General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Australian Stasis

Message started by pg on 04/23/20 at 15:22:42

Title: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/23/20 at 15:22:42

Australians urged to adopt phone tracking app in coronavirus fight.

The app, called TraceTogether, works by exchanging short distance Bluetooth signals with other users of the app, giving officials a database to track potential COVID-19 carriers. The app is being offered voluntarily but it comes at a time when governments across the globe are increasingly seizing on location data to combat the pandemic.

Good luck Sausage!!  I surmise you are probably happy about you and the other socialists will never have privacy ever again on your island.  The Stasis couldn't make this up....

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Serowbot on 04/23/20 at 15:42:30

Meanwhile,.. we can hold on to the delusion that we aren't being tracked...  ;D

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/23/20 at 15:45:48

5E494F434C5C2E0 wrote:
"...Australians urged to adopt phone tracking app in coronavirus fight..."

"PM Morrison said: ... would initially be voluntary...
... However, he declined to rule out

making use of the "TraceTogether" app compulsory ..."

Here is the guess, How Long before it is made MANDATORY ?

(Oh EDS, you can't bet, that would be 'Foreign Intervention',  LOLOL)

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/23/20 at 16:20:50

 Well the idea is that the random generated codes "hides" your identity.

 Theoretically this can work but it would take something like Apple did with the lack of "back-door" access to iPhones etc.  

 Another problem is how many people don't carry smart tech on them.  I think this would have to be addressed first in order to enforce the usage of an app.  I use a warlock regularly, and sometimes forget to shut it off which causes issue when I'm in town because everyone's phones/vehicle gps etc. around it stop working right.  I imagine this tech will go underground and increase if an app to check our social interaction is mandated.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/23/20 at 16:21:33

5C4A5D40584D405B2F0 wrote:
Meanwhile,.. we can hold on to the delusion that we aren't being tracked...  ;D

Are you secretly watching Alex Jones?   ;D

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/23/20 at 16:23:15

485E49544C59544F3B0 wrote:
Meanwhile,.. we can hold on to the delusion that we aren't being tracked...  ;D

If you allow and condone it,
it, IS, happening.

If you do not want it to happen,
you make a conscientious effort to NOT to allow it to happen.

About 200 years Before this land was called the USA,
people were very tired of a King, 'tracking' and Telling them what they needed to do and think.

Bot, you say you came from the UK.
Did you study UK history from the late 1590's ?

It's up to you, not, them, !

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/23/20 at 18:46:34

1636343C2136530 wrote:
  Well the idea is that the random generated codes "hides" your identity.

Wait !
The whole POINT is that
YOU are Tracked !!!!


" phone app that will track their movements..."

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/23/20 at 19:55:48

"Wait !
The whole POINT is that
YOU are Tracked !!!!


" phone app that will track their movements...""


 You can track a person and not distribute their identity to other humans.

 You can also track a human and not identify that human.

 The current systems in use now, in Israel, and France, do not disclose everyone's personal identity, this is the same system Australia mentions.  It assigns a code to a person.  

 So when the interaction is analyzed, the codes are tracked by AI, not individual human names.  So your "identity" is "hidden" from other people using the app.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/23/20 at 20:10:16

4E6E6C64796E0B0 wrote:
 You can track a person and not distribute their identity to other humans.

OK  Got it,
You can TRACK another person !

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/23/20 at 20:16:01

"OK  Got it,
You can TRACK another person !


 Could you go out and follow a person and not know who they are?

 Theoretically that's what these apps are supposed to do.  Randomly assign a number, and track that number.  So when you get a notice that you have been in proximity of someone who has been exposed to X-disease, you are informed of the exposure, but not given the person's name, or any other form of identity.

 That's the idea.  People are tracked by number assignment and not by name.  So the mobile phone app tracks movements.  It doesn't, theoretically need your personal information to do this.

 In this video, the drone operator is tracking movements, does the done operator know all of those people's names?

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/24/20 at 05:50:28

5C7C7E766B7C190 wrote:
"OK  Got it,
You can TRACK another person !


 Could you go out and follow a person and not know who they are?

Absolutely the NSA know who these people are.   XKeyscore, is an analytical tool that allows for collection of "almost anything done on the internet."  Regardless, the NSA was paying U.S. private tech companies for clandestine access to their communications networks.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/24/20 at 15:23:31

Those are the people I want the names and phone numbers of,
because they WILL buy the Ocean Front Lots
between Holbrook and Winslow AZ.
Cause they believe;

634341495443260 wrote:
"... Theoretically that's what these apps are supposed to do ..."  


Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 16:17:34

 I don't operate under the delusion that my information can not be hacked.  I actually am pro-mass hacking because it puts my information into pools of millions of people, so the chances of my information being used is actually lower that way.

 A telling feature could be if these apps can be installed on burner phones that accept pre-paid cards.  If they can only be placed on verified accounts that is definitely a warning sign.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/24/20 at 17:42:45

5C7C7E766B7C190 wrote:
 I don't operate under the delusion that my information can not be hacked.  I actually am pro-mass hacking because it puts my information into pools of millions of people, so the chances of my information being used is actually lower that way.

They are storing and cataloging every bit of electronic data on all of us in the Utah Data Center in Bluffton, Utah.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 17:47:28

"They are storing and cataloging every bit of electronic data on all of us in the Utah Data Center in Bluffton, Utah."

 I'm familiar with the metadata super servers.  

 In this case I am referring to your personal information being given to another person using a quarantine app because you got too close to them.  The idea is to prevent this, and just give out risk warnings to the user.

 The source and government agencies will obviously have more information.  As for the NSA having absolute knowledge of our every move I see signs that this isn't true but a lot of that has to do with my personal opinions regarding what percentage of the population you can convince to murder children.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/24/20 at 17:53:42

A prepaid phone will solve that problem.  What kids are you referring to?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/24/20 at 18:11:45

I'm not exactly sure a pre-paid phone will work, unless you mean a cash purchased phone with data already on it?  That, to me, is a burner but I prefer ones that take one-time use cards.

 I am referring to children that are systematically raped and killed by repeat offenders that sell the footage.  It takes a particular type of personality to know the locations of people distributing footage of a 9-year old being gang-raped for several months and keep that information private for the sake of national security.

 I just don't find a lot of people that can view footage like that and not "leak" some information to local authorities.  Given the outrageous amount of human trafficking in the US this seems to me like a an awful lot of people are ok with letting kids be forcefully assaulted for years.

 But it is also not my direct field of work.  I have cross trained with psychologists that work interrogation in the field and there's a lot out there I am not familiar with when it comes to psychological preparation for high-trauma work.


Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/24/20 at 19:50:16

02211C3F3D2621284F0 wrote: phone app that will track their movements..."

ROLF, it's called Android.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/25/20 at 05:12:43

4161636B7661040 wrote:
 I am referring to children that are systematically raped and killed by repeat offenders that sell the footage.  It takes a particular type of personality to know the locations of people distributing footage of a 9-year old being gang-raped for several months and keep that information private for the sake of national security.

 I just don't find a lot of people that can view footage like that and not "leak" some information to local authorities.  Given the outrageous amount of human trafficking in the US this seems to me like a an awful lot of people are ok with letting kids be forcefully assaulted for years.

That is a bit of thread drift, and I don't dispute any of this is happening.  Moreover this is evidenced by Epstein and his kronies, Ghislaine is still on the street.  

It would be more appropriate to start a new thread.  Why do you feel it is much more rampant than the media portays?  The last time someone tried to come forward was the pizzagate ordeal.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/25/20 at 08:23:55

"Why do you feel it is much more rampant than the media portays?"

 I don't. But I also don't use "the media" as a source of reliable information.  Maybe I am understanding your question incorrectly.

 My point was if the NSA knows who everyone is, and where they are at all times, they let thousands of children live in sexual slavery a day in the US, and that's just child sexual abuse.  Adding in adults, the NSA is watching an awful lot of active murderers and serial rapists do their thing.

 It takes a particular type of human psychology to watch children be gang-raped and do nothing about it.  This is why I don't necessarily think that the NSA has absolute knowledge of all of our locations and actions.  Like the drone footage in the video, I do not think the NSA "knows" who each of those people are based off of that drone data.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/25/20 at 10:34:57

4464666E7364010 wrote:
 My point was if the NSA knows who everyone is, and where they are at all times, they let thousands of children live in sexual slavery a day in the US, and that's just child sexual abuse.  Adding in adults, the NSA is watching an awful lot of active murderers and serial rapists do their thing.

Well we do not want them to violate our constitutional rights do we....  Anyway, their stated goals are national security.  Regardless, since when do those people give a rats ass about the people?  Excluding present company if that happens to be the case.

Best regards

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/25/20 at 11:05:16

"Regardless, since when do those people give a rats ass about the people?"

 I've worked alongside DHS, NSA people for a while now and I haven't personally been exposed to a large group of complete sociopaths.  

 My experience is it is hard, really hard, to find a group of people willing to watch children being systematically raped and sold, and be ok with that.  I've never really gotten a clear answer regarding why an entire organization is silent when a child goes missing, as in the value of keeping the fact that they know where we all are and what we are doing 24/7 secret.

