General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Trump states "absolute power"

Message started by Eegore on 04/15/20 at 06:54:40

Title: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by Eegore on 04/15/20 at 06:54:40

When somebody’s the president of the United States, the authority is total,"

 Anyone agree with this?

 What about today's turnaround with the authorization for states to do their own recovery efforts?

 Its like telling your company's board that they have to do what you say and they inform you that legally that isnt the case since you own 49%.

 So you give them permission to run 51%.

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by srinath on 04/15/20 at 08:26:01

You quoting out of thin air ?


Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by Eegore on 04/15/20 at 09:04:21

 I am.  I'm in a location where I can't look up the posts.

 Let's say that hypothetically if any POTUS said that at any time, would you agree?

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by srinath on 04/15/20 at 14:15:12

Somehow I missed this - But sometimes deep rooted systemic and institutionalized corruption - where the primary skill is "working in government" may need to be uprooted and thrown out by a heavy handed axe wielding absolute power president - but I'm combating your thin air with mine.


Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/15/20 at 15:03:55

How many times has Trump said something that would cfeate a firestorm of opposition that caused a movement that benefitted America?

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by Eegore on 04/15/20 at 16:01:57

 A Google search of the quote.  It's documented thoroughly on YouTube as well.

 So we are all about what is "Unconstitutional" until Trump says something in very direct violation of it?  Then it's ok to overlook since it benefits America?  

 I'd be interested in how giving a single person absolute authority over all 50 States is beneficial and Constitutional.  Its rare for the Justice Department’s Office of Legal Counsel to remain completely silent on a topic.


Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by WebsterMark on 04/15/20 at 16:12:55

I think Trump should find a friendly Republican congressman to introduce legislation to this effect and we could call it “the Democratic Party rediscovers the 10th amendment act“

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/15/20 at 17:39:54


It's silly to ask if anyone agrees. It's like asking does anyone agree that the constitution has a second amendment giving citizens the right to bear arms. Whether one agrees with gun control or not, the constitution says what it says.

Similarly the Constitution is unequivocal in that any power that does not explicitly say in the Constitution that it's the Federal govt, is automatically a State power. Again, this is just Trump trying to create headline.

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by MnSpring on 04/15/20 at 17:59:53

584A5E5D4A4C4E2B0 wrote:
"... second amendment giving citizens the right to bear arms..."

If you are going to Trash the government, of a Nation.
At least know/understand about it's Constitution.

The 2nd does NOT, "Give", the right.
It is the government saying a person already,  HAS that right,
and that right, "...shall not be infringed..."

In Australian speak it means.
The government can NOT, take the, 'right' away !

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by MnSpring on 04/15/20 at 18:04:06

0C2C2E263B2C490 wrote:
"...  I'd be interested in how giving a single person absolute authority over all 50 States is beneficial and Constitutional. ..."

What was that thing, started in 1861, which was about, STATES RIGHTS, than morphed into something else, by the Historians ?

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/15/20 at 18:18:05

@Mn Lol lol lol yourself you dopey puerile c-nut, the point is obvious, although not to a brain dead creep like yourself, which was that the constitution clearly does not give trump the powers he claims and in fact it explicitly states that.

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/15/20 at 18:20:08

‘Flat-out wrong’: Conservatives clobber Trump’s ‘total' power boast

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by MnSpring on 04/15/20 at 18:49:14

4E5C484B5C5A583D0 wrote:
"... you dopey puerile c-nut, ...
... brain dead creep like yourself, ..."

Does your, Shelia, ave sum shrimp-on da barbie now den?

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by Eegore on 04/15/20 at 22:23:29

"What was that thing, started in 1861, which was about, STATES RIGHTS, than morphed into something else, by the Historians ?"

 The Civil War.  What part of that indicates Trump was correct when he indicated the POTUS authority is total?

 I am asking who agrees with this assessment.

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by eau de sauvage on 04/16/20 at 01:54:31

FFS, Even Attorney General William Barr said...“States have very broad — as you know, what we call police powers, very broad powers that the federal government doesn't have to regulate the lives of their citizens, as long as they don't violate the Constitution,”

A key Trump loyalist in the House, Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.), threw Trump’s words back at him.

“The federal government does not have absolute power,” she wrote on Twitter, before quoting verbatim the 10th Amendment’s promise that powers not apportioned in the Constitution “are reserved to the states respectively, or to the people.”

“The federal government does not have that power. The Constitution’s grant of limited, enumerated powers to the national government does not include the right to regulate either public health or all business in the land,” Yoo, now a University of California at Berkeley law professor, wrote bluntly in National Review. “Our federal system reserves the leading role over public health to state governors. States possess the ‘police power’ to regulate virtually all activity within their borders.”


Even that constitutional lawyer that the GOP selected to give a contrary opinion in the impeachment hearings, wouldn't buy into this one.

Jonathan Turley, a constitutional law professor at George Washington University who was the sole witness called by Republicans before the Judiciary Committee in the impeachment inquiry into Trump, refuted Trump's claim in a tweet: "The Constitution was written precisely [to] deny that particular claim. It also reserved to the states (& individuals) rights not expressly given to the federal government."

Oh no, now Barr, Cheney and Turley are Deep State Libtards.

7 months to go.

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by WebsterMark on 04/16/20 at 05:46:36

467473626574635C70637A110 wrote:
I think Trump should find a friendly Republican congressman to introduce legislation to this effect and we could call it “the Democratic Party rediscovers the 10th amendment act“

Seriously, this is all that needs to be said. Trump should call a press conference and say “ you know, Dems are right. States have rights. Abortion is now up to individual states. Gun control is up to individual states to decide. Immigration is up to states. Have a good day.”

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/16/20 at 06:55:33

As long as dems are so predictable, all TRump has to do to get them all on board FOR something, is to stand against it..
Playin them like a fiddle,,

Title: Re: Trump states "absolute power"
Post by verslagen1 on 04/16/20 at 07:24:49

44564241565052370 wrote:
@Mn Lol lol lol yourself you dopey puerile c-nut, the point is obvious, although not to a brain dead creep like yourself, which was that the constitution clearly does not give trump the powers he claims and in fact it explicitly states that.

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