General Category >> Politics, Religion (Tall Table) >> Wuhan Wet market open for bidness

Message started by srinath on 04/09/20 at 05:52:05

Title: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by srinath on 04/09/20 at 05:52:05

Oh yea the wet markets are back -

Yea 81K infected, 77K recovered, 3K dead, smallest death toll of any war, and the juggernaut rolls on.

BTW why is the news from an Indian news paper - essentially the Indian version of Ny Times+SF Chronicle+USA Today+Time+space (whatever - they're non partisan cos India isn't a 2 party country making for papers with no affiliation being the majority)

Yup, China kicked out any one who may be reporting the truth - ibtimes got no attention, but soon enough will be kicked out I'll bet.


Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by pg on 04/09/20 at 07:57:22

Has anyone seen the pictures of the wet market?  Fish, dogs, cats, so on, unbelievably horrible.

Is the Ibtimes a reputable group?

Best regards,

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/09/20 at 08:22:02

The international scientific community have come to almost unanimous agreement that it was the Wuhan bio lab that let it out. IF horseshoe bats were sold in the market, then that would be an almost slam dunk that the lab was the source, because Those bats aren't found within Hundreds of miles of that market, AND, since the lab was Working with infected bats, NO, the LAB didn't infect them, The Lab sent people into the caves where those bats are found, and took them TO the lab, already infected,, The lab was working with the virus,
According to what Im hearing this morning,,
It's more plausible than it just morphing into existence from blood and guts laying in a bucket in the sun, IMO.

IF thats the case, And the AwThorities KNow the truth, Keeping the market closed would be silly,

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by srinath on 04/09/20 at 10:31:34

7A6D6B6768780A0 wrote:
Has anyone seen the pictures of the wet market?  Fish, dogs, cats, so on, unbelievably horrible.

Is the Ibtimes a reputable group?Best regards,

Ibtimes is INdia's national online version of the print (not even sure if it exists in print).
Classically India has a lot of personality driven politics but no real left vs right - because India is a multi party system. State by state is split by language and hence political party.
There is no reason to support or berate china in this regard, there may be a reason to support or berate Modi (India's PM) but international news are not incentivized to be "spun".

Its as it stands the best journalism you will ever get from a country of 1.5 billion that claim 81K infected, 3K dead, 77K recovered, 99% complete, no problem here, we've fixed this. You're dying cos y'all are incompetent. If those numbers are real, this is the world's most efficient Bio weapon. It kills white people at 100X the rate of Chinese people. More and more looking like someone built it to spare 1 particular race.


Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by MnSpring on 04/09/20 at 12:03:38

"...Has anyone seen the pictures of the wet market? ..."

A experience.
Bout 30 years ago one fellow recounted his recent business trip to Japan.
He said he wanted to learn the culture so he ate at local restaurants, not, ‘Americana,’ style/speaking restaurants.

That weekend he went to a ‘flea Market’, He was fascinated with all the stuff, and how crowded it was.
He saw a vender with cages of live animals. He stopped to pet some.
A person came along, gave the vender some money and pointed to the cage with the Shar Pei’s in it  (a Dog), the vender took one out, broke it’s neck, and handed it over.

That person said: ‘The next week I was a vegetarian’.

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by Eegore on 04/09/20 at 17:56:16

"The international scientific community have come to almost unanimous agreement that it was the Wuhan bio lab that let it out."

 What do you consider "International Scientific Community" ?

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/09/20 at 19:01:14

Really? More semantics?
That's where your question is?
Nothing else in my post is worthy of response? You want to niggle about a definition..

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by Eegore on 04/10/20 at 03:07:25

"Really? More semantics?
That's where your question is?
Nothing else in my post is worthy of response? You want to niggle about a definition..
No "

 Its called having an adult conversation.  The problem is the hypersensitivity to a difference of opinion.  If my assessment is different than yours you think I am saying you are wrong, when I am typically saying nothing more than my definition is different than yours.  If you would stop being upset about every little difference we might actually have a real conversation someday.

 If our definitions aren't similar, then we are having an inefficient conversation about two different things by definition.  If your definition of "International Scientific Community" is different than mine then we don't even need to have the conversation about how I haven't seen this consensus you mention.

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by WebsterMark on 04/10/20 at 06:21:21

I read the same theory about the bat escaping from the lab or a careless technician spreading it accidentally.  Sure, it’s possible, just not as likely as a vendor selling those bats or perhaps someone becoming infected from eating that bat species near the area where it’s indigenous and then traveling to Wuhan. Other viruses have made the jump from animal to human in that area.

What I think is the most unlikely is a virus under DEVELOPMENT by the Chinese government as a weapon was purposely released to test it’s effectiveness. There would be no reason to test it that way. Modeling would have told them if it was effective or not. It’s a version of a coronavirus which are well studied so they’d already know if it was effective. Now, I’ll say it’s possible a virus under development accidentally got out. That’s a possibility, but I think remote. Not impossible, just remote.

The reality is a percentage of Chinese people handle and/or eat animals or insects that have a higher likelihood of containing a dangerous virus. That’s a fact. And it’s gross. There’s over a billion people on China. That’s going to be hard to stop. The entire world would have to come together and ban anyone from China and to ban any imported products until they stopped that practice. Good luck.