 If they have that level of containment, why aren't they using that skill set to disclose locations of systematically abused children through anonymous channels?  Why not a note dropped off at a fire-station near a child porn studio?  Too risky?  Better to let those children be filmed in forced sex acts for years then killed than let someone in on the big "we know where you are" secret?  It's not like all the people involved are millionaires, just look on YouTube, thousands of regular guys with regular jobs are downloading child pron, and going out trying to get kids.

 I'm not clear on what the actual advantage is.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/25/20 at 13:40:18

5C7C7E766B7C190 wrote:
 I am referring to children that are systematically raped and killed by repeat offenders that sell the footage.   

Guessing the “films’,  have all the people in them, (except the victim), well hidden.
The NSA, FBI, etc,  KNOW, who the people that are responsible, are.
Because they are well hidden, use code, change places/codes/operations/etc frequently,
the NSA/FBI/Etc, can not PROVE, who did it.

It it the SAME laws, that protect firearms owners/users from the, (currently), ‘red laws’.
One can not PROVE, that Joe Blow is a danger to himself or others because he has a gun,
just on the say so of one person, who he never called after a one night stand 25 years ago.
Or a nasty divorce where one says; “That person is Crazy and Needs to be in a Mental Hospital”.
Or a disgruntled employe/customer saying: "That person sells Drugs under the counter in the hardware store”,
“that person sells Booze/Tobacco all the time to underage”
A Person does not need to be a historian to know,
“That Person is a Witch”,
did NOT work well.

This is a PERFECT example of, “Give up a Freedom, for Security” !

Where Jane Doe, cannot point at John Doe, and say:
”That is a bad man, take his Gun Away”
With no, PROOF.

Where sufficient proof is/can be gathered.
The porn/snuf makers, are held accountable.
Just as the, (street), Drug Dealers and their handlers.

This statement:
“It takes a particular type of human psychology to watch children be gang-raped and do nothing about it”
Sounds like a prelude to;
Raise Outrage, for the goal of removing a freedom,
for the sake of security !

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/25/20 at 13:40:43

0A2A28203D2A4F0 wrote:
 If they have that level of containment, why aren't they using that skill set to disclose locations of systematically abused children through anonymous channels?

1)  It is not the mission of the organization
2)  Stated goals are national security
3)  They don't want to give the perception they are really spying and       cataloging information on all of us
4)  They simply don't care
5)  It is against protocol to disseminate secure information
6)  The want to give the perception they are not operating a total police state

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by srinath on 04/25/20 at 18:02:19

0121232B3621440 wrote:
"Regardless, since when do those people give a rats ass about the people?"

    I've worked alongside DHS, NSA people for a while now and I haven't personally been exposed to a large group of complete sociopaths.  

I've been to the DMV and I can assure you when you're on the other side of the bubble - they're beyond sociopaths.
I live between 2 cops - fantastic as neighbors - and there is a 3rd one who is an audiophile friend - and no, I do not want to interact with any of these either when I am not on the same side of the fence as they are.
I also work with a lot of other people who are perfectly fine once you're part of the clan - not when you're an outsider.

Maybe its time to call them other things besides sociopath - Governmentopath ??? bureaupath ??? Take your pick. Its not a character flaw, its a systemic flaw. However you want to call it - perfectly fine people who just turn to chit once they're badged up into gubbamint.


Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/25/20 at 18:17:09

7B5B59514C5B3E0 wrote:
" ...  I've worked alongside DHS, NSA people for a while now and I haven't personally been exposed to a large group of complete sociopaths...."

Then clearly, you, have been, exposed to a 'small',
" of complete sociopaths...."

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/25/20 at 19:06:44

"This statement:
“It takes a particular type of human psychology to watch children be gang-raped and do nothing about it”
Sounds like a prelude to;
Raise Outrage, for the goal of removing a freedom,
for the sake of security !"

 Not what I am talking about.  PG indicates that the NSA knows who every human in the US is, and where they are.  

 If this is true, what you speak of is already done, they already know and do not need Red laws.

 What I am saying is I don't see enough evidence to say that thousands of people working in DHS and NSA know where every illegal immigrant is, every murderer, every child rapist, and they let them roam free.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/25/20 at 19:15:32

"1)  It is not the mission of the organization
2)  Stated goals are national security
3)  They don't want to give the perception they are really spying and       cataloging information on all of us
4)  They simply don't care
5)  It is against protocol to disseminate secure information
6)  The want to give the perception they are not operating a total police state"

 Not one employee, including those fired, or incarcerated thought it would be a good idea in their defense to blow the whistle on the "We know where every murderer, illegal immigrant and child rapist is."?

