General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> China raises death toll 50%

Message started by srinath on 04/17/20 at 04:46:48

Title: China raises death toll 50%
Post by srinath on 04/17/20 at 04:46:48

China on Friday revised upward the death toll in Wuhan, the city where the coronavirus first emerged and where it was the center of the epidemic for weeks before it spread to the rest of the world.

The new numbers, an increase of 50 percent in the tally, added to the skepticism about the accuracy of China’s coronavirus count, but Beijing maintains that there has been no cover-up.

OK repeat that say 30-50 times and we might just about be close enough.


Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Matchless G11 on 04/20/20 at 17:02:45

Nothing to see here...

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by pg on 04/20/20 at 17:33:32

I believe what transpired here is in the west we put the provisional data at the front of our calculations and in china it is put at the end of their calcs…

Best regards,

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by srinath on 04/20/20 at 19:53:15

5D4A4C404F5F2D0 wrote:
I believe what transpired here is in the west we put the provisional data at the front of our calculations and in china it is put at the end of their calcs…
Best regards,

No, they're lying, they still are - Wuhan death toll is now 3850+ a total lie.
They're 21 million fewer cell phone users now than 3 months ago - something that is very very hard to cancel in china, and the average 3 months of last year was a 46 million expansion. There are people delivering urns to funeral homes and funeral homes cremating people 24/7 continuous operation. In Wuhan alone there are 8 massive funeral homes cremating people day and night.
There is a lot of loose anecdotal evidence. You literally have to be a detective to wade your way through this - and still only guess at the number.
People are migrant workers, they move back home due to economic shutdown, the cell phones get cancelled - totally legit reason not involving death, but is that number 60-70 million ? Does that cover all cancellations or does death of a few million also hide in the numbers ? Probably does - but how much ? we would never know.


Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by pg on 04/20/20 at 19:56:52

70716A6D62776B030 wrote:
No, they're lying, they still are - Wuhan death toll is now 3850+ a total lie.

I know it, I was inferring our numbers have as much merit as theirs.....

Best regards,

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/21/20 at 00:53:34

The reader

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by srinath on 04/21/20 at 05:21:16

6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 wrote:
The reader

And sometimes we try super hard, and infer the wrong thing. Like in this case - and I'm definitely not saying it is correct - but something that just hit me -
Taiwan has one of the lowest rates of infection or death. That includes a per capita, per population density or in absolute terms. In effect a place with the population density of NYC has the infection rate of North Dakota.

This is an affront to China. There's no way China can let this happen on its front door. That's why they're claiming super low numbers.

China would rather take the blame and the ire of the world by announcing so few casualties rather than lose this to Taiwan. Taiwan OTOH has been completely ignored by the WHO which is acting like China's sock puppet, so as such there is no "Taiwan"


Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Eegore on 04/21/20 at 08:19:40

"I believe what transpired here is in the west we put the provisional data at the front of our calculations and in china it is put at the end of their calcs…"

 I agree.  

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/21/20 at 08:27:01

Or their numbers are
Actual death, divided by ten, spun for political expediency..
I got no reason to trust anything I HEAR they said,, or what I SAW them say.

Lets collect and report data we KNOW isnt true, and sort it later
idea is bullshit

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Ruttly on 04/21/20 at 08:40:38

Just start adding zeros to that number till it becomes real as per the population and density of Wuhan.
38,500 is more like it.
We all know China is not one to tell the truth , ever !

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Matchless G11 on 04/21/20 at 08:48:52

383922252A3F234B0 wrote:
[quote author=6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 link=1587124008/0#5 date=1587455614]You
The reader

And sometimes we try super hard, and infer the wrong thing. Like in this case - and I'm definitely not saying it is correct - but something that just hit me -
Taiwan has one of the lowest rates of infection or death. That includes a per capita, per population density or in absolute terms. In effect a place with the population density of NYC has the infection rate of North Dakota.

This is an affront to China. There's no way China can let this happen on its front door. That's why they're claiming super low numbers.

