General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> I don't stay informed enough.

Message started by MMRanch on 04/24/20 at 09:51:09

Title: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by MMRanch on 04/24/20 at 09:51:09

I just came across this bit of information and have to ask :  

How long has everybody else known about this.  

Not that it helps us now , but I have to wonder what else is not being told ?

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 10:16:55

 Its public information.  Anyone that looked would have known about it when it was happening.  

 I think the issue is most average Americans don't read US funding allocations for fun.  The same applies for virology research.

  I like how there are multiple released studies on this, plus an allocation request breaking down why they want to do this, but the article still says Obama needs to make a public statement.

 Read the very material you are reporting on genius.  it is all right there in front of you.  

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by MnSpring on 04/24/20 at 11:28:21

1F3F3D35283F5A0 wrote:
 "...   Read the very material you are reporting on genius.  it is all right there in front of you.      

Please clarify,
are you,'tongue in cheek', calling MMRanch a,'Genius',
or are you calling C. Douglas Golden, a Genius ?

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by pg on 04/24/20 at 11:33:08

I call BS on being front and center.  The media said the US guberment, and they didn't investigate.  I have not heard why the got the money, the agency that is directly responsible, and these were the people who signed off on it.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by MnSpring on 04/24/20 at 11:44:29

5D4F5D4F42515E5358100 wrote:
I just came across this bit of information and have to ask :  How long has everybody else known about this.  ..."

Have heard it told by several before.
However, the UL FDS Progressive Socialists, say it was just a Whack-O, Conspiracy Theory, fabricated by a knuckle dragging deplorable.

And of course, it was NEVER published by the UL, FDS, Progressive Socialistic Media.
(If they would have. Here is where one would insert the clip of the little girl, who was coached to say: "How Dare You", and then adding, Tell The Truth)

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Oldfeller on 04/24/20 at 11:49:40

Folks, Tall Table attitudes and Tall Table styles of expression belong over there in the sub-basement bar area.

You are beginning to bleed over to Alice's Restaurant & Cafe, which is not an appropriate or acceptable venue for Tall Table verbal tussling.

This is why this thread got tossed back into the basement.    By Serowbot, no less.

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/24/20 at 12:09:28

1131333B2631540 wrote:
 Its public information.  Anyone that looked would have known about it when it was happening.  

 I think the issue is most average Americans don't read US funding allocations for fun.  The same applies for virology research.

  I like how there are multiple released studies on this, plus an allocation request breaking down why they want to do this, but the article still says Obama needs to make a public statement.

 Read the very material you are reporting on genius.  it is all right there in front of you.  

NAFTA was public. Public hated it. They did it anyway.
Public Information must mean, it's Gotta Be Gooood! Its Public information,.

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 13:20:21

"Read the very material you are reporting on genius.  It is all right there in front of you."

 I am referring to the reporting individual.  They link public documents, then act like nobody was made aware.  "How did this happen?"

 Read the report you linked.

"Why did this happen?"

 Read the report you linked.

"Obama needs to explain why this happened"

 Who cares what Obama has to say about this, ask the people that applied and funded it, that is in the report you linked.

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 13:26:10

"NAFTA was public. Public hated it. They did it anyway.
Public Information must mean, it's Gotta Be Gooood! Its Public information

 No.  It means people should't pretend it was covered up, or that they should have been handed over a brief breakdown dumbed-down with easy to read charts and a side of fries so it would be interesting enough for them to pay attention to.

 Nobody gave a sh!t about where we fund and send people to work on viral study, until now.  


Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by srinath on 04/24/20 at 14:29:11

78585A524F583D0 wrote:
"Read the very material you are reporting on genius.  It is all right there in front of you."

 I am referring to the reporting individual.  They link public documents, then act like nobody was made aware.  "How did this happen?"

 Read the report you linked.

"Why did this happen?"

 Read the report you linked.

"Obama needs to explain why this happened"

 Who cares what Obama has to say about this, ask the people that applied and funded it, that is in the report you linked.

2011-2015 3.7 million was given by the US to that lab the bats were being "studied" in. So Obama needs to explain.