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by srinath on 04/10/20 at 06:44:09

They didn't sell bats in that market. Most people interviewed about it never seen bats there - but they could have lied.
That species of bat doesn't have any big presence for 8-900 km. Street vendors don't transport their meat 500-600 miles to sell it. So its very unlikely it was sold there on that count too.
My $$ is on the labs near by doing bio research on it and getting it sold off either under the table or as their standard practice or a poor disposal where it got eaten by another animal or sold as feed even.
That's what fits the theory of 500 mile transport+no one seeing bats in that market.
Lab transports bats 500 miles, experiments on them. Then sells it off as animal feed. Local farmers/street vendors feed that to their pigs/chickens etc. They sell those at the market - and destroy the world as we know it. AOC was right, in 12 days the world as we know it is over.


Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by Eegore on 04/10/20 at 06:44:27

"What I think is the most unlikely is a virus under DEVELOPMENT by the Chinese government as a weapon was purposely released to test it’s effectiveness. There would be no reason to test it that way."

 I agree with this.  Just looking at numbers alone there is a ton of people consuming what I would consider garbage with very unsafe food handling.  I am not looking forward to going back, which looks like it could be within the month, and I imagine there will not be a significant change in consumption and handling of food.  

 Given the choice of a virus being genetically modified so well that not one person can spot a single sign of it, or that millions of unsafe consumption habits happen weekly in plain sight, I will go with the unsafe food as a higher probability.

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by WebsterMark on 04/10/20 at 09:30:02

Why would they transport that particular species of bat 500 miles to a lab to research viruses in it? Why not use a local bat? I’m in St Louis Mo. if I was planting viruses in bats as a test, why would I get a bat 500 miles away, say from Jackson Mississippi, instead of a local species 5 minutes away?

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by srinath on 04/10/20 at 09:48:49

447671606776615E726178130 wrote:
Why would they transport that particular species of bat 500 miles to a lab to research viruses in it? Why not use a local bat? I’m in St Louis Mo. if I was planting viruses in bats as a test, why would I get a bat 500 miles away, say from Jackson Mississippi, instead of a local species 5 minutes away?

Not all bats are created equal, there is cricket bat, baseball bat, 3 sided football bat etc etc
If you need to research a hot water alligator, you're gonna get one form say South mexico if you need it.
The point is, species/sub species specific research is valuable enough to find some rare exotic animal and transport it. It makes no sense to transport it to sell it at a flea market.


Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by WebsterMark on 04/11/20 at 06:08:08

I’m not saying what is or isn’t possible, I’m saying what is most likely.

I’m a national segment manager for a technical product. When new situations  pop up in the market, I have to analyze them to determine my move.

A great rule to remember about managing a business segment is it’s like playing chess except there’s usually more than two players and when it’s your turn, you don’t have to move.

You can sit back and analyze the board. Most of the time, what seems like a clever strategy against you is not. It’s someone else’s random moves that if you incorrectly identified as being meaningful, you’d open yourself up elsewhere. Most of the time, that’s all it is. Random business patterns. Occasionally, it’s not and that’s where market knowledge, discernment and the grit to act decisively when required.

The same applies to governmental leaders in this situation.

Where the virus originated from is vitally important to know, but it wouldn’t change a single step we should take right now.

We use this as a wake up call and purposely start moving critical goods and services away from China. We really take a serious focus on moving manufacturing back. We start a very tough vetting program for Chinese nationals who want to study in the US. We encourage our allies to do the same. We start, for lack of a better word, shaming China. We put incoming passengers from China through medical screenings, including US citizens.

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by srinath on 04/11/20 at 07:06:06

I agree its random, but if the lab keeps bringing bats or rats or cats or whatever experimenting on them and selling that as animal feed, the local animal raising operations will be buying it and feeding to their animals. Then that gets sold at wet market, you have greatly amplified the possibility of random virus epidemic.

We need to basically get china cut off from the world. They're never going to stop being a slave camp. We also need to get them to pay us most of that 2 or 5T we are talking of spending before we let em back into the world.

Has to go beyond shaming them.


Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by justin_o_guy2 on 04/11/20 at 07:39:00

Given the choice of a virus being genetically modified so well that not one person can spot a single sign of it, or that millions of unsafe consumption habits happen weekly in plain sight, I will go with the unsafe food as a higher probability.

Your choice doesn't have to be so binary.

It's a badass virus, it's known to infect these bats, located a long way from Wuhan, they sent a team to get some bats to study in the lab..
Just because it's not a Frankenstein sewn together in a lab doesn't mean it didn't come OUT of the lab.

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by Eegore on 04/11/20 at 09:34:01

" they sent a team to get some bats to study in the lab.. "

 I've seen, with my own eyes, crates of bats in markets there.  So I'd say its possible that bats are being eaten at the markets from sources other than government labs.

 Could the lab have released infected bats?  Yes.

 Could bats have been introduced by means other than the lab?  Yes.

 So I m not going to say it was absolutely from the lab.  

Title: Re: Wuhan Wet market open for bidness
Post by srinath on 04/11/20 at 09:46:54

So the options are weaponized, malice, negligence, carelessness or slave ship ??? Some combination of these.

Good enough, pay a 5T penalty and we're cool if its just negligence, careless slave ship, and make it 20T if its malice or higher.

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