China would rather take the blame and the ire of the world by announcing so few casualties rather than lose this to Taiwan. Taiwan OTOH has been completely ignored by the WHO which is acting like China's sock puppet, so as such there is no "Taiwan"


A friend of mine who left Taiwan to get away from the coming infection, Is now hold up in nowhere Kentucky, He said people are still going out dinning in Taiwan. opps !

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by srinath on 04/21/20 at 09:31:10

130A04045252110617060008505756630 wrote:
[quote author=383922252A3F234B0 link=1587124008/0#6 date=1587471676][quote author=6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 link=1587124008/0#5 date=1587455614]You
The reader

And sometimes we try super hard, and infer the wrong thing. Like in this case - and I'm definitely not saying it is correct - but something that just hit me -
Taiwan has one of the lowest rates of infection or death. That includes a per capita, per population density or in absolute terms. In effect a place with the population density of NYC has the infection rate of North Dakota.

This is an affront to China. There's no way China can let this happen on its front door. That's why they're claiming super low numbers.

China would rather take the blame and the ire of the world by announcing so few casualties rather than lose this to Taiwan. Taiwan OTOH has been completely ignored by the WHO which is acting like China's sock puppet, so as such there is no "Taiwan"


A friend of mine who left Taiwan to get away from the coming infection, Is now hold up in nowhere Kentucky, He said people are still going out dinning in Taiwan. opps ! [/quote]

Whaaaa - wait - I saw footage of empty streets etc - maybe it was actually china - No idea. But Taiwan isn't lying about numbers, they are super super low.


Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Eegore on 04/21/20 at 09:57:10

Lets collect and report data we KNOW isnt true, and sort it later
idea is bullshit

 This is fundamentally incorrect because they are not collecting and also "reporting it".  

 Someone else is.

 But lets ignore that part.

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/21/20 at 12:53:50

Youre fulla crap

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by MnSpring on 04/21/20 at 12:58:11

0424262E3324410 wrote:
 This is fundamentally incorrect because they are not collecting and also "reporting it". ..."

What would you call a entity, collecting data,
they know is false.

Formulating a opinion,
from the False data that they collected,
then giving that opinion to the POTUS ?

“… The global frenzy over 2019-nCoV could lull us into ignoring a creeping common disease falling off the public radar…"
“… But in terms of real numbers, the common flu is posing a greater health threat to the rest of the world than the new coronavirus itself, say CDC experts…”
“… Influenza has quietly killed 10,000 people in the US so far this flu season. Data: Image Credit: CDC …”
“… The US CDC, in a January 31, 2020 bulletin, has warned the public not to drop their guard about influenza …”

Saying, 'Reporting', something different today, than yesterday,
could be a very good reason for, knowingly using false data,
(someone is using both hands to C.Y.A.)

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by srinath on 04/21/20 at 13:13:07

China has a lot of axes to grind. They need to keep their people oppressed promising them world domination, they need to keep Taiwan and Hong Kong under their thumb, they need to protect the south china sea and keep those 5-6 countries down, they need to buy businesses in Asia, Europe and US as well as Australia's mining projects, Africa's infrastructure projects etc etc under the "guise" of helping.

That's why they lie a lot, and to each country its a different lie. That effectively is why they lie about everything even when it makes no sense.


Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Eegore on 04/21/20 at 13:15:54

"What would you call a entity, collecting data,
they know is false."

 False as in how you think false reporting is, or false in how they specifically say to follow etiology guidelines for UCOD?  None of the links you provide indicate they are using PCOD for those reports, two of them actually say they do not.

"This section on the death certificate is for reporting the sequence of conditions that led directly to death. The immediate cause of death, which is the disease or condition that directly preceded death and is not necessarily the underlying cause of death (UCOD), should be reported on line a. The conditions that led to the immediate cause of death should be reported in a logical sequence in terms of time and etiology below it."

 But the diagnostics say "DC line A is the evaluated factor".  That means Code U07.2 is not in those reports.  On the other ones the coding wasn;t even in effect.  The very thing people claim is a lie, is not included.  So they lied about a process they didn't use, or didn't exist at the time?

 And the part again people keep ignoring:  I don't have issue with the examples provided in the appendix of VSRG Ro#03, what would you change?