 How does letting people rape and kill children protect our national interests?

 I can't say for sure any more than you can.  I don't know how many NSA briefings you have attended, I don't know how many people you have sat down with and watched children being systematically raped and killed with, but in my limited experience not one indicated to me that they are ok with it.

 The other thing is if this is a complete police state, why is there so much bullsh!t going on?  We can't let anyone know we know at all times their exact location, so lets just let all this extortion and hacking happen to our own organization.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/26/20 at 06:25:40

7A5A58504D5A3F0 wrote:
"... Not one employee, ... "

Forgot to spin 3 & 5

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/26/20 at 07:00:28

"Forgot to spin 3 & 5"

 I don't have any issue with 3 and 5.  Just because someone assess a topic different than you doesn't make it "spin", it means they have a different opinion.

 I also didn't comment on 1.

 My point is I don't see how allowing every illegal immigrant and every serial child rapist roam free is national security.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/26/20 at 08:14:23

Those topics ARENT
Revealing the methods that allow them to know who the bad guys is somethng they dont wanna do,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/26/20 at 08:16:37

"Revealing the methods that allow them to know who the bad guys is somethng they dont wanna do,"

 Right.  So they let the bad guys roam free raping children and murdering people because by informing local authorities they will give away their big secret of how they know where they are at all times.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/26/20 at 09:22:42

By George, I think youve got it.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/26/20 at 10:01:08

6F7076716C6B5A6A5A62707C37050 wrote:
By George, I think youve got it.

Some would say bring out the Tin Foil.

YET, a close friend, who knows a lady in DC, who works for a 3 letter agency.
(She knows her because of mutual ownership/admiration of a rare breed of dog)
Told her several years ago she can tell you everything about anybody you want.

So, if you believe JFK was not boinking MM, Ted Kennedy did not leave Mary Jo to drown, McVeigh did act alone, Foster did commit suicide, and the NSA can not find out anything it wants to know about you. etc, etc, etc, Then go to the dollar store, and buy tin foil.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/26/20 at 10:24:25

5B7B79716C7B1E0 wrote:
 Right.  So they let the bad guys roam free raping children and murdering people because by informing local authorities they will give away their big secret of how they know where they are at all times.

At the very least it would be against protocol or more than likely against the law.  The overwhelming majority of the individuals who work for those groups are not going to break decorum let alone do something that will cost them their clearance, pension, or job.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/26/20 at 10:26:45

" the NSA can not find out anything it wants to know about you. etc, etc, etc, Then go to the dollar store, and buy tin foil."

 There's a difference between finding out things, and already knowing everything.  I know there is considerable resources available to the NSA to conduct investigation, and a tremendous amount of personal information is already in storage.  But what is being said is the NSA already knows where everyone is, and who they are at all times.

 DC central mainframe gets hacked, already know who it is where they are and how to stop them but wont.

 Senator's son disappears, already know where he is, who took him when, how and where they are now.  

 Hundreds of children raped and filmed, already know where they are, who is doing it, and who is buying the films and where they are.

 Illegal immigrants sneak into the country, nope, already know where they all are and who they are.

 No finding out, they already know.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/26/20 at 16:53:32

5070727A6770150 wrote:
But what is being said is the NSA already knows where everyone is, and who they are at all times.

Feel free to show me where that was said in this thread.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/27/20 at 08:52:08

California is already getting started.

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/27/20 at 08:56:30

123230382532570 wrote:
 In this case I am referring to your personal information being given to another person

2D3A3C303F2F5D0 wrote:
Feel free to show me where that was said in this thread.
Best regards,

It was said by Eegore: "...I am referring to your personal information being given to another person ..."

Yet Eegore morphed it to the very classic method.
Raise a outrage, get people in a outrage, get those outraged people behind you, then they will be outraged enough to remove a freedom for the sake of a security.

Everybody is much more familiar with that method by it's use in 'Gun Banning'.
A DFI total nut job uses a Firearm incorrectly.
The UL Progressive Socialistic FDS's raise outrage,
Moderate Dem's join in the fever, a few UL Rep's are also caught up in the 'outrage' fever.
Solution, remove a Freedom, and you will be safer.

(Just like stop bank robberies by banning a Red car,
because a Red car was used in one)

The introduction of, 'FEAR', into the equation helped greatly.
Yet it is tempered by, 'US' vs 'THEM'. in the case of Firearms.