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/24/20 at 14:54:50

5676747C6176130 wrote:
"NAFTA was public. Public hated it. They did it anyway.
Public Information must mean, it's Gotta Be Gooood! Its Public information

 No.  It means people should't pretend it was covered up, or that they should have been handed over a brief breakdown dumbed-down with easy to read charts and a side of fries so it would be interesting enough for them to pay attention to.

 Nobody gave a sh!t about where we fund and send people to work on viral study, until now.  


Ahh, so, It's expect3ed that they will just jam what is known to be unsupportable by the the peopl right on down our throats, as long as they Tell us about it first..I think you choose to miss obvious points

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 16:10:43

"2011-2015 3.7 million was given by the US to that lab the bats were being "studied" in. So Obama needs to explain."

 Why wouldn't the people who put together this program need to explain?

 Does Trump need to explain everything that happens while he is in term?  Could you imagine Trump explaining why we are currently funding operations in Somalia 8 years from now?

 I'd want to hear from the people running the operations, not the guy who got a briefing on it once.

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 16:12:38

"Ahh, so, It's expect3ed that they will just jam what is known to be unsupportable by the the peopl right on down our throats, as long as they Tell us about it first..I think you choose to miss obvious points "

 I didn't say it was ok.  I said it was public information, that people are pretending was kept from them.

 If you know about it, and disagree, do something.  Complaining is technically something, but it gets nothing done.

 Now if you were never given the opportunity to gain knowledge of a subject that's a totally different story.  

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/24/20 at 16:23:35

Right, Do Something
Unresponsive legislators who have forwarded an agenda the People TOLD them they didnt want got us what?

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 17:12:56

"Unresponsive legislators who have forwarded an agenda the People TOLD them they didnt want got us what?"

 In this case not much.  This is why I ask what parts of 42 U.S. Code § 264 you would recommend for change.  This has to be changed in order for things to stop continuing the way they are, but hardly anyone will even read it.  

 Now if this information was withheld from the public, that would be something I would want Trump to explain.  

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by pg on 04/24/20 at 17:35:30

0E2E2C24392E4B0 wrote:
 In this case not much.  This is why I ask what parts of 42 U.S. Code § 264 you would recommend for change.  This has to be changed in order for things to stop continuing the way they are, but hardly anyone will even read it.   

Can you be more specific what case you are referring to?  42 US Code 264 gives the federal government its authority for isolation and quarantine.  In contrast, I believe the vasrt majority of damage to states was by their liberal governors.

Best regards,

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 17:42:52

 42 U.S. Code § 264 is where we need to start when it comes to addressing the "unconstitutional" applications of what the Governors have done.  

 If 42 U.S. Code § 264 can be changed, or removed we can start taking power away from the States.  To address each State on each issue will open it up for Federal intervention for public safety.  Removing 42 U.S. Code § 264 will allow the US citizen to decide if they want to get on a plane, go to a store, throw a party, etc and take away the government's ability to keep disease from spreading.

 I learned a lot about this when the US Army attempted to procure private land near Ft Carson in CO to expand its operational capacity.  Legally they can do this, so we had to start working on alternate measures.  Eventually we were able to de-fund the expansion from the Pentagon and bankrupt their expansion plans which legally can not continue, because the budget could not be completed.

 We had to go Federal, than change State laws and powers.  

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by pg on 04/24/20 at 18:00:28

I disagree, the states have no oversight.  Whitmer in MI has an official unemployment rate of 25% and it is only going up.  

The primary influence the federal government will have is the allocation of financial resources.  Please watch how Coumo is kissing Trump's a$$, and Illinois is going to request a fuullllll pension fund bailout.  As Trump would say, 'it is disgraceful.'

Best regards,

Title: Re: I don't stay informed enough.
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 18:18:56

"I disagree, the states have no oversight.  Whitmer in MI has an official unemployment rate of 25% and it is only going up."

 I don't mean to say the states have no oversight.  I mean to say in order to remove a states ability to enforce, or even tell you not to be in a bar during an epidemic/pandemic we would most likely have to start at a Federal level of revoking money allocation to begin with.

 The biggest problem of course will be convincing 51% of your local population to agree that a person with active contagious tuberculosis should be allowed the same freedoms as everyone else at all times. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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