vaccine?  Then trials would begin.

I answered this the other day, then screwed up and my typping went into the ether, Ill try again..

 How would you recommend quantifying a group of people with no symptoms, and no test to find out?

They identified people with antibodies who hadnt shown being sick. Asymptomatic people, shown by testing for antibodies.
Now that gives us an Idea about percentages, That One event is insufficient, but several times weve seen Floating Petri dishes, each with statistically valuable information. To MY KNowledge, The Mortality rates and everything we were told left out that element as they determined the figures..

If, as thery are saying, the antibodies from actually having the virus wont yield protection, why should I believe a vaccine would?  There are other, issues in the world. Only so many assets to address them. At some point, were killing people by laser focusing efforts on CV,, » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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