The powers that be saw that, so they have introduced the 'fear',
of a un-known.
Using C-19, (which is real), and many precautions were necessary at first.
The TPTB saw what was happening to they made sure of the deliberate lack of information, the purposeful lying about why people have died, the intentional falsifying of records to inflate death by C-19.
Goal ? The simple, 'Raise Outrage, then remove a freedom".
(Just P.M. Scott Morrison started it to soon)

In the case of C-19, it is backfiring !!!!!!
Ray Charles could see it is coming apart at the seams.
Real people, (Not PUPPETS), Doctors, Nurses, etc, etc, etc, are coming out by the droves and telling the TRUTH!

So while I, PG, etc, etc, (even BOT LOL), are without a scintilla of a doubt, being 'tracked'.
It is not to the point, (this hour this GPS location, next hour that GPS location etc)  Yet if someone believed such a need arises that that a closer, 'tracking' is necessary.
(Would not be in the very vast # of cases, a 'chip' of some sort. It would be feet on the ground)
It can, and WOULD be done in a heartbeat.  

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/27/20 at 09:55:27

 I asked if someone could be tracked without knowing who that person is.  You responded:

"Absolutely the NSA know who these people are"

 This, to me, indicates that the NSA knows who everyone is.  No anonymity, ever, because anyone who is "tracked" by app or drone is already identified - "know who these people are".

 I clarified further by providing an "if" situation:

"My point was if the NSA knows who everyone is, and where they are at all times, they let thousands of children live in sexual slavery a day in the US, and that's just child sexual abuse."

 You responded:

"Well we do not want them to violate our constitutional rights do we....  Anyway, their stated goals are national security.  Regardless, since when do those people give a rats ass about the people? "

 This response, to me, indicates you are assessing a scenario where the NSA "knows who everyone is, and where they are at all times" as in absolute knowledge of all humans in the US at all times.  

 I presented the scenario again:

"If they have that level of containment, why aren't they using that skill set to disclose locations of systematically abused children through anonymous channels?"

 You did not indicate at all that you were assessing something different than the NSA being aware of all humans in the US at all times, specifically in this case sexually abused children.  You then presented 6 reasons why the NSA would allow child sex rings to operate, under the presented scenario that the NSA is fully aware of every child, every abuser, every purchaser and that the staff watch the videos presented to them as evidence.

 So due to my presented understanding that the NSA "knows" who all people are, then further presenting that locations are also known, it is my understanding that your replies were to that scenario.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/27/20 at 10:00:33

"Yet Eegore morphed it to the very classic method.
Raise a outrage, get people in a outrage, get those outraged people behind you, then they will be outraged enough to remove a freedom for the sake of a security.

 Not what I said.

 I very specifically said that the "idea" of the app is it does not disclose your personal information to other people.  No outrage.  Just a statement about how the app is supposed to work.

 I said nothing about outrage, upsetting anyone, angering anyone, getting anyone to agree, follow or otherwise create, assemble or develop an opinion of any kind.

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by MnSpring on 04/27/20 at 11:47:22

C-19 FEAR,
(Done deliberately and with the purpose of removing Freedom)

Does that person standing behind me at the mart-mart, have C-19 ?
I know,  I just have to give up some freedom,
then I will have the security of knowing.

Now, if that person does not know,
perhaps he/she goes home and drinks bleach or eat’s tide pods.

And as Martha Stewart always says:
"That would be a GOOD thing"

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by pg on 04/27/20 at 11:55:12

'This, to me, indicates'

'This response, to me, indicates'

'You did not indicate'

Why do you not take what I have to say at face value, my statements are pretty definitive.  I am stating my believe is they try to collect as much information about everyone as they possible can primarily through digital or electronic media.  Yes, it is stored, catalogued, and numerous algorithms are run based on that data.

And drop the 'kids' drivel, I provided clear-cut reasoning why they don't do anything.  

Best regards,

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/27/20 at 17:24:00

"Does that person standing behind me at the mart-mart, have C-19 ?
I know,  I just have to give up some freedom,
then I will have the security of knowing."

 What freedom?

 What restriction is in place if you have an app that informs you that you were in proximity of a person that has been confirmed to have an illness?

Title: Re: Australian Stasis
Post by Eegore on 04/27/20 at 17:26:27

"And drop the 'kids' drivel, I provided clear-cut reasoning why they don't do anything. "

 Well that's my point.  You offer clear reasons why they know where every child is and why they let many get systematically raped.

 So they know where every human in the US is and who they are, but for the reasons you provided, do nothing about it.  That's why I thought you mean that the NSA knows where every human in the US is at all times. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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