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Eegore on 04/21/20 at 13:20:31

"Youre fulla crap"

 You haven't provided a reference that includes U07.2 in the reported data, but that would require reading the material.

 Ahh wait, you mean "the news" reports it.  So if the news says something that is inaccurate, the person who they got the information from is a liar.


Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by pg on 04/21/20 at 18:15:51

4E4F54535C49553D0 wrote:
China has a lot of axes to grind.

Feel free to elaborate...

Best regards,

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by srinath on 04/22/20 at 06:56:26

1106000C0313610 wrote:
[quote author=4E4F54535C49553D0 link=1587124008/15#15 date=1587499987]China has a lot of axes to grind.

Feel free to elaborate...

Best regards,

Like in my original post -
China is "helping" Africa by building infrastructure. There it wants to be a partner with no global ambitions.
China owns mines in Australia and several large companies. There again its under the guide of Help/partnering.
Tibet, Taiwan, HK are countries it wants to absorb. They have no choice in the matter. They have been shut out of WHO etc etc.
China uses WHO to spread its "perfect containment of corona virus" yet, it ignores the south china sea and the UN ruling of it being owned by 9 countries.
China wants to sell in and own companies in the US and Europe and India even and does not want to buy food like rice under WTO requirements.
China is working in parts of latin America like equador to grow rice for its consumption. There it wants to be a customer (or I think land owner)
China's promise to its people is global domination, and the rest of the world is that of trading partner who uses the word "trade" very very loosely, as in we send you lots of crap, and we don't take any of yours.
The Tarriffs were basically started over - get this - 2 containers of rice china has reneged on buying form the US since 2011 if I recall.
They need to be pounded back to the stone age, and they need to get out of the south china sea island building game and need to basically follow all of UN rules, and not have WHO in their back pocket and just use that for its convenience.
China's 9 dash line needs to be invalidated - and it has been by the UN, it needs to be enforced by nukes.
Maybe axes to grind is the wrong word. They're 2 faced maybe better.

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/22/20 at 07:03:39

Theyre just trying to keep all their axes sharp,, and pay slave wages to those who make it possible. I think thats the most concise rundown on china and it's clever maneuvers,,

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Eegore on 04/22/20 at 17:43:33

" I think thats the most concise rundown on china and it's clever maneuvers,, "

 I think you mean cleaver maneuvers.

Title: Re: China raises death toll 50%
Post by Matchless G11 on 04/23/20 at 04:08:13

24253E3936233F570 wrote:
[quote author=130A04045252110617060008505756630 link=1587124008/0#10 date=1587484132][quote author=383922252A3F234B0 link=1587124008/0#6 date=1587471676][quote author=6E7177706D6A5B6B5B63717D36040 link=1587124008/0#5 date=1587455614]You
The reader

And sometimes we try super hard, and infer the wrong thing. Like in this case - and I'm definitely not saying it is correct - but something that just hit me -
Taiwan has one of the lowest rates of infection or death. That includes a per capita, per population density or in absolute terms. In effect a place with the population density of NYC has the infection rate of North Dakota.

This is an affront to China. There's no way China can let this happen on its front door. That's why they're claiming super low numbers.

China would rather take the blame and the ire of the world by announcing so few casualties rather than lose this to Taiwan. Taiwan OTOH has been completely ignored by the WHO which is acting like China's sock puppet, so as such there is no "Taiwan"


A friend of mine who left Taiwan to get away from the coming infection, Is now hold up in nowhere Kentucky, He said people are still going out dinning in Taiwan. opps ! [/quote]

Whaaaa - wait - I saw footage of empty streets etc - maybe it was actually china - No idea. But Taiwan isn't lying about numbers, they are super super low.


When I contacted my friend, it was two weeks ago in this time things happen fast, I believe Taiwan's numbers, there is quite a bit of freedom there. They don't bulldoze churches like China does.

I  know the last time I was there 2017, upon entering the country I had to walk past a IR camera, it seemed they were stopping anyone with a high temperature. Long before this out break they were trying to keep out anyone who may have been sick with whatever. » Powered by YaBB 2.2!
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